A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (IC)

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Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
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Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
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8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Writing Levels
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  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (Character Dump): Click Here
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (OOC): Click Here

The year is 2020, and Earth is on fire.

A group called the E.I. at the beginning of the year began secretly kidnapping and training people to help them take over the world. These people were regular members of society, teachers, students, criminals, if it looked like they could be swiped without any real retaliation, they were. The world was none the wiser.

Several such recruits were collected from the general population and chosen to be trained underneath the three founders of this mysterious group. A school gym teacher named Tyler Haak, a large viking looking mercenary named Otto White, a former U.S. military infantryman Maine, and Daisuke a giant pervert/former yakuza member. After three months of training under the First, Second, and Third founders, the secret facility in which they were being trained was attacked by factions within the E.I. They hit fast and hard, sending the whole facility into chaos. Leading the group of trained E.I. recruits out of the facility, the Third founder led the small group to North Korea, where the rest of the E.I. forces had gathered. In a stunning display of brute force, hundreds of E.I. VTOL troop transport gunships assaulted the capitol, took over it and the nearby military base, and then executed the dictator.

However, the group of recruits were repulsed by this actions, and Tyler, Daisuke lashed out at the Second, prompting him to kill Daisuke. Daisuke was only saved by a chance, as a passing E.I. infantryman assisted burying Daisuke, Daisuke's consciousness escaped into the man, making him a target of interest for the Second founder. The Second founder had Tyler, Adam (The E.I. infantryman), another man who was recruited by the E.I. who vaguely reminded everyone of a russian, and Alkura (the daughter of the third founder). In a display of defiance (facilitated only by the Third Founder's intervention), Otto White and Lazaro (A crazed murderer who was only assisting them for the pure off chance they might get to kill someone) led a daring rescue of the prisoners, escaping to Sryia with them on a jet.

After they landed, Otto talked them through the Airport, calling in a favor from the commanding officer of the troops stationed there. Otto took the group to his home, and coincidentally, the place he buried his family. The group rested there for a day, but unfortunately they were sold out by the very commanding officer that Otto had called a favor from. A team of E.I. troops trained to track deserters followed them, and then they attacked in the night. The battle was brief but bloody, and it was discovered the very next day, in a letter from the Third founder, that the troops were all cloned, an attempt from the E.I. to make soldiers loyal, easy to train, equip, and recruit.

The group fled in the VTOL jet provided by the Third, guided to some mysterious facility by a man they only know as "Deanta" supposedly a trusted ally and teacher of the Third founder. As they got off the VTOL jet, they were greeted by a huge cheering crowd. Thousands of people who had hidden from the E.I.'s secret influence in underground societies had gathered into a single united rebellion, and this group of rag tag E.I. rebels were their largest hope in defeating the group. As it turned out, while the E.I. had a righteous goal, the goal did not justify the means through which they planned to execute it. With much of the world under the control of the E.I. (Facilitated by the E.I. implanting trained members of the group into the governments of nations worldwide, and then using their influence to convince them to join the International Nations Union, or INU, with the newly formed nation of the E.I. at the head, and major military superpowers like Russia and the U.S. backing up the group with the full might of their military.

In a surprise move, the rebellion turned on this coalition, and moving out from facilities all over the world they attack the E.I., intent on freeing the world from this tyranny. The E.I. rebels themselves spearheaded an assault straight into the main E.I. base, an attack that was wiped out, but still managed to distract the E.I. long enough for the rebels to defeat the E.I. in other places around the world.

Feeling threatened by this, the E.I. detonated the world's supply of nuclear weapons, reducing the population from 7.4 billion to three million in minutes. Those people who survived were transported, as if by an act of some deity, to a new world. Some land in deserts, some in forests, some in plains, some alone, and some in groups, but all appear, alive and no worse then they were on Earth. Something is strange about this world though, while it looks like Earth, and the animals do as well, the air is tingling with an energy that was not prevalent in society before, and all over the world these people have begun to realize that they can now use something strange and previously impossible, magic. In the background secret forces seem to be manipulating the situation though, and somewhere the immortals that survived the nuclear blasts are still alive.

It is now up to humanity to rebuild.
Tyler Haak

"You'd be surprised how few would jump in at a time like that." Tyler responded to the man's nonchalant shrug and half-hearted words. "They would see the damage and how different we are, and they would stay back. The big guy… has something wrong with him right now. I'll apologize on his behalf for trying to manhandle you when you were just trying to help. Honestly, last I saw him, he was dead. It looks like he doesn't have much of a memory so his reactions are strong."

She continued to stare at the metal on Kaminari's chest, even more focused on it when it grew to other parts of his body. She did listen to his explanation, but it was vague. It sounded like this was new to him. When the heat became uncomfortable, she removed her hand from him, but kept the fire lit, using it to help her see when she leaned down to inspect the metal armor on his legs. "This… is new to me. I don't think anyone in the E.I. had this power…" The woman looked up again, letting her fire die out. It would take a few minutes, but as the heat faded, so did her natural skin tone. "This… this worries me." And the look of worry was evident on her face. If this random guy had power here, how many other people, and what types of people, also had powers here?

If Roma had gotten here somehow under the influence of his supposed 'god', then it was possible that there were other powerful people out there with the same delusions. If those people, like Roma, were after her team, would they also be after other people with these types of abilities? If that were the case, the newbies would never see it coming – not like her team did. It was going to require some thought, but until she knew for sure, leaving this guy alone to fend for himself would be a mistake. Even though he appeared to be a capable fighter so far, he could be entirely ignorant to what types of things he could come up against.

She had never responded to his last remark about answering her questions, but she kind of assumed he was a being a tad sarcastic. The guy didn't really look like he was too happy with her perusal. "This is going to sound pushy, but I'm going to politely ask you to stick with us for the time being." Tyler finally turned her eyes back to the guy's face, no longer looking at his armor. "Considering…" She tapped lightly on the metal. "…this… I think you need a brief but detailed history lesson and a few good warnings. As you can see…" She waved a hand in Daisuke and Otto's direction. "My team isn't quite at full capacity at the moment, but we can still fight, and we know a few things about this junk. Your lack of answers tells me that this is new to you, and I think we can be of some help. I'm also worried that the dude that destroyed this little village won't be the last, and to be entirely honest, we could use the help in defending. Also… it wouldn't be wise for you to be alone like this."

She stared at him for a few moments, wondering if he would even consider the option or if he would turn it down immediately. By now, her stomach was growling so much that it felt like it was eating her insides and part of her wanted to just say 'fuck it' and go find something to eat without worrying about someone she didn't even know. The other part of her knew that if she'd had no one in this situation, she probably wouldn't still be alive. Her mind had wandered to hunting something to eat, turning her to what weapon she would need or want to hunt with, which reminded her that these people had taken her precious mace and she hadn't had it since arrival. Her mace, she couldn't lose that mace – it was her pride and joy, her favorite weapon, through thick and thin. She would have to look for it soon, and ask Daisuke if he'd seen it.
Daisuke Hirragi

He heared something odd from Otto that triggered something in his head "strong feelings huh?" He thought for a second. "Yeah that's probably Cuz you think of her like a little sister." Daisuke turned away unable to look his comrade in the face. "Yeah since you both control fire you took her under your wing and taught her how to use it. I wouldn't talk to her about it though." He said hesitantly. "It was hard on her before, she confessed her love for you and you turned her down saying how you could never betray the feelings you had for your wife and kid."

Daisuke felt shitty about what he was doing but continued. "Yeah it was a rough couple of days after that she was on the verge of suicide. Probably best we don't have her relive it." Otto showed Daisuke the spear and the ravens. "That's cool Otto, like you got a power up with your 1up." He scratched the back of his head. "So yeah that's cool, but seriously if you need help remembering just ask me I'll be happy to fill you in." The raven landed on Daisuke's shoulder and his healing sped up. "Th..thanks Otto."

The woman's explanation about the viking and obsession with his unnatural armor didn't particularly reach Kami, nor did her incessant need to touch him, even if it was metal she was touching. He remained silent as she spoke, looking at her hands and face whenever either demanded his attention, until she finally gave her piece and waved in the direction of her 'team'. The man locked eyes with her stare for a few moments as Kami considered the situation, his cigarette finally burning out.

Grabbing the filter from his mouth and tossing it to the ground, Saito looked her unblinkingly dead in the eye as he told her, "I have little interest in joining your team. The big one practically threatened to kill me and the other one is a dangerous time bomb of a liability that actually attempted to kill me. In my mind it is probably more dangerous with them than without." With that, the man turned about on his heel and began walking off to find water to clean himself. Whether or not she followed or attempted to grab his arm again didn't particularly matter to the Kami, who figured that he would find someone else to discover what the hell was happening and where he was.

Interactions: Tyler Haak, @SoleStride
Interaction: Daisuke
Mention: Tyler

Otto listened to the man but the words he was saying didn't sound right in Otto's head, Otto wanted to think this person would have his best interests in mind but there was something that Otto couldn't pin down. They had said he was dead but here he stood while that voice also told him to find the blue woman and when Daisuke has said what he had said he looked away. Otto may have gaps in his memory but how to deal with others, how to fight...how to read others. The orange raven came back to Otto's own shoulder and he put his hand on Daisuke's and leaned in really close. "I may...be lost in my own mind in a way but I haven't forgot how to fight or how to deal with others, how to tell if someone is lying to me or at least to suspect it." He took a step back and looked at Daisuke, his blind eye barring down on the former enemy. "When I woke up in the forest a voice told me to find the blue woman, to speak to her to speak to Tyler and for now her word is the only one I am going to trust so your words mean nothing to me at the moment but do not worry, I will ask her about the version of events you just told me to see if she confirms or denies it." Otto spoke with a small smile devoid of any positive feelings as he turned and went to find the blue woman, following off to where she followed the man with the metal skin.
Tyler Haak

"Whether you decide to join us or not, I really don't care." Tyler called after the guy. "But I still think you need a history lesson. If you want a few answers, come find me. No strings attached. I just don't want to see you get killed by something just because you didn't see it coming." Tyler let the guy walk away, just leaving him with the option to ask questions if he wanted. She would let him do what he wanted, but a small part of her did worry that he'd get himself killed. "Gah..." She sighed to herself, running a hand through her hair and shaking it roughly.

Looking down at herself, she realized that she was just covered in blood and dirt and water from the snow she'd been thrown into numerous times. Today was too much. She needed a break and a nap. But first, she wanted her mace. The woman took off for one building after the next to try to find her mace. The growling of her stomach was becoming more and more annoying. "So hungry…" She muttered to herself, going through debris and kicking boards aside. It took a little while, and a few buildings, but one lucky kick moved some wood enough to reveal Tyler's favored mace.

With a grin, the woman picked up her mace, swinging it around in her hand and then dropping it onto her shoulder with a satisfied sigh. This was probably the most relieved she would feel in a long time.
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[fieldbox="Riders approach from the East, red, solid"]
Location: The Village
Time: Mid Afternoon


After several hours had passed, a large group of horses could be heard thundering towards the ruined village at break neck speed, the animals spurred on by their riders (though they could not yet be seen) who were heading in from the Eastern side. After about fives minutes they came into view, a group of fifty or so men heavily armored in nordic style scale mail with nasal helmets, a man galloping in with a banner in the lead. On the banner was a snow white bear with many legs, eyes, and mouths expanding from it's body. They would be at the village in a matter of moments, whether that be a good or bad thing.

Meanwhile, the weapons that had been taken away from them for repair could be found buried in the remains of the local blacksmith shop, the building that Kami had rescued the boy out of. That blacksmith shop just so happened to be the same place that Tyler had kicked wood aside in.

All of the remaining villagers that weren't injured were standing up to stare at the newly arriving horses, those that were sat or lay painfully in the remains of the ruined structures they once called home. Cal had not awoken yet from his sleep, a matter that was worrying, at least to Lucien, who had woken up not long after the battle with the goth midget was finished. Though he had noticed and stared in the direction of the arriving horses, taking a moment to light his new pipe and take a puff as he watched the approach.

Whatever was approaching, no doubt it was about to shed new light on their situation, one way or another.[/fieldbox]
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Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke looked panicked than shouted. "You passed!!!" He wrapped his arm around Otto and sighed. "Man I'm happy that it's still you Otto. I mean in these circumstances it would be all to easy to have some imposter come in here and pretend to be our beloved leader but no, your the real deal. Only the real Otto would wanna talk regardless of other people's feelings. You are definitely an aquire taste but yeah. Good thing you're still you." Daisuke took in a deep breath and let go of Otto, he looked around and pretended to hear something. "Oh, sorry I think I hear someone calling me, yeah I'm coming." Daisuke teleported away from Otto to a remote location surrounded by debris and fire. "Fuck, seriously!" He said to himself.

He sat down in the cold snow and looked at the ground. "Fuck I'm such a loser, I can't believe that I did that. Fuck I can't believe I tried to. Argh damnit." Daisuke took up his meditation pose and concentrated. He was suddenly next to Adam in his subconcious. Daisuke saw the beast completely chained down while Adam paced back and forth cursing at it. "Shit, hey kid what's up?" Daisuke said as he got Adams attention.

"I can't forgive him Daisuke I just can't. He hurt me, he hurt my mom, he pushed me to hurt people I just can't I want him to suffet, I want him, I want him to die." The beast chucked as a chain disapeared. "Good job Adam let your hate run wild." The chain reappeared as Daisuke willed it so. "Shut up you side character, I'm in control aswell and I won't have you fucking with my Bro." Daisuke faced Adam. "Look I know shit was hard but you can't let it run your life, remember what you told me? Your not a monster, you are my brother and I'll always be here to help. So come on talk to me." Adam started talking to Daisuke about his abusive father and how he made him into a champion boxer in his age/weight class. He talked about the brutal forced trainings, the starvation, the insane diet regimen, the physical assault sessions his father called motivation time. Everything.

On the outside surrounded by cabin debris, smoke and snow Their body sat still Un aware of the incoming horses.
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Kami managed to find a metal bucket and had the 'ingenious' idea to melt some snow in it using a nearby fire, with which he washed his face and hands of the blood covering it. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to wash his suit as he noticed all the villagers moving to look at the sound of incoming horses, drawing him closer to the commotion. He himself stuck out like a sore thumb, some of the villagers moving to keep their distance from the man with what seemed like living metal moving on his chest, a fact which made Kami smile awkwardly and scratch the back of his head, Chances are whatever is coming is going to pick me out immediately. But I guess there's no helping that.
[fieldbox="The Horsemen Arrive, red, solid"]

As the horsemen grew closer, so too did the sigil on the banner, the wind seemed to animate the strange creature it depicted, the legs, arms, and mouths seemingly flailing about. When the horsemen grew close enough, the column began to halt and a man at the lead of the column seemed to look about for a moment. After spotting who he was looking for, he yelled to the other riders in the same gutteral tone, and suddenly the crowd was scattering into the various structures. The horseman rode over to where Kaminari was standing, pointed to him with one hand, and then spoke in a commanding tone, this time in English. "You there, are you one of the strangers that appeared today?" The man already knew the answer of course. It wasn't hard considering the way the newcomers all looked compared to the rest of the villagers. While the villagers ears were pointed, their faces more angular and their canines elongated, these newcomers had none of those traits. Instead most of them had something funny going on with them, a peculiar physical trait adorning most of them. Each of the new members of this world would find themselves in a similar situation, with different horsemen of course. A blue woman, the strange eyed man, the pervert, the metal man, each and every one of them. They all asked the same question, were they new to this world? What the purpose of the question was remained unknown. If the members of the group answered yes, they would be usurred over to where Kaminari was standing, if not, they would still be usurred over, just with more "umph" then those who answered yes.

@Dakota K5 @Ascendant @Kurogane86 @SoleStride @Wicked Writes[/fieldbox]
Tyler & Christian Haak

As the sound of horses grew closer, Tyler turned her attention from her beloved mace to the distance. Apparently, others were starting to hear it too because people started coming out of the remaining buildings, including her brother who immediately started looking around for her. One horseman approached Kaminari and spoke to him, but he was too far away for her to see or hear what was going on so she stepped out from the rubble she'd been treading in so she could get back to solid ground. Or… snowy ground.

Riders were approaching her as well, causing her to take a step back when they came up on her. The grip on her mace tightened, but she left it to rest on her shoulder. For some reason, Tyler didn't feel like answering was the best option. Or rather, she had a feeling that it wouldn't matter. If they came riding up to certain individuals, then they probably already knew the answer to their own question. Since she didn't bother to open her mouth at all, Tyler was pushed along to the rest of the group, not letting go of her weapon.

Christian met similar horsemen except his expression was one of confusion and his answer was compliant. "Uhh… Yeah?" He was ushered along as well, and planted himself next to Tyler when their little group was formed. He leaned over a little, whispering to his sister. "What's this about?"

Tyler just shook her head slightly, watching the horsemen closely. "No idea. It doesn't feel like a welcome party though. Keep your eyes open." Tyler looked around. Was she the only one who'd gotten her weapon back so far? No one else had gone to find theirs, except the new Japanese guy who had something on him when he arrived. She glanced his way, trying to make eye contact with him. He better know how to use that gun, and her expression conveyed her concern that he should be ready without words. She tried to lock eyes with the rest of her group, giving Daisuke a little nod and wiggling her fingers on her mace.

Everything always felt like a freaking witch hunt.
This life blows. I want a new one.

It was bright. Painfully so. Even though her eyes were squeezed shut, the light penetrated through them and seemed sear her eyes. What had she been doing before this? She couldn't remember for the life of her in the moment. Just as soon as she was emerged in the light, it was gone. Odelia remained curled on the ground, her eyes still firmly shut as she feared the searing light would return. After a few seconds, she slowly opened her light blue eyes. She squinted at first, her eyes stinging as they adjusted to her surroundings. Sitting up slowly, she took note of her surroundings. She sat in a circle of melted snow, the brisk air beginning to chill her bones as the warmth from the light left her. Rubbing her hands over her arms to create some kind of friction, she stood up.

The woman was standing in some kind of destroyed village, the smoldering remains of houses littering the ground. Panic began to rise in her chest as she didn't recognize the area in the slightest. I mean, Odelia had taken basic high school geography, but that wasn't helpful in the least at this point in time. Breath coming up short, she began to walk forward to try and find someone who could give her answers, but found herself running into some kind of invisible wall. She pressed against the barrier, but found no way to get around it. Her panic seemed to amplify by tenfold, her heart beginning to race as the thought of being trapped in this small space for the rest of eternity. Recognizing the signs of a panic attack, Odelia stepped back and began to take deep breaths in an attempt to relax herself.

After a few seconds, she began to walk forward again to judge how big the invisible barrier was but found nothing blocking her way. She walked forward and nothing prevented her from doing so. A breath of relief escaped her lips. Although she still had the problem of figuring out where she was and what was going on. The invisible barrier only made this an even more confusing experience. She scoured her mind to try and remember what she was doing before this…a patient. She was taking care of a student athlete who had just began recovering from a torn hamstring, and then there was a flash of pain as she'd never felt before. Now here she was.

The sound of something approaching caused her to begin to move at a bit of a faster pace. She wasn't sure where she was going, or where exactly those people were approaching, but something was telling her that she shouldn't stay in the same spot. Hurrying forward, she moved between the remains of the destroyed village and began to search for someone. Anyone. She may have retracted that statement when a man on a horse approached her asking her if she was one of the 'strangers' who appeared today. Odelia stumbled backwards a step and peered up at the horseman wearily.

"I don't...I don't understand." Odelia replied, shaking her head slightly. Her eyes remained glued to the man in front of her. She was surely in a completely different world than her own. The world she was from didn't have burnt down villages and people riding horses. "I guess that…that I am?"

"Please come this way." The man said, motioning for her to follow. She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options before deciding that this man was more than capable of making her cooperate. Silently, Odelia nodded and follow the man. It wasn't a particularly long walk, but when they arrived, she was surprised to see group of people, although she shouldn't be since this horseman was looking for a group of people. She blinked and stuttered in her step, but found her gait once more. She followed the horseman who led her to stand by the group before he left them. Almost awkwardly, Odelia turned to the other people in the group. She wasn't particularly excited to interact with a random bunch of people, but they seemed the most likely people who could answer her questions.

"What's going on?" Odelia questioned, her eyes roaming over to the horsemen. This all seemed to be some odd dream, but it felt so real. Her hand moved to rest on her opposite arm, that stance being both comforting and familiar to her. She refocused on the group and questioned them once more. "Where exactly are we?"
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Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke was still in his meditation pose as he was in his subconcious with Adam. Adams Demon was slowly starting to become more a more docile. He took in short breaths as he continued to try to tempt Adam. "You pussy!" The Demon said exhausted. "You're. Just gonna. Forgive them all." He took in a deep breath as he wheezed trying to get air. "They're just. Gonna. Hurt you. Just like that cunt."

"Enough!" Daisuke yelled out as another dose chains appeared around the demon. The chains pinned him to the floor and gagged him. "Fuck, that guy can't keep his mouth shut." Daisuke said as he sat with Adam. "Ok, kid keep going." Adam started talking again. "I was saying how he not only controlled me at home but also at school. He made it so that during my gym time he'd come in and put me threw a workout. It was so embarrassing, just me getting yelled at while I work the bag, run drills or run."

Daisuke looked at Adam and placed a sympathetic arm on his shoulder. "Keep going buddy. Let's keep going we need to have you move on, leave this baggage behind and you can fully control that thing." Adam nodded suddenly Daisuke was called to reality as he was being shaken. "What?" The rider asked if he was a stranger from another land. "Um, yeah. Why you wanna autograph?"

Daisuke was being forwarded to the meeting spot. Tyler, her douchy brother and the white haired jerk were standing around. Tyler looked at him and started taping her mace. Daisuke nodded and reached for his blades only to remember he didn't have them. "Damnit." He looked at Tyler and shrugged. He looked around at all the riders and back to Tyler. "We could take them."
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Kaminari merely shrugged at the riders' question, not removing his hidden pistol from its holster within his suit, "Seems that way." When the others were brought together, it was then that Kami realized there were more than he had originally recalled. At Blue's glance, he merely raised an eyebrow, and when a rather meek looking woman appeared, completely out of place among what must've been stone-cold murderers, Saito muttered to her, "No idea, lady."

Overhearing the dumb ass demon boy speak, his called over his shoulder at the boy, "They understand English, moron. Chill. They haven't killed us or started fighting yet." Removing one more cigarette slowly from inside his suit and lighting it up, he figured he'd at least feel good if he was about to die. Depending on what the objectives of these riders were anyway.

Interactions: Tyler, @SoleStride , Daisuke, @Kurogane86 , Odelia, @Wicked Writes
Tyler & Christian Haak

What was the point of speaking without words when a certain someone was just going to go ahead and verbalize it. Tyler narrowed her eyes at Daisuke, looking slightly annoyed and a bit frustrated. At least he was on a similar page, except he'd apparently skipped the paragraphs on stealth and patience. She at least wanted to see what would happen before deciding to wail on these guys. The woman shook her head at Daisuke, one short motion to tell him to wait. Even the other Japanese guy chimed it to remind him that he was straight up talking about his thoughts in front of a potential enemy.

With Kaminari's words, Tyler couldn't help but facepalm and look away. To make matters worse, some scared looking girl was brought over as well. Tyler didn't recognize her from before, so it made her wonder if she was an even newer arrival. Did she have to start questioning them at a time like this?

Where Tyler was annoyed by the questions, Christian thought it was the time to try to calm the girl in the nicest way possible. The man turned and gave her a warm smile, keeping his voice low as he talked. "I'm sure everything'll be alright." He leaned in close enough to give the girl a pat on the back, the scent of rain and grass moving with him as he did. "We'll keep you safe so don't worry."

At those words, Tyler's gaze snapped over to her brother, and her voice snapped out quietly as well. "Both of you be quiet. Chris, don't make promises you can't keep." Her sidelong glance slid to the new girl so she could evaluate her for a moment in the darkness. Tyler herself was quite the sight. A woman with blue skin, blue hair, and blue eyes, ice cold to the touch, tattered clothes, covered in blood, and carrying an equally stained mace that looked like it had some city miles on it.

Out of the group, Christian was the least beat up, probably because he'd missed the majority of the battles. Kaminari, Daisuke, and Otto all had their share of red stains at the moment too. This girl… was probably going to be dead weight. At least Kaminari could fight for himself. Tyler sighed at looked away. If this ended in a fight, she'd be pissed. "I need a nap…" She complained quietly, waiting to see what these horsemen did.
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Mention: Christian, Tyler, Daisuke, Kaminari and Odelia

He had been trying to get to Tyler to speak to her when the riders had appeared, the black raven again grew slightly but it was unnoticeable to even Otto himself. The rider asked him if he had appeared and Otto took stock of the situation, these men were going to each of them and asking. They seemed to be peaceful enough but the way they held themselves told Otto that they were ready to use force if necessary and while Otto knew that a fight would probably go in his and the rest of those who had arrived here favor's he doubted a fight was the best for the bi standards and if these riders had any secrets in the way of weapons or powers that could harm them.
He nodded rather then answering verbally, he walked with them to where they were keeping the others and he sat in the middle of the group with his spear across his lap and the two ravens on his shoulders. He looked at Tyler but she seemed preoccupied with speaking to the man she called Chris, he sent a glare to Daisuke with his good eye and a disgusted look crossed his face, next was the man with metal skin who he still had not learned the name of and finally there was another woman. She was unfamiliar like the man with metal skin but she seemed rather...inexperienced compared to the rest of them, she asked where they were and while no one was able to give her a real answer the one Tyler called Chris did try and reassure her to which Tyler shot down immediately. Otto gave the new woman and warm grin and a wave from his seated position while still remaining quiet to see what plans these riders had.
[fieldbox="The Horsemen Arrive Cont., red, solid"]

The commander of the large mounted force seemed to study the group of misfits for a moment. One nervous looking woman, three people in bloody clothes, a fourth that was made of metal, one man holding a man in a lab coat over his shoulder, it sort of made the man nervous. After all, he didn't exactly want to bring this group along if this is what happened everywhere they went. Regardless though, he had orders. Straight from the King of the region no less, said it came directly from High King Arkhall. Not exactly an order he could disobey. Still though, the mention of fighting them made him nervous too. "We mean no harm to anyone. We are here to escort you, for your safety and the safety of all of our citizens, to our nearby capital. We have mounts for you to ride and when you get to the city you will be provided with a sack of gold to purchase new clothing and replace your lost weapons."

At the mention of the mounts, ten riders came forward and dismounted. The commander continued to speak. "If you do not wish to go to the capital that is fine, but our King wishes for an audience with you, and what he says may enlighten you. Nevertheless, you will be required to leave this village."

@Dakota K5 @Ascendant @Kurogane86 @SoleStride @Wicked Writes[/fieldbox]
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke shot Tyler and white hair a 'I told you so look' when the leader spoke. He said it was his job to bring them before the king. "Ha! I knew it classic rpg manga plot." He looked at his companions then at the two new ones. One was a scared woman, the other was a white haired metal jerk. "Oh btw in these kind of manga one of these guys are gonna betray us." He pointed to the two new comers. "My money's on white hair." He said as he turned his attention to the still speaking captain.

Horses were brought up for them to ride. "You know it's about time. We've been pushed around, chased, beaten, killed, in my case anyway, and almost nuked. I think a royal retreat is pretty past fucking due." The rider mentioned a way to replace their weapons. "Bag of gold huh? I don't know I liked my blades. Hey wait, Tyler where did you get your mace from?" He said as he looked at her puzzled. "You couldn't have picked up my stuff to?" His attention was brought back to the Captain. "Required? A simple please and thank you works bossy boots. Btw whose gonna help these people rebuild? Call the royal builder, the royal garbage truck, the royal landscapers and get this area fixed up. Chop, chop!"

Daisuke was given a horse to ride, it was nervous of him due to his looks. "Sorry pony boy, can't do anything about my appearance until Adam fixes his demon problem. so for now deal with it." He tried to get close but the horse backed up. "Stay!" He tried approaching from the side but the horse moved around. "Dude." He finally had enough and teleported onto his horse. The horse was spooked at the disapearance but was immediately calmed by a rider. "Settle down Mr. Ed or I'll order you to be made into glue, or whatever they do with shitty racist horses." He looked at the others. "Hurry up! I wanna get there so I can be treated like a national treasure."

The man with white hair was utterly unhelpful, much to Odelia's dismay. Although it did give her some sort of hope. Perhaps she wouldn't be the only clueless one here. Glancing around the small group, it was as though the differences began to jump out at her. Things that told her that she was certainly not in a normal situation. She blamed the shock for her obliviousness. But suddenly she saw that these people were far from normal. Surprisingly, it wasn't the man with what seemed to be living metal on his chest that was the most bewildering. Nothing could have prepared her for the girl who was blue and covered in blood, holding a fairly medieval weapon. She almost believed the one who claimed that 'they could take them' based solely on their appearances. Of course, if it came down to a fight, Odelia was willing to bet that she would be the first to die. Which was always a lovely thought.

Odelia was startled to feel a hand giving her a pat on her back. Slowly, she looked over at man who was consoling her and blinked for a moment. She supposed that it was better than them attempting to murder her, as it seemed that these people were prepared to do so given their appearances. The majority had splashes of red on them that couldn't be anything but blood. Not a particularly encouraging sight. And the blue girl's following words were even less so. At least the one who was particularly frightening in appearance had faith that she wasn't there to betray them.

But the commander's words caught her attention fairly quickly. This world was odd. Horses instead of cars, gold instead of paper currency, and of course the offer of weapons. Her initial reaction was to say no and attempt to find answers on her own, but at the promise of 'enlightenment' that the king could offer, she knew that she would have to accompany these people to the capital the commander talked about if she wanted any answers. Quietly, she moved forward to one of the horses and held out a hand to stroke its nose. Peeking back over her shoulder at the others, she spoke unsurely. "I don't know about you guys, but I think that this is the best option if I'm not the only one who wants to know what's going on."

With that statement, she hooked one foot in the stirrup and hoisted herself onto the horse. She had ridden only a few times before, but she knew the basic knowledge of how to get on and get off of the animal. Controlling it may prove to be a bit more difficult.
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Demon boy was a right twat, and further cementing that judgement with every word he spoke. Kaminari couldn't help but mutter to himself with his cigarette in his mouth as the dumb ass spoke, "Did he really just say 'btw'?" Kami wasn't even the leader of this group of cavalrymen and he could feel his blood boiling as the little shit spoke. Mounting his horse, the young Japanese man rode up to the leader, telling him quietly, "Make that little cunt walk, or drag him from his horse by a rope, please. He needs to learn some manners." As time went on, Kami was increasingly uninterested in joining their little group.
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Tyler Haak

It took a minute or so, but after stating that they didn't mean any harm, Tyler was able to relax just a little. Her pointed stare at the commander belied her ease. She certainly didn't look like she was about to do as she was told. But that was only a matter of appearances. When the commander said 'for your safety and the safety of all of our citizens' he had a point. Them being here only a short time had caused mass devastation and numerous deaths. Moving on was really the best option for the people of this village. Unfortunately, it meant that she wouldn't be able to try to make up for the calamity by helping rebuild.

She was thinking over the idea of meeting some king when Daisuke started talking. Again. Like always. On and on and on. No wonder the new guy didn't want to join them. At this point, they looked like an incompetent bunch of hell raisers with the gods of misfortune traveling at their backs. That… may not be too far from the truth. When Daisuke pointed out that the white-haired guy would betray them, Tyler spoke up. "If he betrays us, it's because of you, loud mouth. You can't betray someone you're not with anyway, so don't worry about it. He's not with us and doesn't have to be. At the rate you're going, no one would want to join us anyway." Her gaze slid over to the new girl, the look in her eyes stating clearly that she gave no damn about her opinions. Though Daisuke's opinions weren't much better. Actually, they were worse. Tyler grabbed the reigns of a pitch-black horse and jumped on with ease, like she'd done it a thousand times. Sitting the mace across her lap, she led the horse over to Daisuke so she could talk to him without other people overhearing. "If we're treated as anything, it'll be outsiders and maybe prisoners. Keep your guard up, I don't trust anyone here. I still need to talk to Otto – he's at a disadvantage without his memories. I need you watching out for him until he's back to normal."

She didn't bother to mention his weapons. She'd been pulled aside by the cavalry before there was any chance to look for another's things and it was obvious that she was only holding her mace in hand. With a gentle tug, she turned the horse about and rode over to Otto. "Ride close to me. We need to talk. The trip should give us time to catch up."
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