A Game of Cat and Mouse (potassiumboron w/ Blooming Bismuth)

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"But you smell lovely, you don't need one," he whined grumpily, not exactly planning to move an inch from under him, a pout appearing instantly at the thought of doing so at the other's want. "C'mon, isn't it nice just being lazy? You always wanna be doing something, gosh."​
"I gotta keep moving, silly! I'm like Die Energizer -Häschen, can't stop moving you know? Even if that's not the best idea for me," He teased, while burying his cheek in the other's neck affectionately. "Fine, we can be lazy just today, okay? Then tomorrow, we've got a day filled with doing things! The beach, shopping, etc."
"Yeah, I'll just drink ten cups of coffee before we head out tomorrow, alright? So I'll be full of energy. I mean, I usually am, but then I get sleepy and tired and Im' just a slob," he groaned, the two contrasting sides of him making up his basic personality, even though the former (his energy and mania) usually overshadowed the latter.​
"No, coffee is awful for you." he scolded, "If anything, I suggest caffeinated tea. Nothing too severe for you and your sensitive body. Seriously, I suggest you see a doctor just to make sure that you're completely safe and happy. " He murmured, his voice blocked by the fact his face was covered. "I love you and I want you to be safe."
"Oh, c'mon, coffee is great. I don't need to go to a silly doctor because I love coffee, baby," he reminded, nuzzling up against him with a few light, peppered kisses across his neck and lips, rather proud at himself for initiating it. Usually, it would be left to Kaz to start something, but after he had bravely defended him, he couldn't really help himself starting the affection for once. "You know, you keep me safe, you know? Plus I'm not just some weak idiot, I have my magic~"​
"I'm pretty tough, aren't I?" He replied, tessingly making hid voice more gruff for emphasis. "I'm your big, tough boyfriend. I won't let jerks like that guy bother you!" Punching his own pwlm for emphasis, he broke the facade with a laugh
"You're tough to me," he murmured, which was pretty much polite talk for admitting to the fact the other wasn't entirely tough in appearance. Though, neither was Xander, so he thought they made a good couple purely for that anyway. "And I can handle jerks, silly... sort of."​
"I know," He whispered, lifting the other suddenly in his arms. "Lets take a shower, hm? You and I need one. Maybe a bath, so we can lay back. You deserve it."
"I... do wish you'd stop lifting me up, it's emasculating. Not that I've ever been masculine, but... y'know," he huffed, albeit playfully as he easily folded his legs to press into him, making a note of picking him up in the future. He was pretty sure it'd be easy. They were the same height, and not too far off in weight... "I'd love a bath, really. With bubbles."​
Offering him a quick peck, he waddled to the bath with a grin. "You're tough, but you're also tiny."
"You make me sound like I'm an ant. Or a beetle." He huffed quietly, knowing he was going to take it as a joke, but if he was anyone else, he could easily take it as offensive... but he knew it was just teasing, so he was clearly fine with it, giggling to himself at his own analogy. "I'd like to be an ant, actually. They're pretty cool, right?"​
He shivered, shaking his head. "No, no! Those ants that BITE... Thats not fine. Scary." He whimpered, "N-Now start the bath, silly!"
"They're scary, yet you openly insulted and threatened a six foot plus, gym-addicted police detective? You're weird, you know that?" He mumbled, clambering down from his arms with a quick peck before leaning obediently to set the plug into the spot and turn the water on, mostly hot, though he could easily alter the temperature with his magic if need be.​
Instantly starting to undress, he shommied from his outfit and waited patiently to be helped into the tub. "They're scary! And could bite you... humans are different than animals."
"Humans can bite too, silly," he huffed as he reached for his forearm, carefully helping him into the water whilst adjusting it to a warmer, more easily capable temperature - he would usually go into baths that were steaming hot, but wasn't too sure Kaz liked the same really. "I like ants. I like all animals, really."​
"You're so sweet, you know?" He smiled, his hair curling from the mere moisture as he sank into the wayet. "You'll give me diabetes with that attitude, I've got enough health problems."
Giggling -even though his giggles tended to end with soft snorts too-, he nudged his shoulder quietly as he sunk into the tub after him, sighing from the instant effect of relaxation on his muscles. "Oh, shut up, silly. You haven't got that many problems. You're just blind-- and that's not a health problem, is it? Like... I dunno, you seem healthy to me?"​
"It's a major health thing!" He countered, easing happily into the bath as he playfully nudged the other back. "Mm... I'm sorry that you need to take care of me. "
"It's not even a problem to me, I'm cool with it. I mean, you probably deal with me and my shit more than I do you," he stated casually, laying back to dunk his head under to wet his hair, popping back up once he finished and grinned to himself softly. "I'm a pain, so relax."​
"Could you help me with my hair?" Je whispered, offering a pout. "I always fuck it up, please?"
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