A New Time

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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((I've got to go for tonight, i'll be back tomorrow))

Jae nodded, taking his hand and jumping down. "It is beautiful..It's been so long since I've actually watched the sun set."
"Well when we finish, we'll watch the rest of it." He said as he held her as he jumped down. He let her lose and started setting the rest of the mines with Jae, he thought to himself on if he should stay, but knowingly, they might could use his expertise and help, since he was from the Wasteland, "Maybe I'll stay and see how things go...maybe I can teach that Ace guy a thing or two about Wasteland skills." He chuckled at the thought of it. He placed the last mine in position and started to walk over to Jae, "You ready, ma'am?" He asked.
Everyones comms began to crackle Fonz voice coming in over the crackling comms " Car.....bomb...flipped....stranded....20 klicks...headed towards...mission....infected...help " The comms when dark as he continued to run through the dark, He laughed as he heard move screeaming and rushing feet. " Fucking great....death is not optional only survival " He said to himself trying to keep himself moving, His feet hitting the floor and propelling him forward. He was on a mission he was going to get out of there no matter what.
I tap the com "fonz...fonz... where are you .. is rob ok ..fonz"
'shit why now of all times I cant even fuck with this guy cause we have to help fonz...
"Jae do you mind ill take the new guy and well go get fonz.. if they evacuated there must be some medical jeeps in the garage.. well take one of them .. " he looks to the man who embarrassed him but for the sake of jae and not wanting a dead man on his hands he ignores the beef .. his comrade is more important .."you coming " ace jogs toward the garage once there he waits for the guy ... not letting too much time pass before starting up and leaving... he gives him 1 minuet to make up his mind... a run like this shouldn't be too bad alone.. but its safer with two people.
((Ace! Let's do something that makes our bond strong on this journey, like us have a kill count at the end, and find Fonz, how's that sound? ^-^))
He looked at Ace he came up wanting him to tag along to find this Fonz guy, he looked at Jae and the at the sun that was setting and then back at Jae, "We'll watch it tomorrow, promise." He said to her and ran toward the his stuff and grabbed them, and ran toward the Jeep and jumped to the other side, "Let's go, you do know it's worse at night, right?" He said with a grin, "This'll be fun." He said chuckling, he pulled a shiny emblem from his pack and threw it next to Jae feet, "Hold on to that till I come back. Ok?" He said has the Jeep started moving. He looked at Ace, he could see the anger in in his eyes "Look, if you want to settle this then stop the Jeep and we can afterwards we shake hands, but if you want my help then let it go, I'll have your back, and hopefully you have mine." He said as he started loading his gun, he reached in his bag and handed him an accessory, that he made, a magnified ACOG Scope with a Laser built in, and handed it to Ace, "Take this, it'll help you with the accuracy in tough situations." He said to him. He looked back at the sun and saw that it was descending faster, "Ace, not trying to be a pest but you need to punch it, we are losing time." He said as he gripped his gun, "I'll protect you ass if you have mine." He said once again. All of a sudden the sun was gone, he knew what was out their more then they did, "Give us the strength." He said to himself.
" Podoydi i voz'mi ublyudki ! " ( come get it motherfuckers) he shouted as he slashed open another head letting the body drop down to the floor, He was surrounded by dead bodies his blood thirst rising as he does so. Fonz had former issue's before he got into the force...he was two people but he suppressed that before it could get worse but every time he racks up kills it comes back. He named this zloy which is the word evil in Russian, He was panting and blood was smeared on his blade and boots and a bit on his uniform. He shouted out loud " AHHH Ty ne podkhodyat dlya zloy " ( You are no match for zloy). He kicked a infected back and thrusted his sword forward it pinned through three infected's heads and he retracted it slowly, he spun the blade laughing. He lunged forward and slammed his shoulder into another infected he brought the blade up and then thrusted it down into his head, he then spun around and sent the blade into the neck of another infected causing it to become stuck but it continued to push on the blade. He smirked and stood up another infected jumped on his back and tried to bite him but he flipped him off him and booted him mid air sending him soaring and sliding, He spun around and sent a straight punch into a rushing infected. It rattled and fell to the floor coming out of the weird blow dazed, then Fonz reached his hand back and grabbed the hilt of the blade still in the pursuing infected's throat. He pulled it up and out his head and slammed it down in a slashing movement causing the infected to his left to be cut sideways by the head and then the blade leading into the grounded zombies head also. He pulled the blade back and spun around as he heard more movement but he wasn't ready to try and break for a run, he was stuck in this is the last moments.
Jae watched paused as Fonz's voice came over the comm. She finished placing the mines and nodded as the they left. "Just don't get hurt." She said as they drove off. She turned to the building and let the faint trace of a smile leave her face. "Let's see how we can make this more homey.." She went inside, slipping through the backdoor and starting picking papers off the floor. Once that was clean, she moved several beds in a line for people to sleep and she went upstairs, breaking windows and cleaning up. "Let's see..vantage points here..And I can set up a rifle here for guard.." She mumbled things to herself, setting the building up for safety. "There we go." She said to herself, sitting in a chair against the upper-floor back wall. The floors weren't strewn with paper, and everything was organized. It was inhabitable.
(OK sure)
He hit the gas as the man spoke..."I don't think I got your name. And I'll have your back just don't A act crazy... "I crack a small smile. Now at this point in time I could hear ;infected ahead... but fonz hasn't said anything back ... is he OK not another one dead.. why is this happening now... fucking headquarters sent us on a dead mission,.... so many things were rushing through aces he couuldnt focus..... hi is eyes began to blur he was getting a head ache a sharp pain ..... " sling " a noise is herd .. could it be ... he stopped the car and stood up there was a light mounted on the top of the car. I shinne the light from left to right slowly.. it reflected back off of a blade that was in beaded into a zombies head.."fonz that you" noises from the dead come from behind as they close in.. I drive around to him and slow not to a complete stop but slow enough for him to get in.. I then grab the scope and place it on my hand gun... "if u look in that bag there you'll see two silencers that fit most hand guns you'll be needing those with my free hand I hold my arm out and aim the laser dot at theeiir heads .... click click click three down and a bunch blocking the rode back to the Med base
He turned around and grabbed them and tossed one to Ace and started loading it to the barrel of his gun, My names Xen, told you it'll get worse at night." He said as he pulled the gun out and fired hitting them and knocking them down, "Fonz! Fonz!" He yelled out trying to get this guys attention "It's not Fonz, I can't see much, but just the dead, let's go!" He exclaimed, the back rode was covered with them, "God...punch it Ace!" He said as he kept firing. He looked at Ace, he didn't look well, "Ace, you ok, man?" He said im a concerned tone, "Come on stay with me!" He said as he slapped him in the face "Stay awake and keep moving and I'll deal with them!" He exclaimed "Come on, we can do this!"
" Kak khorosho videt' vas druz'ya! " Fonz landed on the back of the jeep and it shook a bit from his heavy weight " Lets fucking go! " He said as he booted an infected's face back away from the jeep " i lost my chertov blade my ublyudok blade god " He laughed as he pulled one of his pistol's and grabbed a silencer from the bag, He shot the infected in the head as they got nearer. " Hurry up Ace we don't have time to day dream" his gun continuing to fire off at infected trying to get close, His eyes locked on the dark like he could see or something.
Fonz jumped in the back and started , "Ace! Lets get the fuck out of here, now!" He screamed. They were comimg from every direction, "Oh my, god! Fonz! Take this!" He said as he grabbed a semi pistol and handed it to him, "Make them count, don't you miss!" He said to him, and started firing, hitting every target, "Die!!! You motherfuckers!!!" He said as he unloaded a full clip and reloaded really quick. They kept coming from every direction. His backpack dropped from the Jeel! "No! Fuck! Fonz, cover me!" He yelled has he jumped out of the moving Jeep and charged toward his bag, but it was swarmed with Zombies, he grabbed his tactical blade and started fighting them with hand to hand combat, he was quick, precised, his skills proved on who he was...a survivor.
He jumped at the slap and then at fonzes voice he punched it.... the jeep almost popped a wheelie as it jumped over a fallen log.. "yea" I said as we landed .. next thing I knew oxen was on the floor talking about a bag."hey fonz this guy is one you need to watch out for" as the zombies swarm toward him I hit a drift and shine a light ... throwing a silencer on to the rifel I start picking thin off one by one switching the scope... I hit my mic.. "jae secure a area we are 5 min out coming in hot... oh and my count is up to 30"
.. "xen you have 30 seconds or your on your own that bag isn't that important we can circle around" I look at the gas quarter of a tank
He notices his blade in a infected head, as the jeep swerves around he leans down and yonks it out of the head and holds it in his hand " welcome back old friend " He slides it in the sheathe and pulls his rifle out " going loud " He fires off the rapid fire rifle and immediatly begins dropping infected all around the bag and Ox, he continues on his rampage of pure destruction and pulls a sound grenade. He throws it off into the dark and lets it bang, this would draw the infected to that one spot just because of how loud it was. The infected rushing towards the noise he pulls a grenade and tosses it in the same area, it lands and blows up causing a bunch of infected to be killed off. " Heh that would be like 300 right there! HAHA! " his russian accent showing through.
He heard what Ace said, "This bag is more important than my life! This Is what's going to keep our asses alive for the next 2 weeks, Ace!" He screamed as he snapped a Zombies neck, he was closer to the bag. He turned and saw a Zombie going for Ace, "ACE LOOK OUT!" He yelled turning around and firing at the Zombie while jumping backwards in midair and landed next to the bag. He grabbed it and chunked it, and landed in the Jeep, he screamed at Ace, "Go! I'll make my way back, this horde will follow us and I'm not going to let that happen! I'll meet you back their! I know we've gotten off the wrong foot but lets hope this makes up for it! Now go! I'll draw their attention and give them the slip, you hall ass back to the Medical Hospital! Go!" He said as he stared into his eyes. He turned around and started firing with the silencer off. "Hey! Over here! Come and get it!" He said as he started running the other way and started fighting them off with hand to hand combat. Their was at least 60+ of the zombies heading his way, he had to act and act fast if he wanted to make it back. He had a promise to keep that he made to someone. He wasn't going down withoit a fight.
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as the zombie fell on my back and crumbled to death I kicked it backward.... "sorry cant let that happen or ill have to deal with jae .AY FONZ IMA CATCH UP AND .. UH U MIGHT WANNA HOLD ON TIGHT.. "
WITH THAT HE DROVE HEAD ON THROUGH THE ZOMBIES SWINGING TOTHE RIGHT OF XEN "no ome left behind .. Speaking of that where is rob " once xen was up on the jeep we drove about 10 min away from the med hospital ... Looking at the tabk almost empty then back .. Umm we are farenough awya. Lets switch drivers we should be able to go back now ..
He was getting irritated, "Ace, you don't understand! They are smarter than you think. If we head back to the Med. Hospital, we'll be over run! Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I've lived out here for a very long time. So let me do what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to save our lives, let me do what I'm trying to do. Please." He said as he hopped out he new what he was talking about. Xen new that if they went back, all hell would break loose. He reached in his bag and grabbed a couple of mags and started walking away. "I know what I'm doing, I've been doing this for a very long time. So let me do it and let me prove myself." He said as he kept walking away. He could hear some of the infected heading their way. "You better get going, no matter what you do I'm not getting back on that Jeep so just hold your thoughts and save them till I get back, then you can say what ever it is you want." He said nd started jogging toward the horde. He was out of sight.
She checked the time. They've been gone for twenty minutes.. I should set up.. She stood up, going downstairs and getting several chairs out before returning upstairs. She checked the ammo and silencer for the rifle she'd set in the window and took position, scanning the environment. No sign of them yet..Come on team... She thought to herself, ignoring the few infected that stared at her from outside the perimeter, the hospital lights illuminating them in the dark. She got up from her spot, switching the rifle to night vision and turning the lights off to avoid detection from the other infected. She resumed her place in the window, scanning yet again with her rifle, this time further into the darkness.
Jae zoomed in, looking closely. Something reflected the lights..I saw it..The jeep! She was just about to relax when she realized what the cloud behind them was. Are you kidding me..serious... She let out a long sigh, picking up her radio. "The garage is open, hurry, you're being trailed, shooting rifle now, Jae out." She put the radio down, taking a deep breath and re-aiming the rifle, firing a full round into the horde. "No use..there's too many.." She mumbled under her breath after firing another round. She ran over, flicking the lights back on and going to the broken window, pulling out her automatic rifle in case any strayed too close.
He saw the horde following the Jeep, "Hey! Over here, come and get it!" He said while firing his pistol at the horde, taking a couple down. They faced him and started charging at him, "That's it bitch! Come on!" He said as he ran toward the other direction. They swarmed him, "Whoa, no no no no, other way!" He said punching one of them in the face. He looked behind him and saw the Jeep getting away, 'Good, I'll come back.' He said in his head. He saw a large narrow runway and head toward it, he new it was risky to go through that but he had no choice. "I have to get this horde away from them, get them safe." He said while still running. It was 50+ plus against him, he new the odds but he hedidn't care, he was up against more than this before. He ran and ran through the narrow runway, the zombies dropped from above on every possible way. He fought the once that were in his way, "Not tonight, guys." He said jokingly, he didn't know why he was out here at night but Ace needed his help. He was risking his life for their saftey.
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