1x1 with Wildpelt

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She couldn't help but laugh hard at his sudden recovery. She soon met him outside, still laughing a little and pulled out the pack, opening it and handing one to him.
He lit the cigarette and smoked it intently, "I'm only a nerd in class." He moaned.
She smiled and lit hers too, saying, "I like you, well, this you." Before smoking timber cigarette. Maybe she could do this project with him after all.
Chris smiled, "Fuck being a nerd this drag is awesome."
She smiled again and sighed, thinking.
Chris leaned back, "Sorry if I'm not who I seem. I became nerdy so people wouldn't konw I'm a bi-polar smoking freak."
"There's nothing wrong with that. People call me a freak too, but its okay."
Chris smoked a bit, "Never thought I would admit it, but I do think your pretty." He took another puff.
She raised a brow and smiled at him. He looked different with his glasses off. "Are you high?" She asked jokingly.
"God I wish I was." He smiled.
She returned the smile once again and took another puff. He didn't mean what he said before... did he?
"You should wear those clothes more often. You're pretty."
She playfully rolled her eyes and bumped him with her arm. "Shut up. Just earlier today you shuddered at the look of me."
"Whatever, I shuddered at your cold disposition." He moved closer.
She took another puff before tossing the cigarette.
Chris finished his soon after, "gosh I needed that."
"Don't we all." She said with a soft smile. She sighed. "So... what else do you do? How bad are you really?" She asked without looking at him.
Chris gave a wicked smile, "Oh, I can go SO much worse. I've stolen and lied out of things more often than not. I'm only a nerd in the class." He seized her arm, chuckling.
She jumped, being knocked out of her trance. She looked at him. "What?"
Chris placed his hand on her other hand, "I can be a lot worse...if you need me to." He looked down, "Like...erm...I did meth once worse...."
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