2035 OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
is anyone going to check on artemis as he stumbles around blindly at the moment
Have him stumble inti Liam and he'll hold onto him. Something like a comedy. You know, you and I are masters at that stuff haha.
I thought the group would probably be nice enough to get him. I'll get him soon.
he is slowly regaining his power so he will be able to find his way eventually
Damnit Akuma, you ninja'd me! (just learned that word yesterday) I edited it though. SO it should be okay now.

And not true. Acid hasn't posted for awhile either. Nor has MissMaine. Soooo be patient.
Wh-what's not true? *kicks rocks, acting like nothing happened, whistling*
Yeah, no shit, Aniela found the man she's been looking for, which is Liam haha. And y'all, *claps hands together* so cute!
Haha wait.....whoa..pm me..discussion time with you and I.
One problem, Akuma, touching Aysel equals frozen water particles....

It's why she's not used to being touched and another reason she wears so many layers. Touching her is bad for people not aspiring to be ice statues.
" She might have frost nymphomania" I probably found that far funnier than it should have been.
oh...well...artemis's beating heart flame can conquer any frost!...probably not...but you get the point
...She'll dodge it for his well being. *nods* I think she's going to be rather fond of the snow creating child though. Instant coldness!
oh no...now i have to fight a kid to? love triangle broken...now a love square