A Squibbly Svest Production

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Casimir sat opposite her and shut the door.
"Why, my dear, I'm the prince."
The girl visibly began shaking at his response, her chest raising and falling in rapid succession.
"Please let me out." She said softly, pleading with him. Valeria had stated very plainly how sadistic he was. She didn't want anything to do with him.
He obviously had no intention of letting her out, and in one swift movement, the girl lurched forward, hands scrambling for the handle. Shit, how did you open this thing!
He grabbed her wrists, yanking her forward so she tumbled onto his lap.
"Tut tut," he scolded lightly "Silly girl."
She fell with an 'oomph,' quickly pushing herself away from him.
"What are you going to do with me?" She questioned, pushing herself as far away from him as she could, breathing shallow, terrified out of her mind.
"I don't actually know myself, yet." He smiled "I just knew I couldn't let you leave."
"And why is that?" She tried her hardest to sound threatening, but what angel could make herself sound cruel in any way?
She didn't want to say, but she did know. But how? Her wings had been covered this whole time. Unless a stray feather fell. Or unless he could read minds. Maybe Valeria had told him?
"Because I'm an angel." She whispered to him, eyes locked on his.
His lips slowly turned into a sly grin.
"Actually, I didn't know that. But now I'm definitely not letting you go."
A chill went up her back as she watched his lips turn up.
"What are you?" She needed to know what she was dealing with. Now, whether or not she'd be able to do anything was another question.
He shrugged and leaned back.
"Quite honestly have no idea. Very old. Something dark. Maybe some demonic influence in there."
Well that was no help.
But there was nothing to do now. Her eyes remained fixed on him, waiting for her chance to escape. And if it meant the moment that door opened, then so be it.
"I wouldn't do this if I were you." Her lips parted to start another sentence, the word "I'm" falling into nothing. She shouldn't tell him who she was. Not only had he captured an angel, but if he knew she was the princess, he would have the upper hand in many instances. So instead, she let him believe she was just another angel. A commoner.
"I have lived for centuries. I have forgotten my parents. But I know they were human. I'm not certain, but I think a demon seduced my mother." He smiled widely "I do what I want, my dear."
"I will never submit to you." She whispered, leaning back. "Angels are pure, unlike you."
"It'll do you good to mind your distance from me." She growled to him. How dare he even insinuate that! Disgusting creature.
She didn't say anything else as the carriage moved, head swirling with different thoughts. He wasn't a bad looking man in all honesty, but that personality. Ugh, revolting. Her silvery gaze remained locked on him the whole ride, prepared to leap out of it the first chance she got. She glanced down at the handle only briefly, trying to figure out how it worked before he gaze fell back to him.
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