Wyndamir: The Requiro Stone

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Vera was surprised that another random person showed up, but he seemed to be interested in the swords. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad, "Well, then what do we do with the swords if we can't move them. We just can't go leaving them here." She turned when she overheard the guy talking to Azura. "You don't get it, she can't just show you the way. The only way to get where Minerva is, is for Azura to take you there."

Azura nodded, "It's quite annoying. I'd rather not, but only her and me are able to get to where she's at." She wasn't really fond of helping this guy and going 'there' again, but she didn't want more useless fights. They were annoying and a pain to deal with.

"It's pretty obvious what his buisness is with her, oh but I guess a person who doesn't know her wouldn't really understand that." She mumbled, "don't worry Nocturne, it's more...personal reasons...nothing bad per se."
Nocturne fell back slightly. But then entered a battle stance out of the blue. "It would appear Karum is being confronted. I'm going to go and help him, hopefully you all can take care of this...sword buisness." With that, Nocturne flew out the hole and into the forest, following his psychic link with him [thanks to him touching Nocturne and Nocturne entering his mind. It is now permanent.] until he reached his location. It was the creature from before, and the girl who blew the hole in the wall. "So, I see you found our...friends.. again."
"Seriously, I need the help of a demon to get to this place?" He questioned while looking from the demoness to the other girl. This was just great, it was one thing for a demoness to interest him but there was no way in hell he was going to ask one for help. Then an idea hit him, she was also searching for the stone so she wouldn't be in that place for too long if rumors of the stone were circulating. It was a devious plan and could cause a bit of damage but he supposed no citizens would likely die. "I think I'll pass, I travel alone and don't rely on others to get what I want. She's after the stone, so I'll head to a few towns and spread rumors about them, she'll appear at one of them sooner or later." The armored man replied then started walking towards the door.
Vera and Azura watched as the man walked off, it's not like Azura wanted to help him either, it didn't matter to her if he walked off. "We should get going, there's nothing else we can do here. We should continue to look for the stone." Azura finally said as she turned to Vera, straight faced. Azura wasn't one to show much emotion unless it was anger.

"Right, I want to find the stone as soon as possible." She said, "Though I wish we had more clues of it, all we can do is go around to different towns and ask people. Well, let's go. Anyone who wants to come can come or end up meeting up with us, we're going to go to the next town to find out any information." And with that the two started to walk out of the room they were in.

"What about that dream?" Azura then asked as they were leaving.

"I don't know, I saw someone but I don't know who it was. I still can't figure anything out but for some reason I feel like they are important." She mentioned. It seemed the inn had finally found out what happened, so Vera went and paid the owner for the damages with the money she had taken. Then, the two started to head out of the inn.
Nocturne follows the pair out the door. "Tell me...What was this dream..? I am an expert in such things." His body-less form floated along the path.
Vera looked over at Nocturne. "Well, I get a lot of strange dreams really." She began to explain, "But the one last night was just of a woman standing there in front of me. I couldn't really make out who she was but I somehow feel like it is important."

Azura listened quietly, Vera was right she always did have strange dreams and most of them related to something about who she might be but this one Azura couldn't even place what a woman standing in front would even mean.
"Hmm... A woman with an unknown figure standing in front of you. Interesting, a dream such as that can signify much. But, from what I know, it is a way of your mind telling you... You're forgetting something. Either about yourself...or someone you knew or know. Unfortunately, this is not a dream that is easily understood. All I can tell you is that something is going to happen...something soon... that will answer questions that you may not have even asked yet." Nocturne shifted where he was. "So, what is our plan when we reach this...town?"
Vera listened to Nocturne, he was right about that. Vera figured it was something that had to do with who she was that she had forgotten though she still was getting no answers. "I would like to find out who that woman is." Vera replied, "Hopefully I can soon." All they needed was the stone and she would be able to wish her memories back but this stone seemed so hard to find. They really had no clues yet, they needed clues.

Azura agreed, knowing that the dreams had to do with Vera's memory. "We will look for clues of the stone. See if anyone has heard of anything as well as look for anything ourselves. It's the only thing we can do. We don't have much information about it. We need to get more in order to find it."
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