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Hounor Williams
Class: English class with miss venus
anime 6.jpg
Honour woke up in his bed, his leg was hanging off the bed with his arms spread on the pillows. His mouth was open and drool went down his bottom lip. the alarm of the clock wakes him up and he puts his white pillow on his head groaning. He then glances at the clock,"Oh shit, slept in too late" Honour jumped out of bed and ran out of the dorm in his boxers towards the bathroom, He leaves his tooth brush and comb in the washroom so he doesn't forget, But first takes a very short shower. He then brushes his teeth and looks at the mirror at his messy brown

hair, he combs it and it looks way better. Honour realizes that he left his clothes inside the room, so he makes a run for it and rolls in the room closing it behind him. He put his clothes on and put his text books in his bag and runs out the door. He looks down seeing that he forgot his jeans and runs in, he puts on his jeans and grabs his phone and runs down the hall, he then finally gets to the classroom seeing all of his friends "Hey guys" He smiled and waved. Just in time, he said to himself.
Hounor Williams
Class: English class with miss venus
View attachment 44211
Honour woke up in his bed, his leg was hanging off the bed with his arms spread on the pillows. His mouth was open and drool went down his bottom lip. the alarm of the clock wakes him up and he puts his white pillow on his head groaning. He then glances at the clock,"Oh shit, slept in too late" Honour jumped out of bed and ran out of the dorm in his boxers towards the bathroom, He leaves his tooth brush and comb in the washroom so he doesn't forget, But first takes a very short shower. He then brushes his teeth and looks at the mirror at his messy brown

hair, he combs it and it looks way better. Honour realizes that he left his clothes inside the room, so he makes a run for it and rolls in the room closing it behind him. He put his clothes on and put his text books in his bag and runs out the door. He looks down seeing that he forgot his jeans and runs in, he puts on his jeans and grabs his phone and runs down the hall, he then finally gets to the classroom seeing all of his friends "Hey guys" He smiled and waved. Just in time, he said to himself.

(This is hilariously random, but still hilarious, just an FYI currently Honour knows no one and and has to introduce himself haha)
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(This is hilariously random, but still hilarious, just an FYI currently Honour knows no one and and has to introduce himself haha)
Well thanks, had to made it entertaining, also will edit it in a sec
[We're all in our first period, English. Your character(s) have five minutes to get to class so I guess that gives you a bit to RP off of...? Andrew said that class would start when you posted. :3]
(Got it! I am sending them over right now! Sorry if they were interacting with anyone!)

Adrian slowly made his way to English and then blinked as someone crashed into him from behind. Turnign around to look at who it was he shook his head as he saw his twin behind him.
"What are you doing!? We only have five more minutes!"
Grabbing Adrian by the arm she ran towards the classroom and opened the door theatrically and looked at the teacher and then at everyone and looked at the time.
Jumping up and down Evangeline giggled happy that they weren't late and then dragged her brother to a seat.
"Sorry for nearly being late miss~"
Not having looked at where she had sat down, Evangeline didn't know who was around her.

(First come first serve~ Who is sitting on the other side of Evangeline~?)
Looking up he saw the other set of twins enter them room. Nothing like almost being late on the first day he bought as he looked at the clock. Evangeline came and sat on his left, while Alex remained on his right. "You always like to come in on your heels?" He asked the girl.

(Who wants to be Miss Venus I don't wanna)
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Evangeline giggled and looked at her black heels, "Yep~ They are like my lucky shoes. Silly I know right."
Looking t the teacher she blinked at the sight of her. A young female with every bit of pose as the queen looked at the classroom with a cheerful smile. How does someone look that young smile like that but then hold this aura to her that makes you feel like you can't disobey anything she says!? blinking she looked at the teacher and watched as the female teacher made her way to the board and wrote her name in curvy letters. placing the chalk down on dusting her hands she looked at the class.

"My name is Ms. Venus, I shall be your English teacher. Now we shall start the class with you all talking to one another. I want you all to find one thing interesting about everyone and then write in an essay what you felt about your new classmates. I want this essay handed to me no later than by next week so i am going to allow you guys to have a head start by talking to everyone in the class right now."
Looking at the she gestured for them to start speaking to one another.

Evangeline looked over at Adrian and watched as he sighed and ruffled his hair. Rolling her eyes she looked over at Xavier and smiled at him.
"So~ What is interesting about you Xavier?"
Tilting her head to the side playfully she looked at him.
"Ummm......not a lot to be honest....what about you, besides music?" Xavier said looking at the girl sheepishly embarrassed he was such a boring person....
(sorry for the late reply)

Evangeline tilted her head, "Nothing else really... That really is all that is truly interesting about me..."
Tilting her head she tried to think a little.
James rolled his eyes, glancing over at his sister how had the dorkiest grin on her face. "I already know everything about you, go talk to someone else." He said to her, patting her arm gently. All joking aside, James knew his sister didn't like talking to strangers and he always tried to encourage her in these situations. "So Miss Izabella.. Tell me. What makes you so different from the rest?" James asked, turning his entire body in his chair towards the girl.

Olivia got up from her chair after ripping out a piece of notebook paper from her binder and grabbing a pen. She looked around the room and sighed, realizing she knew no one besides her twin and her roommate. The latter she also barely knew, but when she glanced behind her she already saw the two she knew in conversation.

Olivia hated talking to strangers. It was the one thing her mother drilled into her head, and she lived by her mother's rules to life almost religiously. But this was school, not the highway where she could get grabbed by a murderer. The redhead noticed a male classmate sitting by the window looking particularly lonely and started towards him. She cleared her throat somewhat loudly to announce her presence.
"Uh hi." She started, pointing at the seat beside the boy. "Do you mind if I sit?"
[So late omg]

Cole wasn't too happy about the assignment. It forced him to be social with everyone. Not just one person, which is bad enough, according to him. He watched as everyone turned to a person near them. When a redhead girl came towards him, his gaze floated towards James. They look alike. Must be twins. Registering her question, he shook his head. "Seat's all yours."
(sorry for the late reply)

Evangeline tilted her head, "Nothing else really... That really is all that is truly interesting about me..."
Tilting her head she tried to think a little.

"Ok well....I'll see you later I'm sure" Xavier said trying to get up before he started blushing as he felt his checks getting hot he walk over to Alex's other said and asked "anything interesting about you?"

( @River )
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Looking at the boy with wary eyes she shrugged. Leaning back on her chair she put her feet up resting them right into her lap a smirk on her face. "I don't know, you tell me" she said her grin spreading, she pursed her lips in thought before shrugging again. "I honestly dont know, I'm just your ordinary run of the mill girl." Izabella looks at the boy, her head tilted slightly to the side as she curiously awaits for his response. It wasn't that she wanted to make this project hard for people, she just honestly didn't know what made her different. I know what makes me weird but, that's not what he meant. Izabella thought to herself as memories of her life at home passed through her mind.
Evangeline smiled at him and waved good bye and then looked over at her brother.
"So what are you drawing?"
She looked at the drawing that she could see in her brothers hands and blinked as she seemed to recognise the face. Looking at him she didn't say anything and then looked away, looking around she looked to see if she could see anyone that she would talk to.
As he waited for Alex's response Xavier looked at Evangeline thinking what is the matter with you Xavier you are going to screw things up with her and then some other guy will step in and sweep her off her feet. He glanced around the room suddenly all of the guys in the room were his enemies....except Adrian that would be just gross. You are just being weird Xavier these are your friends.
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