Academy for the magically gifted.

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It changes as he uses them and makes new ones. And currently they're "blank circles" or basic outlines he can use to make more specific circles.
Ooooooooooooooooh okay. So what are they on? Slates of stone? Paper?
Paper. Although now I'm debating making him have to no longer use the transmutation circles. I created him for an original story in which almost everyone used circle-less alchemy because the circles were used to boost the transmitations power stronger and only used when required. So if I have to pick two elements to be able to use without circles, I don't know what I'd pick.
Paper. Although now I'm debating making him have to no longer use the transmutation circles. I created him for an original story in which almost everyone used circle-less alchemy because the circles were used to boost the transmitations power stronger and only used when required. So if I have to pick two elements to be able to use without circles, I don't know what I'd pick.
Well it's up to you sweetie~ Pick what you want ^-^ I just realised your image is of Len Kagamine! :D
Wait, my picture is from something? And sweetie? And is my kind of alchemy an allowed thing?
Wait, my picture is from something? And sweetie? And is my kind of alchemy an allowed thing?
Sorry I've been accidentally drinking a little x-x and yes as long as it's limited to two certain techniques or elements.
Oh then I pick my own techniques which are named Gunslinger, which focuses on the use of my gunblades and is the technique I use most, and a melee technique in which I create melee wepons from the environment similar to the way Edward makes swords and spears from the walls and floors. If those are allowed.
Oh then I pick my own techniques which are named Gunslinger, which focuses on the use of my gunblades and is the technique I use most, and a melee technique in which I create melee wepons from the environment similar to the way Edward makes swords and spears from the walls and floors. If those are allowed.
Seems legit enough to me, dunno how you can really manipulate a gunblade but I look forward to it! Perhaps changing the gun to different guns? *Shrugs* I thought of saying guns wouldn't be allowed but quite a few students could do more damage than a gun anyway so I don't even know.
No, he would manipulate the bullets themselves, or change the shape of the blades.
No, he would manipulate the bullets themselves, or change the shape of the blades.
So he would change the perfectly crafted aerodynamic nature of a bullet into what exactly? Remember, if you're doing it like FMA then even without a circle your hands still need to touch the thing you're trying to change.
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Physically it would be exactly the same. He would just add an element or two to create different affects such as a flaming bullet which, by the way, he carries around three premade bullets that ignite when shot.
Okie dokie, I'll just stop thinking about physics and replace all my rules with "it's magic" ;-;
Physically it would be exactly the same. He would just add an element or two to create different affects such as a flaming bullet which, by the way, he carries around three premade bullets that ignite when shot.
But it isn't magic. It is science and now that I think about it, why would I need bullets that are on fire? So just the Weaponmaker technique then?
But it isn't magic. It is science and now that I think about it, why would I need bullets that are on fire? So just the Weaponmaker technique then?
Sure, you can take another technique if you want. Perhaps making ranged weapons too? Though you would need very specific materials to make them...hmmm. You could have basic flame alchemy so you could say, set the blades or weapony bit of your weapons on fire too.
Time to submit my student in~


Full name: Eune Taben Ryneheart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune
Ability: Shape shifting ( proficient ), Hydrokinesis ( basic/slightly unstable ), pyrokinesis ( below basic )
Weaknesses: Can't shapeshift very well if he can't picture what it is he's trying to turn into, also cannot shape shift or keep his form if his energy is low, gold prevents him from shape shifting (but he isn't aware of it) and mercury makes him lose control of his shape shifting (makes him horribly ill but can survive with up to 1/4 a cup of it in him); Can't preform Hydrokinesis if he can't access liquids or in dry areas, can be influenced his emotions if he's not paying attention (ex: spawning water from a dry place on accident); Can't preform what little pyrokinesis he knows if he's distracted. Weak ability to learn pyrokinesis.
Side talents:
Singing, dancing, and acting
Personality: Eune tends to be very mischievous and playful, liking to often stirring up trouble, especially among plenty of people. He likes to have fun with people. Tricking and teasing others, whether it be at their expense or not, usually knowing when enough is enough. If he finds something annoying about someone though, he'll usually take things just far enough to make them upset or sometimes suffer. Despite his frequent mischief, he enjoys his alone time and peace and quiet. He will be respectful, thoughtful, and caring when he feels the need to be and sincere when he promises things or talks to someone directly in his regular form.
Fears: He fears the possibility of losing himself or getting stuck while shape shifting and also losing those dear to him.
Likes: Sweets, making mischief, water, singing, laughing and making others laugh
Dislikes: Not being able to shape shift, getting caught and in trouble, his quiet times getting interrupted, being an asshole
Extras: He has one tail so far and doesn't like shape shifting into animals so he stays as a human.

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both: Submissive
Attracted to: uniqueness, want for the real him, fun
Unattracted to: arrogance, assholes, annoying people, loud people


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