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James tried for hours to write the letter. No, not hours. DAYS. And finally, he finished. He thought it looked crude with all of cross outs, but he thought it was for the best. It was honest. It was James.

Dear Mikee
Hey Princess,

I don't know how to start this out. How are you? Are you eating well, or at all? Are you still addicted to your bitter coffee? How is the sky? Are you flying in that favorite type of airplane of yours yet? Are you even passing? Your mom told me how difficult the academy could be, and how you basically sell your soul to the devil to be able to pass with flying colors. Don't break down anytime soon from the stress. Be careful. And I truly hope you'll soar.

Your mom and I have been becoming the best of buddies. She's lovely, I think I love her. And the best part? She loves talking about you. And she has a crap load of photos of you. You were an adorable baby. Such... Pinchable cheeks.

I'm sorry I'm not sorry about what I did about driving off. You were an jerk prick asshole for not telling me sooner. How do you think I was suppose to handle the situation?! I thought you were just playing me around for a bet with someone else. For that few moments, I hated you.

I don't know how much news you get over there. But I suppose I wanted to tell you through my own words. I would rather speak to you, but this is apparently the next best thing. If you already know, well... Then... I don't know. I guess you haven't said anything to me in these last few weeks because you don't care. Then this is all for moot. Anyways. After I drove off, I got into a crash. I drove on the wrong side of the highway and slammed straight into a truck.

Stupid, huh?

Obviously, I lived. I also have both of my arms, my face is fine. I have several fancy new scars. Well, one scar in particular is very fancy. It's right at my torso, and it's an indication on where my right leg use to be. Yeah. I lost a leg. Arrr. (Sad attempt for a joke. I AM sorry for that.)

Your family is wonderful. They're the best people in the world. And without them, I would probably never send this letter. And I would still hate you. Because of them, I hate you just a little less now. It's stupid, though. I still like you. I don't know if I forgive you quite just yet, but I like you.

I'm slowly learning to walk again. On crutches, of course. I think I have a bit of money saved up to buy a prosthetic leg, but I don't know if I want to. Maybe just to drive. I guess as you learn to soar, I'll re-learn how to walk.

Just like I didn't know how to start this. I don't know how to end this.

Sincerely, Best, Ugh,
James Parker

P.S. I attached a ticket inside to Paris. It was for your birthday gift. I don't know if you ever have the time to go, but if you do... Well, there you go.

P. P. S Good luck, Mikee. I'll be waiting for you.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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While James had taken days to write it, it would take even longer to get it into Mikee's hands. The days at the academy were long, but Mikee worked with them. He got his stuff done on time, asked for help, and became vocal about what he needed. He was getting good marks, and that's all he cared about. A's and B's, that's all he needed. He ate well, worked hard and reached for the sky.

It was sometime in May when Mikee had to take his Captain's Test. He had been at the academy for two months, and he would be getting his mail soon. If people aced the Captain's Test, they were rewarded highly with food, money, contraband (as in Nerds, Chocolate, Girl-scout Cookies...) and a plethora of other items, including getting mail atleast four months early. Mikee didn't know how many letters he had, but he hoped to get some from James.

Within the two months he had been at the academy, he had waited for James. He never went out with anyone, never hooked up, never even thought about anyone. It was just James. Mikee only liked James. He missed him dearly, but Mikee would try his damndest to get to him during Christmas. As Mikee stood at attention to the Captain, they assigned flight numbers to everyone.

Mikee got flight number three. He was sent to station three, and stood at attention, with his eyes bright and his heart ready. Within the two months, Mikee put on some build. He was stronger, faster, fitter. He was atleast a good twenty pounds heavier, and he felt like he could take down the entire world. He even had to get a uniform change because he was making so much improvement! He had grown two inches, and all traces of his dyed hair was gone.

Mikee stood before a large metal box, with a platform under it and something that resembled a lift. It was a testing station, a simulation of what it would be like to fly in a plane, and if Mikee passed this test, he could fly one for real. When they called Mikee's number, Mikee shouted a "SIR, YES SIR!" And his captain told him to ease. He stood rigid, still giving him his attention. Soon, the doors were open, and Mikee was strapped in.

It looked like a plane from the inside. It felt like a plane. It smelled like one, and it made Mikee feel comfortable almost instantly. He was buckled in four times, and given a list of things he had to do in order to pass, and Mikee knew how to do each and every one of them. The captain exited the large box, and sealed him in. Mikee pulled on a helmet, and thought gently of James.

He took a deep breath, and pressed start.

He had to Pitchback, High G-Barrel Roll, Chandelle, Pugachev's Cobra and everything else in the book. He got an excellent or perfect on each and every one, and so far had a 497/500. All he had to do now was get a 100 on his obstacle test, and he would pass with flying colors. Mikee cracked his fingers, and pressed start, and was instantly confused.

There was a flashing on the screen that said "BARREL LEFT ON BLUE". But... there was no blue. It was green. Mikee hesitated, and went right. There was a giant red X on the screen, alerting that Mikee made a mistake. He grunted, and pushed on. "QUARTER-TURN ON BLUE, RIGHT TURN ON GREEN, LEFT TURN ON RED." Red... Green and blue? Red usually meant green, but green looked like green on this test. What came after green? Yellow?

After about fifteen minuets of this, Mikee was exited from the test, feeling very anxious about the results. He was dismissed to lunch, and the Captain said he would give him his results once role-call was over with that night. Mikee went to lunch as he did so, went to the rest of his classes and went to his role. But after the call, they simply asked for his number.


"1-0-6-4-2, SIR." Mikee called, standing at salute. The captain waved him to ease, and Mikee did so, standing anxiously. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
"Permission to ask what for, sir?"
The man looked down at the boy in uniform. "Are you an idiot?"
Mikee made a face. "I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me, boy. Are you a moron, or something? Because this test here is by far one of the worst I have seen in all of my twenty-years of service."
Mikee's heart dropped. "I-I,"
"No, no, I didn't give you permission to speak. What we have here is a mockery of what I trained for, and a disappointment to this Academy. How long are you enrolled for, son?"
"A-Auh... College, and-and beyond, sir."
"Hah, you're funny, now tell me the truth."
"Sir, I am--"
The man made a face. "Not with this score, you're not. Now tell me, how could you get a damn-near perfect score for the training, but totally biff the obstacle test?"
Mikee picked at the skin around his nails. "I-I,"
"T-T-T-TODAY, boy." The Captain mocked.
Mikee swallowed hard. "I didn't see green. Or blue. Or red. The colored I did see, though... I-I got those right."
"What do you mean, you didn't see them?"
"They-They didn't show up! They asked for Red Left-Turn, and I didn't see red, so I turned right. I was suppose to do that, right? That's what they told us during seminar, right?"
The man was quiet for a moment, before he looked at the papers and the boy. "What colors did you see?"
"G-Green, sir."
"And yellow, sir."
"Green and yellow?"
The captain rubbed his eyes, and dismissed the boy, but to the nurse. Not to his dorm. Mikee, once addressed to the nurses office, instantly asked what was wrong with himself. The nurse gave him an eye exam, and asked what he thought he was there for. Mikee said there must have been something wrong with his Captain's test, because he failed it. Mikee had 20/20 vision, but when they gave him a color test, that was where the trouble was.

Mikee was in the nurses office for a solid thirty minuets before he got the results back. And when he got them, Mikee couldn't believe it.
"1-0-6-4-2-- Er, Mikee..." Mikee knew instantly that something was wrong. They hardly addressed you by your first name, let alone a nick-name. The nurse went on. "I'm afraid that you have Tritanomaly in both eyes, which is affecting your sight."
"... But you just said I had 20/20 vision--"
"Your sight of color, Mikee."
Mikee shook his head. "I don't believe you," Mikee stood up. "I-I don't understand. That test was rigged-- It's the machines fault, I mean-- I-I passed the maneuvering test. I got an A! I almost got 500/500!!"
"Mikee, look, I know this can be hard, but--"
"What are you trying to tell me?"
The nurse was silent. "I'm trying to tell you that you're color-blind. I'm trying to tell you that you can't fly."
Mikee's heart broke almost instantly. "What do you mean, I can't fly?"
"I mean, you can't fly." The nurse said slowly, as if Mikee was an idiot. He surely felt like one.
"I took all the courses, I've been here for atleast six summers, I've been to all the camps, I can fly. This is a waste of my time, I-I want to talk to my Captain."
The nurse nodded him out, and Mikee ran to Mister McCoy, but he had already gotten the news. Mikee knocked twice on his office door, saluted him, and started giving his numbers."1-0-6-4-2, SI--"
"At ease,"
Mikee went over, and sat on a chair near the large table. "I would like to request that I retake my Captain's Test, sir. I have reason to believe that it was... malfunctioning."
The captain looked over a piece of paper, and back at Mikee. "You went to the nurse, yes?"
"What does that have to do with the--"
"You went to the nurse, boy? I won't ask again."
Mikee nodded nervously. "I did sir, but what does that have to--"
"She told you then?"
"Well, yes, but I know better than to believe that, sir. I aced the first portion of the test."
"I can see that, yes,"
"And if I can do outstanding on such a hard course, but ruin myself for the second portion, doesn't that mean there is a fluke in the system?"
The man stood up, and rubbed his eyes. "Mister P'Traciss, how do you feel about being a mechanic?"
Mikee made a face. "A mechanic?" He shook his head. "No, no, I want to be a pilot. I want to fly planes, not build them."
"Well, now that isn't an option."
Mikee stood up quickly. "What the hell do you mean, 'it isn't an option'?"
"You can't fly."
"Is it because I failed my test? Because that wasn't my fault! The colors didn't show up, the machine is wrecked! It made me fail!"
"It's because you're legally blind, Mikee. Legally, I'm not even allowed to have you on this campus. Legally, you shouldn't be driving, or even TAKING the Captain's Test. I'm sorry Mikee, but I either have to let you go, or let you be a mechanic."

Mikee continued on his rant for another twenty minuets, before his Captain blew up back at him. He yelled, he screamed, he threatened to kick him out of the Adacemy. Mikee had no choice; he dropped all his current classes, and took Mechanic ones. He was landlocked. Mikee tried yelling again, but Mister McCoy threw him a box of crayons.

"IF and only IF you can tell me the correct colors of these, and describe them to me in full detail, I will let you back into the program. Until then, you will be assigned to the East portion of the Academy."

Mikee stormed out, and headed down the hall. Once he managed to get into his dorm, he saw that there was a notice for his transfer. Mikee crumpled it up wickedly, and sat at his desk. Because there was a notice for his leave, he had gotten his mail. He tried to calm himself down by reading the letters, and as he did, he found James'.

It made his heart swell, and he couldn't open it fast enough. But when he read it, he felt as if this was just a game with them all. They were all joking around with him, because he was 'blind'. What a load of bullshit! Mikee looked at the ticket, and thought instantly that it was a fake, too... But it looked exactly like his own ticket, from when he came to the Academy. Mikee kept it in his wallet, for when he did plan to go to Paris. What a load of shit...

Mikee took out the crayons, and poured them on his desk. He got a piece of scratch paper, and started writing about the colors. He felt childish, using a crayon to write. He felt like a child, being bullied into believing what he didn't have to. It was a load of shit! Mikee got all the colors, and began writing James a letter in Crayola.


I think the Academy is going to be the death of me. The days are hot and the nights are cold, and the skies are this color. They're going to transfer me-- can you believe that? They're switching all my classes to mechanic classes, and it makes he feel like this. I can't believe their doing this to me. Can you? They're telling me that I'm colorblind, and that I can't fly because I'm

"Legally Blind".

Legally blind my ass... My new assignment is to tell them about these colors, so I figured I might as well write with them. It's so stupid. They're even kicking me out of my dorms! I'm so mad... I miss you so much

I'm glad you and my mom are getting along. She's the best. And don't let her show you any more pictures. I WAS A DISGUSTING BABY. I'm sorry you hate me but actually like me, James. Atleast I have that to look forward to, now. Your hate-like is rekindling my hate-like for you too.

I have a hard time believing that you did get into a crash, though. And lost your leg? Funny funny, Mister Pirate Man. I can believe the crash part, with how reckless of a driver you are. Do you need a parrot to complete the look?



P.S. I never lied about liking you, James. I really really really like you. Really really really really really... you get the point.

P.P.S If the ticket is real, we can go together. I'm keeping it in my wallet. I've been lied to all day, I don't want to throw away the single truth I don't believe.

P.P.P.S I've been waiting for you for the past months. I won't say so soon, but I haven't kissed anyone in so long. I miss you.

P.P.P.P... YOU GET THE IDEA.... I'll try and make it home for Christmas, assuming this letter gets there by then and that I don't manage to die between then and now. And assuming you didn't replace me.

Mikee put the colors away, packed up his stuff, and turned to head to the post office. He was almost home free, until one of the Captains forced him to pack everything up and move dorms. Mikee had a few choice words for him, but did as he was commanded.

Within the time that the boy was gone, back at home, two boys managed to cook something up. The end of the year was moving quickly, and with that came Prom. Florence, with Nate by his side, sat in the beat-up car with no one other than themselves. Florence and Nate were stuck at a red-light, and Florence thought it was the perfect time to confess something to the other boy.

Florence turned down the music, and looked to Nate.

He looked at him for a solid minuet before he let out a long sigh. He gasped for air, and spoke as quickly as he could. "HeyNatedoyouknowhowwe'vebeenfriendsforalongtime?WellIdon'tknowifyouknowbutIknowthatweshouldprobablymaybeifyou'retotallyuptoitgotoPromtogethermaybeifyouwanttobecauseIreallywanttogo.Mostlywithyoubutifyoudon'twanttogowithmeItotallyunderstandit'sallcoolbutIjustreallylikeyouandthinkthatwewouldbecutetogetherasadatebecause--"

There was a loud honk by the car behind Florence. He turned on the music loudly, blushed as red as his hair, and stepped on the gas.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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James spent everyday working hard with his physical therapy. It still pained him every time he moved, and sometimes his joints felt like it was on fire. But James was determined to get through with it all. He felt like he was always busy, despite being stuck in a hospital bed nearly 23 hours a day.

People visited often, and James gave Nathaniel some spare keys to go into his house. He wanted to make sure that his two cats were properly cared for. It was a good thing that they weren't animals that absolutely needed attention. But often times, James just talked to Nathaniel for a good hour or so. Florence would be there too. And James had learned to open up to the flaming red head. He constantly teased him about Nathaniel, when the unsuspecting boy wasn't looking.

Learning to walk had to be the most difficult task James had to overcome in his life time, which is a sad thing to admit. He often tumbled whenever he leaned too much on the crutch, and there were times he often forget that his leg was gone. He had broken down several times, glaring at the nurses that insisted that his leg wasn't there - but he could still FEEL it. He FELT it slam against the wall and stub his toe. Sadly, James was often reduced to a slobbering mess.

But he did manage to learn! He grinned wildly when he managed to walk down the pathway in the courtyard without tripping over. Sure, he was tired as heck afterwards - who knew crutches was such a tiring tool? - but he still felt accomplished. Afterwards, whenever he could, James tried to walk around on the crutch. He hated the wheelchair, although nurses tend to follow him around just in case. Sure, he fell a few times, but it wasn't long before James was perfectly capable of walking around the hospital floor without any supervision.

One day, after a particularly gruesome practice of going up one flight of stairs, a nurse walked into James' room. "Nathaniel just came by and dropped off some mail. He said he had to go somewhere though, so he wasn't able to come see you." James nodded and just took the mail.

He toss the bills to the side and made a mental note later to send them directly to his father.

Then he picked up a letter with the name MIKEE. James heart stopped and he immediately ripped it open. He had been waiting for the letter to come the entire time. He hated snail mail. He wished they could be texting again.

It took James a while to get over the fact that the letter was written by Mikee. Did Mikee really use crayons like a child? James quickly learned why. James frowned, and he thought back to the several occasion Mikee 'accidentally' mixed his colors. Was that the reason...? And from the sound of, it was going to ruin Mikee's dream.

No. No. James wouldn't allow it. Not if he could help it.

He wanted to answer right away, but he knew he couldn't. He called for a nurse, wildly pressing on the button behind his back. The nurse ran back in, "James?! What's wrong?!"
"I need crayons."
"... Crayons, James? Crayons? You made me think you were dying because you need crayons?!"
"It's an emergency. Really. My heart is dying without it."
The nurse grumbled under her breath. "You're like a spoiled brat sometimes."
"Please, Nurse? Can I have some crayons?"
The nurse left and took their precious time. But soon enough came back with crayons. James smiled up at the nurse. "Thanks." The nurse just shot James a glare before attending to other sickly patients.

James pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer next to him and he went to writing.

Brown, Orange, Teal, Yellow, Pink, White, Green-Blue, Barf Green (Gross), Purple, Periwinkle, Navy Blue, Light Blue, Red, Orange-Red, Olive Green, Lavender

In order, those were the colors that you used to write me the letter. Here are some other colors of the world around you:

Red - The color of your face when you're embarrassed.
Orange - The color of... well, oranges.
Blonde (Yellow) - The color of your hair... Well, once upon a time. Your hair is Brown now, I think.
Green - the color of the grass on a good spring day.
Baby Blue - The color of your eyes
Grey - The color of clouds.

Sky Blue - The color of the sky on a clear day
Blue - The color of my eyes
Purple - The color of... What's naturally purple in the world? Some of your most outrageous clothes are purple. That one scarf you wore once on our date was purple, I believe.
Black - The color of my hair

If you need any more color name, just tell me. I will show you the rainbow, literally. Show your teacher you know your colors. You see it differently, but you can LEARN, Mikee. You already went through Hell to get to the academy, you can go through Hell one more time. This time, I'll be there for you.

Of course the ticket is real. If we go together, then you can also ride shot-gun on my Uncle's private jet. I'm not lying to you, Mikee. Nothing I have written to you so far has ever contained lies.


P.S Instead of saying "really" a ton of times... How about you try saying "love"?
P.P.S You better not kiss anybody. I'll kick your ass if you do.
P.P.P.S I asked your mom to give me more pictures of you as a baby. She's sending me copies. I'll keep them forever. You're adorable. I know, you're turning red right now, in anger and in embarrassment. Go look in the mirror.

James didn't know what else to say. He could only hope that Mikee got the letter before Christmas rolled along. Or that Mikee got it soon. James decided to not elaborate anymore on his leg, it didn't seem important when measured up to Mikee's dreams.

He made sure to try to put an 'express' stamp on there. Now he could only wait for Mikee to get home. James made sure he would be able to get out of the hospital and walk with ease by then.

Nate stared at Florence for a long time. At first, merely just to decipher what he said. But then, it slowly dawned onto Nate what Florence had said.

He had asked him to prom. PROM. Florence had asked Nathaniel Cross to go to PROM with him.

Nate felt his face explode in several shades of red. He kept his head down and his mind started to spin. Initially, he was excited, but then his more logical mind started to catch up. "We're... we're... both guys." Nate muttered. But did it matter? Nate had never felt anything like he felt for Florence with anybody else.

Florence was different. Florence was almost magical. And if Nate was to reject Florence now, then... They wouldn't be as close anymore. Nate would have broken something between them. And Nate didn't want that. He desperately didn't want to be separated from Florence.

He wanted to be together with Florence.

"I...As dates?" Nate asked, glancing up at Florence. "Just for... one night! To try out!!!" Nate then quickly said as he saw the expression on Florence changed to a sort of depressed, disappointed look after his initial outburst about being guys.

Nate could do it right? He could be... gay... for one night. It wasn't THAT big of a deal. And besides, it's just Florence!!!

Nate had to wonder if liking Florence counted as 'gay'. He didn't like any other guys... But he hasn't found a crush for any other girl for a long time either... Only Florence. Nate had his eyes on Florence for the longest time. "I... I don't know if I like you like a date..." Nate muttered under his breath, glancing over at the window. "But, I do like you more than I ever liked someone before... So, that's gotta mean something." When Nate looked over at Florence, he felt his heart soar.

Yep. Definitely something there.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Florence listened to the boy with mixed emotions. He should have asked someone else, his heart couldn't tale what Nate had said. Even if he did say yes, they were nothing more than friends. Florence slowed down when he drove, and kept his eyes hard on the road. Why didn't he just ask someone else? Someone who would actually say yes?

Someone who wasn't so... weird about being with a guy. But maybe it wasn't just that they were both guys, maybe it was because Florence was... Florence. Was he really that bad of a person? Was he so bad, that even a date would be that bad? Florence had been Nate's friend for months, and if he didn't like something, he would have said something by now, right?

Before, Florence was fine with loving Nate like a friend, but now he was just getting desperate. He hadn't kissed anyone in so long, and he wanted to bust into someone. Or something. Or Nate. Totally Nate. He ran into another red light, and placed his hands on his lap. He really wanted Nate to fuck him up real badly. Not just sex, he wanted Nate in intrude on every thought and every feeling. Well, more than he already was now.

He wanted to breath with his lungs. He wanted to be apart of him. He wanted to hold his hand and never let him go, and he didn't want to be his friend. Well, now Florence knew why Nate got so upset about being called Florence's brother... Florence looked at his hands, and felt... something compelling him to smell them.

Florence did just that. He brought a hand up to his nose, and smelled the palm. "Hey, Nate," Florence called, gently. "They don't smell like smoke anymore."

It had been atleast three months since Florence had even touched a cigarette. Not since the last time he had seen his father. Not since they were in that arcade, and Nate ran into that-- No. Not that. Florence handed his hand out to Nate, so he could smell it. Strangely enough, he did! Florence would be lying if he said that this wasn't an excuse to feel Nate's soft lips press against his hands.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Most people would be offended to have a hand to the face, but Nate didn't mind. He sniffed it slightly, truly smelling the disappearance of the smell of smoke. At first, he was slightly disappointed; smoke in Nate's mind had become an equivalent to Florence.

But at the same time he was ecstatic. He smelled more of Florence and less of something that could possibly kill him. And that also means that Florence wasn't addicted to his smoking habits anymore! Nate grinned, "You smell great." He answered, his nose nuzzling against the palm of Florence's hand gently.

Then he pulled away, but only to replace his face. He then reached out and entangled his hand with Florence's. He noted the warmth that came from Florence's hand, slowly warming up his own cool hands. Nate grinned a bit and looked up at Florence.

A date. Nate doesn't mind thinking of Florence that way... Just for a bit.

"So... What color suits do you want to wear to match...?" Nate hesitantly asked. That's what dates do right? Match colors?

Still holding Florence's hand, Nate looked out the window. There was nearing Florence's house, and Nate felt excited about planning for their ... testing-date-prom-date.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Florence flattered as he felt the other boy hold his hand. No, he didn't want to just put salt in his wounds like this. He didn't want to hold his hand, just to call him a best friend afterward... But what will you do? Florence held his hand, and used the other to steer. At the sound of the date, he perked up a little bit.

"Uhm..." Florence scratched his neck gently, once he was parked in his drive way. "My mom would be good at something like this... Maybe... grey?" Florence didn't know what kind of colors people usually wear. Was it common to wear a bright color? A matching color? Florence was completely put off by the idea.

He turned off the car, and only let go of Nate to get out of the car.
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Nate thought for a moment as he exited the car. "Grey is good..." He muttered, his mind racing through the different options for suits.

Sometimes, he was jealous of the options that Valencia got in clothes style. Not that Nate wanted to wear anything like a dress or a skirt! It was just, they got more... style that matches them. They had so many more choices to show off who they were. All Nate could think about wearing to Prom was... Well, a suit. In his mind, there was only a few different colored suits - black, grey, or white. Each with only slight variance.

But at least there were ties. "And... we can wear a blue tie! To match with the grey." Nate decided.

He then went inside to turn on Florence's computer. He quickly pulled up some pictures of suits in various colors. He was certainly enjoying this. As soon as Florence approached, Nate pointed to a nice grey suit with a plaid baby-blue tie. "How about this one?"

"Oh! And tickets, we have to buy tickets!" Nate grinned, looking up at Florence. "This is going to be fun...!"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Florence followed him, and sat next to the boy as he used his computer. He smiled as he saw how happy the other was becoming. Maybe this could work out. Maybe they could be a good date... Maybe this might work out. "I like that," Florence nodded, watching the other boy scroll. "We can buy the tickets later on. We can head to the mall to rent suits sometime soon," Florence smiled.

He didn't know a damn thing about suits or ties, or how to tie one or why he would need it. He would probably end up showing up at Prom with a beanie if he had his way, but if he knew Nate, everything had to be perfect.

"I like the idea of grey and blue," Florence smiled, wondering how it would look with his carrot top.
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Nate was excited every time the word "prom" was mentioned after that. He had forgotten what it meant to go with a guy, and instead, he had focused on all the excitement that was involved. The food. The fun. The Florence. It was going to be great.

And on the day of, Nate was glowing. He had quickly changed into his prom suit as soon as they got home. Nate made sure the suit was a perfect fit on him. It looked 'spiffy' as Valencia would call it, and he even made sure that every piece of hair was in the right place. Although he had a freak'n cowlick that just wouldn't pay attention to him. Ah well... Not a huge deal right...? Nate still tried for another 5 minutes before completely giving up. He then grabbed the corsage he gotten for Florence - a white flower on a grey wrist band.

His mother gushed at how cute he looked, and his father was crying about how old Nate was getting. Valencia even came out and complimented on him!!! Nate was just happy, happy all around.

Then, without contacting Florence first, he rushed over to his house. He doesn't usually drive his car, but he figured he could for that one day. Florence could drive them to school if he wanted to.

He burst into the house, glad that it was left open. Nate immediately went over to hug Myrtle. "We're going to prom!" He said excitedly, then he looked around. "Florence, are you ready?" He asked curiously. Nate greeted Water-Lou and Fregga then floated into Florence's room. He creaked open the door, he didn't peek inside, and allowed Florence to just see the bright white rose. "Floooreeence?" Nate called from behind the door.
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To say that Florence was rushing would be an understatement. He had decided that taking a nap would be the best idea for him, and even when he set his alarm back two hours, he managed to over-sleep. Florence was now struggling to both tie his tie and button his buttons. He managed to get the second eyehole attatched to the third button, and he had to do it all over again.

He didn't know how to tie a tie in the first place, so while he tied he felt like he was creating something short of a noose. He worked hard, while trying to shimmy his skinny little ass into a pair of pants that he had SWORN fit the other day.

But when Nate came crawling in, Florence knew that it would be a long night. He saw the rose, and he blushed as he hid behind his bed. "G-Give me a minuet!!" He stammered. Myrtle came over, her arms crossed and her eyes light. She was happy because of two reasons. 1) Her husband was coming home soon, and 2) She was going to get some grandbabies out of these two, and she knew it.

"He's nervous. Come into the kitchen, I made some cookies." She smiled, as she steered the boy away from the door. She was the best mom. Because of the change, Florence happily finished. he had to use some suspenders and a belt to even keep up his pants, but he felt like he completed the look. Florence got his flowers for Nate, and he headed out of his bedroom door.
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Nate happily ate one of Myrtle's cookies, although he kept glancing over at Florence's door, waiting for Florence to finish. Once Florence did, Nate immediately bounced over to him. And he literally almost eyed Florence up and down.

"Spiffy" - that's how Nate described himself in a suit. But Florence was looking... Really nice. Nate almost wanted to hide the boy away and not let anybody see him, in case somebody like Mikee came along. He did notice something was off though, something was very off.

Nate came closer and fixed up Florence's tie, making sure it was straight and neat. He chuckled lightly under his breath, "Not use to typing ties, Florence?" He teased lightly. Then when he looked up at Florence he flushed lightly. He couldn't get over the fact that Florence was standing here... In a suit... For him.

He raised the white rose up again, a little too close to Florence's face. "F-For you!" He stammered, then he stepped back. "Because... It's tradition to do so, right?"
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Florence was taken aback at how... mature Nate looked in a suit like that. He looked almost like he was grown up. Little Nathaniel, all grown up. Little Nate, a big boy now. He didn't need Florence at all. Florence bend back when the other boy present him the rose. Florence smiled, and handed the Rose he got for Nate to the boy.

He grabbed a cookie his mom made, and watched her scream and hug him. His glasses were dislodged as he felt his mother hold him like a babe. She insisted that they take a few pictures, and Florence couldn't help but blush the entire time as she posed them and reposed them. After fifteen minuets of pictures, Myrtle kissed both of the boys on their head, and sent them off.

Florence decided that it would be best to take Nate's car. He rode in front, and stared off at the boy driving. There had never been a time where Florence had want to kiss him more.
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Nate laughed as their pictures were taken. He didn't mind the close poses, they slept together almost every night after all. He did want Myrtle to send him pictures though, so he made sure to ask.

During the drive he made sure he kept his eyes on the road. Nate was always a stickler for the rules, and despite his time with Florence... Well, old habits are hard to kill.

When he arrived at the school, he glanced over at Florence. There was barely any light, so Florence was basking in a rather radiant fashion. Nate flushed once more as the thought of He's rather attractive entered his mind.

Instead, like an awkward dork, he clears his throat and looked over at him. "We're... Here."
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Florence was lost in thought as he looked at the other boy before him. The soft curve of his lips had his heart in a bind. He wanted to reach out and grab him, and just hide him in the back of the car and keep him right where he wanted him. He saw his lips move, and he simply replied dumbly, "Yeah, me too."

When it hit him that maybe that wasn't a correct answer, Florence shook his head, and scrambled out the door. "Right! We're.. here." Florence stepped out, and went around to let Nate out of the car. He offered him his elbow, which was quite a clichee move. He wanted to be as gushy as possible on the only day that counted.
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Nate was about to open the door himself, but Florence beat him to it. So he fell slightly and felt awkward once more. Once the arm was offered to him though, Nate was at first confused.

Then he realized that it was a classical romance move. Nate flushed, but took Florence's arm. It felt right, even though... Nate wasn't... gay... Right? Nate frowned slightly but quickly shook his mind from the thought. Tonight was his night to forget about all the worries! Tonight was his night just to be with Florence.

Nate saw other people glancing over at them as they walked by. He decided to ignore them and walked side-by-side with Florence to the area where the prom was being held.

The place looked wonderful. Sure, it was just their school, but they had completely transformed the area. The theme was a "Night Among the Stars," and by golly, the people who set up the room sure stuck to the theme like it was one granted by the Gods. The room was completely dark, saved for some soft glowing lights from tiny bulbs that dangled at various length from the ceiling. There was a giant dance floor with a rather large, and multi-color glowing chandelier, to almost add in the affect of crystals among the skies. Various tables were set all around, each with their own shimmering cloth and various star decorations in the middle.

Too add even more magic to the scene, girls and guys together were already moving about and dancing about. The various colors each blend in the night, as if they were their own plants floating among the stars.

Music blasted in their ears. By the DJ up front, random pop songs were playing. Nate didn't know most of them, but he didn't mind. He felt that it fit with the upbeat notion of Prom. "Wow..." Nate muttered, looking around.

He felt slightly overwhelmed. He stood a bit awkwardly with Florence, unsure on what to do next. Do they dance? Do they sit? Nate wasn't sure what to do. "It's... It's pretty, isn't it?" He decided to say, looking around. He wanted to drag Florence around and show the boy everything, like a kid in a toy store.

But where to begin?! "Do... Do you want to dance yet?"
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Florence looked around the room, and faintly thought about the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. If he had to pay thirty dollars just to see this, he could have done this in his kitchen for free! Florence looked to the other boy, and smiled. Atleast he was having fun. Florence happily smiled as he gazed at him, his mind lost in thought.

He was pulled out when the boy began to talk. Dance? Well, this was prom, and it wouldn't be prom without a dance or two. Florence smiled, and took the boy's hand, and headed to the dance floor.

Thankfully, the queer couple were not alone. There was a good friend of Florence's on the dance floor with her girlfriend, and another pair near by. Florence hovered near them, compensating for how totally not straight he was acting as of right then. He led the boy to the floor, and wondered how he should tackle this situation.

It wasn't a slow song, but he could pass with a gentle tottle with the boy... Where did his hands go? What if he stepped on his feet? What if he cried, and ran off, and hated Florence? "I-I don't know how to dance," Florence muttered to the boy, as if it was a big secret.
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Nate looked around and saw how most of the people were just failing their bodies in various fashion. But he only knew a few dances, so he decided to go with that. When Florence voiced his concern, Nate just chuckled. "I don't either, but it's okay. We can look dorky together!"

He then reached out and placed one hand on Florence's waist and one hand entangled with Florence's. He made a few steps. At first, it was awkward, but Nate liked it. They flowed like water and wind, through the other dancing bodies that surrounded them. It was fun. He was laughing and smiling, looking up at Florence.

But then, Nate accidentally backed up into a couple, then he moved forward and instantly stepped on Florence's foot. Nate flushed and quickly stuttered, "Sorry!" He attempted to try one more time, but then ONCE AGAIN steps on Florence's feet - this time the other foot! Nate was certainly glad he wasn't a female wearing heels.

He backed away, embarrassed, and immediately entangled himself from the dance position, "S-sorry!" Nate muttered. "I didn't think I'll be that clumsy, um... Is your feet okay?!"
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Florence hissed gently as the boy danced over his feet in such a fashion. He laughed it off, wishing that he would step on his feet more often. He insisted that he was fine, and watched as the boy refuted his answer. Florence leaded him to the snack table, so they could take a break from the dancing.

And mostly because Florence wanted to get another good look at him.

He grabbed a small cup, and filled it up with some chips. He looked over to Nate, and swallowed hard. "How are you holding up?" Florence asked, to make decent conversation.
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Nate ate some of the chips from Florence's cups then looked up at him. "Holding up?" He wasn't quite sure what Florence was talking about.

Then Nate remembered the events that happened just a few weeks ago. He froze briefly but then smiled. He reached out to hold Florence's hand, finding comfort in his warmth. "Good, because of you. I don't know how I would be if you weren't with me..." Nate smiled warmly, but then glanced over at the dance floor.

As he was in the middle of it earlier, he didn't take much notice to the people around them. But now that they were standing on the side lines - he did. He noticed how close each other couples were to one another. Even the female couple that they danced beside, both who were so close, Nate sometimes had a hard time telling if they were really 2 different people. And it wasn't just them, it was everyone. As if everyone was in their own little world. Nate had to smile, but then he wondered.

Did he and Florence dance the same way? Did they dance like they were one person? Where someone just looked at them and thought, Yep. Those two are DEFINITELY together.

Nate thought about it for a while. He had initially thought the mere idea of dating another guy was... disgusting. After all! Girls were soft, warm, kind, and gentle. But wasn't Florence the same? Florence was soft to hug, and he gave out enough heat to always made Nate feel warm and comfortable. Florence was kind, patient, and so gentle when Nate needed him. And although at times, Florence was an idiot, he was an idiot to be adored.

So, Florence wasn't a girl. Florence didn't have a chest or any of the other body parts that indicated a female gender. But so what? It wasn't as Nate wanted to fall in love with someone merely by how they looked - he wanted to love them with who they are.

Nate frowned a bit as his mind whirled. He squeezed Florence's hand, his mind wandering off to so many trajectories of thought. What had the counselor said? Think about how he felt about Florence? How DID he feel about Florence? Florence was his best friend - but was that it? James was his friend... But the thought of holding James hand and sleeping in the same bed did not give Nate the same comfort as the thoughts of Florence.

What did it all mean?

A concentrated look appeared on Nate's face, then he finally turned to Florence after several long minutes. "How... How do you feel about me?" He asked hesitantly. Florence understood more about the topic than Nate did... Right?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Florence, while the other boy was in deep deep thought about God Know's What. He liked his company. He could be doing nothing at all with the other boy, and still have a blast. He used his free hand to lightly shove food into his mouth. He was starving-- why didn't he get some food before he came here...?

Well, maybe because he was running late. Florence looked over at their entangled hands, and the word 'best friend' came to mind. Florence tried to fit that idea... he slouched, as if he was acting as casual as possible about holding hands with his friend. Yeah, that was his bro. His homie. His BFF. His one and only friend.

Florence wondered gently about what kind of parties he could get himself into. He missed close atmospheres like this, and he wanted to go to some more parties. With Nate. As soon as the boy spoke up, Florence turned to face him. But when he spoke words such as that, he was not expecting it at all.

"What do you mean, feel?" Florence asked. Now, this was a loaded question. He could ruin, or sprout something amazing from just a single answer. He was scared shitless.
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