Wyvern High Academy for the Gifted

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Blake nodded an placed Alex gently on the barrier. "Thanks." She said to him. "Let's go then." She helped him take the barrier and began to make her way back inside. It would be much cooler. Once they got Alex cooled down they could figure out what was going on.
Alex relaxed in the barrier, taking as deep of a breath as he could. His crystal was growing only slightly brighter. He took it in his hands, closing his eyes and focusing on cooling down.

Aria stopped. "Do you feel that, Corrie?" she asked, looking up. It seemed to be getting warmer.
Ash Welders walked towards the grounds of the Academy smirking as he opened the doors and slipped into the Academy. Then he walked as people place him in a room with just an intercom. Then suddenly the intercom made a crack signaling someone was about to say something they said defend yourself the best you can. Then they started to shoot magic at him he suddenly dodged one and focused shooting flame in the directions of attack suddenly they stopped he walked out opening the door. 'Oh god what if I didn't pass?!' Ash thought stepping to the desk worried the woman handed him handful of papers and a key directing him to his room he walked up to Dorm 876 sighing in relief. H trudged what little possessions he had up to room unlocking it with the key she gave him smiling and plopping his stuff on the bed he looked to his schedule and walked down the stairs to his first Pyromancy class. (Or fire evocation... Whatever one you prefer.)
Kira nudged Bliss back and smiled at her. It appeared that the girl's enthusiasm was contagious. "Mm. Aria and that new girl were downright rude, the new girl even more so. The others seemed alright. Though I did think something was off about Alex and the.. boy. " Kira finished quietly as they neared the dorms.

A sudden gust of wind whipped their hair around and blew dust into their eyes. The girls coughed and tried to push their hair out of their eyes as the wind died down as quickly as it had appeared.

"You okay? That was weird wasn't it?" Her eyes widened as she glanced up at the sky and noticed the strange clouds. "That doesn't look right. I think we should head inside." Kira grabbed her roomie's small hand in hers and ran into the building, almost dragging Bliss in her haste. Something about the strange weather made her feel uneasy and wrong. She didn't want to get caught outside in some sort of freak storm.

"Sorry about that. I just had a really bad feeling back there." She apologized, letting go of Bliss' hand.
They would soon reach the dorms, but how would Alex's condition be by then? It only got hotter as time passed. The wind became stronger and even Nicholas began sweating lightly. "Come on, Alex. Don't give up. We'll be inside soon." He said, slightly short of breath. "Once we close to the dorm, I can lift us up to my room. My bed is next to the window, and I think I can put Alex on it form down here." He hesitated slightly. Never before had he moved a barrier out of his line of sight, and now he was going to try while someone was lying on it? "I can lift us up after, and we can tend to her then."
"Good." Blake replied. She made her way with the others to the window of Nickolas's dorm. "This is your job, I can't do anything here." She said to him, looking up at the open window. "We have to get her out of this heat." Blake could feel the sudden change of temperature, though she didn't know what it was yet she did know she was going to figure it out. First she was planning on getting Alex better though.

Remi thought she could hear somethings going on outside but shrugged it off. She continued looking at the same picture trying to figure out what she was looking at. If the description was still there she wouldn't have had this problem. "Who even rips things out of book anyway?" She said to herself.
The window wasn't that high up, only the second floor. The barrier began rising as Nicholas' right hand moved upwards. Beads of sweat fell from his forehead, and his body tensed up slightly. What ever this heat was, it made it difficult for him to concentrate. "There we go.." Nicholas muttered, as the barrier leveled with the window. His eyes closed, as he muttered to himself. "Sight won't help me now."
In his minds he visualized the room the best he could. A few feet to the left was his bed, so he began carefully motioning that way. Half a moment later he sighed, and moved his hand the other way. "It's to the left from the inside, stupid." Sure enough, he shortly felt resistance on his barrier, and began lowering it.
"She should be on the bed now. Come over here, and stand close to me." When Blake was close, Nicholas created a barrier just under their feet and lifted it up with a shallow layer of soil on top. Even though his breathing was shallow and difficult, he had to do this, and quick. "My vest." He panted. "Open it up, it's a little tight." not to mention humid with sweat.
Blake watched, hoping that he could make it. Once she seemed to be inside, Blake made a sigh of relief. "On right." She said after hearing him ask her something. She undid the buttons on his vest, though she felt a little weird doing it. She may look like a guy but the thought of unbuttoning a guys vest made her embarrassed. She shook the thought off, this as important and finished him request.

Next thing Remi knew someone was floating into her room. She stood up, dropping the book and letting it fall to the ground, still open to the same page. "What the?" She said, confused that there was now some girl in her roommates bed. Though she hadn't meant her roommate yet, she thought it strange for her to just come in like that. Though that's went she thought the girl was her roommate, she didn't think there could be another reason.
Ash walked to class a book in his hand and a flame dancing around in the other his hood up he walked in "Remove your hood please." the teacher snapped at him but Ash did as he was told and took his hood off revealing his chocolate brown hair and eyes. He smirked sitting in his seat and listened contently and never taking his eyes off of the teacher. Then rather quickly the teacher rushed them out he noticed he had a free period so he just decided to wander off and explore the Academy a bit more.
As soon as his vest was opened, Nicholas took a deep breath. The barrier began moving master, and after a few seconds they were at the window. "You go first." Nicholas moved his head towards the window and panted slightly. "I'll go in right after." Nicholas was clearly struggling with the heat. When Blake had left the platform, Nicholas stumbled after her and almost fell through the open window. He rolled onto his back and undid the first two buttons on his shirt. "Is she alright?" He said weakly, and noticed a fourth person in the room. "You must be my." He took a deep breath. "You must be my room mate." Nicholas sat up against the wall just under the window and closed it, still not realizing that his new room mate was a girl.
Alex felt the coolness of the room and sighed softly. His breath was a cloud frost. Now in the cool room, the crystal glowed a little. By the time Nicholas and Blake had entered, he had sat up, shaking a little still, but his breathing was easier and he was chewing on an ice cube. He looked up. "Th..thanks..Ni..Nicholas.." he said weakly, smiling faintly. His glasses were crooked, so he adjusted them before laying over on his side.
"Yeah, that was totally weird! Maybe its a new student? Like a...A wind..person?" She suggested halfheartedly, smoothing down her hair and wiping the dust out of her eyes. "Ooh maybe there'll be a storm and the power will go out and we can have a huge sleepover and tell ghost stories!" She said excitedly, beginning to walk up to their room.

She turned around and started walking backwards, bumping into walls and various objects every now and then. "So what do you think about Nicholas?"
Blake thanked Nicholas and walked over to Alex. "Are you felling any better? Do you need anything?" She asked her. Blake thought that Alex did look a little better, it was cooler in the room after all. She sat down next to Alex on the bed. This was when she noticed the book on the ground and the other girl in the room.

Remi watched as others came into her room. "Roommate? What are you doing in my room?" She blurted out. She had a terrible temper. "If you're here to try something, I'll blow you all up." She said, pointing her figures at Nickolas and Blake, seeing two guys and one girl, Alex.
Alex shook his head. "I'm okay..I don't need anything." he said quietly as he rested his head in Blake's lap. It felt natural. He looked at Remi. "I'm..not your roommate. Nicholas is." he said, feeling better. "He was helping me..sorry for the misunderstanding.."
Blake felt a little strange having Alex's head on her lap but she was after all not feeling well a few moments ago. She pushed the thought out of her mind and smiled knowing she was feeling better. "That's good." She then looked up at Remi. "Looks like they messed up on your placement too, that's what happened to Alex and I."

Remi listened to them. "So you're saying that guy lying on the ground right there is my roommate?" She sat down on her bed and made a sigh. "Well if something happens I'm still blowing you up. Now...why did you come in through the window." She had forgotten the book was still open on the ground.
Alex nodded. "Yeah..that's your roommate." he said, yawning slightly. The ice had melted in his mouth as his breath came out in another cloud of frost.
Nicholas stood up and looked at his room mate. "what a cheery person." Nicholas thought to himself as he looked over at Alex and Blake. "Alex was feeling pretty bad, apparently she doesn't handle heat very well. We needed to get her inside quickly, and the window was the best way of doing just that." As he finished, Nicholas turned to his new room mate and put a hand forward. "for some reason we are room mates, so we can just as well get used to each other. I'm Nicholas, I use fire, magnetism and barriers. Glad to meet you."
He honestly had no idea how to introduce himself, but 'Hi, I'm a guy that likes crude jokes and I'm going to sleep in the same room as you from now on.' Probably wasn't a good way of doing it.
Remi's eye twitched for a moment. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it." She stood back up and walked over to him. Suddenly her face changed to a smile and took his hand giving it a shake. "I'm Remi. I blow up things and my drawings come to life." She said, her explanation of her abilities were not very descriptive. She remembered the book, letting go of his hand and walking over to it. She picked it up. "You want this book of spells, I can't use it."

Blake watched and listened. This was interesting, she wondered how these two would turn out living in the same room together. "Have you seen anything going on outside?"

Remi looked at Blake. "No sir, I've been reading the book." She laughed a bit.
Alex's eyes closed despite his internal struggle, and he started to doze off a little. He caught himself a second later. "It might be a teacher trying to get everyone inside." he said quietly.
The sudden change on Remi's face when she came over and shook his hand slightly baffled Nicholas. "Blowing stuff up, eh.. That sounds useful." He didn't quite know how to reply. "And I'm not sure if I'd get anything from that book. I've never studied magic, it just... Came, and then I practiced by using it." He had never before realized just how little he knew about magic, and it slightly saddened him. He had always thought magic just happened, that it wasn't something you could read your way to.
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