Academy of the Unnatural Arts (OOC/Sign ups)

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@Red Rabbit

Congratulations on successfully creeping out Mr. Kobae' :3

Though she can't redeem the creepy nature he thinks of her, she can definitely get extra credit for those alcoholic chocolates C:
Aww, he just ignored the drawing xD
Eucalyptus trees contain several things used in several medicines, Sylvans are tree people that are very good at healing and salt is often referred to have purifying abilities. Also you're supposed to get it wrong.
Eucalyptus trees contain several things used in several medicines, Sylvans are tree people that are very good at healing and salt is often referred to have purifying abilities. Also you're supposed to get it wrong.

*To insert table flip here*

If only you told us that we were supposed to get it wrong X3
It's a nigh impossible question for any new students to guess! xD
it appears people don't like introductions v.v
Well I was either waiting for someone to roleplay that they didn't know so a miscellaneous student takes the blow or someone guesses. I can't ask a question then not give your character a chance to respond...
I wish I could answer xD
Well I was either waiting for someone to roleplay that they didn't know so a miscellaneous student takes the blow or someone guesses. I can't ask a question then not give your character a chance to respond...

This.. is why... I must know these things beforehand. Jessica isn't the sharpest knife in the crayon box, hehe. I shall make a post so you can be a super teacher. C:

Mr Kerne would at least acknowledge her work *Cough* Mr Kobae *cough cough*

Depending on whether you have Mr. Kobae' in the afternoon would depend whether it gets noticed that time :3

God dammit Jessica.
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*facepalm* read Kaldoro's post at the top of page three. Also you're not the only student in Velnor's home room...
xD I'm trying to let my other students catch up, but I feel only two of them still do much D:
*facepalm* read Kaldoro's post at the top of page three. Also you're not the only student in Velnor's home room...

Alright alright, I won't post for her and I already did, I just didn't notice the picture part before..
So the picture will just be eternally ignored? :<
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