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"...Okay, I'm sensing a lot of anger from you-- but it's my decision. I never liked Cameron back in the day but that was your choice and now I think the guy's pretty cool. I'm not saying you need to love Apollo, I just want you to give him a chance, that's all. We're gonna have a stable life together, Mary. It'll be normal. He's... basically abandoning everything demonic for me, that's a huge fucking deal and... I'd like you to at least, you know, recognise that," the brother grumpily responded, trying his best not to jump to Apollo's defence in the usual angry fashion. Despite dumping Benji, he wasn't going to immediately abandon all the lessons the other had helped him with, nor was he going to ignore that he had anger issues that needed resolving. He was going to continue with his medication and his sobriety for as long as he could, even if he knew, deep down, that it wouldn't be too long before he was sharing champagne with Apollo on a balcony somewhere hot. Wisely, he neglected to mention that part of the plan to Mary.

Any desire he had to explain further, to try and get her on side, ended the moment Kayla made a typically grand appearance through the (expectedly) pink portal. She didn't remotely care if there were humans present who didn't know about demons, but she breathed a sigh of relief nevertheless when recognising all those present were aware of what she was, even if some of them hadn't met her before.

"Honestly, I'm having a nightmare of a day. Lucifer doesn't stop hounding poor Apollo about his duties; it's all so stressful down there. Makes me almost glad that I've been sent to update you on the plans, Elijah; Darius. Apollo's putting his own plans into action and I'll be updating you both on them," she drawled, taking a seat at the table casually and reaching for her lipstick, applying it calmly without any recognition of how silent everyone had become at her entrance - besides Darius, at least, who was grinning to himself and murmuring how 'hilarious' he found the demon's obliviousness. "...Gosh, it's really cramped in here, isn't it? This place is tiny. My closet is bigger than this-- hell, my hellhound's room is bigger. You humans really do amuse me; you're all so cute with the poor standards you have."
"What, So this is going to be a regular thing?" Agnes questioned flatly, motioning to Kayla with a raised brow. She had hoped to have at least face the demon looking a bit more presentable but it seemed like that wasn't going to be the case as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and decided to join the others in the kitchen. She acted natural and calm... despite letting her eyes drift a bit towards the demon occasionally as she made herself some tea.

"So you're really doing this, huh? You're really going to abandon everything here for the throne?" She continued, her attention finally landing on Darius as a frown kreepy to her lips. "What's... bullsjit. Like, you're my best friend and you're going to abandon me for a stupid job that you'll probably hate?"
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"I haven't made up my mind yet, Kayla's just... planning for me to do so because at least there'll be plans in place. It'd be stupid not to prepare for it. I don't... want to upset 'ya, Agnes. I just know that I need to give this a shot," he shrugged, grimacing at Kayla's entrance. He had hoped to spend the next few weeks with Agnes unaware of his plans, just to have that time with her free of stress and upset. Apparently that was all ruined now, having to spend the time knowing she was annoyed and pissed off with him and his decision to take the throne.

"...Yes, well, can we get back to the plans? I understand his decision it going to upset you but he won't dislike this; he's constantly whined about getting the throne for years. And he'll be wonderful, I'm sure. I've initiated plans to find him a Queen already. Obviously I'd put my name forward, but I can't stomach the thought of being intimate with him. He annoys me too much," drawled Kayla, tapping her pink fingernails on the counter, her lips pulled into a grimace at the surroundings. "...I don't want to lose my best friend either, but Apollo is happiest up here and I have to accept that."
"I don't have to accept shit," countered Agnes either, her arms folded as she flaunted her usual stubbornness. She wasn't one to sit back and accept things, hence why Mary clung to her as much as she did. Deep down, she knew that she couldn't really do much but that didn't mean she couldn't try.

"I don't have to sit back and twiddle my thumbs while my best friend is taken away from me and some frilly showgirl comes in and ruins everything. We shouldn't have come here, Darius - fucking... all of this is happening because of Elijah. It's fucking dumb."
"You have the option to come with me, it's not my fault if you don't feel up to it, Agnes. I have a chance to you know, do a little thing like fulfil my childhood dream, I don't think I'm unreasonable by jumping to grab the chance before one of my snivelling siblings comes creeping along for it. I'm the eldest, it's... it's supposed to be my throne, you know? Don't make me turn this down," grimaced the demon as he desperately ignored Elijah's unsubtle snorts and Kayla's outrage at the insult towards her. Nobody in the room mattered to him as much as Agnes did. In fact, he didn't like anyone in the room besides her and Mary, and leaving them when he had forged such a close bond to the both of them wasn't easy - but neither was turning down the chance of being somebody down in Hell and showing the entire demonic population how wrong they were to disregard him when he was born. Turning the throne down would just make them laugh at his name even more than they did already.

"You can come with me," he repeated more seriously, biting his lip. "And if you don't want to, that's cool; I get it. I just want you to understand why I'm doing this, Agnes; it's nobody's fucking fault. My brother wants to be in a relationship with Eli, I get that; it's cute. It's fucking brave of him and-- look, you still have other friends. You'll get over me in, like, a month. I'm not that special, babe."
"Do you really think I'm that vain? That I'd just forget about you in a month? That's fucked up," Agnes replied in shock, her eyes wide before narrowing, her arms folding with a grimace. Hesitating, she decided to focus on grabbing something from the fridge, settling on an apple. She would be lying if she said she didn't stress-eat and this moment was more than a little stressful.

"Look, I'll fuckin' think about it," she decided in a murmur, her eyes avoiding Darius' with a grimace. "There's time for me to make a decision, right? I just want to be able to relax for a little while. How does a human even live in Hell? Isn't it, like, hot there?"
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"Fucking boiling, even for me, but-- well-- you might have to, you know, go through a few changes, but it'd be worth it, Agnes. Being a demon down there with me must be better than being a human up here without me, yeah? And god, I'd be King. Do you know what that means? I can pretty much do what I want. I'll-- obviously i'll have you at my side, I won't make you be my servant, however fucking hilarious that'd be. Nah, you could-- hell, you can be right at my side if you wanted, I just-- give it some thought. I'd rather be down there with you if that's a serious option," he began, suddenly eager when the potential future unfolded in his head. Being King was something he had always wanted, but sharing that experience with someone he saw as his best friend, the best friend he had ever made in fact, was the ultimate dream. He was quite happy to break a few rules by bringing her with him and promoting her to a position of power if that was what she wanted - as long as she was with him, he would quite gladly do whatever it took to make her happy.

"...If you choose to stay here, I get it. Totally get it. But look, I stayed here a while and never thought I'd like the human world, and I ended up loving it. You might end up loving it down there. It's not as bad as you might think. There are clubs about and normal shit you get up here; shops and all that-- Have I sold it to you yet? 'Cos I'm not sure what else you need to hear to be convinced, Agnes."
"Can't you just let me think about it?" She groaned, holding her head in frustration with one hand while she sipped her drink with the other. "Like, can I have just one day to just enjoy myself and not have to think about Hell? I just want to go to the beach with my best friend, uninterrupted. Like, is that so much to ask for? Then we can figure out all of this demon shit."

"... She's right, we should just try and relax as a family?" Offered Mary meekly, staying close to Cameron with a nervous smile. "I mean, that was the whole point of this, right? That is, until Elijah decided to make everything a million times more complicated by bringing Apollo back into this. You're just going to have bad things happen again, you realize that?"
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"I'm not going to get into a fucking argument about my decision, Mary. I love Apollo, I'm not apologising for fucking being with the person that I love. That's dumb. He's not going to cause trouble; he's not going to gather up a little cult and draw your boyfriend back into it. It's going to be a normal relationship. You'll see. This time next year, we'll all be sipping cocktails in The Bahamas, laughing about how dumb the drama was," the man responded as he calmly ate his breakfast at the table, choosing to stay out of the bickering as long as he could, only answering his sister because ignoring her would only cause her to be more irritated with him than she presumably already was.

"Apollo's not a bad guy; he just wants to be with me. He's not evil or dangerous-- maybe he's dangerous, a little, but not anymore. He's not into that, he just wants to be with me, living normally. It's fucking sweet of him-- or would you prefer I move down there with him, hm? It's either that, or he moves here--"

"Hey. Hey, let's go to the beach. Escape all this. We could go shopping. I'm not sure a postcard little village like this is gonna have those stores you like but maybe we'll find something that suits your style-- and I'll buy you whatever you want, Agnes. I just want to get out the house-- you should come, Mary. The three of us could go shopping, then sunbathe awhile." Darius suggested quickly, cracking his knuckles loudly. "...My treat. To make up for being a selfish jerk, yeah?"
"I'm up for that," Agnes replies quickly, unable to hide her exhaustion by everything. Rummaging through her bag, she had no problem grabbing her bikini and coverup, immediately dressing into her outfit without a pause. She could talk about everything later, she just wanted to be able to tan, maybe swim a bit and inevitably check out the cutesy stores. Exhaling deeply, she returned in the loose black sundress, eagerly smiling in contrast to Mary who was still fuming, though bit her tongue. Turning to Kayla, Agnes' smile was smug.

"Are you going to scuttle back to Hell or are we supposed to be blessed with your presence?" She drawled, her eyes rolling from behind her dark shades. "I can only imagine how blinding your swimsuit is, probably hot pink."
"I find your constant judgement on my fashion sense exhausting. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that it's not hot pink because I don't own a swimsuit. The idea of sharing my space with other people in a hot tub or a natural spa in Hell makes my skin crawl; all those germs," she grimaced, her lips tight as she visibly shuddered at the mere thought, shaking her head to pull herself from her thoughts. That, however, only made way for new ones, frowning as she had to debate whether to stay at the apartment with Elijah, making sure that he was up-to-date on Apollo's plans, or whether she would leave with Darius and make sure he had a plan in place when he took over. She needed to do both things with both men, so right now, it came down to who she would rather spend her time with - and she eventually decided on Darius, not being fond of Elijah's bitter mood.

"I'll be coming along with you, I think being by the sea may do me some good. I've always liked the oceans here, it's the one advantage you have over Hell. The only oceans we have are full of lava and I can't dip my toes in there too long," she sighed, setting her jacket down on the back of the chair, an unspoken way of telling Elijah that she planned on returning. Besides, it was clearly hot outside and it saved having to drag the jacket around wherever she did go with them. "If you're going to whine about how annoying I am or how my clothes insults your eyes, then I'l stay here; I can't be doing with some human like you, Agnes, insulting a demon like me. It's laughable, really."