A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (IC)

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Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
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8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
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  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (Character Dump): Click Here
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (OOC): Click Here

The year is 2020, and Earth is on fire.

A group called the E.I. at the beginning of the year began secretly kidnapping and training people to help them take over the world. These people were regular members of society, teachers, students, criminals, if it looked like they could be swiped without any real retaliation, they were. The world was none the wiser.

Several such recruits were collected from the general population and chosen to be trained underneath the three founders of this mysterious group. A school gym teacher named Tyler Haak, a large viking looking mercenary named Otto White, a former U.S. military infantryman Maine, and Daisuke a giant pervert/former yakuza member. After three months of training under the First, Second, and Third founders, the secret facility in which they were being trained was attacked by factions within the E.I. They hit fast and hard, sending the whole facility into chaos. Leading the group of trained E.I. recruits out of the facility, the Third founder led the small group to North Korea, where the rest of the E.I. forces had gathered. In a stunning display of brute force, hundreds of E.I. VTOL troop transport gunships assaulted the capitol, took over it and the nearby military base, and then executed the dictator.

However, the group of recruits were repulsed by this actions, and Tyler, Daisuke lashed out at the Second, prompting him to kill Daisuke. Daisuke was only saved by a chance, as a passing E.I. infantryman assisted burying Daisuke, Daisuke's consciousness escaped into the man, making him a target of interest for the Second founder. The Second founder had Tyler, Adam (The E.I. infantryman), another man who was recruited by the E.I. who vaguely reminded everyone of a russian, and Alkura (the daughter of the third founder). In a display of defiance (facilitated only by the Third Founder's intervention), Otto White and Lazaro (A crazed murderer who was only assisting them for the pure off chance they might get to kill someone) led a daring rescue of the prisoners, escaping to Sryia with them on a jet.

After they landed, Otto talked them through the Airport, calling in a favor from the commanding officer of the troops stationed there. Otto took the group to his home, and coincidentally, the place he buried his family. The group rested there for a day, but unfortunately they were sold out by the very commanding officer that Otto had called a favor from. A team of E.I. troops trained to track deserters followed them, and then they attacked in the night. The battle was brief but bloody, and it was discovered the very next day, in a letter from the Third founder, that the troops were all cloned, an attempt from the E.I. to make soldiers loyal, easy to train, equip, and recruit.

The group fled in the VTOL jet provided by the Third, guided to some mysterious facility by a man they only know as "Deanta" supposedly a trusted ally and teacher of the Third founder. As they got off the VTOL jet, they were greeted by a huge cheering crowd. Thousands of people who had hidden from the E.I.'s secret influence in underground societies had gathered into a single united rebellion, and this group of rag tag E.I. rebels were their largest hope in defeating the group. As it turned out, while the E.I. had a righteous goal, the goal did not justify the means through which they planned to execute it. With much of the world under the control of the E.I. (Facilitated by the E.I. implanting trained members of the group into the governments of nations worldwide, and then using their influence to convince them to join the International Nations Union, or INU, with the newly formed nation of the E.I. at the head, and major military superpowers like Russia and the U.S. backing up the group with the full might of their military.

In a surprise move, the rebellion turned on this coalition, and moving out from facilities all over the world they attack the E.I., intent on freeing the world from this tyranny. The E.I. rebels themselves spearheaded an assault straight into the main E.I. base, an attack that was wiped out, but still managed to distract the E.I. long enough for the rebels to defeat the E.I. in other places around the world.

Feeling threatened by this, the E.I. detonated the world's supply of nuclear weapons, reducing the population from 7.4 billion to three million in minutes. Those people who survived were transported, as if by an act of some deity, to a new world. Some land in deserts, some in forests, some in plains, some alone, and some in groups, but all appear, alive and no worse then they were on Earth. Something is strange about this world though, while it looks like Earth, and the animals do as well, the air is tingling with an energy that was not prevalent in society before, and all over the world these people have begun to realize that they can now use something strange and previously impossible, magic. In the background secret forces seem to be manipulating the situation though, and somewhere the immortals that survived the nuclear blasts are still alive.

It is now up to humanity to rebuild.
Adam's insane Demon

Adam's insane Demon was about to charge Tyler when he heard something charge. He turned and saw something metallic, he growled at it and disapeared. He reappeared on top of the metallic man and landed on him sending him to the ground. He clawed at him but the metal offered just enough protection. The Demon grabbed him by the legs and threw him with all of his might into a flaming cabin.

The Demon roared at his metallic enemy only to be greeted by the blue woman. She wrapped her body around his and started to scream at him, Daisuke this, Daisuke that. The Demon bucked and fell onto his back trying to get the blue woman off of him. He clawed and whipped his tail around her neck. Just as the demon was about to pull her off of him the fire man showed up. He separated them and threw The Demon like a rag doll.

The Demon stood up furious he starred at the fire man and tried to speak. "Oooargh. Ootttargh..." He finally screeched "Oootttttoooo!!" He started to mutate again more horns and spikes erupted from his body, the rage Adam felt in his heart was aimed at Otto now. The Demon stopped his eyes turned normal for a second. He ran at Otto slowly, than faster, Than faster still than he was gone. The Demon reappeared behind Otto slashing than disappearing, he slashed at his side than disapeared, he continued until Otto was surrounded by a cloud of black smoke. He continued to slash at him and disappear in another direction.

Inside the darkness.

Daisuke continued to yell at Adam who was muttering monotonely to himself. "Fucking Tyler stupid bitch, I'll kill her, I'll kill her. Who are you?" Daisuke looked up. "What? it's me Daisuke. are you in control? Adam stop this." Daisuke was cut off by Adam, "fuck off you glittery little shit. I can't be bothered by a little pest like you I have to kill this bitch." Adam was unconciously giving Daisuke the play by play of the fight. "Shit. Kid come on snap out of it." Adam continued. "Get off of me you small breasted slut....you? It's you"

Adam called out. "Otto, why didn't that cunt just let me kill you, you who constantly hurts Daisuke." Daisuke perked up and started listening. "You knew he loved her but you still tried getting closer to her. You bastard stop hurting my brother. You should just stay dead." Adams eyes flickered for a second once he spoke of Daisuke. "Kid? Is that it? I gotta get you to stop thinking of shitty times? Ok um. Shit this is gonna be rough."

Kami hadn't expected that thing to teleport, let alone teleport on top of him. Before he knew it, his balance was thrown off, and then he found himself flying through the air, What the fuck...? His metal-encased body slammed into a flaming cabin, destroying it. Lying there, nestled in the ash, wood, and cinders, Kaminari Saito's eyes emptied of emotion entirely as he stared at the brawl that was unfolding, muttering to himself, "I'm going to end you, you annoying teleporting little piece of shit, now that I know your little trick."

He drew a deep breath of this world's unusual, energy-filled air, and an instant later, the cabin's ruins were shattered as Kami kicked off with inhuman force compounded by his metal exterior. Landing just in front of the cloud of black smoke that encompassed Otto with a shower of snow, Saito watched the beast's teleportation for a moment, predicted where he'd end up next, and grabbed the little shit by the throat, his steel grip nearly crushing it. The metallic man stared into its eyes with his own devoid ones, ignoring the inevitable attempts it would make to free itself or hurt Kami and muttering to the beast, "Let's see you teleport out of this," as he slammed the barrel of his pistol into its mouth and fired a shot meant to sever its spinal cord, reasoning that that's how the blue woman had killed the other dumb ass.
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Interaction: Adam's deamon and Kaminari

The attacks had hit Otto but as soon as they appeared they healed or were not getting past the flames covering his body while other's still were met by the shaft of his spear and simply deflected away, before Otto could make a counter to the teleportating daemon the white haired man made his presence known and reached out grabbing the teleporter and put his pistol in the creature's mouth. Otto knew he was trying to kill the daemon but this was Otto's fight so he reached out and pulled the white haired man's arm holding the gun away and up before the round could be fired off, he dropped his spear to his foot and once again grabbed the daemon and threw him away from himself and the white haired man. "I thank you for your assistance but this is my fight white hair, if I should fall then happily jump into the fight but until such a time I would ask you to leave he and I be." He spoke to Kaminari. "Or I will be forced to treat you as I am treating him." To emphasize his point Otto reached up and grabbed hold of the white haired man's pistol barrel and heated it with his flame before bending it at a ninety degree angle.
He turned away and kicked his spear back up into his waiting hands as he walked away from the white haired man and towards the daemon. As he advanced the large black raven was high in the sky above the transformed Adam, it slowly climbed higher and higher before stalling in the air. It flipped over and entered a dive towards Adam but it was not heading towards Adam himself but rather his shadow and just as silent as a shadow the raven dived into Adam's at couple hundred miles an hour with nary a sound. As the raven entered the daemon's shadow Otto's left eye changed from it's light clouded red to ebony, when it did Otto gained a smirk and raised his spear again at Adam.
Tyler Haak

Tyler just about had her legs around the demon's neck when it dropped to its back, slamming her into the ground below it. She grunted with pain, but didn't let go, her voice cut off by this thing's tail wrapping around her neck. She used one hand to dig her nails into the flesh of his tail, but it didn't matter how close she was to cutting off his air supply with a serious leg lock. Otto showed up, acting weird as ever, and just yanked her right off of Daisuke's demon as if he didn't have to work at it at all. It pissed her off that it took no effort to do so.

It pissed her off even more when he just deposited her on the ground and took over like he owned the joint. Some bird landed on her, and in her anger, she swatted it away, growling at it "Get off me!" Had she not just proved that she could handle herself by offing that Roma guy? Had she not demonstrated it time and time again in battle? She really wanted to just whap Otto in the face right now. Even that guy from before, covered in a strange metal, was jumping in. Everyone was fighting each other instead of just trying to tackle one enemy at a time. Tyler couldn't help but cover her face with her hand, exasperated by this stupid show of dominance.

The armored guy had nearly taken Daisuke's head off, but it wouldn't be the first time his brains had been turned to mush and healed. For a while, Tyler could only sit there and be frustrated. At least until it looked like the demon was on the ropes. Before Otto had a chance to launch that spear, Tyler was already in front of him with her own hand gripping the weapon to stop it from flying from his hand. "I won't forgive you if you kill Daisuke." It was simple, and she felt like nothing else needed to be said about it that could further state her point.

The woman burst into flame instantly, doing so only for the glow of light around her and maybe for the inability to be touched without pain. Daisuke… that body… could only teleport through shadow. Anything touched by light would be out of teleporting range and he would have to physically move through the light. It should cut down his speed and his options for surprise attacks. And touching her physically would hurt like a bitch. "Flame on, big guy. He can't teleport into light."

Kami looked at Viking Man as if he were mad as his pistol was pulled away, Dammit, you bastard. I would've blown his brains out if it weren't for you! He stared at his bent pistol as the man of fire walked away after having just threatened him, then glared deeply at the viking's back before slamming the pistol with both hands down onto his knee, bending it back into place. Turning sharply about, the metal once coating his body returned to its place on his torso, Kami holstering the pistol once more as he muttered, "Whatever, man." All care for his blood-stained appearance had ceased as he walked back towards the village, pulling out a cigarette from a pack within his pockets and lighting it with a lighter. Nary a glance was given to the fight behind him as Saito took a long drag and then disappeared into the village, seeking water to wash his body and clothing.
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Interaction: Tyler and Adam's deamon
Mention: Daisuke

Otto jerked the spear from the blue woman's hand. "You speak to me as if we are familiar with each other and while your face and voice brings a person to mind it is blurry, the only way I know you are who my mind thinks you are is the name Tyler." He spoke to the blue woman as the orange Raven landed on his shoulder to bathe in his flames, she was soon alight as well. "And we share similar powers so thus the mystery deepens." He spoke before looking at the transformed man. "The black Raven flew into his shadow and let's me see what he sees though how far that extends I don't know. So I suggest we end this fast if you wish to deal him a now lethal blow because the longer this lasts the more likely someone is killed or grievously wounded though it seems we can heal from such wounds if you are any indication." Otto said to the blue woman before stepping away from her, space would be a friend here as his flames increased in size and intensity.
Adam Demon

The Fire giant threw the demon again, as he separated him from the white haired metal man. The Demon rolled to a stop and got up. It screeched at Otto, than glared at the white haired man. The Demon saw that his previous attacks were ineffective so he was preparing another just as he was hit from above. The blow knocked the demon back and shook him. His eyes fluttered with color for a second but quickly returned.

The Demon got up and charged when he was met with the fire giants weapon than the blue woman. The Demon teleported away than got on all fours and stocked them from a far. The blue woman and fire giant erupted in flames. The Demon screeched as the fire burnt out all of the shadows. He hurled boulders and debris at them and charged he jumped, his claws aiming at Tylers throat.

Inside their mind

Daisuke keeps telling different thing to try to get Adams mind off of stuff. "Oh remember when we were in the desert and you went all Rambo and we took out that helicopter?" No response. "Shit." Adam started muttering. "Stupid white hair. I'll kill you. Damn it fire giant." Adam blinked a few times than went back to zombie eyes. "I dont need your help floosy"A black flash passed Daisuke's eyes. "Wtf"

Adam started muttering again. "Damnit you bastards just die." Adam's eyes started to blink. "Fire, fuck your fire." Adam groaned and gripped the bars his eyes got all wide. "Die."
Tyler Haak

The man of metal wandered away, clearly discouraged from Otto's interruption. Tyler understood how that felt. Sometimes it would be so much easier to just walk away. But no…. She looked from the demon to Otto as Otto yanked the spear from her grip. She had to deal with these two instead of enjoying a cozy fire and a nap. Those wishes only grew with Otto's unfamiliar words. He didn't remember her. He probably didn't remember any of them. Side effect of death or something else? It didn't matter.

Before he could step too far away, Tyler grabbed his shirt to stop him in his tracks. "We are familiar. We've been friends for a while now, fought side by side, and I've even visited your past. Less than twenty-four hours ago, you confessed that you were in love with me and then died right in front of me. Dick move by the way." Her eyes narrowed, that anger bubbling back up again. "Don't talk down to me, Otto. Memories or not, I'm your friend, and so is he." She pointed in the demon's direction. "Our friend is trapped in there. If you kill him, I will make sure you regret it with everything you have."

With that said, and fire burning in her veins, Tyler turned back to the demon who was tossing rocks and whatnot at them. She dodged the debris, watching Daisuke closely as he launched himself toward her. "Baka." Tyler simply rolled under him, rolling right back up to her feet and jumping at his back in another attempt to get her arms around his neck in a choke-hold. "Damnit, Daisuke… I know you're in there. I really need you to fight your way back out about now. Until then… this is gonna burn." If she was able to land on him, her flaming skin would burn the demon's flesh, and her light would prevent him from teleporting at all. "You hear me in there? Daisuke... get your ass back out here. Don't make me say something mushy." If his tail came anywhere near her head or face, she'd straight up bite it.
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Interaction: Tyler and Adam's

"Well at least it's a start." He said more to himself then anyone as Tyler was walking away, she grabbed the daemon as she dodged the debris being thrown at them. He put his arm up and blocked the debris as he advanced as well, the spear had shrank to knife size and he had put it away. He reached them both as Tyler was fighting to get around the daemon's neck again, Otto could see through his one eye that the daemon was struggling and trying to claw at her arms while Otto picked up speed. "I do hope you trust me then." He said to Tyler hoping she heard him as he tackled the daemon and took him to the ground making sure not to hit her in the process while also using his weight and strength to keep him down. He made a small spark near the daemon's face to distract and dazzle it more so that Tyler could get a better grip on it's neck. "He's going to try and buck me off so if you'd like to do something to speed this up it would be appreciated." He said to Tyler while he was on top of the struggling Adam.
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Adam's Demon.

The Demon jumped tword Tyler only to miss. She got behind him and started to try to choke him all the while the demons flesh was burning. The Demon clawed, bit and tried to squirm out but was stopped by the viking. The man on fire held him as the demon started to shreek in pain. He arched his back and clawed at the man trying to escape. He tried to teleport away but his magic was restricted it was to bright.

The demon's form started to change the twisted claws and spikes started to recede. The Demon was clearly slowing down, no matter how fast his skin regenerated to pain was still excruciating. He was steadily losing mana, and getting tired his eyes flickered showing Adams Yellow iris's. "I hate you Tyler," he winced from the pain, "your such a jerk to Me. You treat my brother like shit and Ott...." His eyes got foggy as the demon took control again. He whipped his tail at Otto's face aiming for his eye.

Inside Adams mind. "I get it." Daisuke yelled out. "This is your subconcious you dragged me I to that's why I can't do anything. I need someone to k ok you out or something. Otto!, Tyler! Knock out Adam!" He yelled out into the darkness. Daisuke sat down defeated. "Why Adam? why can't you control this shit? You watched me fight mine we have to accept the past to move forward." Adam spoke his eyes lit up as he started talking with emotion " I hate you Tyler your such a jerk to me and you treat my brother like shit and Otto, fuck you Otto. You ain't perfect either so don't expect us to be." Adam's eyes remain the same as he looked around. "What the? Where are we?"

"Seriously?" Daisuke yelled out as he tried to hit Adam. "Hurry up and let us outta here this is your head I can't do shit in here." Adam tried but couldn't."I I can't I don't think I can i." "Knock it off Adam!" Daisuke snapped. "Stop acting like a little bitch and take control. I know Tyler is a ball buster but she will mellow out....eventually. I know you don't really hate Otto you just feel shitty that you even thought about betraying him. Lastly fuck your Dad. He was a douche that hurt you and your mom Amy one that does anything like that is a bitch and deserves to get his ass beat. I told you already. I'm your new brother. I'll stay with you so let's beat the fuck outta this demon together."

Daisuke's words hit Adam with such intensity that the bars started to crumble. Adam touched them and his cage broke. He ran over to Daisuke's cage and it crumbled. Daisuke stood up. "Clench your teeth!" Adam looked confused but did so. Daisuke swung at his hitting him in the jaw. He hugged him afterwards. "Next time talk to me. Dont keep your fears bottled up." Adam's tears started to run down his cheek. Daisuke shook his head and said "kids"
Tyler Haak

Luckily, Otto decided to help instead of killing the demon. And it looked like it was working so far. With her arms clamped around his neck, she was able to occlude the carotid arteries. Healing or not, if oxygen wasn't getting in, the guy was going to pass out sooner or later. To her surprise, Adam's voice was able to filter through. "Adam?" She kept her arms clamped, he would have to pass out soon. "I didn't mean to be a jerk, kid. But what did you expect after turning on your own team? I've yelled at Otto, Daisuke, and Maine more than you. You're just the only one that can't handle it." Brother? Who was his brother? Which person was she treating like shit?

"Just go to sleep…" Tyler gripped tighter, tucking into the demon's back to make it harder to grab by his tail. She wrapped her legs around his waist to have better leverage and just waited for the fade out. "We'll be here when you wake up. For now… just rest."
Mention: Tyler and Daisuke/Adam

Otto let the flames die away as the man's struggles slowed down, he put more pressure on his chest as he breathed out so that the woman's choke hold would be more effective in cutting off the oxygen. Though if Otto was honest and he had the ability he would have a big old question mark over his head but that had to wait as he needed to reach up and grab the tail trying to get his eye, he was wondering what he did? So much happening that apparently involved him yet he knew nothing about these people other then the blue woman's name and now the person who transformed was called Adam but he was also called Daisuke earlier. In all honestly Otto just wanted some answers and some sleep but that seemed to be the last thing he was gonna get today.
Adam's Demon

The demon was struggling to get any air. With Tyler on his neck and Otto on his chest he was starting to black out. The Demon tried to buck but was held down. He screeched his last breath than passed out. The Demon laid flat as his demonic features started to fade into the familiar Daisuke's body. Daisuke opened his eyes and took in a breath of air, he tapped on Tylers arm to get her to let go. "Tyler, Otto. Stop. Your giving me a boner."

Inside Adams mind he looked as though he was about to pass out when they were joined by the demon. Daisuke shook Adam out of his stooper and hurriedly suggested. "Quick now that you got control put him in a cage. Cage your demon, come to terms with your shit and move on." As Daisuke was gonna continue he disappeared being summoned to conciousness. Adam did as he was told and chained and caged the beast. Adam sat in front of the cage and starred at it. "You are a pain in the ass. I have to deal with you or else I'll hurt people again." Adam kicked the cage. "Fuck! Why is this shit so fucking hard. Fuck my dad!, fuck this syrum!, and fuck you demon dick."
Tyler Haak

It took some time, much longer than normal, but the demon finally passed out. The body reverted to Daisuke's familiar form, causing Tyler to relax a little, though she kept her arms around his neck just in case. She paid close enough attention to notice when Daisuke was conscious again, but he had to mark to moment by mentioning his hard-on. It was uncalled for, but it was a sure sign that Daisuke was back. Thankful, Tyler released her arms from around Daisuke's neck and leaned back, staring down at the guy who was literally in her lap since he'd dropped down with her under him. Otto was sitting on his chest.

Basically, the scene just looked all kinds of interesting. "What the onlookers must think…" She muttered in amusement, though her tone sounded dry. "Looks like a threesome gone wrong." It slipped out. With a sigh, Tyler wiggled out from beneath Daisuke and stood up, brushing the snow from her clothes. "I'm going to find the guy that helped us. He deserves a thanks. You two…" She looked at the two guys, pressing her fingers into her right temple. "I don't even know. Catch each other up or something. I need a break for a minute."

Tyler left the two there, taking deep breaths to calm her adrenaline-fueled, racing heart. She made her way in the direction that the metal guy had gone. She thought she could see him from a distance, so she tried to call out to him, raising a hand in the air in an attempt to get his attention if he turned around. "Hey! You!" She called out, noting that there was no longer any metal, but the clothes the man wore looked pretty bloodied. "Wait a sec!" Tyler jogged forward, the wounds from the demon's claws halfway healed.

He'd spent a few minutes trying to find water or some kind of bath or laundry to remove all the blood that had soaked his suit and drenched his skin in dried flakes. Really, the only part of his body that didn't have some amount visible on him was his torso which was covered in the metal that seemed to move with his unconscious. Looking down at the unusual material while pausing to take another drag of his cigarette, Kami considered it carefully, This is clearly metal. Some type of iron or steel, maybe. And it moves without my telling it to do so, meaning that me coming to this world did something to my body. I have to figure out what's going on...

His attention was broken by the blue-hued woman approaching from behind, to which he looked over his shoulder at her and removed his cigarette with two figures, half-smiled, and called to her, "Sup, Blue," before returning the tobacco once more to his mouth. While smoking was often looked down upon in America, or was, since America was no more, Kaminari had always reasoned that Asian peoples suffered far less cancers due to it, and he was an overall healthy person. Besides that, he quite rarely partook of the habit. The man's eyes drifted to her midriff and the wounds she'd sustained earlier, All of them keep healing very quickly. I need to find a blade to cut myself to see if I'm the same...

Assuming she would come alongside him, Kaminari continued strolling through the village, seeking what he had come for in the first place.

Interactions: Tyler Haak, @SoleStride
Interaction: Daisuke
Mention: Tyler

He would of laughed at Tyler's comment about a threesome gone wrong if the situation wasn't so...bad with all the destroyed homes and lives ruined by the last attack. He stood up and held his hand out to the now human man on the ground. "Here, let me help you up." He spoke to the former daemon. "I'm Otto but something tells me you already know that but I can only remember her name." He said as he pointed to Tyler who was now walking away. "So you have me at a disadvantage when it comes to the name department." His black raven flew out of Daisuke's shadow and landed on his other shoulder opposite the orange one as he looked to Daisuke with his now blinded again left eye and healthy right eye.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke rubbed the back of his head against Tylers lap. "Ahhhh, a true japanese staple the lap pillow." Tyler mentioned a three way gone wrong and Daisuke laughed. Which was difficult since he was still being restricted. They all got up and Daisuke grabbed at his chest. "Damn Otto. You might have put on a few pounds. I think you brok a rib." Tyler walked away after insinuating that he talk to Otto.

"Yeah, I know. Your Otto, I'm Daisuke
The demon just now was our other member Adam's embodied rage. There is also Maine, Nyx, Alkura, Cunt boy (Cal), douche sister complex (Christian), Jian, white haired metal prick (kaminari), Alkura, and old man Lucien." Suddenly something sent a shiver down Daisuke's spine, a black raven flew out of his chest and sat on Otto's shoulder. "So, those are new, made new friends did you?"

Daisuke waited until Tyler was gone. "So you don't remember anything right? So I guess asking you about how you came back is out of the question. What do you remember?" Daisuke stared at the wizard like viking praying that his feelings for Tyler were forgotten aswell.

Adam was busy trying to deal with his emotional baggage. He was meditating as Chuu had instructed, he could relive all of his father's abuse and deal with it one at a time. Adam watched as his 13th birthday played out.

Adams father was proud of Adams acompliments so far, he had been a champion in his division so far and for his birthday his father bought him a weight bench, a new punching bag, new wraps and a weird bottle of pills. Adams mother was horrified by the sight and took the pills away. Adams father struck his mother for the first time that day.

Adam opened his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek. "It's your fault you know?" Said the caged demon. "If you weren't so good at beating up little kids your dad wouldn't try to live through you. Your the reason she got beat." Adam willed more chains on the demon restricting his movements. "Chain me up all you want Adam but you know I'm right it's always your fault. Just disapear and leave your body to me." Adam ignored the monster trying desperately to face his demons.
Tyler Haak

By the time she was catching up with him, the man had slowed down after hearing her calling. He turned around and gave her some kind of partial grin which was just strange to her. Also, where did he get that cigarette from? Now that she was closer, she could see that he did still have some metal on him, covering only his torso now. He called her "Blue" which she wasn't a fan of, but that wasn't priority right now.

Priority seemed to be her curiosity actually. The woman moved in, wiping some more blood off on her pants, and leaned over to look at the moving metal on the man's chest. "Hm." Was the only sound that came out of her for a few minutes. The man started to move again, but she was busy inspecting, so she reached out to grab his arm and pull him to a stop. "Wait." Tyler resumed her inspection. She was fighting the urge to cut the guy to see if her suspicions were correct. But she'd not seen this metal ability before. After a few minutes, she stood back up straight, running a hand through her hair with a sigh.

"My name's Tyler. I wanted to thank you for jumping in back there, and before when those people were trapped." Still curious, the woman pushed her fist against the metal on the guy's torso, the fist bursting into flames. As her skin heated up, the blue started to recede starting at her wrist and moving up her arm. It only lightened about half of her face, while the other half remained the blue color. "Can you feel the fire?" She asked, dying to know what this ability was all about.

The woman grabbing his arm was unexpected, and possibly a little rude, making Kami raise an eyebrow at her as if asking her what the hell she was doing. But when she started to look closely at the metal on his chest, the man wasn't sure if he should feel awkward, proud, or just not give a shit. Probably the latter. Her thanks, however, were even less appreciated, but Kaminari simply shrugged and told her, "Most people would save others. And the enormous viking wasn't particularly thankful."

At her pushing a flaming fist into his torso, Kami recoiled a little, worried that the flames would scorch him as the metal near her fist began to glow with heat. To his surprise though, it seemed to try to adapt quickly, shooting down his legs to encase them, strange ridges of metal attempting to direct the flow of glowing heat downward into the snow and cold earth. The action wasn't perfect however, as heat began to leak and spread throughout its volume surrounding her fists and the ridges, finally allowing Kami to begin to feel a little warm. Apparently he would have to practically bathe himself in fire to not feel like he was freezing all the time, "A little. It is getting more warm as time passes. I'm going to assume you want to know what it is," Saito took another puff of his cigarette, having almost worn it down, flicked the ashes into the snow, and continued, "I have no idea. But I'm pretty sure you'll start to burn me." The warmth was beginning to become uncomfortable as the minutes passed, the snow surrounding his feet melting in a progressively larger radius.

Watching the blue hues of the woman's body move and recede in response to the heat was extremely unusual to the young Japanese man, and as he looked at her split face, he had to admit that most men would probably be drawn to her. But having lost his wife and child, Kaminari could only objectively assess her, "That answer your questions?"
Interaction: Daisuke
Mention: Tyler

"The black and orange ravens were with me when I awoke, same thing for the spear." He said as he pulled it off his waist and it extended to it's full length again. "Your name is familiar but it's like a haze, like I can feel my mind trying to reach for something but it's just out of my grip the same thing is happening for the other names you mentioned." Otto looked off towards Tyler and the metal man. "I remember being cold, darkness, hate, rage and a fire that felt like it was burning me from the inside out. But also I remember her." He spoke as he pointed to Tyler. "Strong feelings, positive ones feelings I would characterize as love but I need to speak to her about these things..." His eyes closed as he exhaled deeply. "I also remember a shadow passing over me just before I woke up and a voice that told me to find the blue woman and she would have the answers I seek as well as the key to my memories." Otto turned to look at Daisuke. "Oh, also." Otto spoke as he held out his hand and the orange Raven hoped off his shoulder to his arm then onto Daisuke's shoulder, it's flames started to spread lightly on Daisuke but instead of burning him they healed his wounds and bruises faster then they already were. Otto stared with an odd look. "I...didn't that would happen or rather it's like I knew but just found out...odd." Otto thought out loud.
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