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Beth sighed and smirked at Brit's correction.

"No. She's gonna die there. I'm certain of it."
Brit was no longer sniffling as she straightened. No longer as upset with them being away from the battle that was about to happen.

"I'm sure as well, but that's not how the saying goes and you know it." She huffed at her twin, lips twitching slightly with a hint of a smile.
Jeremiah smiled and walked across the city to the undertaker's. "Gerald, ah need ta talk to ya."

Gerald appeared from the back of the shop and came to the front to meet Jeremiah. Gerald was canadian so he had a slight accent. He also had a long gray beard that reached down to his waist. "What is it, eh? Can't you see that I'm busy? You already sent me three young boys today, isn't that enough?"

Jeremiah's upper lip quivered in anger. "Ah need ya to prepare another grave." Just then Jeremiah had an idea. "On second thought, make it to graves. Un fer a thirteen year old girl. An un fer Rebecca."

Jeremiah walked out of the building before Gerald had a chance to respond. For Jeremiah had a plan he needed to take care of. He was going to sneak up on Rebecca and Cassidy's fight and he would make sure both girls ended up in a coffin.

But why would Jeremiah kill Rebecca? Simple. For power. Jeremiah was the second most powerful person for hundreds of miles. Second only to Rebecca. With Rebecca out of the picture Jeremiah could take over this God forsaken shithole of a town and turn it into an empire. Sure Jeremiah's dreams were extreme. Maybe even a little ridiculous. But Jeremiah was a power hungry bastard and he would do anything to gain notoriety.

Jeremiah watched the two girls exit the gate and carefully pursued. Being careful that they wouldn't notice his presence.
Ridiculous. Darrin was meant to fight. Not pick flowers. His feet would probably stomp them before they could be picked so he went to the florist. He asked her for two bouquets of a mix of Rebecca's favorite flowers. The florist gave him a face. Darrin shrugged and just gave her the money.
"Come on Girlie, I don't have all day. .I have a life to live but you will no longer have one when I am through with you."

Rebecca said and gave off a sigh for this might take longer then she expected. But to make things a bit more interesting, She wanted to give the girl the first attack since she was close to being her guests anyway. It was time that she start thinking about giving her opponent a fair chance. She smirked before stripping off her trench coat to only expose her black tank and her pale arms filled with different sized scars. She has been a blacksmith and a assassin so one could only imagine what kind of risk she put herself through before becoming the founder of the establishment. She finally arrived at a spot where trees surrounded and open range area but far away from the town she continued to walk distancing herself from her opponent by placing herself in the left end and stopped before turning and facing her opponent before throwing her coat down on the ground. She then reached for her two revolvers before drawing them out and tossed one to Cassidy as well as two throwing knives that came out of her back pockets she given herself the same equipment and smirked.

"Take your best shot kid. ."

Rebecca said with a tense of her muscles and a smile coming across her face as she waited for an attack. She knew this was going to be great for this girl will do anything to live if it means to brutally killing another Human. Her throwing knives were placed in her left back pocket while her revolved was holstered still.
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