Would you _________ me?

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Eh probably.

Would you fix my car for me?
Sure if I knew what was wrong and if I have the right know how

would you give me a hug?
Only if you give me 5 bucks.

Would you destroy me?
I have so many reasons to

Would you help me if I were crying from a heart breaking experience?
Probably not cuz if your crying you usually end up yelling.

Would you help dominate the world with me?
Do it your self not everything comes on a silver platter

Would you leave me to die in a fire?
No, that'd be screwed up.

Would you go to Burger King with me?
Yeah why not, you're trying to get me there in your commericals.

Would you go to the bathroom for me?
no that's your problem

Would you give me a break?
Yes, not sure about the Kit-Kat bar though, so you gotta get your own.

Would you sing for me?
so long as I don't get arrested for it

Would you give me a husky?
No. They are quite expensive after all.

Would you give me a flash- er I mean lasgun?
Nah, here have this Heavy Bolter instead.

Would you Blow up a planet for love?
hmm I need to think about that one

Would you give me three wishes that come true?
What do i look like>? A genie?

Would you give me a Genie>? Like the one from that show "I Dream of Jeannie".
No if I found it I would use them

would you lend me five bucks?
Sure dude! If you didn't pay me back though.........

Would you let me sleep on your couch?
So long as you don't rob the place

Would you like me to give you a brownie?
Sure, thanks.

Would you wash my motorcycle for me?
As long as I get sprayed with the hose! ITS HELLA WARM!

Would you play a game with me?
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