A Child Brought Up In War

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Alexander kissed her and then held her hand. It would be easier in Gehen, but they would need somewhere to stay. "We shall head to the place where Biltmore would never reach us, we are heading to the capital of Gehen, Mavaal." The pair rode forth into Gehen to meet what was to come.

(We can either do a time skip so that they are already settled there or that they have just recently moved in. It's your choice.)
((That's fine with me. We can time skip. Maybe til she's nearly ready to have the baby))

Kieara held his hand and smiled glad to have escaped. God how freedom felt. It was so sweet. To be able to get out. To get away from all that. And to not have to wallow in the streets anymore.
Alexander woke up with the sun in his eyes. The cloth blinds had been left over because he had been taking care of Kieara all night. She was going to give birth soon, and based on how she acted he was ready for this child to be born. Alexander had grown a beard since the time and had gained weight too. He wasn't fat, but he was not a thin as he used to be. Mavaal was one of the biggest cities and they were located in the the middle of it all. They were middle class, but Alexander knew how to make a profit. Alexander became a moneylender, a man who had the money to give to people, and the wit to be able to take it. So far he had not made many enemies and life was good. Alexander put his arm over Kieara and kissed her on the cheek. "Good morning."
Kieara had gained weight as well back up to where she should be. Her belly had grown considerably. She smiled feeling his usual good morning kiss. She looked up and smiled. "Good morning love."
Alexander kissed her and then got up to put on his clothes. "I'm heading to the market district to do some business, I'll be back in an hour." He put on his normal brown vest and white shirt along with black pants. He looked at Kieara and smiled then began to leave. As he approached the door he stopped and turned back around to Kieara. "So, what are we going to name the baby?"
Kieara stood up and smiled and dressed herself as well. She wobbled to the kitchen after him and spoke. "Be careful." She had met expected what he asked next. She blushed but smiled. "Actually, I was going to let you name him or her."
Alexander tilted his head at her and walked over to her. He sat on the bed beside her and grabber her hand. Sure he was honored that she would do this, but he didn't really want this offer. "I appreciate that very much, but with all you have gone through I want your decision in this too."
Kieara looked down. "Honestly...anything I could think of surely wouldn't do him or her justice." She spoke to him and suddenly winced gripping his hand.
Alexander nodded at her and then stood up. "It's not going to just be my decision, we both have put so much into this child just for one of us to do something so special." Before he left he kissed Kieara again and headed off to the market. He worked alone in a small shop next to a armorer, it was quaint for a moneylender. Not many people came to him, but when they did he made money.
Kieara wasn't aware of what was happening to her. The baby had quit kicking a while back and she'd been concerned. She wasn't aware it was dead. She felt worse and worse pains through the day til finally she had to find Alexander. She left out on foot unable to handle a horse to look for him.
Alexander hadn't had much business that day, it was usually slow and that is why he always tried to figure out what was happening in Arendanna. Alexander's normal routine was stopped by Kieara WALKING toward him. He hopped over his counter and ran over to her. "Kieara what are you doing?!"
Kieara winced holding her stomach and spoke. "I t-think the baby's ready..." She winced and cried out in pain. "The pains been getting worse since you left."
Alexander's eyes widened. Kieara was sat down by him while he got a horse. He rushed over to her and helped her up onto the horse and he got behind her. There was a local healer who they had spoken to about the pregnancy and said she would help when the time came. Alexander and Kieara rode through the city through masses of people to reach the healer. It took some time, but they reached the healer in time. "Ala, Kieara is about to give birth!" A middle aged woman appeared from a small home with wide eyes. "Hurry we need to get her inside before the baby comes." Alexander helped Kieara down to Ala and they went inside. There was a bed that had been prepared for other patients, but it would be used for Kieara. They both helped Kieara onto the bed and began to work. "Kieara everything will go just fine, just breathe."
Kieara was terrified. She winced in pain and tried to keep it under control til they got there. She laid back on the bed. She looked up at Alexander with pain and fear filled eyes.
Alexander held Kieara's hand as she was about to give birth. "Ala, she's ready." Ala began to work as Kieara started to push. "I promise that we will be fine, nothing will go wrong. We have done so much for each other and we will survive like we always have." Alexander wasn't exactly sure what to do, he had never seen a birthing happen.
Kieara cried out in pain and pushed. After hours and hours of labor, she'd given birth to a little girl who was still born. She fainted soon after the birth and was unconscious unknowingly. She had no idea about any of this.
(I read it wrong..... super awkward.)

Alexander took the child from Ala and held it in his arms. There was no warmth like he imagined, just a body in his hands. His hands began to tremble as he gave the baby back to Ala. "Get rid of it..." Ala nodded to him with a somber look on her face, she left through the back and began to bury it. Alexander tossed over the table of tools next to Kieara's bed with rage in his eyes. He fell to his knees and put his head into Kieara's stomach. "I lied about us being safe... the child was out only way out..."
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Kieara slowly came to to find Alexander laying on her stomach. She hadn't heard any of what he said. She frowned. "Alexander? Alexander what's wrong?...where's the baby?"
"There is no fucking baby." Alexander spoke with a dark tone that silenced the room. "Your child is dead, and out hope of living a good life is gone. What curse has the gods put upon us for this to happen." Alexander still sat on his kneels with his face in her stomach.
Kieara seemed to wilt at his tone. She felt tears spill over her cheeks. She started to sob feeling her heart shatter as she realized her baby was dead. She closed her eyes tightly.
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