A Squibbly Svest Production

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Valeria made her way back with a smile, setting down two more glasses in front of the two. "Hopefully you like these ones better." She commented, smiling at the prince before walking away. Looking over at him, Sansa lifted the glass. "Last one for me for a while unless you feel like taking care of a drunken angel." She giggled, raising a brow.
He chuckled
"Well, we'll see," he lifted the glass and smiled at her over it "Depends what type of drunk you are. I'm hoping it's the flirty type."
His comment made her cheeks red, the girl quickly taking the drink. Flirty? Maybe? It was her first time getting drunk away from the castle, and there the only she ever drank was at a ball or event. And even then, she always had a guard around to keep her in check. "You know, I don't know what kind of drunk I am. Not really. I was never allowed to misbehave when my father was throwing a party. Although I remember multiple times getting quite buzzed and having to excuse myself."
He watched her thoughtfully, pursing his lips.
Then he grinned and leaned forward.
"Only one way to find out."
"Or.... we couldn't. Because I really don't want to embarrass myself. Or say something I shouldn't." She didn't doubt she'd be entirely too open. He'd find out who she was, and what she was doing. Who knew, maybe Valeria would end up coming back with them and end up draining her dry. Things like that happened... right?
What if she got drunk and agreed to marry him? Oh, god. Then he'd be in charge of her kingdom. And if this was how he ruled things, there was no telling how he'd rule her own kingdom! Without even thinking about it, the girl gasped at her thoughts, eyes wide and distant. She could only imagine what the future would be like with him. She shook her head suddenly, pushing the thoughts from her mind. Awkwardly, Sansa looked at him and smiled as best as she could.
He raised his eyebrows, eyes concerned as he set down the glass.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly, putting his hand on her thigh.
"Wonderful." She replied hastily, standing suddenly so it didn't seem like she was uncomfortable under his touch. "I think we should go. I should probably get to sleep." She was definitely feeling the effects of the liquor. Her head spun a little and she had to grip the bar for support. "Do you think I'd get a FWI if I tried to fly right now?" She giggled softly at the poor joke, exhaling softly. Flying while intoxicated... silly.
Casimir watched her with an amused smile.
He rose to his feet and touched her back.
"Let's get you home, you drunk." He grinned
"Bye, Valeria!" Sansa waved to the vampire, the woman chuckling.
"Take care of my Sansa, Prince Casimir. Don't try and taint her. That's my job." She winked at him, watching the two leave the building.
"Oh, my. Whatever that last drink was, it really got me." She exhaled softly, leaning against him as they walked.
He wrapped his arm around her waist, body trembling as silent laughter ran through it.
"I feel a bit woozy, I must admit." He grinned
The angel looked down at his arm as it snaked around her waist, her wings moving under the coat.
"But more relaxed, yes?" She looked at him with a smile.
He raised an eyebrow
"Not planning on leaving me, are you?"
"I already had that chance and I came back." The girl looked ahead with a smile, taking in the sight of the carriage. "Besides, I don't think I could fly right now." She was too drunk.
He kissed the side of her head and smiled fondly.
"I really do like you, Sansa. I shall be devastated if you leave."
The contact he made with her caused the girl to stop moving. Her feet locked up and she moved away from him, eyes locked on his. "I'm not here to be your companion, Casimir. As I stated earlier, I'm here to help you rebuild your kingdom and to help you find a suitable bride." The serious look on her face suddenly melted to a goofy smile as she tried to ignore that look on his face. She bounded past him and leapt into the carriage, waiting for him to enter.
He chuckled and climbed up into the carriage, but this time he was next to her.
She watched as he moved to sit beside her, raising a brow. But as the carriage began moving, her head spun again. That alcohol really hit her hard. Half tempted to move to sit across from him, and half tempted to lean against him, Sansa settled for something right in the middle; scooting over slightly and remaining sitting straight and proper, eyes fixed outside. She didn't really want to go to sleep. But she definitely wanted to get away from him before she did something rash.
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