A Estinthion Love Story

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Neisei simply chuckled softly as she stammered over trying to explain about Allen's attire.
"Leila, it is perfectly fine. You needn't worry. Something so logical as closing a door for privacy in such a situation is perfectly fine." He took one of her hands and held it between both of his - though he didn't really understand why he had an urge to do so - and smiled at her again,
"Everything that has just happened has a perfectly simple explanation and will go no further than here and now." It was his way of saying that he wouldn't say anything to anyone else about it - it wasn't really that big of a deal anyway, in his opinion. Neisei then stood there in silence as he looked her over slowly with his still warm smile.

Allen shook his head,
"It is a conversation to be had elsewhere." He nodded discreetly towards Alicia's direction as the girl had decided to take over Leila's job of trying to dry the floor.
"But it is one that you will definitely be interested in." He smirked.
Her hand felt cool against his hands as they cupped hers. She looked up from the hand to his warm smile and she couldn't help but return that smile with her own shy one nor did she try to take her hand away. "You are much more understanding than I thought Prefects were supposed to be," she said softly, unable to take her gaze away from his face. There was something about it that just drew the eyes of anyone that saw it. "Um, I don't think we ever truly met, yet you know my name. I suppose that would be because you are a Prefect and all, but I don't think I know yours though, as embarrassing as that is. Are you the one that they call Neisei? Or am I completely mixing you up with someone else?" Truly she knew him. She'd found out his name when he'd been watching the rehearsals the year before and had asked another person working on the stage what his name was. This was just their first formal meeting she supposed.

Dillon raised an eyebrow and looked at his new friend. "That interesting huh?" he asked softly, noting the smirk before looking at Alicia. "Well Alicia, now that I've found my fellow man and you your fellow woman, I do believe I'll take young Allen here to my room where he can borrow an outfit of mine for a ride home or he can set up a pallet. Can I look forward to your presence, and maybe Miss Odell's at lunch tomorrow?" This last part was said in the utmost proper Irish accent to appear that he was the gentleman of the group.
"Had it been any of my fellow Prefect and you might not have been so lucky. You could probably say I'm the more easy-going of them." He mused with a small chuckled, before continuing to talk, "You are correct, though. I am indeed the one they call Neisei. I know you, Miss Leila Odell, due to the fact that since you took over the drama department, I have become more interested in the theatrics than I used to be. You've got quite the knack for keeping everyone in line and knowing what they're doing. I find it a shame, however, that I wasn't able to attend your audition for Margaret. According to your friends Alicia and Dillon, you did quite well." Had any of his friends been around, they would have been able to tell off the bat that he was downright flirting with her, but of course he was being truthful as well, as the girl was rather captivating.

Alicia couldn't help but giggle as she looked up at Dillon,
"I shall certainly try my best to convince her, as I first have to get her to forgive me, first. If I don't see you, well... Hopefully I will." She nodded, sure that she'd be able to convince Leila to forgive her; it never usually took too much usually.
Leila had been more than a little flustered at his compliment of her control over the drama club. "That's really all three of us--Yutario, Collen and me--working together. I'm just a part of a team," she said softly, "And the audition, oh gosh that was just me being silly. I'll probably not get the part. The other girl was much better and she's had more experience with lead roles--well roles period. I haven't actually had a part for a good two years." She slowly came to a stop in her rambles as she shyly looked down. "Sorry. I'm not good at receiving compliments like that from anyone, especially not from other people face to face." She looked up at where he still held her hand and couldn't help but giggle at the sight of it. It was a soft, barely existent giggle, but it was still there.

Dillon saluted Alicia playfully before looking around and then gave Allen a towel to wear under the over-sized shirt, at least until they got back to his room which was one floor up. "Why don't you grab your things Allen, and we'll get out of this young woman's way and mind, at least for the evening, though I suppose I wouldn't mind if she dreamt of me this night. Then again, that'd be selfish of me," Dillon said with a wink at Alicia.
Neisei laughed softly as she got all flustered, but then finally he released her hands as he heard voices from inside the room sound as if goodbyes were being given and they would soon no longer be alone. Though it would probably be best, anyway.
"Well wouldn't that be all the more reason for you to get the role, so that you can prove even someone as busy as yourself hasn't gone rusty on her passion? Besides, in my opinion, the other girl will probably be thinking the exact thing about you - that you were better than her. It's the way the human brain functions, more often than not, so I doubt you need to worry. And I can tell, but it's cute." He assured gently before he took a slight step back from her.
"I'd like to get to know you more, Miss Odell, so would you privilege me with your presence at lunch tomorrow? Or, if you would rather, I could join you? Or... Not at all." He rambled a little, not used to being so forward with a girl so soon after their first official meeting; plus he didn't want to come off as desperate, though there were no hints of desperation in his voice, expression, or eyes.
"Entirely up to you."

Alicia giggled,
"Now wouldn't you just love that." She knew he probably would - and that she probably would end up doing so even without him having said so.
"Goodnight, boys. And Allen, good luck." She added with a smile as she stood to take the towel she'd used to soak up the rest of the spilled water back to Leila's bathroom; as much as she'd wanted to give or receive some form of kiss, Alicia knew it would be pushing her luck - and especially in front of Allen - and so she didn't mind. Her night had been perfect enough for her to remember it forever; and she still had to tell Leila!

Allen nodded both to Dillon for the towel, though he felt more of an idiot with it on than off as at least he had boxers on underneath, and to Alicia for her words. He grabbed his bag that was near the door, and could hear the pair talking outside. It made him curious as to why this other guy - of whom he had no idea who he was - had taken Leila outside in the first place, let alone having stayed out there a bit. Was he... A boyfriend? Surely not. Dillon or Alicia would have said something by now, wouldn't they? He wanted to know. He wanted to understand what was going on, and if this guy was anything of importance to Leila to the point that it would ruin his preset plans. He stood by the door as he made sure he hadn't lost anything from his bag - as an excuse - and listened as best he could to what was being said.
Leila felt her chest flutter and tighten at the same time as he said the word 'cute'. She opened her mouth to say that she thought he was the first to ever think such a thing over something as silly as her rambling on and on when he asked if she would have lunch with him the next day. Her mouth fell open a little. It wasn't enough to look a fool, but not too little to go unnoticed. "I'd like to get to know you more too, Neisei. Lunch would be really nice," she answered after appearing to give it some thought, though she had known her answer almost immediately.

From the morning when she'd been spurned by a man that she hardly knew, to this evening where a man she hardly knew asked for 'the privilege' to have her have lunch with him. It was a completely 180 with twenty different twists and turns in it. She smiled up at him and nodded, "I really would like to have lunch with you Vice Prefect Neisei," she repeated as the hand he'd held reached up behind her to fiddle with the fish braid's tail.

Dillon let Allen go towards the door first before he had snuck up behind Alicia and gave her a swift, almost ninja fact kiss on the cheek before he went to join Allen. "Ready Allen?" he asked as he opened the door to find the girl and prefect still talking there. "Oi! Alicia's in there cleaning up your mess and you are out here doing the Lord knows what Leila? What a friend you are!" It was all in jest, and Leila knew that but at the same time she felt really guilty at how she'd treated her friend. She looked down and then at the doorway.

"Sorry, I'm coming back in to help in a moment," She said before looking up at Neisei again. "And thank you, for the help and the offer. I do look forward to it." She smiled at the three boys before reentering her room.
Though they had not organised a place to meet, Neisei was sure it wouldn't be too hard to find the girl's lunch location. He'd been about ti bid her goodnight when the two boys had come back out, and he gave a funny look at Allen, and then at Dillon, due to the towel skirt that Allen had since put on,
"Interesting choice of clothing. Try and make it back to your room without causing too much of a ruckus. I really don't want to be hearing about this tomorrow." He mused lightly with a smile before giving them a slight nod, and headed back off now towards his own room - he'd wasted enough time and hoped his roommate would be asleep by now. It wasn't until he was nearly half way back that he realized he hadn't stopped thinking about Leila. It was strange, for him at least, to think about a girl he'd really only just met, though come to think of it he was sure that he'd probably checked her over in his mind more than once when watching any of the play-related works he'd attended. Frowning to himself, though deciding that it wasn't something to linger on for too long at this time of the night, Neisei finally came to his room and couldn't hear anything inside - which was certainly a great relief. Walking inside quietly, and taking a glance over at his sleeping roommate, he changed before settling into bed, staring at the ceiling as he then once again let his mind wonder back to the cute flustering that had overcome Leila during his talk with her. Her smile, it seemed, was enough to make him drift off into a quiet sleep for the night.

"Oh ignore him." Alicia laughed softly, "You know I don't mind." She assured as she finally sat on the edge of Leila's bed and then sighed softly, happily.
"I have so much to tell you, I honestly don't know where to start..." She mused as she covered her mouth to hide her yawn, "So it may have to wait for tomorrow. What did Neisei want with you outside, anyway? You didn't get in trouble, else it would show on your face... Spill!" Despite being suddenly tired, Alicia wanted to know what had just happened, "You can explain everything about Allen to me tomorrow." She added with a cheeky grin and a wink.

Allen frowned as he realized now just how cold it was, and so he didn't want to linger. He could merely nod at Neisei's comment before the boy had walked off his own way.
"Right, lead the way then. I've no idea where I'm going but I'd like to get there before I freeze anything off." He chuckled as he glanced down at himself, then back at Dillon.
"And well, as for my time with Alicia... It was interesting to say the least. Though thank you for intentionally giving me a map that wasn't very helpful. I ended up climbing up that gazebo thing's roof to see where we had to go to get out." He added rather flatly, but then shrugged with a smirk, "It was amusing, at least. And... I suppose you could say that I've confused her to no end with my being all nice all of a sudden." The smirk that marked his face now was not one of simple amusement, but that of one you would see on a Mad Scientist as he would watch a complex plan come into play.
Leila had watched the three boys head off in their own directions from the door before closing it. She turned and leaned back against it as if to shield the conversation that was about to be had with the door and her body. Her face was a play of emotions--surprise, delight, worry, fear, happiness. They all seemed to combine into awe as she stood there, staring across her room at the half-spilled glass of soda and vodka. She stood like that for a few moments as she tried to process what had just happened. Finally, she looked over at her friend. "Neisei asked if I would have lunch with him tomorrow," she said before walking over to where Alicia sat and collapsing onto the edge as well, staring straight ahead. "And, if I didn't know better, I think he took me out there to flirt with me more than calm me down. I mean, I've seen guys flirt with you a number of times but never with me. But I honestly think Neisei was flirting." The awe in her face had slowly slipped into her voice as she sat there, staring ahead of her. Slowly she pulled the fish braid over her shoulder and started to run her fingers over it, finding the motion very soothing.

Dillon laughed and shook his head. "You know, Allen, I don't know what you are planning, but I am starting to like you even more. Whatever devilry you are plotting, should you need any help, just ask. I will gladly assist," Dillon announced brightly. "After all, it'll be nice seeing Leila confused about something." He led the way quickly through the halls until he got to his room and threw open the door, shocking his roommate out of sleep. "Don't mind us Galdri. Can't believe you are asleep already but then again this was your first day of training again. Go to sleep." He said all this relatively loud though, as if he really didn't want the poor lad to sleep as he stepped over and grabbed a pair of his school pants and held them out to Dillon. "Here ya go. Put these on and I'll take you up to the office to get you a rid home if you want."
"Oh don't act as if you didn't like itttt!" Alicia giggled, "Besides, it'd be good for you to be seen out with someone other than me, and a boy at that." She knew that it would no doubt rouse some suspicions and rumors especially considering all the things that had happened to her dear friend today and that it was a Vice Prefect, too, but it would be worth it to see Leila happy, that was for sure.
"Well my dear, I'm going to go to bed so I can get excited all over again in the morning when I can find the brain power to tell you everything that happened." She looked really tired by now and hoped she'd be able to get back to her room without falling asleep on the way.

"Believe me, I think it'll be something that you will enjoy when you understand it." Allen chuckled, "And I'll certainly ask for help if I feel the need for it. I wouldn't want to risk messing my plan up." He winked, though then stayed quiet as they entered Dillon's room until he was handed a new pair of pants.
"Thanks." He then pulled them on, leaving the towel on the floor for the moment, "Well I'll let you in on what happened, shall I?"
"Oh please, if I cared about what others thought about me then... Well, nevermind. You look about ready to fall asleep, go." Leila said as she rose and shooed her friend like a mother out of the door. "If you don't go, I'll force feed you hundreds of my worst cookies. And Alicia, thank you for worrying about my dating welfare enough to bring guys to my room, but don't ever do that unless you know I'm in proper school attire." It had only hit Leila just then that she had been talking with Neisei in her pajamas. She smiled and looked around her room as if she had never seen it before.

Dillon turned his full attention to Allen and smirked. "You know that I do Allen. I'm part spy, I always told my parents that when they asked why I liked to know everything. Now I'm tell you. Let me know so that I may plot my friend. Plotting and spying are my two best qualities," Dillon said as he collapsed onto his bed to wait for any satisfying tidbits that he might pick up from Allen. It was then that he realized something. "But first tell me, when are you going to return that shirt you are borrowing from Miss Odell?"
Alicia smiled,
"In all honesty I wasn't expecting you to even be here. But seen as you were.... Well, oh well. I'll see you in the morning. Oh, actually while I remember, Dillon invited both of us to join him at lunch - but by all means if you'd rather go sit with Neisei, go ahead." She added as she opened the door and stepped out, looking back at Leila, "Night." She waved and then headed off to her own room as quickly as she could, diving into her bed and sleeping soundly and happily.

Allen couldn't help but laugh,
"Well considering she said that she dances around in it... Maybe never?" He figured it would intrigue Dillon, but he didn't want to delve into it too much just yet. Examining Dillon's face, he smirked before turning back to the door,
"Well, I better get back as soon as I can. And that way your poor roommate can get back to sleep without interruption."
Leila considered the invitation to sit with Dillon the next day versus sitting with Neisei. In truth she wanted to sit at both places. She wanted to protect her friend from any bad things that might happen to her should Dillon decide to have unwell intention.s. But she also wanted to know why a young man such as Neisei might take an interest in her and invite her to lunch. She was just laying down when her thoughts followed the line of Neisei, Vice Prefect, Teachers, homework, when she remembered that due to all the excitement she had lost complete track of what she had to do for the next day. Her head rest on the pillow and she closed her eyes despite the alarm that was filling her. Her day, she concluded, had been good enough. A rough start, but what first day wasn't rough? Deciding to plea mental exhaustion from a stressful day and week, she turned over and stared at the wall beside her. Her eyes slowly closed as she thought about Allen and Neisei, comparing the two. It was like comparing two opposites that didn't have a single thing in common except her. As she drifted to sleep she smiled as she decided. She would join Neisei for lunch unless something else came up.

Dillon's face showed disbelief. "No! Leila? Dance in that?" he said in complete disbelief, putting it off as a rumor. Who would have thought that Leila danced at all. He rose and went to his friends side and opened the door. "Come on, I'll take you to the office. No sense in letting you get lost in the corridors and possibly into trouble for being out so late. At least with me there they'll think I'm the trouble maker. Unless it's Neisei and he thinks you are going to go back to Leila's room or some nonsense." He opened the door and leaded the way out, making sure he had his key just in case his roommate decided that he was better off locking Dillon out for the night than letting him come barge back in. "So what do you think Neisei was talking to Leila about? Her explosion at you during class and then letting you be in her room with the door shut?"
Allen followed Dillon out and towards the office, listening to him as they went. He'd been amused at Dillon's disbelief that Leila danced around in a shirt, but then went a little more serious when he was asked about Neisei.
"Well considering I don't know who he actually is, my first thought was that he was her boyfriend." Allen laughed, knowing that by Dillon's question, he wasn't.
"But it didn't sound like she was getting in trouble... She seemed kinda happy as we were leaving?" He honestly wasn't really sure but when they finally reached the Office he gave them the number to contact and simply began the wait for his lift - thankfully it was there within 10 minutes.
Dillon raised his eyebrow at the thought that Neisei and Leila would be going out. "For all I know, that was Neisei's and Leila's first meeting. But you are right. She did seem happy when we were leaving. Almost as if there was a special occasion she was looking forward to that she hadn't had planned for," Dillon said, sticking around while they waited for his car to get there. When Allen was picked up, Dillon turned and headed back to his room, thinking over the events of the day. When he thought about Alicia's exclamation in spanish of watch out world here comes Alicia, he couldn't help but chuckle, stopping next to a window as a bright flash of lightening brightened the world outside for a moment.

"Cuidado mundo, aquí viene Dillon," (1) he said to the outside rain before finishing his way to his room.

Leila couldn't bleieve how ast the next day had went. She had woken up late, but just in time to get a shower and changed into her uniform before running to home room. Today she hadn't forgotten to bring a book with her so when she sat, she pulled out a book and began to read, ignoring everyone around her until her name was called for role. Even then she just raised her hand and then went back to reading, her eyes flashing over the pages as if there was only a word a page.

This was how the morning went. She was no longer the disruptive young woman that she'd been the day before. She worked with who she was told without a word against it and was calm and collect. When she had a few minutes free she'd pull out her book and read some more. When she rose for lunch she was hit by the reminder that she was supposed to eat lunch with both Neisei and Alicia and Dillon. She stood, frozen for a moment on the way to the lunch room, staring outside at the cold drizzle that had kept going through the morning.

She eventually found herself heading towards the lunchroom where she grabbed her food and looked around. Nibbling her lower lip she saw Neisei and started towards him until she saw him with his friends. She came up short and looked down at the tray she was holding. Instead she turned and headed towards a outdoor pathway that was covered just enough to provide shelter for those few that wanted to sit out during a storm.

Dillon had had a fun morning. He'd talked with Allen and jested with Alicia during Spanish. He'd watched as Leila seemed to become absorbed in a book and then seem unsure where to sit during lunch. His gaze followed her gaze towards Neisei's lunch table as she took a few steps towards him before turning and heading outside. He frowned a bit, looking between Neisei and the young woman who seemed lost. "Hey, Alicia, didn't you say that she got invited to sit with Neisei today? Why's she going outside? She knows she can sit with us, doesn't she?" he asked.

(1) Watch out world, here comes Dillon.
Neisei had gone through all of his morning classes and duties when he'd remembered once again as the lunch bell rang that he hadn't been able to find Leila to let her know where he would be sitting. It wasn't until he had his own tray of food and was at his usual table with a few friends that he'd been informed by one of them facing the opposite direction than he was - so they could see Leila - that the girl was now headed outside. He excused himself from the table, and taking what was left of his lunch with him, headed on outside after her. He passed Dillon and co's table, and nodded a hello as he went.
"Leila." Neisei made the space between them shorten fairly quickly as he'd caught up, "Did you still want t o have lunch together? We needn't sit with my friends; I can join you, if you'd like instead." He offered with his casually warm smile. Today he had his hair tied back in a low pony tail, though the strands at the front that were too short to be tied back merely hung loosely around his facce.

"I don't think we need to worry..." Alicia giggled as she watched Neisei rise with his tray and then follow Leila outside; though she couldn't help but noticed the slight twitch that had attached itself to Allen's face for a few seconds before the boy had gone back to eating. That was weird...
"If I'm not mistaken, he's rather obvious." She mused after taking a sip of her drink, "That he likes her, I mean. Then again, that may be his point? If you like someone, I don't see the point in being absolutely caged about it, else they'll never know." That was also aimed at Allen, as Alicia wasn't sure if the boy was simply being a jerk, or if he was being a jerk out of the fear Leila wouldn't want to date him anyway... It made her think.
Leila had just put her food down on a bench under the cover and pulled her jacket tighter around her to keep the cold from getting to her when she heard Neisei's voice. She looked up, surprise evident on her face as she looked him over. "You were with friends. It looked like you were having fun so I didn't want to interrupt. I thought maybe you'd forgotten, or something," she said with a small smile as she looked down, her cheeks becoming a light pink. She let the something carry off. In truth she'd thought maybe, just maybe, it had been a prank on her. While there hadn't been much bullying at the school, pranks were notorious for hurting whoever was involved and she really didn't want to be part of one that was aimed at her by a young man she'd only met the day before. "If you are sure you don't mind sitting out here, then I'd be honored and glad if you would join me." She looked shyly up, waiting for something--anything--to happen.

Dillon looked between Alicia and Allen and smiled before shaking his head. "Well, there he goes anyway. Maybe we should go join them. At least then we'll get to see what kind of moves Neisei has and if he'll try them on our little Leila," he joked. He had no intention of going and interfering. Allen had not asked for his help and Dillon would only watch on until he did. Instead he turned his full attention to Alicia. "So, curiosity, as always, is getting me Alicia. What is Leila's answer to the beach in two weeks? Has she come up with one? I mean, I hope she does come. It'll be fun. I just need to know so that father won't yell at me for telling him only three people are coming and then a fourth shows up. Not that he'll know until it's too late. He's flying in the day we are coming back. And Allen, what did your uncle say about you coming with us?"
All Neisei did was smile once again at her as he then took a seat beside her,
"I hope you don't think I'm being invasive or anything like that. I'm just rather intrigued by you and simply wish to know more about you; as apparently very few people know much. From what I've heard, anyway." He stopped himself there before he could start rambling like he was often prone to doing when talking to women. When he'd sat down, of course he hadn't sat so close to her than neither of them could eat in comfort without hitting one another accidentally, but close enough that they could talk, and with the wind and the rain no one nearby would be able to hear them anyway; only see them.

"Oh leave them be." Alicia shook her head, though she was smiling, "My poor Leila needs a break after yesterday - especially with the stress of Drama too, and the fact I'm pretty sure she's been non-stop all day catching up on everything that she missed doing last night." If Alicia knew her girl, which she did, then she was correct, and wanted to give Leila the space that she needed to do as she pleased - especially with the fact if she'd come to sit with them, she'd have had to deal with Allen; whether that was a good thing or bad thing was yet to be discovered by the young redhead.
Leila had started to mix the salad that she'd chosen for that days lunch. WHile others would have wanted something warmer to get them through the cool day, she had found the cheese and lettuce and croutons irresistible. She looked up and smiled a little. "I thought Alicia was the only one interested in little ol' me. And most people know what there is to me. I'm quiet, determined and hardly leave the school. I like drama and reading and French and German. All of this you could have found out by simply asking others about me. That is all there really is about me. But you, you are a mystery. You are friendly with your friends, and yet you never seem to favor one over the other. You became Vice Prefect and have never had anything bad happen to you while you do it. You have come to almost every rehearsal or audition since I've taken over as coordinator, yet you seem to have no interest in actually participating. You are more a mystery than I," she said matter-of-factly with a flicker of teasing intellect in her dark eyes as she looked into his own eyes for a moment before they returned to watch her hands stir her food.

"Oh!" Dillon said, as if he had just remembered something of great importance, "I ran into Collin today during class changes and I was able to pry out the name of who gets to play Margaret in the play. He's going to announce it during Drama club today as they wanted to make sure all those involved int he play heard and there wouldn't be wild rumors spreading around and hurting Leila or the other girl." Dillon left off there and took a big bite of his cheeseburger with a satisfied smirk on his face. He was going to draw it out as long as he could. He knew he would probably pay for it eventually, but he wanted to see the look on Alicia's face when she figured out that Leila had gotten the part.
Neisei raised an eyebrow as she spoke, talking as if there really wasn't anything else to her though he was sure there was, and that she thought he was a mystery, when in fact he was much like an open book to anyone that wished to read it.
"Well my dear, as I mentioned last night I'm quite fascinated in the Theatrics and enjoy watching both the productions and the outcome of the performances. As for my time as Vice Prefect, it's hardly an different than being a regular student except for occasional meetings with fellow prefects and sometimes staff; nothing fancy usually eventuates; as for my friends, why should I favor one more than the other? They're all worth the same to me, no favoritism. Now, as for you, I am absolutely certain that there is a lot more to you than you think." He then turned to his plate of rice and chicken, serving himself a few mouthfuls before he allowed himself to start talking again.
"A few questions, for example, would be like what drives you to learn another language? What makes you passionate about drama? Do you have other interests that are simply limited by the fact you're still in school?" Neisei gave a soft chuckle as he looked at her, "Believe me, I could go on with questions."

"Dillon... DO you really think that I'm that daft that with you now having said that, that I wouldn't realize that Leila got it?" She couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "But that is certainly wonderful news, and she'll be so elated when she finds out! I promise I wont say anything, I'd rather her be surprised than act like she already knows. It's more fun that way." Had Dillon honestly thought he could hide something like that from her when he announced it quite obviously? But she merely shook her head with a smile as she started eating the pasta she'd ordered; she shot random glances both at her friend outside, and also at Allen, who for some weird reason was being incredibly quiet today.
((:O POST 200!!~ :DDDD))

Leila looked up at the young man and shook her head as she grinned, taking a few bites of her salad as she listened to his questions. To her, they were obvious ones. There was no mystery as to why she learned languages or liked drama. She hadn't been out of school except for the occasional (and rare) vacation, since she had entered the school at first grade. She thought about the questions as she chewed. "Well, I learn other languages to impress my mother. I love drama because it allows the actor, or actress, to take on the form of another without having to think about their own life for those short hour or two that the play presents itself. And other interests I suppose would be swimming and travel," she answered before looking up from her food and caught his eye. "Why do you find theatrics interesting? Why did you accept to be a Vice Prefect? And do you not have a best friend that you can tell everything to without having to worry about the things being told to everyone and everything?" She asked the questions at the same pace as he had asked her his, giving him enough space between them to think over the answer before verbalizing the next.

"I can be very curious as well, Vice Prefect Neisei," she teased before taking a few more bites of her salad, giving a small sound of delight as she found chicken at the bottom of her salad.

Dillon grinned at Alicia and gave a shrug. "I don't know. I just didn't want it to get out among our peers and Leila find out before Collin tells her. he's going to have a camera set up to capture her face when it happens. He says that her emotions are always so clear when she directs that it would be astonishing to find out what she would be like when she's shocked," he said before looking over at Allen. "Say, Allen, you never answered if your uncle'll let you come or not. You feeling okay?"
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