A Mortal and a God (Nassione and Chello)

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"I'm use to Thor being a jerk, I grew up with him." Loki responded still staring up at the ceiling, "maybe he is right is some ways. I'm not easy to get along with."

Thor smiled, "how are we going to get Loki some clothes when the entire world fears him. And if SHIELD find out he is here who know what will happen," Thor responded gently placing his hands on her's.
Darcy shrugged "it's up to you to get along with Thor" she said thinking about Jane. "I think Jane is planning to take you shopping I don't know how though"

"I don't know I haven't thought that far" she muttered happy to feel Thor's hand's. "Do you have any ideas? "
"I don't want to get along with Thor, I can avoid him. I have done it before," Loki responded sitting up. "He is annoying, and I hate him."

"If Loki had his illusions it would be easy, but now..I don't know, maybe we can just pick out some clothes and hope for the best. Leave him here with Darcy," Thor suggested.
Darcy laughed sitting opposite him on the bed. "Well your kind of stuck here in a small apartment with him" she said softly.

Jane nodded " yeah could work I guess" she said letting go and sitting on the bench. "Well we have to tell SHIELD he's here? " She asked
"I can stay in my room, not like I haven't done that before." Loki responded looking at her, "I'm sorry for this..I just have so much pent up anger towards Thor."

"No we can't, if we do they will arrest him and throw him into prison, gods knows what they will do to him if they do. Loki can not take any more punishment," Thor responded. "He will kill himself if they get a hold of him."
"I had a sad feeling you were going to say that" she said softly "sorry for asking I was curious" she said feeling rather guilty for asking.

"It's okay your allowed to be mad it's normal" Darcy said to Loki. "You will have me to keep you company and I'm sure Jane would love the extra help on her research"
"It's okay," Thor assured her wrapping his arm around her. "As angry as I am I need to protect Loki, he is still my little brother."

Loki smiled, "yes I suppose I do have you." He responded, "and I'm sure Thor will also be out with his new friends as well so we may not see each other that often."
Jane nodded " guess you and I can just go shopping" she says hugging him back. Even sitting on the bench she was still shorter than him.

"Well he may just want to stay with Jane who knows? " Darcy says shrugging. "So since your stuck inside want to play some video games? "
"That sounds good to me, gives me a chance to learn more about all these things. But are you sure we can leave Darcy and Loki alone?" Thor asked, "I mean I know Loki doesn't have powers and Darcy well..It's Darcy."

"Video games?" Loki asked tilting his head, "wait are those the strange moving pictures on that tv screen? I know a little bit about them from reading one of the Avenger's thoughts."
Jane nodded " there isn't much they can do while Loki has no power's and the worst Darcy could do is rig the house with traps" she muttered shaking her head as the memories of Darcy trapping the old apartment. "It will just be a mess"

"Kinda I'll show you" she said taking his arm and pulling him to her room Where her television and playstation was set up.
"And with Loki being as smart as he is the traps will be very elaborate," Thor laughed lightly. "You know I think he is starting to like her, she'd be good for him. Help him loosen up a little bit," he added standing up and holding out his hand for Jane. "Shall we go?"

Loki followed Darcy into her bedroom, "I don't understand why you mortals can just sit in front of a screen all day, I mean reading is also very entertaining."
Jane nodded "yeah we should but first I want to get changed" she mused walking off to her room "And you need to put a shirt on" she mumbled blushing at the though of him walking around topless all day.

Darcy grinned "hey I read! true I read books of my ipad but I do read" she said turning her tv on and then the playstation. Plopping a pile of games up on her bed she gave him the choice to choose.
Thor chuckled lightly, "if you say so my love." He smiled standing up and going to get changed, when he finished he waited for Jane.

Loki looked at her, "you chose I have no idea what any of these mean." Loki responded handing the games to her.
Jane grinned "of course I say so" she called out as she got dressed. It was going to be hard enough to deny to anyone who he wasif anyone asked so shopping was certainly going to be a challenge.

Darcy grinned "hahaha okay then lets out on my old childhood game Sly 2" she mused putting the HD disk in.
Thor took Jane's hand and followed her outside, "you know I am probably going to have a lot of people come up to me and want to talk to me. You sure you want to do this?" He asked.

Loki just watched her, "how about I watch you play and then later on I will join in." He responded sitting down on her bed.
"I am sue I can manage" Jane said pouting at the thought. "Just say that you aren't Thor just look like him" she suggested as we walked out the front door into the car. "I mean It may help people leave you alone"

Darcy grinned "okay that works..." she mused as she started the game "I used to play this all the time the main character's name is Sly and he is a raccoon that steals from master thieves while running from the cops" she said as the game loaded.
"I suppose I could do that, and we could find something that will disguise me like a hat or something." Thor suggested as he got into the car, "now Loki on the other hand..That's going to be a challenge."

"Sounds interesting," Loki responded as he watched her. "This is what you did as a child? Just sat in front of a screen and played games?"
"Yeah cutting his hair may have to happen..." she said softly looking at Thor before driving off she didn't want to mention she was worried about other woman hitting on him.

Darcy grinned " Hahaha no I played this on rainy days and when I was sick" she mused.
"Yeah good luck with that, he's not going to like it. He hates it when anyone touches his hair, actually he just hates everyone." Thor responded, "he hates to be touched by anyone other than family members."

"I see, so you actually did go outside and play?" Loki asked, "I bet you had many friends."
Jane shrugged lightly " well I guess we will need to come up with something eventually" she said softly still driving. "And I'll be impressed if you only need a hat to hide your identity" she chuckled.

Darcy froze at Loki's lady statement. Friends? No not really. "Umm well I didn't actually have any friends when I small small I was a bit of a loner" she said not liking to think back on her childhood.