Would you _________ me?

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... but it could feel good too... o_o

would you stop looking at my other body parts? it's making me feel awkward.
Okay. *stares instead*

Would you feed me? *makes alert beeping sound* I'm hungry.
*inserts something into flare's mouth* just don't bite too hard huh?

would you gently eat that?
Ya think? *CHOMPS*

Would you get me something really edible now?
uhm... I think I have just given you a huge piece of french bread. that's perfectly edible, right?

would you want some more?
OH, French bread. Of course. What else would you have 'inserted' into my mouth. Silly me...

Yeah, sure, I would want more of that bread.

Would you get some hot chicks to come feed me that while I lay obnoxiously across a luxurious sofa?
*gets a hen with her chicks and puts all of them on top of a naked flare* yes.... ^_^

will you ____________ me to sleep?
Stab you to sleep? SURE! *stabs repetitively until faramond is 'put to sleep'*

Would you watch a good slasher flick with me now?
uh.. if you want to watch movies with a dead guy... i'm okay with that.

would you bury me...?
Nah, I think I like you better this way. <_<;

Would you bury yourself, instead, on your way out?
wut? i think it'd be more possible for me to creamate myself....

Would you... cook something weird for me?
Sure. What would you like? Creampie with eggs or mudpie with piss?

Would you eat either which for me?
Hell no. You guys really eat nasty stuff.

Would you bond with a Marvel Symbiote?
Yeah, sure.

Would you, erm, go jump off the building or something? For me, or... whatever.
Sure. *jumps off* Whee...

Would you watch Neurotically Yours episodes with me?
No. That's gay.

Would you play my quiz game with me, though, Barbiel?
the one with the questions? no i suck at the kind of stuff

would you give all the winning money to me?
It's virtual money, so why not.

Would you read any single chapter of my fan fics?
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