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"As you wish." Rocky responded and approached Artemis. Still ignoring the infected as if they weren't there, he crushed any of them unfortunate to be inbetween the golem and his next target. He reached out for the little man, wanting to "manhandle" him as it would be easier, but orders are orders. Rocky opened his hand, a hand large enough for them to climb on. "Please come with me." He beckoned.
Artemis had just removed his large long blade from an infected with the creature held out his hand, he chuckled and said " You should of came for me last...i was enjoying myself " His eyes had gone from purple to a purple mixed with black causing it to darken. He stepped on the hand, he still had a bit of consciousnesses left in him to understand that they were getting out of this place...but he didnt understand were this giant golem came from.
"Thank you for your cooperation." He said and raised the arm Artemis stood on, so none of the infected could grab him. "Who's next?" Rocky quietly asked himself as he looked around, trying to spot the creatures that were still alive. It was a new thing for the young golem, sure it knew what all of them looked like, but differentiating all of them was a little hard. Luckily, there was one that didn't at all look like the others. A dire wolf.

This time however, Rocky had to focus on Artemis being able to keep his balance. He moved slower than before, but with his giant steps, he quickly reached the wolf anyway and held out his other hand. "You've fought well, wolf. Come with me."
Kymico hef Aedans plan . He wanted to help but im the condition he was in he would get himself killed. He quicklu sheathed his dagers and pulled out his sword he would follow behind thomas finishing off any undead that were just meerly onfire. As aedan kymico mad his way to the golem switching weapons again pulling,out the daggers.. " anymore room" he says witha smile and looks up. As the Golem turns and looks an undead kicks him from behund he fakls on his face . Turning around on his back he looks as the zombie that is now in the air coming down over him with a spiked knee.
Nymeria halted in her tracks after just decapitating an undead No i don't think so...Hes a lil different than I am I'm assuming hes super pissed by his face which could result in him being overly powered maybe. she started to run back in a different direction to give him space and find someone who might know what was up with Thomas. And of course first one she runs into happens to be the rock guy who was a lil odd, she looked up from her thoughts as she realized he was saying something. " You make it sound like I'm wounded and on my last foot, What are you talking about?" Aysel any ideas here?
"Thank you so much. I think it would afford us to pick up Kymico and Aysel as well, Aedan too. We need to get to safety until Thomas calms down." She felt comfortable on the shoulder of the kind golem. "Thank you so much for helping, Rocks, we really appreciate it."

The temperature was rising. They needed to get out. She perked up with an idea.

"Can you shelter us all yourself? Is that possible?"
With each blunt blow, he counted, "7..8..9." He was enjoying himself as he pushed through the building, but then right as he and Thomas had almost made it out, Thomas burst into flames.
Russell kept beating away at the left overs of infected that Thomas didn't incinerate. It was not until the two reached the others that the flames became dangerous.

With quick scan, Russell saw that everyone was still alive. The Rock golemn, now called 'Rocky' soon came. It was a surprise the thing didn't come sooner. Russell figured it would be estatic to show off his skills.

The members were being carried off by Rocky with Tuesday being first. Everyone wanted to clear out from Thomas' heat, except Aedan who offered to deal with him. Russell took the initiative. "I'll help ya out Aedan," he said to him as he took off his bag. He was fairly sure he would be resistant enough for this. "Alright Thomas, cut it out ya bastard. It's time to go," he yelled before tackling the flaming man from behind. Engulfed in flames and in the hopes of knocking some sense into him, he picked Thomas up and threw him across the floor, sending him smashing into the ground.

His shirt was burned off and only some strands hung from his shoulders with parts of his skin covered in black soot from the flames. He took off the rest of his shirt and picked up his bat. The experience actually stung a bit and already he was feeling fatigued, but he would be alright.
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Meanwhile, Thomas continued his inferno, obliterating everything in his path. He continued to dart back and forth, slicing and burning everything. Eventually, when everything around him was one blazing mass, He raised his hands and roared violently, sending the flames shooting upward and into the shape of a giant serpent. He swept his hands around in circles, sending the flaming snake crashing through the surrounding buildings. Burning corpses and debris fell from the impacted structures as the snake tore through the city. He made it sprout wings and it soared into the air, before he moved his hands downward, slamming the serpent into the mass of undead, simply obliterating them is a gust of flame, but creating an invisible barrier for his friends so they are not engulfed in fire. After the impact, explosion, and decimation of the area, nothing was left except small fires and scorched bones, Thomas had collapsed onto the ground from pure exhaustion. Ashes of the Undead fell like snow, lightly coating everything. Thomas was barely breathing, barely alive. The amulet glowed softly.
The undead would have been kicked into thomas's snake. He goes huraaaa with excitement of it being over... "we gotta go. I can walk" he gets up resting his tired body aginst his sword. he looks around seeing piles of smoke riseing to the sky in all of it he sees a shiny silver object. He walks over to it kneeling down itsays lThis case belongs to Thomas Mctavish" he breaksit open inside sits arrows a food supply clips and a first aid kit.. He closess it.. he stumbles to let out his last few words .. He lost his voive.. "A..at least thaaamos' rage wasnt for nothing. " he holds his hands up to his neck and rubs it.
Aysel gave a polite smile to the now giant golem. After he scooped Nymeria p she slid off of the wolf's shoulders and sat down, trying to soak in the coolness Rocky's hand was emitting. Any ideas on what? She glanced up at the dire wolf, blinking, giving into temptation she laid flat on her back, making sure her hood was actually between her head and hair and the golems hand. She'd feel terrible if she froze the poor guy. She smiled. I don't feel sick anymore And that was about when Thomas released fire serpent. Just looking at the fiery serpent made her nausea spark again. She cringed.
Tuesday winced as every gray snowflake kissed her body. Disgusting, that was, the burned remains of the infected raining down upon them, and she hid from it in an aperture in the rock golem's head.

She wanted to jump down to see if Thomas was okay, but she was afraid. What if he freaked out again? What if he wasn't finished? What if he was dead? Her heart wouldn't be able to take any outcome, so she settled with the excuse that it was too far of a jump to satisfy her conscience. Besides, Aedan and Russ seemed to have it under control.

Thomas was being covered with ashes. She couldn't help but feel the irony, a pyromancer doused in the excretions of flames.

She was starting to shake while the adrenalin drained from her bloodstream an she took shaky breaths. She hid her face in her knees, complaining a little when the fresh cuts on her face touched the cloth of her pants.

She really, really needed a drink. Something strong.
Aedan flinched when the world in front of him ignited and braced himself expecting death, again, and was surprised when it never came. He peeked surprised and watched the ashen snow fall before glancing at Thomas collapsed on the ground. He slowly made his way to the elf's body, leaning down to check his pulse when he neared. He was still alive, barely, but that was always better than not at all. A spindly arm wound around Thomas' waist and Aedan hefted him up, cradling his like a bride, unsure of anyway else to carry a person that wasn't rude. A respectable man would never sling someone over his shoulder and Thomas was too drained to aid the vampire in assisting him.

Jogging through the macabre snowfall towards his companions, he stopped long enough for Russell to catch up before addressing the people draped on Rocky.
"Well, we survived and that's always a positive, all of us did." Aedan inclined his head down the street, unable to use his hands. "We should probably make for the mountains, what is it like a week's trip and that definitely was not all the undead in the city, so let's get out of the city before more come hmm? I would appreciate if you came also Rocky. I retract my harsh opinion of you earlier, you are far more useful than I was led to believe. Forgive me."

Glancing down at Thomas in his arms he looked up at Tuesday, noticing her concern.
"I do think he'll be okay, I also hope he's done with that fire nonsense. I am highly flammable after all."
Nymeria pushed her nose into Aysels stomach and nuzzled before smirking as the Nymph jumped and squeaked. Feel better yet? She teased wagging her tail while tilting her head in question, before she turned to look down at Aedan and Thomas. She then got a wicked wolfish grin as she hopped down off of the rock golem " Heeeey Aedan can I touch Thomas?" She gave him her best puppy dog face she could muster up while trying to hide her wicked wolfish grin.
Aedan raised a brow at Nymeria and stared flatly down at her. He said nothing for a few seconds before simply lifting Thomas higher up and closer to himself.
"No." He said with an amused smirk, nudging her gently away with his foot. "Why would I do that? Hmm are you going to loan his some of your fire or something? Do pyromancers even work like that?" He mused more to himself than anything, pausing in his thoughts to lick his long tongue out at her in a teasing manner. "Either way the answer is a 'No'."
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Nymeria gave the vampire a pout as she was scooted away " Awww I wasn't going to catch him on fire i was just gunna give him a lil bit to see what happened." she bowed her head and looked down at her paws " Not like it was gunna hurt him anyway." she muttered to her self. She then looked back up at him " How did you know I was gunna do that what if I just wanted to poke him or something?" she asked with a tilt of her head in question.
The golem stared at the fire serpent and now the ashes of the undead. Fire. Rocky didn't like fire, not on Earth at least, it grows consumes and destroys yet is an important part of life. Life couldn't exist without the sun and mankind has found all sorts of useful applications for fire, but it has often caused destruction, sadness and grief. But sometimes destruction is needed, as in this case. The pyromancer did an excellent extermination job by himself, though sadly used up most of his energy in his uncontrollable rage. "Is this why Mother didn't give me that emotion?" He thought to himself.

He pondered this thought for a while, but eventually realized he still had work to do. Kymico looked like he could use some help and with the wolf gone, there was some more room on the golem. He reaches out and carefully picks up Kymico, trying not to hurt or squish him, even.

Carrying four creatures, Rocky was about to head out, but turned to look back at Aedan. "Do you want me to carry him, mister?" He asked as he kneeled down and put his hands together. They began to fuse together and a layer of soil formed on them. With the infected gone, he could afford to expose a vulnerable spot for the sake of comfort.
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the building was damaged, it had to change its point of observation, the great fire giant snake was a true wonder, being laughed. cruel and merciless laughter, the laughter of the hunter,watching them from the heights of the buildings invisible tó them eyes
Tuesday jumped when she thought they were about to go. "Wait!" she exclaimed. "Wait, wait wait, wait, wait." She licked her lips. Her voice dwindled as she spoke. "Aedan, would you think that...Thomas would mind..." Her voice was a nearly inaudible whisper. "...if I had something to dr...ink."

She finally admitted it aloud. Her alcoholism had won out again.

"Please, I just---I need something. I won't take much, I promise." She was so ashamed. Regardless of how much it hurt, she shoved her face in her legs harder, hugging herself. She whispered more to resell than anyone else: "Just one."
Aedan shifted Thomas in his arms and shook his head at Rocky. "No I am fine you have plenty on you already and Thomas is fairly light for me. Do not worry about it." Aedan tensed when he heard the laughter and kept the snarl building in his throat down. He hoped that the only reason he heard the voice was because of his advance hearing. The party had been through enough and the last thing they needed was to know some twisted psycho watching them from afar.

Aedan jumped when Tuesday shouted, breaking his concentration while he was trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. He glanced in the direction he was sure the laughter was coming from and narrowed his eyes towards it, turning back to Tuesday, his pleasant expression returned as he listened to her.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I know that you need some sort of relief from what just happened but we need you able to function." Sighing Aedan gave her a long contemplative look before opening his mouth to speak again. "Be quick, we need to leave and who knows what is left behind so hurry quickly and get something small."
She nodded and let herself down, sliding down the front of the rock golem. What a weakling she was.

She felt guilty, rummaging through th wine cabinet of a nearly dead man, but the addiction needed to be quenched. She grabbed a single-malt whiskey before something else caught we eye.

It was a fine vodka in a little bottle, and it beckoned to her; her inside coat pocke seemed to jump for it. Quickly she grabbed it.

She kept her head bowed in shame as she ran back out, clambering up to Rocky's shoulder again. She thanked Aedan and opened up the bottle, taking a quick swig. "Let's get outta here."
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