Academy for the magically gifted.

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Also, unlike the previous 'edition' of this role play, home rooms will not exist similarly to how university works in Britain.
Student Form:

Full name: Reid Nightingale
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Seventeen Years
Ability: Alchemy (Similar to that which can be found in the FMA series.)
Weaknesses: He cannot perform Alchemy if the proper elements for whatever he is trying to do are not present or of he doesn't have a transmutation circle prepared. Although he counters this by carrying three unused circles and two small pieces of chalk.
Side talents: Cooking, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship
Personality: Reid is a friendly person, who enjoys helping others. Although he is human and he does have his moments, he genuinely cares for his friends.
Fears: Death of a friend; large, seemingly uncontrollable flames
Likes: Smoothies, cats, swords, his custom made bladed revolvers
Dislikes: Bullies, gore
Extras: Reid has been training, privately, in the art of alchemy for a few years, but has found that he has reached the maximum of his self-tout abilities. He is a new student at the academy.
Notable Possessions:
-Gunblades: Bladed revolvers the Reid invented
-Element Book: He carries a pocket sized paper back book with shirt entries on most elements.
-Elemental Bullets: He has a few bullets infused with different elements to fulfill different purposes. Magnesium Bullets, for example, burn brightly and can be used to create distractions, and are ignited when fired.

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both:

Attracted to:
Unattracted to:


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Student Form:

Full name: Reid Nightingale
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Seventeen Years
Ability: Alchemy (Similar to that which can be found in the FMA series.)
Weaknesses: He cannot perform Alchemy if the proper elements for whatever he is trying to do are not present.
Side talents: Cooking, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship
Personality: Reid is a friendly person, who enjoys helping others. Although he is human and he does have his moments, he genuinely cares for his friends.
Fears: Death of a friend; large, seemingly uncontrollable flames
Likes: Smoothies, cats, swords, his custom made bladed revolvers
Dislikes: Bullies, gore
Extras: Reid has been training, privately, in the art of alchemy for a few years, but has found that he has reached the maximum of his self-tout abilities. He is a new student at the academy.

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both:

Attracted to:
Unattracted to:

View attachment 39129

Will he still require to draw a transformation circle to do the alchemy? If so please put that in the weaknesses. The word is close enough so accepted once weakness is added. If he doesn't need the circle he will have to be specific to two elements.
Sorry it took me so long to get my character sheet up!

Full name: Lyra Himura
Gender: Female
Age: (16-21) 18
Ability: Time Manipulation
Weaknesses: can only control the space in front of her, sees events in the past
Side talents: plays bass guitar and sings
Personality: Lyra is friendly when she gets to know people. She is sensitive and is reserved to hide that part of her. She often tends to rush into things. Lyra wants to be a loyal friend to others.
Fears: the dark (or any dark room), blood.
Likes: Soda, skateboarding, any form of musical instrument
Dislikes: spicy food, loud noises, metal
Extras: She comes from a family of hardship. Her parents were almost never home and she had a brother but moved out when his career took off. Lyra hopes to find friends at this school and making lasting friendships. She wants to forget her past and move on.

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Submissive, Dominant, or both:
Attracted to: Males who are sure of themselves, are protective, strong, and fun to be around
Unattracted to:
boys who are loud, jerks, and bloop
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Sorry it took me so long to get my character sheet up!

Full name: Lyra Himura
Gender: Female
Age: (16-21) 18
Ability: Seeing things before they happen
Weaknesses: Light, Shadow
Side talents:
Personality: Lyra is friendly when she gets to know people. She is sensitive and is reserved to hide that part of her. She wants to be recognized for her deeds not actions. She often tends to rush into things.
Fears: the dark (or any dark room)
Likes: Soda, skateboarding, any form of music
Dislikes: spicy food, loud noises
Extras: She comes from a family of hardship. Her parents were almost never home and she had a brother but moved out when his career took off. Lyra hopes to find friends at this school and making lasting friendships.

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both:
Attracted to: Males who are sure of themselves, are protective, strong, and fun to be around
Unattracted to:
boys who are loud, jerks, and bloop
Close enough for the word. Rather difficult ability to role play with but enjoy trying, accepted.
Close enough for the word. Rather difficult ability to role play with but enjoy trying, accepted.
I was going to have teleportation but I think someone has that ability already. I'll try my best with it..
Wait, what about the ability to slow down time? Would that be better?
I was going to have teleportation but I think someone has that ability already. I'll try my best with it..
Well I know my little rabbity teacher does~ It would be rather fun in combat class if she had it too, he could make her his prodigy~
Wait, what about the ability to slow down time? Would that be better?
That would be okay too~ It has a fairly straightforward development path too, slow to stop to speed up to travel through! She could become the doctor who of this universe! O-o
I made some changes to mine, if you would like to review them.
Lol, what would be better to have? The power of teleportation or slowing down time?
It changes as he uses them and makes new ones. And currently they're "blank circles" or basic outlines he can use to make more specific circles.
I think I'll go with that, slowing down time.
Stop adding things when I'm responding ;-; Slowing down time is fine as long as you think of a weakness! Such as it having a short duration or something~
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