A Child Brought Up In War

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"Kieara I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Alexander began to cry along with her and then stopped as he began to speak. "We never escaped The Order Kieara." Alexander tried to say the words but began to choke on his sobs, he slowly recovered and began to speak again. "I promised our child to The Order to guarantee our safety, that's why we escaped so easily. Farstrider and I were the ones who planned it, we had did it while you were unconscious."
Kieara looked at him with wide eyes. "You did what? You p-promised away our baby!?" She couldn't believe he'd do something so horrible. She didn't know if she could trust him after that or not. But he was all she had.
"The child was a bastard anyway, so I planned on having her stolen. You would have cried for weeks, but then we could have our own child." Alexander put Kieara's hand in his and began to plead to her. "We need to do something, if we don't have a child then we need a child. Otherwise we will perish just like her. I have fought for too long to give up."
Kieara glared at him and yanked her hand away trying to get up. "A bastard!?...is that all my child was to you?....a bastard?..." She felt tears of anger start as well. "I can't believe you'd do something so awful to me Alexander! My baby might not have meant anything to you but she was precious to me! That was my daughter!"
"She may have been your daughter, but she was missing someone too. Remember the warrior that raped you when your village was attacked?! He did that to many other women, and he was a spawn of Terra! That child meant something to me too, but I cared for you more than that child ever could. Kieara I love you and I have proven that to you. I have killed men for you! I have stolen and tricked kind people just for us!"
Kieara fell to her knees and sobbed. She didn't know what to do or think. She couldn't believe that he'd do something so heinous to her. She couldn't wrap her mind around it. She was so deeply hurt right now.
Alexander knelt down next to Kieara and let a couple of tears run down his face. "Kieara she would have not had any parents if we made the deal. If she were alive now we wouldn't be able to run anymore. The Order isn't just those faces we saw in Dulemar, it is a bigger concept. There are people here are apart of The Order, who would kill us now if we decided to not give the child away. If you can't accept that, then I will save us both." Alexander stood up and walked out the door and headed toward their home.
Kieara couldn't believe he had told her a bunch of lies. She was tired of lies. She also couldn't believe he'd left her there. She stood weakly trying to follow but was so sore and weak from childbirth she wasn't getting anywhere soon.
Alexander shoved the door open to their home and began to pack. He had weapons stashed in one of the back rooms which he had been saving for a day like this. Thoughts rushed through his mind as he put on his old thieving clothes. They were slightly less fitting because he had gained some weight, but it was practical to the situation.
Kieara kept on after him having no clue what he was doing. She called out. "Alexander!" She cried out and dropped to her knees in pain halfway home.
Alexander heard her calls, what the fuck was she doing chasing him? Alexander went out in his clothes, but his weapons were not sheathed. He ran out of the door and out to her. Quickly, he moved through people to get to her. He bent down to help her and then carried her. She had just gone through a tremendous experience and he didn't want her walking. Once they reached their home Alexander helped her into their bed.
"I'm sorry...." She begged to him desperately tears falling. Now she was afraid he was leaving her. She didn't want to be alone again. "I'm sorry please don't go please don't leave me please.....''
Alexander brought her into his arms and he kissed her on the cheek. "I promise I won't leave, I could never leave you. You are the most important being in this existence. If I ever gave you up I would go back to my old ways, a grim path with dark consequences." Alexander put his head on her shoulder and rocked her back and forth as she continued to cry.
She hugged him tightly and closed her eyes. She didn't want to lose him and she didn't want to be hunted anymore. She was getting weary of running. And his hiding things. "Please....stop lying....stop hiding things."
"Then let's start from the beginning...."

* * * * * *
"Alexander come home now!" A young woman called from a small house on the peak of a hill. Farms were laid out across the land with many workers plowing away in the fields. Alexander's father was one of those workers. He worked day in and day out to provide for his family, and he enjoyed it. Young Alexander ran up the hill to his mother and put his arms around her. "Where is pa?" Alexander looked around for his father but did not find him. The sun burned bright as they looked for their father, but he was no where to be seen. When Alexander set out to meet his father he was met by two men, Farstrider and Tinuviel.

* * * * * *​
"At a young age I was taken from my home and put into the order." Alexander still held on to Kieara as he told the story.
Kieara held him as he told his story. She sighed softly her tears having ceased for now. She didn't know what to say. The problem still lay ahead. How did they get away? She hadn't the slightest clue. She just knew that they had to find a way out.
"The only reason we have gotten out of our situations is because I was able to use all of my resources. When you were in the prison I was able to get to you because Farstrider called me. Then we managed to escape from The Order in the lair just by having the deal made with Farstrider, it all ended up going well. Now we need to take a child to give to the order, then we will be safe."
Kieara frowned. She didn't know if she could take someone's child and just hand them over. But if they didn't they died. She frowned and spoke. "I...I don't know if I can..."
Alexander let go of Kieara and shut the open door and began to take off of his thieving clothes. Kieara must have still been hurt from birth and he wanted her to sleep, and at this point it was crucial. Alexander sat in the bed and helped Kieara lay down. "You've been through enough today, we don't need to decide just yet. We need to sleep."
Kieara looked up at him as he sat beside her and laid her down. She spoke. "Alright...." She spoke to him and she closed her eyes to try to rest.
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