Original poster
**READ THIS FIRST: This is an RP where you can, almost literally, do anything. All animes are welcome, as are all partners and variations of attacks and such.
No god-modding (ex: No going nine tails on people.)
Attacks have to make sense (ex: Using a transmutation symbol to summon a lazer from space is a no-go.)
If you have more than one character that you're voicing for, specify who is speaking and when.
If you want to have a specific role, pm me and I'll see what I can do about it, otherwise just jump in!!**
Scarrlets legs weakened slightly at the thought of how long the walk was. He and his partner, Lucario, had been walking through the desert for nearly a week now and were running short on supplies. They could barely see a town in the far distance, but they were both tired and weak from a lack of sustenance. "Can you tell how much farther it is, Lu..?" Scarr asked between heavy, lifeless breaths. "... About two miles, sir." Lucario 'said' telepathically. Scarrlet groaned and continued walking, hoping that they would reach the town sooner than later.
No god-modding (ex: No going nine tails on people.)
Attacks have to make sense (ex: Using a transmutation symbol to summon a lazer from space is a no-go.)
If you have more than one character that you're voicing for, specify who is speaking and when.
If you want to have a specific role, pm me and I'll see what I can do about it, otherwise just jump in!!**
Scarrlets legs weakened slightly at the thought of how long the walk was. He and his partner, Lucario, had been walking through the desert for nearly a week now and were running short on supplies. They could barely see a town in the far distance, but they were both tired and weak from a lack of sustenance. "Can you tell how much farther it is, Lu..?" Scarr asked between heavy, lifeless breaths. "... About two miles, sir." Lucario 'said' telepathically. Scarrlet groaned and continued walking, hoping that they would reach the town sooner than later.