Academy of the Unnatural Arts

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Eune's blissfulness faded as he saw his seat mate double over and retch. He got to his feet, hoping the Ace was okay. "A-Ace!" He could only watch and hope for the best. Soon enough, Ace's retching ended and he was back in the seat, looking like he just ran in the summer heat. Worry was still plastered on Eune's face although Mr. Kerne seemed indifferent by now. He shot the teacher a dirty look while his back was turned then turned back to Ace.
"Are you okay?? That looked horrible." Eune looked him over, not seeing much difference. "Did it... Work at least?" The only person who's know for sure would be Ace himself and Eune didn't want to make any assumptions about what may have been effected. From Ace's earlier comment, he wouldn't be surprised if it was what Eune was starting to guess.
Ace Desant, white
He looked up at Eune as he sat down, legs crossed, arms between his knees. He nodded sheepishly as his face was bright pink. I-it worked all right." he said with a sigh. He wasn't sure whether to be happy or not but he definitely knew to feel disturbed. The fact his body changed so fast was putting his internals through a grinder to get used to it.

"G-good job o-on the p-potion by the w-way." he said, still looking down. He liked the fact Eune was worried about it, he relished in it in an odd creepy way only he would understand. "T-Thank goodness i-it wasn't m-my ears." he said with a slight chuckle "O-or my nose." he added, beginning to feel confortable enough to joke around Eune.
Eune felt relieved hearing Ace joke, he could tell that he was alright. He joined in, chuckling and joking. "Or make you taller. I'm glad it didn't effect you in any extreme way though." He smiled. He did his best to keep from stealing a glance at the other's pants. It was one of the times cursed the overwhelming curiosity in him. "The only thing bad now is that you'll probably need new pants now." He blushed slightly and looked at the vile of the growth potion. How awkward, what if Mr. Kerne knew it would turn out like this? And with that thought, Mr. Kerne was dubbed "perv teacher" in Eune's head.
"Hey, Ace. Let's be friends!" Eune smiled at him, tail swaying back and forth.
Ace Desant, White
Ace looked up at him with a smile "Yeah, I don't really wanna be seven feet tall, I already stand out too much." he said with a giggle, then his face went even redder as he commented on his need of new pants. "O-oh, I didn't..." he said, pausing and looking to the floor, he thought he'd hidden the growth quite well. "Y-yes. I will. P-probably, i-it shouldn't be too bad." he said, then his face lit up a little as he looked back up at him, then continued blushing. "I-I do-don't..." he said, thinking about why exactly Eune proposed this, oh my, was it because of his growth!? Was Eune, really into that? Ace didn't know what to do. "E-er, I, yes but c-can I ask w-why you w-wanna be f-friends?" he asked sheepishly, he didn't want to scare Eune away.
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Eune tilted his head at Ace's question, a bit confused. He was past his little joke before.
"To be friends. And you're the only friendly and interesting person I've met so far today, so I don't really have intentions of not befriending you before the end of class." His expression reflected his honesty. "Besides, if we weren't friends then you might end up a victim of a kleptomaniac." Eune was referring to himself. He tended to steal things he liked from people sometimes but he would only take small things or trinkets from a person like Ace. Ace was too good to steal from, and his height had an edge on Eune, even if he was timid by nature. Eune eyes lit up at the thought of another reason.
"It's weird, but your hair reminds me of my brother's too."
Ace Desant, White
Ace sighed in relief, his anxiety wasn't quite past questioning Eune on his reasoning but for now it will do. Perhaps Ace can get close enough to Eune to touch his ears, he bet they were softer than the finest silk. "O-oh, okay t-that sounds good." he said, then smiled up at him. "I wouldn't want that." he said with a chuckle. "So er, what lesson have you got next?" he asked, looking around the room at the people who hadn't finished yet, and there were occasionally students simply throwing up or collapsing to the floor, seemingly to the teacher's either amusement or disinterest. He looked back at him as he made the comment about his hair. "Oh, I erm, grew it myself." he said without thinking then shook his head. "I mean, er, I, I like my hair? It's erm, natural? I-I, nng." Miles blurted out, trying to hide the sheer ridiculousness of what he just said, he simply sighed. "I have English next..." he said half way through his sigh as if he'd given up on all attempts to redeem himself.
@Jessica2477 [ Sorry, I know this post is a little far back! If you're still accepting responses! ]

[ ] "..." She was good at listening - Page always prided herself in being able to listen to words...But reading them, was such a different matter. Listening to him go on about Shakespeare, a talented writer - credited with the story of Romeo and Juliet. (Didn't they both end up dying towards the end...? Shakespeare must not be her kind of writer!) A great influence on the English language and she knew so little about him. Staring at her teacher - who she'd attempt to remember as Mr.Korbae - and her eyes dart downwards, to write down the names. Messily - as was her handwriting. "..." But she just wasn't... Interested.

Her fingers twitch, and her attention begins to wander. Something she'd learn to regret, it simply wasn't fair to the teacher who seemed to be having enough problems as it was. (Though, it looked like a lot like a hangover. Poor guy, huh?) And her eyes trail away from the lesson on topic. And instead...towards the brown, and latched case that did well to encase her book. Her book... For some reason, it felt in no way owned by her. And that was such an unsettling thing, staring down at it's rugged appearance, God only knew how old it was. And God only knew was right - Her mother hadn't told her a thing... 'Passed down from the family' but how far back did it go?


Whispering to a book, it wasn't the strangest thing she'd have seen upon entering the Academy. A number of spectacular sights, some scary - others phenomenal. But this book,
proceeded to be an enigma. She hoped her hushed tone would go unnoticed, after all - a lesson was being taught! But her free hand, whilst the other idly twirled and tapped the mechanical pencil to it's own content, inched towards the edge of the book. Rough - but something that she'd been told was essential. What was it saying now? What was it thinking? The strangest thoughts one could think of a book - but most importantly, when would it show her mor -

< ' H A H A H A H A H A H A ! ! ! ! ' >

Her hand had never quite bolted away from something so quickly. In favor of holding towards her head. Expressionless - though piquing with curiosity - turned into a look crossbred of annoyance, and apprehension. Staring down at the book, that had now gone silent with the lack of physical content she held with it. The silence was so...eerie. It was uncomfortable, now, even more so then it had been before. She didn't like - No , Page hated it. And all the worse? It only spoke in her mind, she felt like she was crazy. For a moment.

And she hated how the only noise that met her mind was the fleeting voice of her instructor, and the echo of that laugh - that she had no context or meaning for.

Page's grip tightened on the pencil, and she breathed a deep one.

Hate was such a pointless thing.
Eune let out at chuckle at poor Ace's awkwardness. Where did all that confidence go, he wondered.
"Too bad, I believe I have an elemental class. Be careful of Mr. Kobae though... If you have him. Though I don't think he'll be very intimidating while drunk." Eune laughed at the last memory of the teacher on the desk. "Maybe we can meet up at lunch?"
Ace Desant, White
Ace looked down at the floor when Eune chuckled at him, then looked up with a frown when he didn't have English too, he would have to suffer a lesson on his own. He covered his sorrow with the mask of a smile, though it was quite obviously forced. "Y-yeah, it's with Mr. Kobae." he said with a sigh then raised a brow at the addition of drunkenness. "Why would he be drunk?" he asked with a slight chuckle, easing up a little, his confidence was fickle. It could be snatched from him within milliseconds, a simple frown or comment could spur Ace's spiral into anxiety and nervousness. "Y-yeah! That would be great Eune!" he said with a real smile. "I'd like to sit with someone for lunch, for once." he said with a slight sigh as he remembered his 'normal' school days but, it seems to be going much differently this time. He shuffled a little closer and pointed at a pair who were still putting their potion together. "They picked up the wrong type of herb for their potion, we should watch to see what it does to them." he said with a slightly mischievous giggle, a giggle he rarely gets to use. Not only can Ace manipulate luck, he can also sense it, or the lack of it.
Eune immediately picked up on Ace's mood change. He didn't know he was so fragile.
"Kobae's a total alcoholic. He was drinking all through home room and by the end he was laying on his desk, hugging a pile of papers!" Eune couldn't refrain from laughing. "It was amazing!"
Eune's ears perked, hearing Ace take him up on his offer. Seeing a genuine smile on Ace's face made him happy as well. "Good, but I don't spend lunch out with everyone else, it's too stupid to waste time around people." Eune eyed Ace, somewhat debating if he should tell him where his favorite spot was or not. He wanted to blurt it out to him but he didn't want a lot of people, if anyone, to know about it. But Ace was quiet, and and seemed decent enough. He wasn't a "person" in Eune's eyes.
"I'll meet you in front of the lunch area, how's that? From there, we'll go to my territory. Hardly anyone ever goes around there, that's why I like it." Eune then looked where Ace pointed. The poor pair had no clue they had something wrong. It felt a bit bad to laugh since he himself was feeling like that situation not too long ago, but he couldn't help it. He rested his head on his hand and watched, amused and obviously curious.
Ace Desant, White
Ace began laughing a little with him, though it was a soft, gentle laugh. He smiled bright at Eune as he listened "That sounds fun, better than being utterly terrified to introduce yourself like my home room anyway." he said with a giggle "I'm actually looking forward to English now." he added. "O-oh." he replied, did that mean he thought Ace was a waste of time? Surely not if he invited him, but, maybe he was just being polite. He ignored his anxiety and went with it. "Okay, er, can do." he said with a smile, maybe Eune was more animalistic than he first thought, what with having territory, unless he was in some gang or something, but Eune didn't seem to be the type for that. "So we get food then take it to your erm, territory?" he asked, he wasn't really sure as to how lunch time worked around here, maybe the students were supposed to conjure up their own food for lunch. He began to worry a little, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his first friend. He then looked over at the partners as they drank down their potion, the boy's skin began to inflate, their arms and legs expanding like balloons. Ace tried to stifle his laughter but let out snorts as the laugh began to break free from the confines of his mouth.
As the two partners inflated like balloons Eune glanced at the teacher to see if anything was going to be done about it, then back to them. Eune tried not to laugh but Ace's laughs were getting contagious and he had to let out a few broken laughs of his own until he couldn't hold them back anymore. He laughed harder at the thought of shapeshifting into the two figures.
"Watch this!" Eune's body shrunk but formed into a replica of one of the two inflated partners on the desk. He began waddling around and flailing his small inflated arms around while making a silly face to go along with it.
Ace Desant, White
Ace couldn't keep it in once Eune started laughing. They weren't the only ones in the class, though Mr Kerne was simply tutting at the poor attempts of the inflated students. Ace gasped a little as he shrunk, he still wasn't fully used to all this magic stuff but when he started waddling around he burst into laughter again. "That's really cool Eune! What else can you do?" he said, wiping his eyes after laughing, attempting to calm down a little. Ace hadn't really thought about asking him what type of magic Eune could do, he should use that as an ice breaker with other people, if he talks to any other people. He looked down at the tiny inflated boy and smiled, the things you could do with transformation abilities, the possibilities seemed endless to Ace.
Eune smiled brightly then shapeshifted into Ace himself, sitting on the table.
"As far as shapeshifting, I can do a lot!" His voice was even the same as Ace's. He then created water in his hands and showed him as he made it form into the shape of a lily, then turned it to vapor.
"Here's one of my favorite forms." He said, slipping back into his chair and shifting into a rather attractive, busty female with beautiful wavy chocolate brown hair. He twirled a lock of hair then extended his hand outward, concentrating on it for a short while before a small flame appeared, floating above it.
"I can control fire a bit too." He then closed his hand, extinguishing the flickering flame and shifted back into himself. He let out a small sigh, just a bit tired from going between three very different forms, but smiled at Ace anyways.
"That's all I can do for now. What about you?" Eune asked, interested in what Ace may have up his sleeve.
Yunia eventually finished the potion she was told to do, delivering it to the teacher as she then returned to her place, only looking around, she had the urge to approach someone, but she swallowed it down, nobody would be interested in talking to her anyways...right? With a deep breath she decided to do something stupid, something stupid that made her blush before she even spoke up, but the problem was, the stress that built up before she said it made her transform, into a little cat, a white one to be precise, now she just stood there...licking herself, not having control over her actions.
Ace Desant, White
Ace looked at him intrigued as he turned into well, him! "Is that really what I look like?" he asked with a chuckle, he felt a little weird talking to himself but he knew it was Eune really. He laughed louder as he turned into the busty female "I didn't know you could become a girl!" he said laughing loud. "Much better." he said with a smile as he turned back to himself. Ace began to feel a little jealous, then watched in awe at his control of the elements "fire and water huh? They don't really compliment each other?" he said with a smile which faded as he asked Ace what he could do. "Er, well, I can manipulate luck sooo if you ever have an exam coming up or something I can give you some luck." he said with an awkward laugh, though currently he only knew how to give luck through contact, perhaps he could use that as an excuse to touch Eune's fluffy ears. "Oh, and I can give people nice dreams or give them nightmares, I can even make people fall asleep or daydream if I try really really hard." he said, then looked down at the ground. "It's erm, not particularly impressive huh? You can't even see the stuff I do, it's not like firing lasers out of your eyes." he explained with a sigh. "B-but it helps with school stuff." he added.

Velnor Kern, Purple
Mr Kerne was currently over at another's desk, watching closely as one of the partners downed their potion, they then began to glow a bright pink. Mr Kerne rolled his eyes then walked back to his desk and raised a brow when the girl handed the potion to him. He held it up, swirled it around a bit then walked back over to the cat. "It appears you might require your potion, regardless of your state you must drink it to finish this part of the lesson" he explained, placing the vial of the light blue liquid down on the table, he then pivoted around and walked to the front. He stood up at his desk "Excuse me, students. I am setting up a twilight activity to which you would partake in attending after your fifth period." he explained then walked in front of his desk. "The activities would begin post fifth period today to which we would do an introduction session and I would base further activities on the information I gather there." he added, looking over at a few students that weren't paying attention and rolled his eyes "The post school period activities would include experimentation on students such as yourself. It is not human only so feel free to attend and you can attend to all the sessions or only a few, it will be every day after fifth period. This 'club' will give you a unique chance to acquire knowledge no lesson will give you but has the potential to be on a test." he explained then went to sit behind the desk.

Miles Lorne, green
Miles waited awkwardly at the counter as the receptionist to the library tapped away at the keyboard, she looked up at him and raised her glasses. She held up a webcam and looked at him. "Oh! Can I smile?" he said, then posed with a wide smile. She rolled her eyes and took the picture before going back to the computer, typing away. Soon the printer began to churn out a small card which was handed over to Miles. He took it with a soft "thank-you" then happily walked out the library, admiring his new ID card. He then took out his schedule. 'Well I've missed potions soooo Mathematics!' he thought to himself, then began skipping down the corridor in an attempt to find his classroom.
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Ace's response to Eune's transformation back to himself caught the kitsune off guard. Ace preferred his original self? Even over the chick? Something about the small comment made Eune enormously happy inside. But that was ridiculous, Ace wasn't vain and probably not into females, or maybe his type wasn't busty, wavy haired brunettes, or whatever. The comment more than likely wasn't supposed to mean anything. Eune pushed his warm happiness to the back of his mind and replied, "Yeah, the two do conflict, but I think that's the best part of being able to control both! Neither can completely over power the other if you control it's opposite. Well, I can't completely control fire. Just a little flicker of fire is all I can do right now." He had to admit his lack of control over fire. He listened to Ace talk about his abilities and was interested.
"Luck, like a lucky rabbit!" He smiled at the close comparison. Ace would make a good rabbit, he thought. "Getting luck from you instead of using artificial sex appeal to get around obstacles would be way less tiring on my part." Eune mentally slapped himself for spilling his bribery secret. Why did Ace have to turn out to be such a nice guy to talk to? "That really has to really come in handy a lot. Alsooo, I'll probably come to you when I need sleep." If Ace was able to enhance his abilities, he could be pretty well off. His luck, if there was a way to improve an ability like that, could make him invincible and with a better grasp on his sleep ability, he could probably put people in coma like slumber with only a thought. At least in Eune's head he could. Maybe he got ahead of himself a bit but he knew they were great powers. "Your powers are awesome! There's a lot you can probably do with them if you work to sharpen them. Besides lazer vision is creepy and unseen abilities are a ton of fun to play around with." A mischievous smile made its way to Eune's face.
Mr. Kerne began speaking to the class again and Runs decided listening to him would be the best. An after school club, huh? Eune never really parttik in clubs much but this one was a bit interesting. Maybe if Ace wanted to go too then he'd start coming. He didn't worry about things on tests much, if he passed then he passed and if he didn't then he didn't and he'd make it up later. When Mr. Kerne was finished Eune turned back to Ace.

"Do you think you'd go to Mr. Kerne's club?" He asked, knowing he'd decide based on Ace's response.
Late, he was so fucking late. There wasn't really much else to say on the matter. Missing both homeroom-- and practically all of second period, was not a good way to start off the first day, was it? Despite it all though, he still took his good time walking down the long emptied hall. Posture poised and perfectly upright as he stared ahead, boots making and slightest 'thud' when meeting with the floor of the hall as he sauntered along. He preferred it this way, to be honest. Quiet, without the hustle and bustle of classroom rotation and such. Though, that practically may be happening any minute. Schedule in one hand, while his bag stay positioned in a sling across his chest, resting at the side of his hip, having been slung over his shoulder quite some time ago.

Upon reaching what he believed to be his class, he did a double take over the mental picture he had taken in his head of the classroom number. Eyes something similar of a dull, icy blue-like color glancing down to take note of the room number once more.

'Second period - Potions with Mr...Kerne, was it?' An odd name. Though, with a name like Ezekiel, he's not exactly in any set place to be judging, yes?

Confirming his suspicions, he neatly folded the paper into a convenient size and slipped into into his bag -- giving a quiet, almost tired sigh. With how light of a color palette this boy held, you could half except him to breathe a huff of cold. With how pale his skin was- along with the white hair. Though some liked to believe it was silver, maybe in the right kind of light. It all complimented one another nicely, maybe one could even go as far to say he was slightly pretty. For a boy, at least. Thinking on it though, it was interesting. To imagine that the smoke it would create would gracefully contort into something similar to a dragon as it flew higher and disappeared into the atmosphere. Sadly, he didn't breathe anything like that. He was of normal body temperatures and such. What a waste with such a cold exterior, a shame. But he himself may be able to make up for the lack of pretty shape filled figures escaping his lips.

Looking into the room, it seemed a bit more...on the crowded side? First period must be a popular time for the study of magic. Of course, most classrooms were fairly large-- he could assume the same for this one? It's not like he would be in it long, anyway. Using his knuckles, he gave a quiet knock at the door. Slowly opening it and inserting himself into the room about halfway.

"Excuse me, this is first period Potion study, correct?"

His voice came off quiet-- a type of gentleness to it, misleading at best. Though his gaze held indifference in it, even a bit of focus, which would be correct. His main goal, and want, at this current moment was to at least be checked off onto the attendance, since he was here, even if it was by the skin of his teeth. So, he stood there patiently, waiting for an answer. Gaze never once wavering from Mr. Kerne, despite the eyes of his fellow peers most likely burning through him. Or attempting.
Al was completely at peace. It was as if he was in the eye of a tempest and all he could see was Lewis. He got up from his perch where Lewis had put him and before he knew what was doing, he planted a kiss on the other boy. And then bliss turned to pain.
Ace Desant, White
He giggled a little at the rabbit comment. "Yeah, I guess I am a lucky rabbit." he said, smiling back at him, then stroked his own hair with his hand "I'd like to have rabbit ears, and a cute little bunny tail" he said with a little girly squee just imagining it, wiggling his butt a little. He then looked at him curiously, then his eyes widened and his cheeks went pink "S-so you u-use sex t-to get out o-of stuff?" he asked, looking away and down to the ground, then coming to him to sleep just made his head spin a little. He was only saying that because of his sleep powers made Ace's head swim a little. His face lit up as he said his powers were awesome he smiled slightly as the corners of his mouth subconsciously turned up. "T-thanks, I-I'll try sharpen them." he said, then looked up as Mr Kerne began talking. That club sounds amazing! Surely the person who came up with it must be a genius! Ace was always a fan of the sciences, more than art at any rate so he was sure this was the group for him, he turned to Eune and nodded "Y-yeah! It s-sounds amazing! What about you?" he asked with a grin. "Probably a good idea to go to the introduction one so you have the choice to go to the next ones anyway" he added.

Velnor Kerne, Purple
Mr Kerne's attention was drawn to the knocking on the door, he raised a brow. "Enter!" he shouted, then saw the boy before him. He analysed the boy and recognised his conundrum, perfectly plausible error. He looked over at the pale skinned, white haired boy before him. "Ezekiel Roland Williams, second period student, wait at the door for this period to finish thank you." he said, then sat, "Either that or you can come inside and get a head start, though you will be wanting to wait for a partner." he said, returning to a book on his desk. He admired the boy's punctuality, though he had the feeling he had missed first period.
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