Xesious 2: Corruption (OOC/Sign-Ups)

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Hello? Anyone still here?
Well, no one's posted onto the IC in a while so I'm not sure.
I'm here I was thinking on just posting again just because. But sometimes people are caught IRL. *shrugs* It happens
Cool, I'll make a character right now then! Maybe a knight, I want to do action-y things and it seems there are enough mercs and assassins.
Feel free to do whatever you want. :)
I'm here,just don't know what or when.
I think you're still in the shop.
Lol lost the word reply somehow. I meant what or when to reply.
KNIGHT IT IS THEN! Well Paladin, but I could totally remove the divine stuff if its too much.

Name: Bojar
Age: 20
Sexual Orientation:

Casting a divine shield over his allies. Curing lesser ailments. Spells to increase natural regeneration (not instant healing, like a 2 week incapacitating wound is 4-6 days instead.)

Weapon(s): A scutum shield and a steel mace.

Social Class: Noble
Job: Knight/Cleric Hybrid. Paladin?
Reputation: May sometimes be referred to as 2nd chance Bojar. Feared by both noble and criminal alike.
Personality: Bojar is a ruthless knight, using his mace to beat down those who resist his arrests by running or striking Bojar. Despite that, he is also fair, requiring substantial evidence or needing Bojar himself to be an eyewitness before he convicts suspects. He abhors killing, and does his best to resolve conflicts peacefully before even reaching for his mace. He is also easily persuaded, adding in his belief that all can be redeemed, many criminals are given a second chance by him if they confess before getting convicted.

Born from a far away kingdom, not much is known about his past. As for rumors however, he has killed many men before coming to Xesious to be reborn as a man of peace. When he had came just a few months ago, they said he had eyes that looked as if they were staring somewhere far away.
Extra info:
-Has a soft spot for children, giving a portion of his money to local orphanages.
-Those who take advantage of his mercy do not roam the streets for long.
-Loves sandwiched foods

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You're accepted, just let us know when you found a picture.
Aha! I have found me another terribly small image for my character, this time for his out of armor appearance!
Okay, great. Thanks for telling us.
Not much has happened still, so it shouldn't be too hard though I can't remember everything that happened. Just that pretty much everyone's in the same town.
And Talia is has now pretty much locked herself into being around Elie for an extended period.
Should be fun to watch the fireworks.
That will get quite interesting, especially since Elie's not good with people. Fair warning, it makes her kind of mean too.
I know, that's why I can't wait to watch this. Because if Talia feels physically threatened. She gets a little....uhm..... Kill-y
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