A Fantasy Game Gone Wrong [Closed]

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Plus, passive counterattacks are gay. Manual or bust.
This is VR though. It would be an immobility move rather than a stun if that was the case. A stun is when your character is unable to do anything for the duration as opposed to a move that snares the person.
Yeah, so when he's stunned all he has to do is activate the skill via force of will. That's how the move works, so you can't have like ten goblins gank you from all sides. I put a lot of thought into these tank moves, but I refuse to have passive counters.
What if it was passive but only activated when he wanted it to?

Also, on locked abilities, when do we get those?
So did I actually get accepted or what?
No more heroes plz. We have way too many. (It's a pun, chill out)

And in regards to that counterattack, I also think it should be manual. But frankly it doesn't matter, because it's the only move he can use while stunned, anyway, so his only choice would be to use it or not.
Yeah accepted
@ComradeSenpai So, now that you're accepted... Come join the Moonlit Covenant! We're like sunbros, only much better. We are also in desperate need of a tank.
There is only one group with the sole motto of "Get Good" and that is the grossly incandescent group of GoldenKing.
But the GoldenKing's shining light of honor and valor will be consumed by the ever-present darkness that is the Darkedgelord...
Indeed, come forth and become part of the group that is Group GoldenKing. We shall slay all foes, claim all the treasures and glories, and cement ourselves in legend.

And get good.
Ha! You believe in your reign too heartily GoldenKing! Your days as the Glorious King of this land will end prompty, as soon as the Dark Lady destroys you and shows the superiority of the Night! Day will be consumed, and the people of Fortune's Fantasy will shiver in absolute terror of their new Overlord!

Yes, you have a chance to serve the Lady before her rightful reign! Plus, we are the Dark Side, so that totally makes us like 90% cooler than the Heroic Individuals of the GoldenKing!
Umm, hello... Noone cares about your stupid plans of world domination. Engage in jolly cooperation instead!
No more heroes plz. We have way too many. (It's a pun, chill out)

And in regards to that counterattack, I also think it should be manual. But frankly it doesn't matter, because it's the only move he can use while stunned, anyway, so his only choice would be to use it or not.
You understand. I wanted a move to escape stunlocks, but I didn't want the game to hold my hand. I just gotta be smart enough to use it. It's also a spin attack so it's useful in other situations as well.
That's besides the point, who's group are you joining?

And I guess I didn't make it clear. I was putting the whole level thing up for votes earlier.
I vote for the candidate, "Equal Footing for Levels for All Players"! (IE, players should all be around the same level.)

Also, I would make a speech to influence on joining the side with the Darkest of Edge... But his is a choice to make without being influenced by the people!
I will join whichever group appeals to Joey the most when we meet IC.

So, whichever one has cute girls with a nice chest.
Also I'll probably consider current composition and which would synergize the best.
Don't listen to any of them @ComradeSenpai You've already given me the vibe that your smart enough to pick the team that your character fits the best but just to make sure, don't pick a team just because they begged you the most.

Edit: Guess I didn't even need to tell you that...
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