A Bundle of Joy...

Angela let out a small laugh as he acted like a soldier before heading back into the living room, leaving her to work on dinner. It didn't take long for the soup to cook and she tossed in the veggies to get cook in as well. After that it was only a bit of waiting before she poured the soup into two bowls and set them on a tray with two spoons. She carried it into the room and set it on the table with a smile.

"Dinner is served."
"Smells great Angela." He complimented after taking in the smell. "Ready for the movie?" Kayden asked with the remote in hand, ready to press play. His finger 'slipped' and he pressed play anyway, not really needing an answer from her since he already knew what it was. Setting the remote down on the table he grabbed his bowl and spoon, eating a bite of the soup as he looked at the TV, glancing at Angela once or twice.
Angela nodded her head at his question and took a seat, grabbing her spoon and soup as well. She took a small bite and smiled at her handy work. She really did love a nice easy meal that was very little work. She moved close to him as the movie played, cuddling him slightly as she relaxed with him on the couch.
Kayden kept eating, wanting to put his arm around Angela and hold her, but he couldn't with his bowl of soup in his hand. So he just watched the movie for now, eating his dinner at a good slow pace.
Angela also ate at a slow pace, taking her time as she watched the movie. She had not seen the movie in a long time and was easily sucked into the plot. Before long, her soup was gone, even at her slow pace, and soon her bowl was just resting on the table as she sat back and relaxed.
Surprisingly he finished after Angela did and set his bowl down on the table. Kayden leaned back in the couch, wrapping his arm around Angela and pulling her close to his body. He smiled to himself as they watched the movie, getting sucked into the plot as well.
Angela happily cuddled into Kayden and smiled as she continued to watch the movie. She brought her legs up onto the couch and laid into him a bit as she rested her head on his shoulder lightly.
He just smiled more, looking down at Angela for a good minute before looking back to the movie. It was times like this that he was glad to be her boyfriend. Kayden wouldn't think about work, or anything really if it wasn't about her. He could get so absorbed in these moments that all his thoughts are centered around his love Angela, whom now was pregnant with their first child. So thoughts of the baby would be coming to his mind now as well. Like what gender they would be, what kind of parenting skills he would be using, and more. Kayden looked back down at his girlfriend. He had seen the movie plenty of times before that he already remembered what would be happening throughout it. He just wanted to look at her for a while since work was getting closer and closer, and this times would be getting rarer and rarer.
Angela was completely content in that moment. Times like these were the best in her opinion, just the two of them relaxing together and enjoying the peace around them. She wasn't even really watching the movie anymore, her eyes half open as she started to nod off on her boyfriends shoulder. Then again, she could never stay awake for movies at home, they always just got too cuddly and comfortable to focus on silly plots and fantasies that were on their TV. However, as her body was relaxing and enjoying the peace, her mind was filled with questions about their future. What kind of job should she look into? Would the baby be a boy or a girl? Would they be able to support a child on Kayden's pay alone? She didn't think to hard about them though, this was a time for cuddling and being happy, worrying could come later.
Kayden could see Angela nodding off as usual during the movie. He never minded it since she looked so cute when she slept. His attention would normally stray from the movie and onto her anyway. All the questions in his head faded away so he could enjoy this cuddling time with his girlfriend. They weren't officially engaged until he presented a ring to her. Kayden rubbed her arm, squeezing her a little and smiling. If she fell asleep he would merely turn off the movie and carry her to their room like he always did for her.
Once more, Angela was victim to her own body and before long she was fast asleep on her boyfriends shoulder. Her breath was deep and slow, her eyes closed as she started to dream of their future and other happy times that they had shared together. She looked so peaceful in that moment, as if the stress of the world was gone from her and all that remained was her own personal joy for her soon to be son or daughter. She nuzzled into Kayden lightly as she slept, letting out a small sigh as she relaxed into him.
Kayden smiled lovingly. He always ended up just watching her for a while as she slept. Angela looked so peaceful in her sleep. After a good ten minutes phased, he turned off the movie before resting her back on the couch. Kayden put the movie back in it's case, then took their bowls to the kitchen, rinsing them out in the sink. He came back to Angela, gently picking her up and carrying her up to their room.
Angela slept peacefully on the couch and in his arms as he carried her to bed. She would not be awakened by anything at all. She cuddled into him though, her head pressing into his chest and allowing her to listen to his slow and relaxing heart beat.
The next part of this was something he enjoyed a little, but was also nervous about. Kayden didn't want Angela to be uncomfortable and sleep in her street clothes. So he normally changed her into her night clothes himself. It never really bothered him, but he was nervous about what Angela would think if she woke up in the middle of it. He had to admit he stalled sometimes while undressing her, but usually he just gently took her clothes off and put on her pajamas, then got into bed himself.

He laid her down on the bed slowly after he moved the blankets aside. First he changed into his own pajamas, then got to work in carefully undressing Angela and redressing her. Kayden was pretty tired himself, so he just go straight to it. After they were both ready for bed, he pulled the covers over her, turning off the lights, and getting in bed as well. He kissed Angela's cheek, smiling. "Good night." He said softly, closing his own eyes and falling asleep.
Angela did not wake at all, even as Kayden changed her into her pajamas. She only ever stirred a bit, only turning in her sleep as she dreamed sweet dreams. If she had been awake though she would have not thought anything of the situation. Kayden was a good man, and there was no way that he would do anything to hurt her, even in her sleep. Once she was redressed and tucked into bed, she would curl up like always, hugging her pillow and snoring lightly as she dreamed of happy things. She smiled a lightly though as a small kiss touched her cheek, only seeming to move closer and snuggle into his side before settling down once more against him.
Kayden slept in that day like always. In his sleep his arm wrapped around Angela, holding her close to his body. His head moved and rested on hers as well. There was no alarm to wake him up again, and sometimes Angela just let him sleep in a little. A few times though she couldn't wake him up. Sometimes, if he was running on an empty stomach, the smell of food in the morning would slowly wake him up.
Angela slept in with Kayden that morning, seemingly just as tired as he was. She just cuddled into his as he nuzzled his head against her own, making her smile in her sleep. Her hands pressed lightly into his chest as she curled herself up more and buried herself under the covers for warmth. It was awhile before she started to wake up though, her arm around him as she started to shuffle around a bit.
Whenever Angela started waking up now, Kayden rolled onto his side, now facing her fully. He wrapped his other arm around her, holding her against his body as he slept, his head still resting against her own. A few minutes past and his grip on her loosened.
Angela slowly opened her eyes as she felt Kayden wrap his arms around her, a smile playing at her lips as he settled once more and slept. Quietly she slipped out of his grip and off the bed, pulling on some warm socks before she shuffled out of the room and down the stairs. Without hesitation she made her way to the kitchen, quickly getting to work on scrambling some eggs and putting bread into the toaster.
After she slipped from her grip, he rolled over again. Now Kayden was fast asleep on his stomach, his face still on his pillow, but now closer to Angela's. He could smell her scent on them. The covers were now half way down his body, just covering from his waist down to his ankles, his feet left exposed.