[Ace High Academy RP] East Marina

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Casey O'riely
he let out a short whistle as he knew that Tir was around here somewhere, he was always with him but he was last chasing after the sliothar that he had hit away a few mintues before.

after a few seconds a white dog came upto him and set a leather beside him, casey picked up the ball and threw it a small ways away.
Suddenly a large eagle sat on top of the shoulder of the guy with the hat and stick. It let out an excited screech

Lilith Tokisaki
She smiled and started giggling even more at the sight. She knew it was her eagle but didn't wanna say anyting yet
Casey O'riely
as the eagle landed on his shoulder casey jumped slightly, he hadnt expected anything to even land on him. ''eh want are you doing little fella'' he said as put his bag down on the ground and then reached up to pet its head.
Lilith Tokisaki
She came walking to the guy and her eagle while still giggling like crazy. The eagle screeched in excitement as she stopped giggling just smiling at the guy
Hey there. Sorry for that, my eagle saw you and just sat on your shoulder
Casey O'riely
'oh dont worry about it, its not like it did anthing wrong now'' casey said as he continued to pet the eagles head. at this pount Tir came running back with the ball still in its mouth and dropped the ball at his feet.casey took the hemet of hte end of his hurley stick before using it to pick up the ball and put it off a good distance causing Tir to sprint after it.
Shizu Yaken

She decided to continue with her journey to the School...she took comfort away from students, were she could have her thoughts to herself and not have to worry about saying the wrong thing and getting on someones bad side...But she hears stories about how the anti-social kid is always the first one to be picked on for being so weird and awkward..Maybe she can find a way to be out of sight and out of mind so nobody would have to even know she existed!

On her way to the school she comes across a athletic looking male with pale skin with a Spear, helmet and...eagle for some reason..and a girl with Long black hair is giggling almos uncontrollably at him...

Lilith Tokisaki
Well he doesn't bite people he or I like. My name is Lilith by the way, nice to meet you

She grinned holding her hand out. He could notice something weird if looking closely at her left eye, which was... yellow?
''im casey nice to meet you lilith and that white dog is my buddy Tir'' he said with a grin, as he looked at the black haired girl infront of him he could see that there was something differenet about her left eye.

(a hurley stick is a sporting good not a spear btw)
Liltih Tokisaki
She smiled seeing he was staring at her other eye and took the bang of hair in front of it away. It revealed a yellow eye with a roman clock in it
Weird thing isn't it? People made me out for demon back in Sweden hehe
Casey O'riely
''not really hetochromiea is actualy rather nice looking to me, i think its something to do with how it ussaly contrasts with the other eye'' casey said with a laugh. he had to admit her eye was something that was facinating as it wasnt something that you would see everyday but it was still more common than a native asian being ginger.
Lilith Tokisaki
She blushed a little as she then smiled again looking at Casey. She stood a bit closer as her eagle got on her head
You can take a picture of me if you like my eyes that much. You'll always be able to see them then
She stuck her tongue out meaning what she said in a playful manner
''well there is that but then i could always ask you out and see them then now couldnt i'' he said as he grinned at her as she stuck out her tounge at him.
Tir came bounding over to him again with thh ball still in his mouth, he looked over and noticed lilith and walked over to her and started to sniff around her
Lilith Tokisaki
She blushed a bit brighter and fiddled a bit with her thumbs as she looked down
I-I guess you c-could. Sounds fun to me... but... I've never really been on a date you see... or even went out with a guy
She ten carefully pet the dog that was sniffing around her with a smile
I-If you help me find my dorm... I'll cook for you. Whatever you want
casey cocked his eyebrows at her, he hadnt really expected her to not have any experence of dating in the slightest it was kind of refreshing to say the least.
''well theres a first time for everything, and sure il help you find out where your dorm is and who knows maybe we re in the same dorm'' he couldnt help but say as he clicked his fingers and Pointed to the bag that eh had set down. Tir then cme over and put the ball in the bag before picking it up in his jaws.
Mae Hanshou
Power: Summons one of four past reincarnations of herself to fight
Currently summoned: Nana -> Nobody
Power level: 73%

Alice laughed at Nana's threat, cracking her knuckles."I did not dirty Mae-chan's hand but if you wanna fight then I'm game, Hehe." Alice bowed to Nana as with every other match, "Nana was it, I am Alice and it will be a pleasure to fight you" The girl brushed her noise, entering a stance. "Do you want the first move?"
"Nana, wait a second, I wasn't scared, just startled!" Mae knew she had to stop this, before it escalated any further. By now, the young girl next to her had probably left, and a random woman had just walked up, and now they were definitely making a scene. Suddenly, the ground started to rumble and shake around the ones getting ready to fight. Mae couldn't believe her eyes as the ground slowly started to open up like a door, and a well-suited man appeared, standing on a steel platform with transmutation marks on it, and an irritated look on his face.

"So, who is gonna fight on my school campus again? It most certainly wasn't gonna be you lot or every one of you would get detention on the first day...and we don't want that, now do we?"

Nana just stood there for a few seconds, actually taking in to comprehension the situation she had hot-headedly put herself into, and eyeballing the now smirking man who must be some sort of faculty, she did the only thing that she could do without getting her precious Mae-chan in trouble. Showing an air of complete innocence and giving off fake enthusiasm and happiness, she walked over to Alice, and put her arm around her shoulders, similar to that like best friends would. "Nah, this girl here seems to not be the pervert I originally thought of her as, so I've no intention to fight her...now. Sorry to disappoint you Mister~"
Laughing in a faux manner, she tightly gripped Alice's shoulder in one hand, and when Nana thought the new person wasn't looking, she whispered in what seemed like a frighteningly happy tone. "But if you are a pervert, or hurt my Mae-chan in any way...then I'll gladly take your offer for that first move, alright?" Not waiting for a response, Nana walked back to her summoner, whispering an apology and giving Mae the A-Okay to unsummon her. Doing just that, Mae grabbed her green-haired friend's wrist, and in a few short moments she was back to her ghostly form.
Quickly, Mae rushed over to Alice, her face completely red in embarrassment at what had just conspired.
"I'm really sorry about that, I honestly wasn't trying to start anything?" The way she said it came out more like a question, but it didn't really matter to the young girl, all she was really worried about was if the other student would hold any hostile feelings against her. Suddenly, a small mew could be heard from within the young girl's sweatshirt. Oh, I see that you woke up from your little catnap Snowball? Mae thought to herself, pulling out the small black munchkin and holding it in her arms. It was about time too, as she had been asleep for most of the hike here.
Lilith Tokisaki
She smiled as she started walking towards the school building with Casey. She carried her bags with her but they were heavy so she wasn't going all too fast
By the way. I had this awesome new recipe I wanted to make for dumplings. I would love to make those for you.
She smiled as she walked i to the building looking around for the dorms now
casey contiued to walk towards the school building with lilith by his side.
''cant say ive ever had dumplings but i dont see the harm in trying some homemade food so sure i have some'' he said as they reached the entrance to the building.
Before Nana could react, Mae started begging for Nana to stop. Alice broke her stance and scratched her head. What was wrong with a friendly spar, after all it was Nana's idea. Suddenly the ground started shaking which nearly knocked Alice off her balance. Then it opened up and a man in a suit appeared while standing on a platform with weird circles. "D...D..D. DEVIL?" muttered Alice to herself. She did not think friendly sparing would invoke the wraith of hell. She started to shake though she did not back down. She tighten her fist causing her knuckles to crack as she build up the confident to challenge this new threat. The the devil man spoke.

"So, who is gonna fight on my school campus again? It most certainly wasn't gonna be you lot or every one of you would get detention on the first day...and we don't want that, now do we?"

Alice froze at the sound of the threat. This man was not a devil but something far worst, a teacher with the power of detention. Alice dreaded being force to do extra chores and work as punishment and the idea of being stuck in this uniform any longer was not the most pleasant idea. Alice started shaking her head and waving her hands. "Na-No fighting here Mr. Teacher sir... just uh, bonding... yeah!" then she forced a chuckle hoping the teacher would by her lie while picking up her back pack and putting her shoes back on. The monks would be so disappointed if they ever found out about this but she could not risk getting detention!

Then Nana walked over to Alice, and put her arm around her shoulders, as if they were friends. "Nah, this girl here seems to not be the pervert I originally thought of her as, so I've no intention to fight her...now. Sorry to disappoint you Mister~"
Then she tightly gripped Alice's shoulder in one hand and whispered a threat under the facade of a cheerful voice. "But if you are a pervert, or hurt my Mae-chan in any way...then I'll gladly take your offer for that first move, alright?" The Nana was disappeared next to Mae

Mae ran over to Alice with a red face. "I'm really sorry about that, I honestly wasn't trying to start anything?"

Alice scratched her head and laughed, "What cha sorry about, I love a good ma... i mean good game time to time.." Then there was a meow and it was revealed that Mae had a kitty. Alice's eyes lite up but now was not the time. She looked at the teacher before grabbing Mae's hand. She looked around for the other girl but she seemed to be gone. For some reason, bothered Alice that she could not find the 3rd girl but ignored the feeling. "Lets go, i don't want to be uh... late." A Then started running towards the school while dragging Mae with her.

@Raven Haruka
@Alius Occultus
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Lilith Tokisaki
She looked around in the building to see a very pretty lobby. She was amazed by how it looked
Wow~. This school looks so so pretty. I love it!
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