20 Questions - Iwaku Edition!

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Wooow, I went to bed and missed 2½ contestants o.O This went faaaast. -thinks up ten new questions while waiting for akiko to finish their turn-
Akiko finished already.
Question #20 has been asked, but not answered, so there's one question left for Akiko to finish.
Question #20 has been asked, but not answered, so there's one question left for Akiko to finish.
Sorry, didn't mean to keep anyone waiting. But I had classes early this morning and so went to bed after #19.

20(I guess whoever asks the last question will mostly likely be next on the hot seat but I can take the heat): What was a crucial moment in your life that helped you mature into the person that you are today?
This isn't something I normally talk about, but when I was in high school, like many, I had problems with other kids. Out of anger, I did something that ended up getting me into a bunch of trouble. Got suspended 3 days out of school and in-school suspension for another 3. In the end, what I came out of it with was the knowledge that not everyone is going to like me or be nice and the best way to deal with it is to just not give them the satisfaction of letting it bother me. I've overcome much of my insecurity since then.
And with that, @AkikoYukito has finished with the hot seat!

Next up is @Etānaru Fureimu!

1. What is the one accomplishment in your life you feel the most proud of?
Etānaru Fureimu, Razilin. Get it right. xD
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*Sees this and jumps in*

3. If you could have dinner with one historical figure who would it be and why?
1. What is the one accomplishment in your life you feel the most proud of?
This might be the hardest question I'm ever asked XD I would say managing to survive past my 18th birthday. I always thought that by the time I reached it, some worldwide problem would result in my death. It doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment but when you feel as though you're one of the only smart people residing in a stupid community, you feel as though that you weren't meant to be. That's how I see it at least.

2) why eternal flame
Because my flames will never burn out!! Well that and the fact that someone took the name Axel before I could.
*Sees this and jumps in*

3. If you could have dinner with one historical figure who would it be and why?
I would go with it John F. Kennedy. He was the most ambitious president in my opinion and I want to know why.
4. What's your favorite sweet?
It would be between Nerds and Starbursts. My favorite becomes the one I didn't have last XD
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4. Are you the kind of person to help a random stranger or keep walking by?
4. Are you the kind of person to help a random stranger or keep walking by?
Depends on the scenario. If they're getting mugged, no. If they need help with anything other than violence related situations, yes. I'm mildly athletic but muscles can't shield you from being shot or stabbed sooo...not going to happen XD
6. How big is your ego?
Honestly, I cannot say. Somedays I feel like I can do anything while on others, I tend to crack from the smallest hint of doubt in my mind.
Creativity, ambitious goals and loyalty above everything. And respect for other people. Just because I'm not the one being bullied/cyber bullied doesn't meant that I would tolerate such a thing.
9. What is your favourite type of weather?
10. If you had a superpower what would it be?
12. If you sat in a room with a murderer and a stranger, and the murderer said that you would have to kill the innocent person beside you, with your bare hands, otherwise he would kill you, would you kill that person? (Note, he states that the person will go free if you are killed in their place. So one of you will die, and one will survive, if he's telling the truth that is.... But for the sake of the argument, we say he's telling the truth and there's no doubt about it.)
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