Across the Wasteland

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Xavier sighed, before reaching over and gently running his fingers through Emmet's hair, brushing it away from his face.
"God, I love you," he murmured, glad simply for the fact that he was alive. So much could have happened to either of them over the last couple hours, they were lucky that neither of them had died. Leaning against the wall, Xavier closed his eyes, his body worn out and at the edge of his strength.
Emmet turned to look at him after that, he was exhausted and he knew it, he couldn't exactly react and he needed to give the man a break, but he was feeling the selfish need of having him close for once... "...Xavier..." he whispered "Rest... with me..." he asked, letting out his small hand, trying to reach him.
Hearing Emmet's softly whispered words, Xavier gratefully accepted taking his hand and lying down next to him. Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him to his chest. "Does this hurt?" he asked softly, kissing the top of Emmet's head. His pale grey eyes were tired and worn out, but he still felt like he had to make sure emmet wwas doing okay first.
((sorry!!! I am so out of shape ··· *cries in a corner*))

He gently shook his head negating. "...With you... it doesn't, hurt..." he replied closing his eyes once more, the raising and dropping of the older man's chest soothed him, and was enough of a consolation for everything that had just happened. How could have things gone so bad when they were just getting better? He didn't understand. But now they had to stay for a while and wait until they were both physically, and probably emotionally healed...

His thoughts then trailed off and he calmly dozed off, but flinched awake when he saw the sihlouette of the other young man sitting on the corner of the entry way, cleaning his hands and sighing bitterly. He had just done something unpleasant, due to the blood in his hands. He probably had skinned Vaughn for the fur... he couldn't think of any other reason for the pain drawn in the blackhead's face. He sighed again and turned to look at the boy with bitter and tired eyes. "Sorry" was all he muttered, before leaning back and letting out a sigh.
When Xavier saw the blood on the man, he nearly leapt to his feet to ask him what he had done to the wolf, even if it was painfully obvious. Swallowing a wave of nausea at the thought of Vaughn being skinned for his fur, Xavier paled slightly, before holding Emmet closer. "'ll be fine," he told the boy, running his fingers through his hair. "He was a good wolf..."
The other noticed his gesture, and then looked at Emmet, who didn't see him with spite or rage, but just with no emotion at all, he laid his hand fully on Xavier's chest and then gripped, hiding his face to seek some darkness that would bring sleep back to him.
Letting his hands wrap around Emmet, Xavier sighed softly, closing his eyes and banging his head on the cold ground beneath it, thinking himself an idiot. Still tangling his fingers in the boy's hair, he kissed his forehead.gently as he held him, yawning. "It'll be okay," he whispered softly, not sure if the boy could hear him or not.
The afternoon lunch time came quickly and the sniper took the job of waking Xavier and Emmet up by shaking them a little, successfully waking the black messy head up quickly, he had found among their stuff a lot of food, so he'd token the liberty to open some cans for the three of them, and Emmet didn't seem to really mind, but he couldn't get up, or he didn't want to. The sniper however seemed grumpier and even more tired than before, and the bag with the medicine seemed to have been messed up with, more like pretty much everything was scattered, and there was a broken needle among them, and a crystal bottle as well, the etiquette wasn't out of sight, it was just facing the ground.
When Xavier was awoken, he grumbled a bit before remembering all that had happened and sat up. Seeing Emmet safe and alive, he sighed softly in relief before noticing the scattered things. Frowning at the needle, he thought, 'God, don't let him be an addict...that's we need...' Sighing as Emmet stayed on the ground, he looped his arms under him and forced him to sit up. "Come on," he said. "You can't spend all day on the ground, you've gotta eat."
The sniper just ignored the cans for now but didn't say a very single word, he was trembling and seemingly pale, Emmet opened his lids and noticed this, looking up and blinked. "...Are you sick?" he asked innocently, and the dark haired man turned his eyeballs toward him. He didn't respond at first but then he picked up the bottle from the floor and handed it to Emmet. Insulin? He looked up.

"...The damn thing ... was wrong..." he said then "..All the etiquettes... have been changed... on purpose... I just poisoned myself..." he mumbled as high as he could. And that wasn't much, Emmet instantly perked up and stood on his knees.

"W-What? But..." he looked to his left where all the medicine was. "But this... what is this for anyway?" he asked, frowning very confused.

He looked at the boy with a sad smile on his face. "I am diabetic, you have a little organ on your body... that handles all the sugar.. it basically secretes.. a liquid that ... how do I explain, filtrates... sugar and fat... the things you eat..." he coughed "It's called insulin... but when you get diabetes, your body stops.. to secrete it, because the little organ is sick... " he coughs again and leans back "So they begin to give you artificial ... insulin, that helps with the body... so you won't get fat and blind and sick... but ... I ran out of it not long ago... and someone told me that... another doctor lived here. That he had... insulin" he finished and laid his head to the other side.

He turned back to look at Emmet "That bastard changed... the labels of everything... so it wouldn't be the correct stealing... I don't know which one is it... and I just poisoned myself." he commented and looked at the medicines. "It all looks the same to me..."
Glancing at the vial over Emmet's shoulder, Xavier cursed under his breath. So he wasn't an addict, just diabetic. Not sure which of the two was worse, he cursed again as the man explained that he had poisoned himself. After a moment, he signed softly, closing his eyes for aa long moment before pushing himself to his feet.

"What does it look like? Insulin, I mean. Let me find it...what so you think you out in your body?" Xavier looked to the man, his eyes tired. It seemed that they had gone from one disaster to another, with hardly a break in between, and it was really taking its toll on Xavier.
"Actually you wouldn't tell it apart" he commented, leaning back a little "..Maybe if I just sleep it off I'll be fine.. luckily I noticed the difference, now I only need insulin" he mumbled, Emmet went to his side and checked his skin, he wasn't very cold and he did look very sick and tired, but just not that badly. "I'll be fine, if I don't die" he snickered petting the boy's head.
Frowning at the man's insistence, Xavier said nothing as Emmet got closer, not wwanting to have much to do with him. Stifling back a yawn as he spoke, Xavier said, "If there's anything I can do to help, tell me..." With the man, he didn't care as much as he did for Emmet, and thus didn't want to help him with every little thing, no matter how small.
The sniper paid no mind to the older man, he knew how much everyone was unnerved
by people these days, but Emmet's curiosity was starting to get to him ... he wasn't this
innocent, he knew it, but the boy would keep paying attention. "I'll be fine" he replied,
and Emmet just looked down to turn at Xavier and then at the cans.

"Xavier... food" he mumbled, pulling his sleeve.
At Emmet's tugging, Xavier sighed and sat down again, saying, "You've gotta eat, too. You're worse of than I am, and I won't eat until you do." Letting his arm wrap around Emmet, he sighed softly, his wrist beginning to throb in its makeshift splint.
Emmet turned his attention to Xavier and put his hand down from himself, more concerned about
his wellbeing than anything else, and then just began to eat himself when the Sniper took one of the
cans and just ate very slowly, his hands trembling some. He didn't respond to Xavier's intend, given
that to begin with, he was only pleasing Emmet, and second, he obviously was too withdrawn to
accept him just yet. He understood this better than anyone. "By the way... what ... were you guys
doing outside so early..?" he asked out of curiosity, "So underclothed, mainly..." at this last remark,
Emmet's face went innocently beet red and his movements became silly and messy, hiding under his
hair as usual.
Xavier saved Emmet the embarrassment and said, "We woke up to find Vaughn gone. Heard him barking and yelping, and that's when we found those men and the wolf..." He sighed softly, not liking the subject, and began eating himself, suddenly starving. Still, he couldn't help but grim at the memories of the night before, when he had given the boy everything. Taking a bite, he asked around it, "Why did you save us?"
He blinked and looked at them confused. COMPLETELY Confused. " ... " he blinked once more,
unsure of how to respond to that question. It wasn't like he could lie but he felt he had just been lied
to "...Didn't the wolf get killed after I arrived?" he asked suddenly, and Emmet looked up as surprised,
"The damn thing found me and took a weapon I was hiding from my bag and sped off to where you
guys were... " he replied.
"The wolf was being tortured by the men...that's how he got all hurt and messed up. And then they started hitting us, too, and then you came in...and killed them. Then you killed Vaughn." Frowning at the memory, he closed his eyes again, letting our a long sigh.
He shook his head "No but ... I wouldn't have found YOU being beaten up if it hadn't been because
of the furball ... are you telling me I saw a dead thing?" he asked raising a brow and coughing a little
after talking so quickly.