A Fantasy Game Gone Wrong [Closed]

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Are you sure? Because he was almost double everyone's level at the first boss fight. Honestly he was the only one to fight fair grounds. But I know for a fact he kept some of his items and money.
Not that it matters for your game, but Kirito started off at level 1 with no additional gear.

http://i.imgur.com/pCWLePt.png (from 'First Day' in vol8)

It also talks about him doing quests to rush basic gear for floor 1, so yeah.
Okay if I may ask a question. Why would the Beta Testers then interact with "normies"? If they are that powerful why would they engage with plebeians that can never reach their status? Why not only stick with Betas who can keep up and kill the boss so they can go home?

Just a question.
Guys, I'm going to try to be fair about all this. During the game I will make decisions that I feel would benefit the group as far as I have planned. Just be patient with me.
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That's all fine and good, Norway.

But I have a quick question: if the first boss is, presumably, around level 10 (since it's the first floor and the highest level normal mob is 8 so far), wouldn't we all catch up to the betatesters right away in terms of levels, because the betatesters can only either :

A) make a group full of already leveled betatesters and beat the boss


B) wait for non-beta testers to level up to 10+ in order to group

and then wouldn't, by the end of floor 2, everybody be the same level?
Yes pick quests for yourself. I think I posted somewhere the basic quest ideas. If you would like I can make a list.

I'm really overtired right now so I'm not going to post anything really explaining myself. Tomorrow hopefully O will be better and can handle complaints.

Sorry, just bear with this dictator a little longer.
Ok! Sorry about that I was out at prom with my girlfriend but I am now back!

First off BETA testers in SAO did keep some levels and most of there items from the BETA trial. Of course most of the BETA testers were bumped down a lot and I'm estimating they would be just a bit over lvl 10. This being said they have items left over and levels. XP from all monsters does not scale in this game. That being said if a level fifty kills a goblin and a level three kills a goblin they both get the same amount, though the level three would have a good chunk of his XP bar filled up while the level fifty wouldn't see much of a change. That being said once they get to higher levels the levels will start to get closer in range however the BETA testers will always have the small amount of experience difference.

@cvvc I can put you on the list of people whom want to join. I agree that desh should be kicked since we haven't heard anything from him and the last time he was on was yesterday so he has no excuses. I'm offering the free space to the first in line however

@Natwonb would you still like to play?

The experience difference doesn't matter unless you're constantly grinding and leveling at at least the same rate as all other 10,000 players, otherwise they'll catch up and surpass you, beta tester or not. And buddy, that is fucking hard to do in an RPG. The first thing I did with Dark Souls 2, for example, was I stopped socializing, eating, sleeping, or basically doing anything in my spare time that wasn't slaying monsters and collecting loot, and consequently I blazed through levels; I think I was level 110 after about 120~ hours of play, much of which was spent fucking around and exploring.
There are people who are more obsessive than even this. Unless your character spends all his time grinding mobs on the same level as himself, a low-level gank squad is gonna rush right past you in terms of levels (within about two days, mind you, because getting to level 10 isn't very hard in the first place) and then they get all the sweet loot.

You're running an RP based on videogames, and this is real video game facts (also basic math) from an actual shut-in who plays too many games: me. #MLGpro #Sunbroz4Lyfe #4realz

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna type up a decent tank for this.
@ComradeSenpai I fucking hate you sunbros. Chaos servant is the way to go. Praise the maggots!

Anyway, it's good that you want to make a tank, in fact that is excellent because it is exactly what I'm looking for, but there are at least two people in line before you and we've only got one spot open. Unless Norway is prepared to make an exception you're gonna have to wait and see if they reply or not.
Please people, the Gravelord covenant was the best covenant (when it actually worked).
Well personally I found myself liking BoB in DS2 more often, but I still turned in enough Medals to get the Sun Sword first.
Well considering everyone is trapped in the video game and there are a lot of people who's only goal is to get out I would have to argue your not going to catch up anytime soon. Especially since they don't only have more levels to start off with but also more experience in this kind of video game. While people are trying to get the hand of fighting, using skills, and figuring out what they are going to do the BETA testers that choose to go on ahead and leave the noobies behind are going to be grinding up a storm to keep ahead. 1/10 players are BETA testers there are bound to be some that risk everything to get ahead.

That aside your characters will have to sleep and eat. This video game is a Virtual Reality mmorpg. Your character will face fatigue from fighting (aka stamina going down) and when your lower on health it will effect how you move (such as in SAO). If you are tired in real life and you are in fighting a monster your going to make stupid mistakes and its going to be harder. Why? Because your tired. This game isn't like a normal RPG, your not sitting in front of a screen and giving your avatar commands. This game is at a whole new level.

Are you Natwonb?

Some BETA testers will just run off and do there own thing. Both our BETA testers had reasons for staying back and grouping up. There is always going to be the nice guy that tries to help out the noobies, especially now that if someone dies in the game it means they die in reality.

My character is a level 10 DPS and she is having trouble fighting a level 8 troll. Do you really think this boss is going to be a walk in the park just because the BETA's may be a little bit stronger? Also they can go ahead and group up and look for the boss but the boss is in a new location and the map to this world has multiple levels. Its not going to be easy to locate the boss. Our group is going to find it first and they are going to fight it for whatever there reason is. Its just by chance that a group of a few BETA's and leveled players are going to find it first. At the end of floor 1 the level gap will be smaller but there is no level cap on each floor.

Finally guys I know a lot of you think its unfair that BETA's are going to be higher level to start out with and have items. The reason I was doing so was because I mistakenly thought they did so in SAO (which was a dumb mistake considering I missed a couple of the first episodes thanks to my friend not having them and me being to lazy to find them for free on the internet which clearly I must do now.) I understand now that BETA's were just exceptionally good at grinding and knew where a lot of the great stuff was located thus giving themselves a head start. I am not going to remove the fact that BETA's started out with weapons that others didn't. I have already posted a lot about being a hire level with one of the BETA's but if you really are going to keep complaining about it and not letting me hear the end of it I will take it away and go back to edit my posts. Seriously though it only really maters in the very beginning like two or three floors and after that the level gap will be mostly closed. I had a few idea's based off of the level difference but I can always come up with new idea.

(Last comment this is a RP thread. Take general chatter somewhere else please. I myself am guilty of general chatting in threads so I don't blame you guys for doing the same but I would still like to keep this about this RP)
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Having to sleep/eat in a VR game is the same as in real life and applies to both betas/non-betas, but does not affect how you spend waking hours. You still need to grind constantly to keep the lead in terms of leveling. Having the beta tester advantage may not even matter; quite a few players will catch onto controls and how to play very quickly, probably just by reading the fucking manual beforehand. Unless you're not some idiot, you should get the hang of any action game like this within the tutorial level, which usually only takes about thirty minutes to complete.
So, how to play and use skills is something that shouldn't be an issue for anyone for more than, say, six hours tops. What to actually do isn't even an issue for anyone who's played an RPG: you kill monsters and grab loot. Strategies aren't going to be an issue until you find the boss and have to determine its weaknesses and attack patterns.
The sleep eat thing was just something I threw in because I neglected to mention it before and the reason I put it in was because something you said reminded me to mention it. Anyways all mobs have attack patterns and weak spots that BETA's would know about earlier. Reading about it isn't the same as being there. Plus six hours is a long time in video games especially when arguing levels. Strategies are always useful. Someone with a strategy will be able to kill faster (should there strategy be a good one) and grind XP harder. Also not everyone in this game will be willing to go out and risk there lives. Some players may not want to fight on the front lines and take it easy as a means to keep there lives and others may not even want to fight at all. BETA's will most likely be more confident in themselves while playing this game than some other players. That's what I meant when I said figure out what they are going to do. It doesn't apply to all, some BETA's might not want to fight or take it easy or be hesitant when going out and some normal players may know right away that they want to head and push the game as fast as they can.
User Name: IncredibleBee
Real Life Name: Joey Barnes
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Longsword and a Large Shield
Skills: (Max amount 10- Min amount 1) You may only have 3 starting skills! The rest should either not be posted or posted as '[Locked]'
  • Rushdown - A lunge that causes the player to dash out, dealing damage and closing the distance simultaneously.
  • Escape Spin - A 360 attack that knocks away nearby enemies. It can be used even while stunned. Designed to defeat stunlocks. [Unique Skill]
  • Shield Bash - Thrusts the shield forward, knocking foes away.
  • Sword Throw - Throw a sword at a dude, causing constant damage. User is limited to shield attacks until it's called back. [LOCKED]
  • Shield Throw - Throw the shield around like a disc of hate, bouncing off several foes, then back to the user. [LOCKED]
  • Death Dash - Run forward with the shield raised while swinging the sword wildly, knocking enemies to the side and damaging anything nearby [LOCKED]
  • Warrior's Love - Plant the shield into the ground, casting a protective barrier to defend an ally. [LOCKED]
  • Warrior's Rage - A lengthy series of high damage strikes, punctuated with a powerful swing that can bat away all but the heaviest foes. [Unique Skill] [LOCKED]
Personality: Joey is by all accounts a creepy shut-in. Even the time spent at work is just a countdown to the next game. In fact it seems video games are his only hobby; he becomes zealous over their quality, and will nitpick at even minor problems, stopping only to gush at cute girls with "perfect chests"; he's at least as picky in his search for cute girls as he is with his game. MMOs are among the few genres he doesn't dabble into, but he decided to shell out for the virtual reality experience. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone coded the most realistic dating sim of all time.

He's surprisingly okay with being trapped in the game. It's more exciting than the nine-to-five grind of paper work and kissing his boss's ass, after all.

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Escape spin should be a passive. After all if your stunned you will practically be blacked out for the duration. If its a passive that triggers every time your stunned then it would work.
Finally guys I know a lot of you think its unfair that BETA's are going to be higher level to start out with and have items. The reason I was doing so was because I mistakenly thought they did so in SAO (which was a dumb mistake considering I missed a couple of the first episodes thanks to my friend not having them and me being to lazy to find them for free on the internet which clearly I must do now.) I understand now that BETA's were just exceptionally good at grinding and knew where a lot of the great stuff was located thus giving themselves a head start. I am not going to remove the fact that BETA's started out with weapons that others didn't. I have already posted a lot about being a hire level with one of the BETA's but if you really are going to keep complaining about it and not letting me hear the end of it I will take it away and go back to edit my posts. Seriously though it only really maters in the very beginning like two or three floors and after that the level gap will be mostly closed. I had a few idea's based off of the level difference but I can always come up with new idea.
Escape spin should be a passive. After all if your stunned you will practically be blacked out for the duration. If its a passive that triggers every time your stunned then it would work.
That's not how that works. It's crowd control in addition to escaping stun lock. Besides, it'd get annoying if my body did a 360 on its own every time I got hit too hard.
How can you avoid stun lock with it then?

You get stunned, then you get stunned just before you get out and so on and so forth. If it's crowd control then I understand but if it's to counter a stun move then it should be a passive. Your choice.
Dude no. When you're stunned you don't just black out. Your body can't move, so you manually activate the skill.
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