Your Assasin? Or Your Protector?

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He grit his teeth, "Fuck! I should have killed you earlier!" He grabbed a lamp and threw it to the ground smashing it into a million pieces, "Look you dont understand shit! So shut your trap!"
She got up, standing right in front of him.
"If I'm such a hassle, then kill me now. Nothing says you can't. Then you get a fast ticket back to your real life and you can stop pretending that you want to help, ass." She said, waiting for a moment before turning away.
He narrowed his eyes at her and growled. However once he looked into her emerald green eyes again.... he couldnt.... he just couldnt. He didnt understand it at all. After the stare down between them his expression softened just a little and his muscles untense from his previous anger. He sighs, "Look... just shut up...."
Grace was silent, sitting back on the bed with her back turned. She would demand an apology, but that would sound extremely juvenile, so she just sat there silently as he stated. She was simply following orders.
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He let out a sigh a little surprised that she even listened to him but was relieved, "Ok, now-" suddenly he heard a noise on the top floor of the boat and was on full alert, "Stay here." He went up the stairs with his guard completly up. As he walked around he definetley had the sense someone was there.... then he saw it. A black figure in the shape of a human. He growled and rushed over to the figure pinning it against the wall. He summoned a fire blade which came out of his hand and pointed the knife right at the persons throat. He snarled when he realized it was Thomas. "What do you want clown?"
Great! More commands. At least the jerk was out of her hair now and she could work on piecing together some of her information. She pulled out a pen and grabbed a scrap sheet of paper from off of a little stand, taking a deep breath before making a chart and filling it in to her satisfaction, not having a single thought of going outside.
Unlike Dean, Thomas did show emotions... a lot. And that has always bothered Dean. He has always said that that would one day get him killed. The red-headed man looked a little scared as Dean had the fire blade close to his throat. Dean gave him a good shove and glared at him, "Well?"
Thomas regained his composure, "I was wondering why you didn't show back up to the office. You usually show up after you killed someone."
Dean rolled his eyes, "I don't need a damn babysitter. I just got assigned to a new mission."
Thomas arched an eyebrow, "And your going in a boat?"
Dean narrowed his eyes, "Are you questioning my methods?"
"No but-"
"Good, because it almost sounds as if you were."
Thomas let out a sigh, "Come on Dean, I am on your side here."
"Yeah... right..." he said unconvinced, "Now get off this boat before I push you out."
Thomas suddenly heard an odd noise down the stairs. He arched an eyebrow, "Did you hear that?"
Dean crossed his arms. He certainly did hear that, but he decided to pretend a if he hadn't, "What the hell are you talking about?" but inside he was thinking, 'What the hell is that woman doing?!''
They hear the noise again, "That!" Thomas responded following the sound, heading down the stairs. Dean followed shortly after him.
"Then you must truly be insane after all!" Dean snarled. The door was rather thin so Grace was now able to hear everything. As Thomas grabbed the door knob Dean quickly pulled out his dagger and stabbed him right in the spine, causing him to fall right in front of the door. The red headed man slowly turned to look up at Dean, "Dean... Why?"
Of course Dean didn't reply. Just simply pulled out his fire blade once again, pulled Thomas up by his hair and stabbed him right through his heart causing him to die instantly. He pulled his blade out of him and made it disappear and let go of the mans hair, when his head hit the floor it made a thud. The stab wound from his back and heart caused blood to spill on the floor and even under the door a bit. Dean let outa quiet groan, "You had it coming..." he dragged his lifeless body up the stairs.
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Grace popped herself into the minifridge and grabbed a soda, kicking it closed as she opened it and took a swig, thinking of what information she was still missing. Nothing added up in the grand scope with all she had collected, but she couldn't loose faith. One more clue could be the answer to the morbid question of who murdered her family, and she felt as if it were right in front of her, begging to be seen. That was when she heard voices, one of them being Dean. Perfectly still, she listened to the muffled conversation until there was a clear, definitive thud and the thick red liquid she knew so well as blood seeped under the small crack in the door. With how often she had seen it by now, it didn't fase her, but it did give her a wake up call as to what that final clue was. Quickly, she jotted down nothing more than a few words that most people wouldn't understand, shoved the paper that had her real research on it in her pocket, and opened the door, just as Dean was dragging a dead body away. Tensed and teeth clenched, Grace stormed off after him and grasped him by the shoulder, turning him around.
"Tell me why you were sent to assassinate me, then, tell me who this person was to you. I can tell due to your more mournful reactions that he was someone close." There was no give in her voice. She wanted answers, and now was the only time on her time card.
As he dragged the body he suddenly felt someone touch his shoulder and went to turn him around. As a reflex he insanity turned around, dropped the body and pinned her to the wall. Once he realized who it was he instantly let go and looked at her with a usual scowl on his face, "I wont tell you anything woman, except this clown," he gestures towards the red headed man," Was a fellow colleague. I was never close to him. He was a fool." He crossed his arm, "I had to kill him because of you! What the hell were you doing in there anyways?!"
As Grace was pinned and yelled at, she tensed up, growing more hot with anger, staring him in the eye as she projected her words.
"I got myself a god-damned soda, and next thing I know there's a murder right outside the door!" Yelling was something that the girl rarely did, but when she did, it could wreak havoc on a person's mind, especially if she maintained steady eye contact for too long while doing so.
He rolled his eyes, "Who makes that much getting a damn soda?" he let out a sigh after looking into her eyes for a certain amount of time, "Whatever, whats done is done." he picked up Thomas's body by the back of his shirt, "Now I'm going to get ride of this damn body." he says as he walks up the stairs. He simply dropped the body next to his feet, grabbed a cement block and a chain. He wrapped the chain around the cement block. Afterward he cuffed Thomas's leg to the other end. He simply and easily just threw the body and the cement block into the water. He watched the body sink. Once he could no longer see the body he turned around.
Grace shuddered at how easily Dean could forget that this body was only moments ago his coworker. She slowly slipped back into the small room and gathered some rags to start cleaning up the blood, it taking a bit of work. When she couldn't see much of the blood anymore, she dumped a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on the deck to get rid of any trace that a bloodstain was once there
Once the body was gone Dean shrugged it of f like it was nothing and headed to the stairs where he found Grace cleaning up the mess. He arched an eyebrow. Why was this woman helping. Once she was finished he crossed his arms and moved out of the way so she can throw the crap off the deck. "Thanks." He said planly and walked down the stairs.
With a shudder, grace tossed the soiled rags out, running her hands through the water to rid the feeling of thick, sticky blood on them, hearing dean thank her from behind. Slowly she turned, he now already decending the stairs to enter the room. She wanted to follow after, but she was also afraid to, not sure how he would react to her presence. With a sigh, she just walked up the steps and laid out on the deck with her eyes closed.
As he got into the room he sighed then ploped onto the bed othe left and looked up at the ceiling, his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes for a moment just thinking. What the hell was he going to do? He opened his eyes and looked at the bed beside him, they were only a few inches apart.... he still definetley didnt trust that Grace would ry to run off. With another sigh he sat up and head back up the stairs. He looked around for a moment then noticed she was indeed still here. He walked over to her and arched an eyebrow, "You know sleeping downstairs might be a little more comfy. There are actually beds down there."
Grace opened an eye at dean's 'witty' remarks and gave a half hearted, sarcastic laugh.
"Whatever, wise guy... I was just giving you a bit of space is all..." With that, she sat up, looking around briefly. It was, of course, more than just giving him space, but she wouldn't tell anything more on the matter, getting up to her feet and lightly pushing dean, though in a lighthearted manner, before heading downstairs.
Dean simply rolled his eyes and moved out of the way for her once again, following shortly after her, "Whatever. What I need to do is not keep you out of my sight." He says shutting the door behind them. He took off his shoes and socks, completly forgetting about the shards of glass that was on the floor from the lamp he threw earlier. The moment he walked over to his bed he suddenly felt a suddenly sharp pain on his foot. It didnt hurt as bad though compared to his battle wounds of the past but he still reacted. He mutters, but actually quit loudly, "Son of a god damn mother-" he sighs and walks over to his bed and looks at his foot. It was a good medium sized glass shard. He simply pulled it out and threw it it across the room scowling a bit. He looked around for a stupid broom thing but couldnt seem to find one.... not that he knew much about house cleaning anyways.
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Grace flinched at the harsh stringing of words that spewed from the man's mouth, knowing full well she'll just have to get used to it, but even still, it would be hard, with a small sigh, she walked over and checked the small closet, finding a large, flat sided broom head and dustpan to clean up the floor with quickly before throwing all the glass in the trash to prevent further outbursts. With that, she kicked off her socks and shoes and took off her shirt, revealing a sleeveless undershirt that she could probably sleep a bit cooler in.
Dean looked over at her and muttered the words, "Thanks...." He watches her take her shirt off for a moment then casually looks away.
"Sorry... about earlier alright?" He mutters, however it is loud enough for her to hear.
Grace looked over for a moment, before going over to sit on Dean's bed beside him.
"Thank you for the apology.... I already forgave you...." She said softly with a faint smile, looking up to meet his eyes, hoping to see a little life besides anger and grief.
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