A Bundle of Joy...

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"Cribs it is then." Angela said with a small smile.

She let him lead her to the cribs quietly before she started to look at them. They all seemed so pretty, far to pretty for a store like target or to even be a crib at all. Some were made of dark wood while others where lighter. Some were painted different colors or had colorful accents. There were also some fancy rocking chairs near them as well, some looked like the classic while others were rather interesting. She wasn't sure what to even think off all the stuff.
Kayden looked around at the cribs. One of them caught his eye. "How about this one?" He asked, pointing to the crib in front of him. It was a nice looking crib, black cherry finish. It was big enough for their little boy or girl, and he thought blue or pink would go with it. "It's even convertible. Just take off the front here and you have a little toddler bed." He said, patting the piece that could come off. "And there come in different colors, so it's not just limited to this one." The price on the crib $249.99. Kayden noticed it already. "I'll keep putting money into our savings to save up for everything, kay?"


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Angela looked over at the crib he mentioned and smiled. If they got that one then they would not need to buy a toddler bed when that time came, it would definitely save them money. It would also look rather nice in the room with a few other pieces of furniture. She looked up at him and smiled a little more.

"I like it, it could save us money on having to get a toddler bed so it would be a good investment as well."
A smile spread over his face at this. "So finally one of my ideas works." He said, laughing a bit. "So what rocking chair do you think would go well with the crib and the rest of the room?" He asked.

(Sorry..I really couldn't think of much to say now.)
Angela looked over to the rocking chairs for a moment before pointing to a classic looking one. It was the same color as the crib and could easily have a small cushion on it to make it more comfortable. It probably would cost to much like the crib and could still be used a long time after the baby was a toddler and so on.

"That one, It goes with the rib you pointed out."

(It's alright.)
"Yeah, the chair looks nice. My mom might have some good cushions for us to put on there, so we wouldn't have to spend even more money." Kayden said, looking around for another thing they would need for their baby. "Well...the rest of the stuff seems like things we would get after we know the baby's gender...What do you think?" He asked, looking over at Angela.
"I do like them both quite a bit...but can we afford to get them right now?" She asked as she looked up at Kayden.

They were both rather nice but she wasn't sure if they had the money to buy them both at the moment. They still had to buy groceries as well so they couldn't use any of that money or they would have to go hungry. If they were desperate she could pull some money out of her savings but she'd rather not, she liked to save that money for sever emergencies only.
"To be honest, no...We won't have enough money to buy these two things right now. We'll have to save up on money and buy them later on." He answered, scratching the back of his head.

Kayden wanted to get them now, but he knew they would need money for groceries this month. There was also the fact that he was saving up money to get Angela her engagement ring.
Angela let out a small sigh, scratching her chin lightly as she thought. The money they would spend on them was well worth it, especially since the crib could also be a toddler bed. This was all the more reason for her to get a job as soon as possible. She looked back up at her boyfriend and smiled a little.

"I can pull some money out of my saves if that will help out. I have a lot saved up from all those waitress jobs..."
"No, you shouldn't do that. Not unless you want to." Kayden said, shaking his head a little. "We'll just buy these some other time. I'll see if I can get a bonus from work to help pay for all this." He said, gesturing to all of the baby stuff they would be buying later on. "I know my parents will be more than willing to help us out if it comes to that." He added.

He didn't really want to resort to borrowing money from his parents, but they may need to.
"Alright, if you are sure." Angela said as she looked up at him.

She knew that he wasn't the type who liked to spend others money but if he really needed to he would. She only hoped that he would let that get in the way of buying things, it would only making purchasing things for the baby harder and harder to do. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder as she started to tug him towards the exit.

"Come on, we should go by groceries." She said with a smile, hoping that buying food would take money off of his mind.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He said, then led Angela out of the store, into the parking lot and to their car. He waited for Angela to unlock the car before getting in on the passenger's side. "Should we go to Walmart? Or do you have another store in mind?" He asked once his girlfriend took her seat on the driver's side.
"Walmart...I don't know how the prices are at the other stores around here." She said as she unlocked the car.

She slipped into the drivers side of the car and buckled up before turning the car on with the turn of her keys. She started to drive towards the Walmart, thinking about what they needed to buy to fill the cupboards of their brand new kitchen.
"Yeah, I don't really know the prices of the other stores either." He said with a little smile. He thought about all that empty space they had in the kitchen. If Angela wanted to fill up all that space, then they were in for a few hours at the store at least. He buckled up quickly when his girlfriend started driving.

They soon arrived at Walmart, and Kayden pointed out a good parking spot to Angela when they were searching for one. "Well, we have quite a bit of shopping to do now." He smiled, unbuckling once they were parked.
Angela parked in the spot Kayden pointed out and smiled as she unbuckled, grabbing her purse as she stepped out of the car.

"Are you ready for this? This is going to be a long trip." She warned playfully as she grinned at him.

They had a whole kitchen to fill up and she intended to make sure that would have everything that they would need. She walked over to her boyfriend and grabbed his hand as she locked the car, walking into the store with him happily.
"Oh boy... So what are we going to start with?" He asked. "Do you have any plans for dinner for the next week or so?" Kayden looked around, breaking away from Angel to get a cart. He pushed up next to her, smiling a little. "Well, we better get started."
Angela smiled at him as she shuffled through her purse, pulling out a long looking list as he grabbed a cart.

"You know I always plan ahead Kayden, I'm going to buy us all the staples that we need to fill the cupboards so that we can have nice and easy meals for the next few weeks. There is going to be a lot so be prepared to run back here later on for a second cart because I also brought my coupons!" She said excitedly as she pulled out the thick envelope of coupons that could save them money.
"I think I'll just go ahead and take another one." He said with a small smile. Kayden left the first cart there for his girlfriend as he went and got a second cart and pulled it up next to the other one. "This will make our time here a little shorter. So what's first on your list?"
"Canned goods! We're going to need a lot of them since you eat so much as it is." She said with a smile as she started to push her own cart.

Angela wandered into the canned good section and started to look over the selection, checking her coupons every so often so make sure she was picking out items that she could save on. She grabbed mostly canned veggies, trying to aim for the low sodium brands since she knew that most canned foods had a lot of salt. By the time she was done she had filled the bottom of her cart with cans.
Kayden pushed his cart a little ways behind Angela so he could follow her without bumping into her or her cart. He watched his girlfriend slowly fill the bottom of her cart with cans. "That's a lot of canned veggies." He said, noticing how she got mostly veggies.