A summer in Italy

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He could tell she had been crying but didn't point that fact out; he didn't want to be even more insensitive. When she met his eyes, James looked away from her and couldn't bring himself to see what he had done to her. "Your mom died this day and I was an idiot. I should have known better than to act like my usual self." With the way his head was turned, It was easy to see the bruises forming on the side of his face. "I'm sorry for being a shitty friend."
"What happened to your face?"she asks stepping towards him and softly touching his cheek."Who did this?" She listens to his apology before frowning,"It's okay, you're not a bad friend. I don't care but I do care about what happened to your face."
When she asked him James bit his lip slightly but said nothing as Sydney touched his cheek and he met her eyes. "No one." He replied, glancing away from her for a moment. "I tripped, slamming my face on my car at the store." He lied and tried his best to look slightly embarrassed. Hopefully she'd buy his lie.
"Stop lying,"she says making him look in her eyes again."What happened?" She dropped her hands and crossed them back over her chest, waiting for an answer. When he didn't answer, she rolled her eyes and looked down, dropping her arms."Please just tell me the truth. I can't take another lie." She touches his cheek again lightly, careful not to hurt him anymore.
"Tch." Leave it to Sydney to be the only one who could tell when he was lying and being able to see through them. But unlike she hoped, he didn't answer and merely met her gaze with a silent expression. Then his jaw clenched when she said that and he closed his eyes. "I beat the crap out of myself." He finally stated, opening them up again and took a step away. "There."
"What?" She asks shocked."Why would you do that? W-What's happened?"she asks stepping towards him again. She grabbed his free hand and didn't let him step back again. Using her other free hand, Sydney ran her fingers over his cheeks, knowing this was her fault.
His toes curled when she didn't let him step away from her. Taking a ragged breath, he looked back at her as she touched his cheeks again. "It's because I hurt you!" He snapped softly. "I'm the one who's supposed to protect you but instead I hurt you!" His jaw clenched and James squeezed his eyes shut. "That's why I am this way, I'm suppose to be the beast who keeps the beauty safe..but I've failed, I've always failed."
Sydney stared at him shocked for a moment before letting his hand drop to his sides as she puts her arms around his neck and hugs him,"You didn't hurt me. I was over reacting was all,"she whispers."you've never failed me. Ever."
His entire body tensed up when she had dropped his hand, preparing to either be slapped or yelled at by her. Then he was thoroughly surprised when she hugged him. Allowing the items to fall from his hands, tears streamed down his face as his arms wrapped around Sydney's waist and held her close. "Now you're lying..."
"I don't lie,"she say simply, running her small hand through his soft hair. "Promise me you'll never ever do that again? Please? So matter what. . . Promise?"she asks stepping closer on her tippy toes.
That's a lie, then why won't you show me what under your sleeves? He wanted to ask her that so much it hurt. But James simply sighed as the tears stopped and he opened his eyes. "....Alright...fine." While he told her that, he wasn't sure it would hold true. When it came to his anger, it swung full force when it concerned himself and any mistakes he made.
"Promise?"she asks hugging him tighter to show him that she was there and she cared about him."Now will you tell me what's wrong? What's really wrong?"
He really didn't want to promise because he had a feeling it would be broken sooner or later. "Yeah, I promise." James sighed and then shook his head with a snort. "I already told you what was wrong."
"But what's really wrong? What's on your mind that your not telling me?"she asks still worried. She pulls away from him and steps back.
Would it be wise to ask her, she was telling him to state what was wrong. "Alright." He grumbled, looking at Sydney and then her arms. "It's your sleeves, why do you take great care to make sure they are always covering your arms?"
"I don't,"she says crossing her arms behind her back."I just wear shirts that actually cover up my body unlike all the sexy girls at school,"she says rolling her eyes slightly."Sorry to disappoint you by not parading my body around because I'm not as hot as the other girls that do,"she says under her breath so James could hear.
James' eyes narrowed at her response, she was lying and it was plain as day. "You're right, you're not hot or sexy, you're beautiful." He smiled softly but then it faded. If she didn't answer right on this next one then he would know something really was up. "If that's the case then roll your sleeves up, I'm your best friend and no one else is around."
"You don't even trust me,"she says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms again. "Why should I? If my best friend trusted me like he's suppose to, then he wouldn't make me do that,"she says back, staring at the ground, refusing to look at him in the eyes.
"I would trust you if you'd look me in the eyes and say that." He responded, taking a step away from her and lean against the nearby wall. "If nothing was wrong then you'd roll them up without hesitation and laugh at my foolishness." James then stated, turning his own gaze away from her. "It's not that I don't trust you......it's that you don't trust me."
"Yeah I do,"she says."Name one thing that I have done that gives any signs of me not trusting you." She looks up at him and takes a deep breathe,"I'm fine, okay? Let's just go to bed,"she says starting to walk towards her room but stops until James comes with her.
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