A New Time

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
" Keep going ace im going to guard the door while you bring the jeep in " He said as they neared the entrance he leapt onto the siding of the jeep and began lowering himself, His feet began skidding across the ground as he got closer he let go off the jeep and continued to slide on his feet until he came to a solid stop guarding the jeep He shot down some infected back walking towards the entrance. He spoke into the com again directly to Jae " Good to see you again Krasivyy " He laughed as he continued to back up and shooting down some straggling infected that didnt chase after Ox, He tapped his ear piece again trying to hook up to ox he spoke slowly " If you can hear me friend just listen, the infected are terrible with working together so try and turn them on them selves, pile ups are great for blowing up alot in one move. They have no sense of depth perception so if you jump a gap they might not be able to make it remember that friend and good luck...see you in the morning " He tapped his ear piece and continue to fire.
"Nice to see you again too, are any of you hurt?." She asked, moving a chair over to the wall before firing another round as several strayed too close for comfort. She turned off the night vision so she could see through the bright lights before she fired a few more shots.
He ran and ran, "Shit, I should've asked Ace for a fucking Com. Damn it. Please let them be safe." He said as he started fighting off the infected. The narrow runway started to get tighter, "That's not good.." He said has he bashed a zombies face into a rock. He saw a gap about 8 clicks away. 'I have to make through their and throw them off. That should by me sometime to set a charge and blow them all to hell." He said in his head. He started to charge to the gap, fighting with all his might. It was getting tighter, "COME ON!!" He yelled. He was almost their, he was close. Two zombies jumped from above and landed on him "Nooo, fuck off!" He scream and slamed one of them to the wall and kicked the other off him. He got up and ran through the gap and started squeezing through. He pulled his pistol and started shoot at them knocking them on them down having them pile on top of each othe. "Now go, Xen. Plant the charges. He reached in his side and pulled a pipe and some wires and started to mantel it. "Come on." He said as he starte putting it together as fast as he can. They were getting through, he need to hurry up. "Done!" He said as he stepped back with the trigger in his hand, "Come on!" He said as he started firing. A zombie jumped from a above him and landed on top of him, this one was huge. Xen tumbled to the ground, having the trigger fall from his hand. The zombie started beating on him and picking him up and throwing him to the ground and on the sharp rocks. "Oofff, Ugggh!" He yelped and started spitting up blood, he tried to get up but it kept coming. It picked him up, but Xen rapped his legs around the zombies waist and started to pound on it'r head in with his elbow. He dropped to it's knees and fell. He saw the remote, 15 yards, he got up and ran for it, but he was tackled by another zombie, "Yall never know when to stop don't yall!" He said as he reached for it with the zombie in his face, "AHHH! Fuck you!" He said as he punched it a couple of times in the face and reached for it again. He got it! He looked at the horde and all of them were almost through. He kicked the thing off of him and round house kicked the zombie in it's head and knocked it clean off, he turned around and saw them coming at him. They looked pissed but he could wait any longer, he hit the trigger and it blew Sky High, blowing them to bits and flying him backwards and had him slam hard to the ground and tumble and roll. You could see the explosion for miles. "That......should do....it..." He said has he was dizzie and was hurting really bad, he stumbled to his feet, holding his side and saw the remaining ones crawling to him, he shot them and layed up against the rock and tried to keep his breathe. He couldn't believe he survived that, he chuckled and started laughing. He sat up and started walking to the Med. Hospital, 'They are going to bse surprised to see I'm still alive. The explosion possibly made them think I was dead, haha!" He laughed at the thought of it. He was limping and using the wall as support, he was hurt badly, losing blood, eyes were heavy, "Come on you can makee it.." He said to himself "...show how tough son of a bitch you are..for your new found friends." He said. He looked up at the stares, "Almost their..keep...pushing.." He said. He was going to give up..not just yet.
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Jae stopped shooting as an explosion several miles away caught her attention. "Shit..what was that?" she called into her comm as the zombies turned and headed towards the noise. She opened the door. "Come on..We've got to get inside before they change their mind." she said, motioning to the zombies ambling away. She moved another chair up after leaving the doorway. Returning, she saw Ace was alone. "Where's the new guy..Xen?"
As fonz got down.. I quickly turned the car around and backed in click king the button to close the double gate garage door. .. I grab all of the bags and head up the back way to the main room where Jake was..In response to her question " uhh he felt he had to take the horde away from us so he left and wouldn't take no we won't let him do it alone for an answer.." I think to my self as the puff of smoke rises how dumb that was diying for random people.. it it he survived I earned a big spot on my respect list.. "so those zo,mbies are leaving so I can relax... " he smiles then picks up a big board and starts to repair the broken window.
A trail of blood was leading behind, "Just a little bit more...you got this Xen. Keep pushing forward.." He said faintly. He finally got to where once was, he could tell it was around 3 or so in the morning. "Phew....closer now...what is..." He said and looked into the distance, and saw about a hand full of Zombies head toward his way "Shit.."he said quietly, he ran the other way toward a wall the was completely covered in darkness and hid their. 'I won't be able to face them...not in this condition..' He said in his head. They strolled toward the destination they were headed, they were probably headed toward the explosion that he caused. Only a few was left, he ducked from his hiding place and silently killed those who stood few. He let a muffled yelp from his throat in pain. He was hurting and his body ached, muscle sore. He was nearly their, he could see the Medical Hospital. He started to jog which hurt him worse. He stumbled to the ground and tried to get up but kept stumbling down, "Only 10 more yards away..." He said "Get up.." He told himself, he got up and ran, pushing all of his might. He could see Ace working on a window that was broken, but his vision blurred. His face was covered with his blood, his hand and arms dripped of blood, his breath was heavy, his foot steps shuffled against the ground. He made it to them, he chuckled for a bit and then tripped on his own feet, his body was letting go, he needed to rest, "Oofff! Ugph!" He exclaimed in a normal tone. "Damn it.." He said.
Jae nodded, turning to look ahead while Ace fixed the window. She started to scope out the perimeter again when she noticed someone. "Hey..there's someone." She zoomed in and was immediately on her feet, grabbing her pack. "Xen is back, but he isn't in any good condition she said as she grabbed the medical kit she'd made. "Fonz, help me please." She said, throwing the pack in her back and starting out the door towards Xen. She kneeled over him. "Seriously..Are you bitten, or just blown up?" she asked, taking out a bottle of water to let him drink from.
He saw Jae charge at him, she had water, "**coughs**" he started drinking it fast, "Oh god yes...."he said as he looked up at her, "Told you that I'd come back.." He said as he smiled. He torn all to shit but he didn't care. He saw that she had a concern look on her face when she asked that, "No, I'm not...I'm just all kinds off fucked up.." He chuckled and spat up blood, "I'll be fine, promise."
She nodded. "Okay. Stop laughing, you'll make the bleeding worse." She said, pulling out a wrap and wrapping one of his arms before standing up and holding a hand out to help him up. "We've got to get you inside and patch you up." She said, watching his movements carefully.
Fonz came out chuckling a bit and stood infront of Xen and put a hand on his shoulder and gripped it, He nodded at him and said " thank you for coming with ace to rescue me " He then xen's arm around his shoulder and help support him as he made his way back to the new base. Fonz hand was place on his hip so that he could hold him up if he fell down, Fonz was a very greatful person and had much respect to anyone who would draw away a horde. Fonz has only done it once or twice just trying to get back to base but him he must of been something else before this whole place went to shit.
"AHHH! MMMM! Damn it..." He yelped out as he held onto Fonz amd Jae, "No problem, anything to keep yall safe, I'd do it.." He said faintly, he was still losing blood, it was dripping from the bandages that Jae put on him. He limped using his body weight to help him walk so he didn't hold'em down. "They almost had me, they have gotten a hell of alot bigger then I'm seen in a long time...." He said as he kept limping and looked at them, first a Fonz and the at Jae "You ok, man? Jae...are you ok?"
Jae nodded, opening the door in front of them, Jae let Fonz help Xen in. "Bed or chair, pick one, because you're not staying up in that condition." She told Xen, pulling out the medical kit and sorting through the items.
He looked at them, "I'll rest when I check the area, I need to know that their isn't anymore of them..." He said weakly, he new if he went out their it would get 10x worse then it is now. He looked at Jae and could see the look on her face, which he's seen before, concerned but wouldn't take no for an answer and looked at the bed and sat on it.."Bed'll do good.." He said as he tried to lay back but sharp pain shot through his body continuously. "Ahhh, god...wow...I'm getting really tired...." He said faintly, he wasn't tired from earlier but he was losing a lot of blood. If the bleeding didn't stop...he was going to die. He started dozing off, trying to stay awake, "Fonz...is Ace....ok.." He said very faintly.
He looked at Xen and said " Yeah Ace is okay " He walked out the room to go do watch just incase of more infected uninvited attendance, he was a bit tired himself from his onslaught but right now he needed to stay awake to keep everyone protecte.
"Good...that's good to hear...he'll probably...bitch at...me for not following his...orders.." He laughed and spat up a lot of blood and continued "...but I don't care...if I didn't...do..what I...did..yall would be in deep shit...but..**coughs with blood** he'll learn...to grow on it.." He said spitting up blood, his body was giving out his eyes were heavy, he was dying and he didn't care, he kept them safe..he was happy.
Jae shook her head. "Stop talking for a minute. Seriously." She picked up a few more bandages, wrapping around the injuries, taking a few extras and wrapping them tightly above the wounds to help stop the excessive bleeding. "I need you to stay awake, but sit still." She looked around carefully, trying to think. How to make the situation better... She glanced back at Ace and Fonz. "Hey, you guys look beat.." She then realized just how long it had been since this morning. "Ace, Fonz, go to sleep, I can keep watch. I need to look after him too," she said, motioning to Xen, "It'll be like old times." she said, putting the rest of the medical supplies back in the kit and setting it on the table.
She tightly wrapped his wounds and it hurt really bad, "Ahhh! Fuck, Jae!" He exclaimed and grabbed her hand and released as it stopped. He looked at her as she shuffled around, "Jae, you ok?" He said in a gentle tone. He tired to sit up but laid back down and tired again and was successful. He looked into the distance and could tell that it was nearly time for the sun to rise. "The suns almost up.." He said as he watched her pace around. He asked again "Jae, are you ok?"
She nodded as she spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said, glancing back out the window. Something's wrong upper up.. She paused, listening for a moment before actually going over to the window and looking out, surprised none of the infected had returned. She grabbed a bottle of water out of her open pack and took a drink, putting it back in her pack. Jae looked up at the sky, noticing they'd spent most of the night without sleeping. Our first mission in a year..and we're stuck in a run down hospital for two weeks.. She looked back down, sure she saw something, but dismissed it again. No one was out here with a M.W.V., the energy used for them was deemed impossible to obtain about a year after the infection, and once they were down, they quit giving missions. It's so..different.
He heard a few creeks from upstairs and sighed as he got up from meditation on the floor, He was meditation to get rid of Zloy. He then began walking up the steps and spoke into his com calmly " Im going upstairs to check for supplies " He walked up through the doorway into the dark hall, His scanner went off and he began to be able to see through his scanner into the dark. He smirked as something rushed across the end of the hallway, He moved forward slowly and made it to the corner were he could hear the creature crumbing and retching. He stepped on a piece of loose wood and it creaked, the creature swung around and was about to screetch but was met with a knife to the mouth. The knife severing the vocal chords, he then ran the knife up through the head. He retracted it and caught the falling body placing it down on the floor silently, He was about to get caught up here with a probably hidden horde.
((Where is Rob? And Magnus-Rose?))

Jae nodded. "Just leave that gun upstairs in the window." she said as he went up. She sat down in a chair under the window and looked around the room. Her whole team is here. The two new recruits were probably in the back room.