1x1 With @Vaila

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Hunter nodded, '' Doesn't surprise me... It's kind of cool. I still didn't finish College and I attended before her..'' Hunter said with a bit of a mocking ton in there. He had given up a bit on his dreams and needed a break from everything. His father had died during the whole Kronos battle along with all of there friends. It took him time to get back on his foot. Most of the help coming from Freya since Demetri was just completely engulfed in his relationship and his life. '' How come Abby broke up with him anyway? '' he asked starting to wash the dishes.
"She said they were drifting apart. Eva kept calling and calling spewing lies and Abby's self esteem isn't great at the best of times," she said sadly. "She didn't think she was good enough for him," she said with a frown. "She gave some excuse about wanting to focus on school but I know that that was all a falsehood." Freya sighed and pushed away from the table. "I should get going, she'll be arriving soon and I need to get into the city before then," she said as wings sprouted from her back. "And it probably means I'll be moving back into my cabin so if you find my suitcase lemme know kay?"
'' Oh wow... Demetri really didn't interpret it like that. What excuse did she use? and yeah I will. Just pass me a key to your cabin.'' Hunter said leaning his hand forward waiting for the keys as he looked at her still bare chest with his numerous tattoos on his shoulder, one sleeve arm and his chest.
"That the distance wasn't working and she wanted to focus on her dreams. She said that he just didn't fit in them," she said with a wince as she handed him her keys. She tried to avoid looking at his chest, knowing what it would do to her equilibrium. She swallowed and turned, grabbing her shoes as she walked towards the front door. "Laters, Hunter," she said to him softly before turning and kissing his cheek gently. "Thanks for being such a good friend to me." She quickly turned and walked out of the door before he could say another word, her wings spreading as she took off.
'' Bye Bye!!'' Hunter shouted to her from the door to hear. He turned back inside his cabin, '' Damn that was harsh from her... I feel him now.'' Hunter said feeling bad for Demetri. He walked back in his room to look for her luggage. After a while, he found it wide open in his garden for some reason, or maybe the fatigue made it that they couldn't it and ended up breaking it in the backdoor(They had no keys). So Hunter started picking the clothes that were on the floor blushing at every panties he was actually holding in his hands, same for the bra's. He closed his eyes sighting as he picked all of it and walked towards the Aphrodite Cabin to drop it in Freya's room. The zipper was broken so everything spilled off.
Demetri was looking at the gate waiting for his cab. He was wearing a casual T-Shirt and a black pair of pants with fancy boots. But he was in no mood for one of this '' dates'' . He hated all of it and regretted accepting it. It has been one year that he was dumped by Abby, or maybe even a bit more. He did move on a bit. Thinking of her wasn't his hobby but she would come to his mind. The effect of this breakup was more than a scar. She practically ripped off his heart. He had sex to have sex. He never kissed anyone, not even his fiancee. She was sweet and all, but she didn't cut it off nor did she make him feel like falling in love all over again. Honestly, he lost faith again in love. There was nothing more cruel than falling in love. It was just a hormonal processes caused by a damn goddess that has nothing to do better of her life. He pulled out his phone looking through his messages.

9:00am- Jennifer Castellano: Hey Deme<3 I'm really looking forward to todays date. I know you've been feeling down and all but I hope you can talk about it with me.
9:05am-Demetri Vasiliadis: Hey. Don't worry about it. It's just, you know, the work in New York and all.. It's overwhelming.
9:06am- Jennifer Castellano: Oh... Is it at your fathers business or is it back at that... camp or something you talked about?? :)))
9:10am- Demetri Vasiliadis: Camp mostly.... but don't worry. So, I meet you soon at the aeroport?
9:11am- Jennifer Castellano: Yes!!<3 Omg, I just wished you could of came to Los Angeles with me boo :( I missed you so much..
9:15am- Demetri Vasiliadis: Same :) x
9:15am- Jennifer Castellano: Awwww <3

Demetri sighted looking through the window glass. He felt like such an hypocrite and a cheater. He hated himself at his point.
Two hours later, Abby pulled into New York and was greeted by the sight of her sister. She killed the engine, not caring how Freya had found her and ran at her sister, wrapping her arms around the girl. "Missed you," Abby murmured and Freya murmured back, forgetting everything other than that her sister was home again.
"Missed you too," she murmured back.
A short while later they were both in the truck on the way back to the camp, Freya rambling about her trip with Hunter.
"I still don't understand why you two never fucked," Abby said and Freya's gaze snapped to her.
"Because he's my friend?" she asked rhetorically making Abby laugh as they pulled through the gate into the camp.
"Yeah but he's hot!" Abby said with a laugh and Freya slapped her arm, making her laugh harder.
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Hunter was in his pair of sweatshorts scratching his stomach while switching channels in the T.V obviously bored being alone with Freya around to entertain him with her rambling. '' Freya! Where are you!!!?'' he shouted in defeat as he groaned out of boredom while Oprah Winfrey played.
Freya appeared beside him, before moving to sit on his lap as Abby sat beside him. "I'm right here, no need to shout," she said with a smirk. "Miss me that much huh? My gorgeous face in your memory not enough?" she continued over dramatically as Abby laughed.
"Hey Hunter," Abby said, kissing his cheek. "How you been?"
Hunter looked all eyes not expecting their appearance. '' Hey Abz! I'm good even if Freya is making my ear bleed all the time.'' he said to tease her as he poked her side. He felt a bit uncomfortable feeling her seat on his lap images of her naked body popping in his mind. He shoved it in another section of his brain not really liking the fact that he would think of that about her. But it was involuntarily and it disgusted him just a little since he considered her almost like a sister. He didn't mind looking at her in panties but thinking about sex just made him feel weird and he never liked it if he didn't love the girl. '' I really missed you! You should of came and visit us when we were in Italy or france or even just New YorK!'' he added
"I was in Baltimore," she said with a small smile. "And besides, you should miss me."
Freya let out a grumble of annoyance, moving to poke his chest with her finger. Abby watched them and smirked as a devilish idea popped into her head.
"So why aren't you two fucking?" Abby asked bluntly, leaning back in the seat as she watched both of them carefully.
Hunter giggled at the poking when he heard the question. His face turning to her his ears red, '' Huh?!" he said with almost squeaky voice full of confusion.
Abby laughed and lent forward, covering her hand over Freya's mouth. "You heard me," she said simply. "Why aren't you and Frey Frey doing the horizontal mambo?" she asked but Freya had had enough. She bit down on her sister's palm and Abby let out a yelp, pulling back instantly. "Watch out she bites," Abby teased and Freya growled.
Hunter just leaned on the sofa more and tried looking anywhere but at Freya on his lap. He knew about the horizontal mambo because of that stupid sexual book Demetri gave him after finishing it and it kind of traumatized him. He might feel excited because of the hormones when he saw a women, he might enjoy being affectionate, but the actual fucking part disturbed him sometimes even if he did feel a bit in need sometimes. But he would always managed to shrug it off with other boyish activities like sports or gaming. '' Cause it's gross?'' he answered rhetorically. '' Why would I do that with Freya? It's not like she wants too... It's weird.'' he said with a scrunch of the nose.
Abby laughed as Freya scowled. "It would be gross?" she asked, slightly insulted. "Sex with me is not gross!" she exclaimed, as she slid off of his lap and moved to go to her bedroom in Aphrodite cabin, slamming doors behind her as she went. Abby bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing.
"That was the wrong word to say my friend," Abby said. "But you can't tell me you've never thought about it. Never once after accidentally seeing her in the shower, or when you wake up next to her in the morning. Hell, even when you saw her naked this morning, and yes she told me about your grin. Infact It's the reason I asked."
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Hunter looked at Freya get mad and was confused but grateful she stood up from his lap. He was getting more then uncomfortable with the direction this conversation took. " Frey-" and the door slammed. He shut up and looked at Abby listening. " Exactly. I find it all disgusting and really like.... Dirty. But i don't want to think like that of Freya." He trailed of with a gagging voice. " Plus... It only happened a few times. Not that i mind seeing her naked. But the actual thing kinds of scare me or something." He said being really sincere about it.
"You should probably go and explain that to her, because she's going through a bit of a dry spell.... in fact the last person she slept with was Luke, two and half years ago. She's probably feeling a little unattractive as it is and you know better than anyone how we get," she said with a small smile. Moving to get up she kissed his cheek and winked at her. "See you later, Hunter," she said with a grin, skipping as she began to walk out of the door. She was starving and definitely craving bacon, so as a last minute decision she made her way to the mess hall.
Demetri just came back from his date with his fiancee. In all honesty, it went more than smoothly. But it still felt eternally boring and long. That's why he came back early with the excuse something got urgent and he had to go back. He wondered how she could his lack of attention and words to her. The girl seemed daze by him for some reason. And she had everything for him to want to marry her. The money, looks, personality, affectionate,cute, everything. Demetri walked down the alley passed the Cabin going for the mess hall where his groupies were. He was bored and maybe they would entertain me.
Hunter was at Freya's cabin. It Getting in was easy and now was standing in front of her bedroom knocking softly on the door. " Freya.... You misunderstood." He said quietly a bit shy of the situation
Freya was sat on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting against them. She didn't bother to move when she'd heard Hunter knock, wishing he'd just leave her alone. But she could hardly say that to him. Last time she'd pushed him away it had been when she'd had a crush on him, and it had almost destroyed their friendship completely. "It's open," she murmured, not bothering to look up. She'd spoken just loud enough for him to hear her, but she couldn't be entirely sure that he had until he opened the door.

She continued to bury her face, hiding her red stained eyes from view. She didn't want to admit it, but this was the first time that she had felt truly unattractive. It had been a slow progression and she honestly hadn't noticed that it had happened until Hunter had spoken about it, but she'd lost her touch.
Abby grabbed a plate of food, plugging her earphones and began to sing along perfectly to More Than A Feeling by Boston, ignoring the giggling bunch of girls as she did. As she set her plate and coffee down on the table, she began to drum along to the beat deciding in what order to eat her food. During one of the guitar solo's she picked up a piece of bacon and chewed on it, letting out a noise of contentment as her eyes fluttered closed. She swallowed and began to sing again, setting the bacon down as she reorganised her food into a toasted bacon sandwich with cheese and tomato slices.
Hunter stepped in the room walking towards her bed to seat. He looked at her feeling guilty about his choice of words. '' It wouldn't be gross.'' he stated laying back completely but supporting his back with his elbows on the bed. '' and I'm sorry I made you cry even if you are a crybaby.'' he said with a small smile trying to tease her.
Demetri walked in not hungry at all but he ended up seating in the giggling table where all of the new recruit and his students from the morning class. '' Oh my god Demetri. You were like amazing!'' one of the girl said and all of her friends started encouraging and complimenting Demetri. He simply wore a polite smile regretting his choice of chilling place. He could feel the stare of jealous boys in his back burning into is skin. '' No it's cool. I just have more experience.'' he said with a shugg
"I'm not a crybaby," she sniffled, but she didn't move to look at him. She couldn't believe that she had had a crush on him, even if it had been two years ago. She knew that they'd never be together, but part of her still longed for it. She'd always thought of him as a back-up, someone to love her when no one else would. But she was already at that stage, and he didn't. They were simply best friends and he found her gross like every other male on the planet.
Abby didn't even notice as he entered, picking up her coffee she drank from it before turning to her handmade sandwich. Like I Can by Sam Smith came on through her headphones and she began to sing, changing the words from he to she. She closed her eyes and thought of Demetri, her heart pounding in her chest. Even after all this time she still hadn't gotten over him and she knew she never would. Breaking up with him was the one thing that she regretted above all others, lying to him like she did. She loved him with everything she was but the messages from Eva and the rumours were getting too much. Her heart broke a little more with each one she heard but it wasn't until pictures started arriving of him with other women that she couldn't take it anymore.
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