Your signature sucks and this is why!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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The majority of our users are now using smaller devices to access Iwaku and the internet, this is a thing we have to consider now, those damn whippersnappers. O_O
Rofl! That sounds like something I would say XD I love you, Diana~
I've added an update to my post regarding animated signatures and the like, linking directly to this thread with some summary so folks can hopefully be informed of some of the considerations they should make while using the flexible features Iwaku offers. I'm still getting notifications from that dusty old thing.

I recognize I'm partly responsible for the development of this issue, and apologize for not including some of these concerns in the first place when making these more troublesome features more accessible to folks. Thank you, Diana and staff; with any luck, your announcement will help to lessen the impact of my mistake in the foreseeable future. ♥
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