| World Synapse : Arc 2 Gardania |

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
|Location: Much Smoke -> Freedom|
|Interactions: Kal's group|

Four...weren't they five? Fuck, where was the last one, what great of a leader was Kyouko if she couldn't even keep their small group of 5 together? She would have dived right back into the masses if not for the pushy adult that they were supposed to follow, and would have maybe left her and the other one behind. In the end the girl decided to go with the flow and follow. Still holding onto Puck's hand and giving him not much of a choice she also gave him a quick "Naturally." as an answer.

It didn't take the group long to hit a...dead end, and considering the entire setting so far the soon-to-be-Queen would have expected some sort of secret passage or similar, but instead, what happened instead was way better! No dark secret pathway could have pleased her mind more than moving through the frigging wall! An actually solid object, moving through it, all of them, like it wasn't there. Kyouko cursed herself right after though, having closed her eyes just as she was about to hit the solid object, that was probably a one in a lifetime opportunity wasted through stupid human reaction. Having emerged on the other side was also the moment the girl finally gave freedom back to Puck, she was, after all, last in the chain, her other hand constantly occupied by the weapon she carried around. Finally with, literally, some fresh air, the girl had a grin from left to right. "That was awesome! Can we do it again?" Though quickly catched up as the rest of them kept moving.

Silence, there was it again, Kyouko hated silence, it made her think about uncomfortable things, stuff that made Kyouko scorn herself. "Fuck, what a great leader I, Kyouko, am if I can't even keep a tiny group of just 5 safe. I, Kyouko, am truly the worst. Not better than any of this trash." Even if just whispering, it was a declaration of war towards silence nonetheless. Keep moving forward was something she did tell herself often though, and when they were about to came to another hold, this time for the sake of goodies, her mood quickly made a turn for the better.

A morphing letter opener, some annoying things for shoes, a not so fabolous hairpin and a boring headpiece. Seriously, if not for being witness of moving through a wall just now, Kyouko would have maybe thrown a fit regarding the morphing blade. But that was it, just a morphing blade while she had something that could let her walk on ANYTHING! Lava? Water? Was it possible? Something she had to test out if she ever got the chance, for now however Kyouko had to be satisfied just with another odd object: The goddamn wall. However, there were a few other things she had to take care of first. "The name's Kyouko and I, Kyouko, am going to be queen of the world!" What world? Our world? This world? The girl still had the opinion of being on Earth, their time, and got just teleported somewhere else. But just in case. "Ah screw it, I, Kyouko, am going to be Empress of the entire Universe! And I, Kyouko, agree with my loyal rebellious servant, but we should also regroup with that other guy...and find the others of our class!" With that out of the way the Queen was finally back in her old spirits!

"Here hold this a second." Giving her priced wooden possession to Matthew, which weighed around a half kilogram, it was now about time trying to figure out how those...heels? worked. At first Kyouko tried to do the obvious, with one in each hand, she simply tried to stick them onto the wall and use it like climbing tools, resulting in total failure. "Alright." Well, those things were obviously part of a shoe, right? That annoying kind of shoe her father forced her to wear when attending those stupid parties with all the bootlickers, she wasn't entirely unused to them but not used to either. And how to even get them onto her current shoes?...Heck, she didn't even know you could unattach them! So maybe one could attach them simply to any kind of shoe as well? And that was exactly what Kyouko tried out!

The moment the heel made contact with the shoe however was one of those moments where a transformation cut-scene for a Mahou Shoujou show aimed at shoe fetishist could have been ideal, alas this wasn't an anime. Nonetheless Kyouko's shoe transformed into some flashy, zebra-stripe kitten heel, followed by the other. "As much as I, Kyouko, hate those kind of shoes, still better than any part of this stupid uniform!" And how was she supposed to run up a wall with those? Really, reaching the ladder without the shoes was entirely possible anyways, but the girl wanted to try her new toys out! Walking a feel circles Kyouko could clearly make out some kind of...difference? There was no denial in the difficulty of moving in them but she could easily feel how they were firmly stuck on the ground. The ground wasn't a wall however and after giving it a few more rounds Kyouko grinned from ear to ear. "Well, here goes nothing." Running against the wall the girl made one step onto the wall followed by pushing herself from it and a flip. "Hah! I, Kyouko, did such a peasantry move with THOSE shoes." Doing the same move successfully again, this time with 2 steps. "This is actually a lot easier..." Murmuring to herself. "Alright, I, the great Kyouko, am confident in besting this gigantic wall!" Taking a lot more momentum then the two times before Kyouko was running on the wall again, not just 1, 2, 3 or even 4 steps, but the girl managed 7 steps before feeling gravity dragging her down... "Eh...Eeehh?" ...and hanging on the wall like some sort of lump, gravity was truly a bitch. Still, Kyouko laughed, this was great, truly great, and fun, letting her imagination run wild on what she could do with those with enough training the girl completely forgot they were being chased by the police...or that she planned to take down the ladder with style.

  • The best thing since sliced bread (Sticky Heels)
  • Keyring with a few keys
  • Pink smartphone with a tiger-keychain
  • Headphones
  • An apple
  • Swiss army knife
  • Wallet with her ID, a bank card, 10 20$ bills, a photo of younger sister
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Location: Roaring 20s Fragment
Time: Night
Interactions: @Click This @Skyswimsky @AutumnWyvern

+Matthew Ashford+

Following the flame-coloured hair through the crowd which rushed in the opposing direction, Matthew finally managed to break out into the clearing, quickly enough to spy Eunice and Iphie sliding into a concealed passageway. He rushed inside, not slowing down until he hit the dead end with the rest of the group. It was clear there was no way out, the corridor just stopped as if it were never completed. Everyone seemed to be just as confused as Matthew was as they looked around the walls quizzically, each making their own judgements on the same situation. The most surprising thing was how calm Eunice seemed. She'd even found time to conveniently change her heels.

"Is this really the time for..." Matthew began before being swiftly cut off by the woman he had attempted to address.

"Hold onto my hand!" She held her hand out to Iphigenia, and shot her eyes to Matthew, "Grab your friend's hand, and the other." Seeing the serious look in her eyes, Matthew knew this was no time to question. After all, she must have known what she was talking about. He looked timidly to Iphie before gently grabbing her hand, extending his opposite hand out for Puck to grab hold of. Okay, he thought to himself, she must have some sort of... wait... what is she doing... WHY ARE RUNNING... no... NO, THE WALL! The change of the atmosphere was sudden and sharp. The bitter sting of the cold, night wind pierced through the cotton of Matthew's uniform and the sounds of the city were drowned out by the wailing of sirens - they were outside... and without a concussion! Taking a moments look back, Matthew checked to see if there was some sort of illusionary trick. Maybe they didn't run through a wall... oh, wait... yes they did. Okay, this is entirely normal... well... in comparison to the bubbles, anyway. At least Kyouko, who cheered like a small child after a roller-coaster ride as she hurried along, seemed happy.

They hadn't travelled far before Eunice directed the group into the mouth of a nearby alleyway and began, once more, rummaging through her purse. With all the things she was pulling out of that tiny thing somebody might think it an artifact of Gallifrey. Matthew even thought about making a jest of it, however, he resolved against it; if this was indeed the 20s then a Doctor Who joke literally was before it's time. The first item to emerge from the TARDIS of an accessory was an ornate letter opener, an ornate letter opener Eunice was offering for him to take. As she clenched her hand around the handle, the blade began to expand, as did the rest of the tool, until it was eventually a proper sword. Matthew was taken aback but by that point not surprised at the magical act. After all, the events of the past day were all chaotic and theoretically impossible, there had to come a point where he just started accepting it. As he marvelled at the intricate design of the piece, Eunice forced the weapon into his possession. "Take care of them," she instructed. He twisted and span the sword a little, analysing the weight of it, the metal composition, the dimensions of it, before he gave Eunice a resolute nod.

"I'll do my best." She respectively gifted each member of the group an item before she instructed them to lay low in the alleyway.

"Soon as the hubbub dies down to a still, go-on home, okay?" Her effervescent smile returned, "I doubt you'll need those, think of them as souvenirs," she sing-songed, waving a small good-bye with a gloved hand, then noiselessly rushing down the street, disappearing into the darkness. Matthew gave a confused wave to the mysterious woman, watching her dash off before turning to face the rest of the group.

"Looks like we're in a bit of a pickle and I haven't the foggiest clue where we are," Iphigenia said nonchalantly as she scanned her eyes across the remaining members of the group.

"A pickle would be welcome right now. This is worse than a Channel 4 Countdown conundrum..." Matthew replied absent-mindedly. It was clear he was worried. That's usually when his terrible jokes were at their worst, when the nerves kicked in. After all, the alleyway was dank and smelled atrocious, they were missing a member of their group and the police were everywhere looking for them. The fact that they were a world away from home didn't make it any better... or two worlds away in Matthew's case. Nobody seemed to pay attention to the bad humour, however, as Iphie continued shortly after,

"This is probably not the best time, but I suppose it's necessary for introductions, after all, we never had the chance." She was right, he didn't know a single detail about any of the people he was trapped with - well, apart from Kyouko, of course. "My name is Iphie. Let's work together to find out what's happening," she said with a pause before continuing, "If everybody's agreeable to it, I'd like to check that fire escape, perhaps a skyline would get a bearing of where we are."

"I'm Matthew," he said simply in response, nodding in agreement to her suggestion. It felt like a class introduction where you always get left stood there realising there's not that much interesting to say about yourself, even with the odd setting. I can't just leave it there... I need to-

"The name's Kyouko and I, Kyouko, am going to be queen of the world! Ah screw it, I, Kyouko, am going to be Empress of the entire Universe! And I, Kyouko, agree with my loyal rebellious servant, but we should also regroup with that other guy...and find the others of our class!" Kyouko's rant cut Matthews thinking off but she did have a point. If they had gotten trapped then it was possible that the others from the park may be in the city, also.

"I guess we'll be able to look for them when we've got a better idea about where we are and where we're going to stay for the night," Matthew stated, following on from Kyouko's point. He turned his head to look at Iphie and Puck to see what their views on it were but he caught Iphie checking out the blade in his hands instead. "Something wrong, Iphie?"

"Say," she began in a propositioning tone, "Would you be willing to barter that trinket? I have some experience with fencing that might be useful if a situation arises."

"M-my trinket?" He looked to the blade in his hands and then back to Iphie. "I-I'll hang on to it for now. Don't worry, though. I've trained with a bowstaff before. I mean, that can't be that different, right? Power in the wrists, strong footwork, relaxed body..." He gave her a goofy smile and an awkward chuckle as he tried to assure her he was fine with the blade. He couldn't explain why but he'd have felt wrong giving her the blade. After all, if he couldn't protect those he was trapped with, who could he protect? Before Iphie could reply, Kyouko burst into the conversation.

"Here! Hold this!" she commanded, ramming her weapon into Matthew's free hand before he even had time to respond to her request. He raised a brow at her, observing as she tried to get to grips with the heels Eunice had gifted her. He couldn't deny he was curious as to whether they would work or not. So, he couldn't help but struggle to stifle a warm chuckle as she stabbed at the wall, a heel in each hand, to no avail. Clicking the heels onto her shoes seemed to work, though. As soon as the heels attached, Kyouko's footwear was transformed and she was doing running backflips off of the wall like someone out of the matrix. "This is actually a lot easier..." she said, murmuring to herself. "Alright, I, the great Kyouko, am confident in besting this gigantic wall!"

"Okay, Keanu Reeves, don't get too cocky," Matthew said in a warm tone, crossing his arms to observe. He wasn't sure if he had expected her to fall but he was pleasantly surprised when she vertically ascended the wall, completely independent of everything else. At least the artifacts worked... unfortunately, though, a sword didn't grant spiderman-like powers and therefore they'd have to climb the fire escape themselves. Shuffling to the left, Matthew pushed the surprisingly full dumpster with a grunt under the ladder to the fire escape, dusting his hands off when he had finished. He looked back to Puck and Iphie with a small, inviting smile on his face. "Would any of you like to go first or shall I go?" he asked, earnestly.

- Mobile Phone
- Wallet (Student card, Organ Donor card, Driver's Licence UK, Debit Card, $60)
- Dorm Room Key
- Ornate Blade (Artifact)
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Camilla "Mia" Oliver
Location: Papa's Fragment - Path ➜ Marabel's home
Time: IDK
Interaction with: Nascha: @Jerelin and Marabel: @Voltaire
Mood: Excited Frightened ➜ Losing her shit


Camilla face beamed in a smile as the word 'meat' was bought into the subject as she eagerly jumped in joy,"Thank you miss!" Camilla chimed and took hold of Naschu's hand once more as she followed after Naschu while humming happily at the thought of delicious food waiting on a table for them to devour - that is, if they were quick enough to get in before her,"I wonder... what kind of food they have here?" She thought not sure where they were but she believed that it would still be good none the less even in a foreign place.

Once they got closer to the village, Camilla couldn't help but cover her nose at the sudden change of environment... and the smell,"Ew... what's this smell?" She thought as it smelled awful due to the fact they were in a village where farm animals would roam leaving their 'dropping' and oozing out with a terrible scent that flies were attracted to. Just from the smell, she could tell this was the countryside for sure but why was the place so inactive? She didn't feel any presence besides Naschu and the lady. No kids could be heard playing, no elders gossiping among themselves, barely any animals were speaking and it was just... an eerie silence as if the place was like a ghost town,"How sad... the weather must be making this place gloomy." She mumbled as the lady spoke up again saying they were here,"Oh, so-" Before she could speak, an elderly man shouted at the lady as the name,"Marabel" came up,"Ah... her name is Marabel... what a nice name."

Frightened by the sudden shouting, Camilla rushed to Naschu's side, clinging at her soaked blazer while the man argued with Marabel by their sudden arrival. Another new name was also bought up as Camilla was confused by who they were speaking of,"Dimitri?... He's like us?... Is he wanted?... He's a hero?... Who is he? Maybe he can help us get back home!" Many questions popped up in her head but it made her only more confused by what they were talking about until a chilling shiver ran down her spine by the man's cold words,"Burn on the stake?.... Wait... but weren't those things in the past?... Wait are we-" Her thoughts were disturbed again as Marabel took them to her cabin.

Camilla was still shaken by the Village Elder's outburst but felt better once they were out of there though she would have to give her gratitude to him for letting them stay. When they entered the room, the first thing that caught Camilla's attention was the smell of roasted meat and fresh herbs overwhelming her nostrils,"I smell food!" Camilla squealed almost letting go of Naschu's hand before stopping her tracks, her hand released from Naschu's as she was just ahead of the two almost at the table where she smelled the herbs,"A-ah... I-i mean uhh... t-thank you again Marabel! I am in your debt for all that you've done for us strangers and I'm sorry we got you in trouble. Also... c-can we eat?" She said as her tummy grumbled again complaining for food.

Funny part of it all, she was looking at a wall again instead of the two.


  • Ravenwood Uniform
    Panda socks

  • 7b0c9b2fc2725a44a9513f8d2f4812e1.png

  • Phone |No Signal|
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| Katherine Drayton |
| Mist |

| Insanity meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ |
| Interactions |
| Direct: @Kitt @Tsu @DoughGuy @The_J @Greenrust |​

"Lastly we need a leader, not always we will have the time to vote on thing especially out there."Akio pointed to the door, "So we need someone when we don't have time to vote to make the final decision and get us moving." Katherine frowned a bit, that introduction was going to lead to something that she was sure that people would object to, "I think Rini should be the leader." Katherine nervously ran her fingers through her hair, "I was right about the cliff this time but that was more luck than anything else and Rini made the proper choice while leaving us the option of making an exit. She has a good eye for strategy as well." ...Blame my obsession with role-playing games, why don't you? Shit, I need to look cool about this. Katherine swallowed hard, trying to clear up her throat as inconspicuously as she could, "I'd rather be called Class President."

"I'll be right back, guys, just gonna get some stuff for Shun." Aimi was quick to jump on to getting more supplies for Shun. Katherine simply nodded and glanced back at Annie who had said that she would be able to sew up Shun's cut. Class President was just glad that Annie had decided to stay within the circle of the group. Rini stared at the glow of the fire and pulled out the hair ties and pins. Combing the hair out with her fingers, she lifted her hair and tied it up. She placed the excess pins in her hair for later.

The old man came back into the room with food for all and quickly left into his quarters without his wife. Rini scooped up the long strips of the vermicelli and lightly nibbled the tips, before handling spoonfuls of the food into her mouth. The bland food tasted better than Katherine would have hoped, her hunger had kept her stomach craving for anything. She left the vegetables for later on her plate. There was a sudden cry coming for the kitchen path, Rini stood up and scanned the room. Akio was the first to react. Moments later, he and Aimi came back into the room. The girl had her scratches, ravenously clawed into her clothes and her face, "Aimi...." Katherine approached the younger girl and placed a hand on her back and suggested for her to sit down. Sighing a bit, she handed Aimi her share of the food.

"She slipped down the stairs, skinned her leg and hit her head." Akio explained. Katherine lifted her head and glanced down at the boy, she can speak for herself. Such a bland lie, she has scratches...not a wound on her head. The girl decided to accept the lie and glanced back at Aimi, pushing aside her bangs, "She'll have to stay up a bit longer. Concussions aren't good for us at the moment." She scanned the room and lay her eyes on a pitcher of water, "Let's get you cleaned up, sweet." Katherine picked up the pitcher and brought it over for Aimi. She poured a bit on her hand and soaked her own shirt. With her other hand, she lifted the girl's head and wiped the girl's face with the shirt, silently.

Katherine waited by Aimi's side, waiting for her to sleep before trying to shut her eyes. Sleep didn't come immediately, but she did her best to not move. People around her had other things to worry about. At one point of the night, she did sleep soundly. Some type of relief had washed over her, but she was once again awoken from stirring. The old man's snoring had stopped. Annie had came back from her late night antic, she curled up by the fire shivering and lowly whimpering.

The morning light came in, Katherine lifted her head slowly got up to her feet, she carefully made her way around the sleeping figures. To anyone who was awake, she would just raise a finger to her lips and gesture to the ones asleep.

Katherine stood at the fork of the two paths and glanced at each side. Investigate the cellar? Or to check up on the old man? Class President twirled a few fingers in her hair and glanced at the boy guarding the kitchen. Checking up the old man it is. A small chill washed over her as the temperature grew colder, in the center of the room bundled up in blankets was the old man. The head was pivoted upwards as blood was gushing out from his neck, the smell was the first that hit her. The pungent smell of the gore was too much, Katherine covered her mouth and her nose as her knees gave away. She trembled for a while, trying to not make any loud sounds to alert the rest. On the cleaner side of his sheets, the thin blankets were wrinkled messily from an attempt to wipe something. Oh god. Katherine picked the blanket off with two fingers and covered the head.

Katherine scanned the room and stared at the dresser, exhaling sharply she pushed the dresser over to the entrance of the room. Objects shook as she pushed, at one point in her struggles the door opened for contents about to fall. Rini quickly pushed a few stuff back in, but paused as she looked down at a book. Huffing her bangs away, she flipped through the pages scanning them. This...could be helpful later... Inhaling a bit, Katherine lifted her jacket and shirt. She curled the journal and fastened it in the waistline of her skirt. She covered the book with her shirt and her jacket.

The girl continued to push the dresser over. Soon, she was at the point where only a smaller frame could enter the room. Feeling confident that she had some sort of power over the girls, Rini slipped out of the room. A voice broke through the silence that had Katherine's heart beating from some sort of guilt, "Annie," The voice spoke up. Katherine leaned away from the dresser and headed into the living room, "What did you do?"

Before Annie had a chance to speak, Rini spoke up, "Annie said she would stitch up Shun's wound, isn't that right?" Katherine tilted her head at her and smiled. Her hands were behind her back and looked up at the ceiling, she glanced down at the pair. She looked over to the limp body, "Shun looks like he's suffering. We need blankets." Taking her jacket off, she carefully wrapped the RA in it. Katherine immediately tightened her arm, holding the journal in place. She looked back at Annie, "She's just shaken up." She spoke in vague, but honest words. Katherine's face cleared and she stood up with more alert. She slowly pushed herself away the RA and towards the door, she turned around and gave them a solemn smile, "The old man died last night. I have...barricaded the door. We wouldn't want our underclassmen to see it." Katherine spoke in a quiet voice before increasing the volume. Arching her eyebrows, she raised her head at a slight angle, "I think as a final wish…" Quickly, think of something… "We should leave the body to rest. Later, I'll need help in transporting the body. We'll cremate it and have the ashes scattered at the Capital."

She paused and looked down at the two, her eyes narrowing as she smiled, "Any objections?"

Hair pins
Hair tie
Jade bracelet
Gold coin necklace
Steel ring
Dead phone
*Old man's journal
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| Mid-Morning |
| Vol's Frag: Path -> Village -> Marabel's Home |
| Interactions: @PandaChu and @Voltaire |

'Dark times? Huh... Is something going on here, too?' Nascha's eyes scrunched in thought and then widened at Camilla's outburst, a smile coming to her lips and a blush rising in her cheeks. She giggled. "Come on, let's go," Nascha said with a small hint of excitement to her voice. Taking hold of Camilla's hand, they set off with the red head to find food and a warm room.

The smell hit Nascha first. It wasn't a stranger to her as she supposed it was to most people. The smell of livestock was not pleasant, but it was familiar. She resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose. That would be rude. Once they were closer and in the village, she noticed how run-down it appeared. Her first thoughts were not on how out of place the village felt, instead they were on the state of its being. 'Pitiful,' Nascha thought, looking over her surroundings. 'You would think people would take pride in their homes...' It was obvious that the village had seen better times, but it still saddened her to see it in such shape. This woman, on the other hand, seemed to be the brightest thing about the village and that wasn't a comment toward her hair. She was incredibly sweet from what Nascha had seen so far and when the woman welcomed them to stay in her home, she was speechless and stuttered in response. "O-oh, no. I-I mean, no need to apo-"


Nascha jumped. She and Camilla had no intention of getting the red head in trouble, though at least Nascha knew her name now. The man was much older, and in the way Marabel addressed him, he seemed to be the equivalent to mayor. She was about to pipe in and offer help if they were allowed to stay, but something the woman said caught her attention.

"They're just like Dimitri!"

'Just like Dimitri? Who's Dimitri?' A part of her was skeptical that there could be anybody just like them. Surely it wasn't an every day occurrence that people were kidnapped by bubbles. She was so wrapped up in thought that she was snapped out of it by the sudden silence. Nascha watched the 'Elder' who seemed to be contemplating. Nerves suddenly ran through her body. 'What if he turns us away? What if he thinks we're a threat? What if-' The man opened his eyes and began to speak.

"Yes, Sir," Nascha forced out, nodding her hand and tightening her grip on Camilla's hand just to make sure she was still there. As they walked passed the man, Nascha followed Marabel's example and bowed out of respect. "Thank you," she told him gratefully.

As they neared what she assumed was Marabel's home, the smell of food drifted through the breeze. Nascha's stomach growled in its own excitement. Heat hit the girl in the face as they entered through the door, causing her to shiver from the sudden temperature change. It wasn't terribly cold outside, but the rain was freezing. As if her body knew that she was safe, Nascha relaxed and felt her movements slow slightly. She was starting to get extremely tired and a yawn eased from her so quickly and unexpectedly that covering her mouth wasn't a possibility. "Excuse me," the girl muttered in apology, which was covered up by Camilla's squeal of excitement. The sudden emptiness of her hand caused a brief panic to swell inside her. Instinctively, Nascha reached out to grab the girl, afraid that she would hit something or hurt herself in the unfamiliar room; however, she realized that Camilla wasn't in any danger and let her hand drop to her side with a small laugh.

"It's rude to talk with your back turned," Nascha teased, resisting the urge to turn the girl around herself. She wasn't a baby to be constantly moved around. Nascha did agree with Camilla and turned toward Marabel. "Thank you for everything," she began. "I'm Nascha and this is Camilla. You know, if you need any help around this place, we would be glad to do anything you need! Almost like a payment system," Nascha offered with a kind smile. Hopefully the girl wouldn't think the offer was rude. She didn't mean anything offensive by it, but you could never tell with some people.

Night | Alley | Kal's group (minus one)

Puck, being in the back of the group in the hallway, didn't get to see Eunice's little shoe trick initially nor that they were to run through a wall until the group was nearly all the way through. Once the group was outside Puck was so relieved to get out of that smokey air that the cold didn't bother them one bit! Cold air was definitely preferred over breathing problems any day, so Puck was easily able to keep up with the others as they walked to the alleyway.

Once there Puck watched with amazement and curiosity at the odd seemingly magical trinkets Eunice was giving out. Puck caught the flower hairpin that was given to them, but was still a bit confused about the use even after that demonstration. It seemed a lot less practical compared to a sword or heels that could let you walk on anything, but surely it would come in handy somehow... Also Eunice said that they should go on home once everything calms down but, how exactly would they do that in the first place? In any case Iphie was right about the group needing to find their bearings, and Puck listened to the others introductions before introducing themself as well.
"I'm Puck, um, pleased to meet you all?" Puck certainly wasn't sure if those formalities were necessary or appropriate, but it felt too weird to just state their name.

After watching Kyouko's demonstration with her shoes, Puck decided to wear the hairpin and try it out for themself. Since there was no mirror around Puck simply did a bit of guesswork and stuck it in their ponytail, hoping it was at least somewhat straight, before mimicking the motion that they saw Eunice do moments before. But instead of sparkles there were little flowers. "Huh... That's... Unexpected... Okay..." They mumbled. As cute as it was that was really impractical. Oh well.

Since Puck was too busy "fixing" their hair they didn't really pay attention to Matthew moving the dumpster, and was caught a bit off guard by his question. "Huh? Oh. Um, it doesn't really matter to me either way."

A small backpack with writing utensils and other school-related odds and ends
A wallet containing $30 and a picture of a Puck holding Beatrice (an owl)
A Map of the campus
A smartphone
A pack of gum
Flower Hairpin (wearing)
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|The 'Hearth'|
|Time: Close to high noon|
|Forecast: Continued rainfall|


"And we're here... Not much to look at but it's somewhere." Dimitri had finally brought their little journey to an uneventful end. The downpour and squalor condition of Osctesh Village was just shy of being not worth the effort. The meager village was quiet and isolated. Residents kept away from the unsavory weather hunkered down inside of their dry stonewalled and hay roofed homes. The only soul sitting outside was the Village Elder, who's head propped up at the sight of visitors to his village... For the most part, dressed the same as the two individuals seen accompanied by Marabel.

"A peach here allowed me to take up space in her cabin... But I guess she doesn't want to be messing about in the rain..." Dimitri scanned the fields for any sight of Marabel, or anyone else recognizable from the village. From his quick sway he pin pointed the Village Elder, who was already trudging through mud and grass to meet with Dimitri's entourage. "Dimitri!" He curmudgeon spoke out, a few feet away. "Who is this you bring? Two of them have similar garbs to a pair that Marabel brought in! Now I know you've kept our poor village safe, but don't over extend your favor to us! Where are we to keep these three? Who even are they!" Dimitri waved his hand passively, as to notion the Elder to relax. "Easy, easy... One thing at a time. You said Marabel brought in two more people with similar uniforms?" The Elder peered over towards Marabel's cabin and let out a long groan that devolved to a gentle sigh. "Yes... Apparently more lost on the roads. They're all at her place. Just... Talk to her there. Make her home the fun house, and while you're at it our entire village why don't you." The Elder turned away and returned to his stool placed across the Village. Dimitri huffed from his nose. "Don't worry about it. I suppose anyone in his position wouldn't be to sweet to unknown visitors. But, we have the green for go. Come on."
"Why of course you can eat! And please do not worry about repaying me. Kindness is a rare commodity in our times, and even so should go uncharged." Marabel replied to the two with a gentle giggle. "I'll prepare you a plate. It's a haunch of beef from one of our cattle. I uh-- ...May have found it on Giuseppe's windowsill and confiscated it... But that low bro-- Ahem. I'm sorry, I'll just prepare your food. Camilla, was it? I hope I'm getting that right? And where are my manners, would you like some Nascha?"

Suddenly the thin wooden door swung open, letting in the cooled moistened air. The sudden interruption startled Marabel off her feet before she saw who was at the door. "Dimitri! You're back! ...But, who are they? More lost travelers? Did the Elder give you any trouble?" Dimitri waggled his hand in a "so-so" kind of fashion. "Somewhat. He's a bit on edge over who I'm bringing in, but I'm not worried about it. They bring no threat. Now, he said you brought in some stragglers as well?" Dimitri turned his attention over towards Nascha and Camilla, who appeared to have been close to foaming at the mouth. "These two? Similar uniforms... Student from the same school, I presume?" Dimitri asked the two young women.
Almost Noon.
Marabel's Home (Osctesh Village).
DEKstronk. Greeting Cam and Nasch though, hopefully NECKDstronk soon. @PandaChu @Jerelin
Kir tried to keep his expression stilled, but knew he had failed and flinched from the almost palpable emotion Dimitri radiated after he had spoke. He hazarded a guess that it was due to the man's familiarity with Fushinsetus, but didn't wish to test that guess unless Dimitri himself pursued it; which luckily turned out to be not the case. "Basics are better than nothing," he muttered when elaborations had been given, though his expression brightened somewhat at the prospect of a chance to rest in the near future. While not exhausted, any chance to rest and recover in this new world was not one to be passed on lightly. A quick touch showed that, at least if the timepiece wasn't broken by differing magnetic fields of this world, that he'd been awake for well over half a day by now.

The rest of the walk took place with only the sounds of the world around them, but it was only a few minutes that had passed before their modest destination came into view. It looked about as Kir expected a small village from this time period to, and the one resident out in the open was noticed easily enough. Apparently their group had been seen just as easily and the older resident had already begun to make his way over. There was no point in trying to involve himself between Dimitri and the Elder's conversation, so Kir simply kept quiet and listened. His eyes widened at the news that more students were in this world as well, and feelings of relief welled up at the knowledge that they were safe. While some part of his mind was concerned with the fact that a larger group would likely attract more attention eventually, Kir was just glad to have some more familiar and relatable individuals around for now.

An unfamiliar female voice, likely the owner and one of the world's residents, called out from within the home that Dimitri led the group to and Kir tried to peer inside past their guide. The entrance's small frame made the act rather useless and he couldn't get more than a few glimpses into the home. What he did recognize was promising and he wasted little time in entering as soon as he was able to. Unsurprisingly, the two young ladies inside were from Ravenwood as their uniforms indicated. What was surprising was that he actually knew one of them despite the odds, but he managed to contain himself from making a scene. There wasn't a need to alienate any of the others as they'd all need to work together, or at least Kir figured things would go better that way. Instead he simply smiled and said, "Nice to see you two are alright."

  • Phone (Oneplus)
    Wallet (Student ID, Driver's License, Credit & Debit Card, $40 (Two $20s))
    Keychain (Dorm. Room Key, House Key, & Lock Keys)
    Leatherman Multi-tool (Holder hooked into belt)
    Bradley Timepiece (Left wrist)
Location: Dead Man's Cove (The Hut)
Time: Night -> Morning
Interactions: Miststronk (Tsukistronk) @Tsu @Kitt @AiDee @Greenrust @The_J
Sanity: ********--(8/10)

Gods what have I done? I've ruined everything. Is this what I wanted to be? Is this what my mother or brother would do? Is this how I'm choosing to follow in their footsteps? I was determined to be a better person, someone worthy of the people around me. What did I write on that application, was it just a pack of lies. Instead I've shown I deserved none of it. I failed their efforts, I failed my own expectations. I wasn't ready to come here, to be part of the 'real' world again, I can't control myself. In the end ... those were just dreams. Unattainable.

You're still me.

The last sentence shocked Annie back into reality. They hadn't been her words. At least, they weren't the words of the person she was now. She looked up and towards the bedroom as memories of her past swirled through her head. She had never killed a person before, not even during that time. But ... she could see that person doing it. It was the type of person she had been. Reckless. Hot tempered. Uncontrollable and arrogant. Her left hand touched the scar on her right's knuckles, remembering the pain when it had collided with the man's teeth. She couldn't even remember what that had been about. Probably trying to rip her off on a deal. Or maybe he just looked at her wrong. The cause didn't matter, her anger had taken control, overwhelming who she was and doing as it wished with her body. As it had last night.

She curled the hand into a fist and watched the skin turn white as it was pulled tight. Everyone one of those was a reminder of who she no longer wanted to be. Tears threatened to flow again but this time she fought them back. To blame it on her anger was to give herself a scapegoat. Her anger was who she was. The man's death had been her choice.

The sound of wood grinding against earth and rock drew her attention to the bedroom. Someone had already discovered what she had done. So be it. She remained sitting where she in front of the fire and waited for the shock and fury that she knew was coming. It was what she deserved.

It began with Jason's question, which was initially met with silence from her initially. Fortunately Rini answered it before the silence became suspicious and her words drew Annie's gaze, eyes wide in surprise, before they quickly returned to the fire. What is she doing? Is she covering up the murder? Her breathing picked up speed as the thought entered her mind. Why would she do that? No, she needed this, she needed them to know, to force her to accept what she had done. She couldn't be allowed to forget this, to let it drift into the past and fade like so many other memories. Her heart began to beat faster and a small sweat broke out on her brow. She opened her mouth to speak.

"Shun has a fever. He needs water." the words sounded hollow, devoid of any emotion. She didn't look up at anyone, nor even glance at the door that required lifting. I'm sorry, mother, brother. Forgive me. I want to see you again. She rose up onto shaky legs and walked over to the pitcher Rini had used to clean Aimi's wounds last night. Picking it up she placed it by Shun and pulled out her knife. The feel of it in her hand brought on a new wave of guilt that forced her to her knees. Breathing hard she cut a strip off of Shun's jacket and dipped it in the water before laying it across his forehead, avoiding any contact between them through the process. "We should leave this place while it's day." If I can save a life I can make up for killing one. Right?

A possibly broken smartphone
Knife in hand

Dorm key in pocket
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| The Mist |
| Morning |
| @Kitt @DoughGuy @AiDee @Greenrust @The_J |
"Y-Yes, w-we...s-should go."

The tone of Shun's voice was a raspy whisper as he spoke in response to Rini and Annie's suggestion of departure. In an attempt to rise into a semi-seated position, Shun slowly raised his upper body while using his one hand as a brace against the floor, and the other to keep the chilled, damp cloth held against his head. The teen's heavy breaths were an obvious sign toward his pained composure, though, it was through his current state of being that he attempted to push forward.

"I...h-heard...a bit...man s-said...last night. T-Two things.
T-The mist...i-it's weak...in day...and t-tears...at the...c-capital.
I think...w-we should go...there. F-Find...answers...I think."

Tsuki, who had spent the night at Shun's side, mewed as it began rubbing itself against his hand on the ground; an action which brought about a weak smile from the teen who began scratching the animal behind its ears. With a quick glance around the room, Shun first confirmed the well-being of each student before he attempted to pull himself onto his feet. After assuming a half-seated position, Shun slowly rose to a stand before he immediately fell towards the nearest wall in an attempt to support the dizzy spell which plagued his head. Waiting until his vision returned and the nausea passed, Shun slowly began walking towards the door after which he soon began inspecting the wooden supports which barred its existence shut. Lightly testing its weight with one of his hands, Shun exhaled an annoyed sigh before turning his attention back towards the group.

"W-We need...work to..gether."

Given Shun's weakened state of being, it would require the struggle of several people for each wooden support, though, it was entirely within the possible bounds of those actively present. If people worked together in removing the bars, the door would soon be opened, and the outside world revealed. As the old man had promised, the mist was far less dense compared to the night before, and visibility of the distance was somewhat possible. If anything the world appeared to resemble a cloudy day with a thin layer of haze plaguing the atmosphere as a whole. Overall, the house's surroundings were bland with only a few farm tools, a garden of vegetables, the outhouse, and the boat in the river, surrounding its position on the riverbank which it existed upon.​

Dank, smelly alleyway
Barstronk @VengefulPeanut @Skyswimsky @AutumnWyvern

Channel 4? Iphie would be more worried if BBC London stopped broadcasting, but they were thirty years too early for that.

Iphigenia sighed. She'd expected the introduction to be a bit awkward, given the circumstances, but the gits she was grouped with were more socially awkward than seals. Luckily for the other two and to an ever-growing irritation from Iphie, any further room for stiff interactions was quickly filled and interrupted by Kyouko, yet again. And again, the little stick wielding brat, in all her ignorance, continued on with her charade. The blonde shinai-wielding Kyouko received a deathly glare but no apparent physical violence from the older girl. Perhaps the gaudy looking headband actually worked?

Nonetheless, Iphie had some choice words for the girl. "Perhaps you should put a modicum of thought in your words before you undo yourself," she said, with a nonchalant shrug and wave of a hand that masked a well-hidden malicious desire. Giving a moment's pause, the irked girl allowed herself to move away from the topic, repeating the names of Matthew and Puck in her mind so to not forget. At least that inane interaction had some use, now that everybody knew each others names.

Unfortunately, Iphie's request of Matthew was swiftly denied. She was taken aback by the rapidity and simple awkwardness in how he declined even the notion of an offer. Her eyebrow raised apprehensively at his reaction; she was now more interested in his words than her original desire for a magical pocket sword. How did staff training translate into swordplay, anyway? Her suggestion was casual and genuinely carried no ill intent or malicious reasoning. "Well, sure," she replied, batting the tassel of her new headband. "Why do you sound like you just saw a ghost?"

She didn't expect an answer for that question. Opportunely timed as usual, Kyouko came crashing through this conversation too, brusquely thrusting her beating stick into the boy's hands before she stormed off, having apparently resolved to test her new Jesus shoes. Deciding that watching the girl bumbling around trying to use it was not worth her time, she looked at the dumpster thoughtfully. Without taking her eyes off it, she spoke casually again.

"I'd recommend tossing it in."

This earnest recommendation, too, was nearly drowned out by the flailing cries of Kyouko, who had faltered against the wall. For the first time since meeting Fushinsetsu, Iphigenia giggled. The ladder it was.

"I'm glad you didn't say ladies first," said Iphie, half-jokingly as Matthew made to move the smelly old dumpster directly underneath the rusted wrought iron tress work. She looked up and down the structure once again. "I don't think that rickety ironwork would support the weight of all of us," she advised.

"You first, and then me, perhaps? Kyouko and Puck could stand guard, it shouldn't be very long."

  • Keys, with a usb stick on the keyring
    A wallet, containing her ID, $320, two £20 bills, a bank card, an oyster card, and an international credit card
    An Android smartphone, rooted and running a custom secure ROM
    Folding knife
    A razor
    A small bag of assorted mix candies
    Man's wallet
    Jeweled Headband*
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| TIME: ☾ |


| Iphie @Click This, Matthew @VengefulPeanut |

[ GO HERE FOR ]Basic Item Info for the 4 Shards[ FOR HERE GO ]


The climb up didn't take a notably long time. The higher they climbed, the stronger the wind got, distorting sound and wrapping the chill around their poor bodies. The rusty fire-escape creaked under them, as if threatening to fall altogether. But, no, it held fast. Chips of red paint clung onto the metal structure, but they were few and scattered between rust and exposed measure. Matthew, up in front, as he got to the upper half of the last flight of stairs, he'd have heard it first.


Iphie would have heard sharp words, cut off by the wind, a brief moment after her male companion.

Popping his head up, if he did, Matthew wouldav seen the seen before him: At the edge of the rooftop, dangerously so, two men argued. One was so close to the roof's edge, it seemed that a baby's breath would push him over. Which was alarming, considering the wind.

"You can go on and point that at me, it won't make a difference." He had slightly long hair, disheveled, whipped around by the wind. He wore a green vest over a white button-up, but was in no way as dressed up as the men at the Speakeasy.

"You think I'll play soft with you? After what you just pulled, Harry?" the man yelled harshly. Whether he was yelling in anger, or to speak over the wind, it wasn't clear. But his drawn eyebrows showed he was clearly livid. He wore a familiar grey-fedora, that managed to stay on despite the wind. Unnaturally so.

But, perhaps, the thing that called for the most attention- the pistol the man in the grey hat was pointing at the man in the green vest.

"I didn't hear a word from my brother, I was sideswiped, just as much as the rest--"

"That's likely," he returned sarcastically.

Harry's eyes narrowed. "I've said my piece, you do what you have to--" that's when, if Matthew or Iphie had chosen to pop their head up instead of hide, would have been noticed. "--!!" His face grew in surprise, then alarm.

The man in the familiar grey hat stepped back from Harry, looking in the same direction. "--!" Recognition in his eyes, he knew these two. "You kids! Get out of here, this is not for your eyes."

"He's right, get out of here." Harry said, all steely, despite the fact he was the one having the gun pointed at him. Looking at the grey-hatted man, the sweat beading on his forehead, the look on his face, in his eyes, he was ready to make a decision. Was it their place to intervene?

But if they didn't, the man...

| END LOCATION: The Rooftop |


| LOCATION: The Allley |

| Puck @AutumnWyvern, Kyouko @Skyswimsky |

Meanwhile, down below in the alley. As Kyouko and Puck were waiting, hiding, or watching guard, at the entrance of the alley, a cop appeared. Even if they were hiding, say, behind the dumpster, he'd yell loudly into the alley. "Let's do this the easy way, I see you there, why don't you show yourselves?"

There was a sureness in his voice to hint that he wasn't bluffing. Obviously not if they were in plain sight. But, when he finally focused on them, his face relaxed. "Oh... Just kids. Haha! You rascals, what're you doing out at this time of nigh..." His face hardened again, falling on Puck. "You!"

He stepped closer, determined, menacing. "You're coming with me, fiend!"


| LOCATION: Mass Arrest Prison 'Bus' |

| Patrick @TerraBooma |

The hum slightly got louder in the car, as the woman slowly started speaking to each other. None were so rude to interrupt Betty and Patrick, though some looked at Patrick with open concern. Mothers themselves, no doubt, or very sympathetic women. The van began to smell of tobacco smoke, thanks to the duo smokers and the lack of real ventilation in the back of the van. It wasn't really cold in there, but more because the amount of bodies in there. Betty kept alert, immediately looking the still-nervous Patrick. She smiled at him sweetly, patting his head.

"Aren't you as sweet as honey, worrying about little ol' me? I'll be back on my feet in no time, Hen-- What's your name, hun?" Receiving it, she'd say, "Don't you worry about me. Everything will run its course." The engine roared to life. Betty instinctively tightened her arm around Patrick, but loosened it, perhaps remembering that this was not her son. Still, it didn't stop her from noticing how exhausted Patrick looked. "It's not a long drive to the station, but I think you can squeeze in a cat's nap," the raven-haired woman told him, taking her stole off and placing it over him like a blanket.


| LOCATION: The Streets |

| Korrey & Monty @Raijinslayer |
It would have been easy enough for Korrey to follow the kids. Having picked up on their sounds earlier, Korrey would have been able to follow behind them. As he got closer, he could hear their hushed banter, their jovial nature, their 'caution to the wind' air about them. They were bundled up pretty well, he could tell from the streetlights they that would partially illuminate them every now and again. Partially, because their leader was doing a good job making the group stay in the dark, avoiding the light if and when he could.

"Shh! Shh..."

"I thought you just said to hurry it up. Why we stoppin'?"

"Do you hear that?"


"Worms. Run!"

Just like that, the kids began to run.

[spoili]My apologies, these were very rushed. But the action begins for most![/spoili]

Ai ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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|Jason Brookes|
|Tsukistronk Hut of Shame|
|Interacting with Tsukistronk|
|Sanity: 9/10|
Shun struggled to lift the beam alone, as he was weakened by his pain and fever. Jason could see he needed help, so he went and gave him a hand, lifting them all off the door to let them out. Opening it, in flowed the mist, and everything was covered with a pale haze once more, though it was definitely lessened - the old man hadn't been wrong, at least, before... he didn't want to know what had happened. Annie had had red flecks on her hands, and was acting weird, as well as having gone into the man's bedroom. He'd decided, she looked visibly shocked, and it was best left. She hated him enough already, even if that was with no good reason.
Stepping outside, he declined to take a good breath of fresh air, due to the mist which actually hindered normal breathing by a small amount. The whispers in the wind from yesterday were gone, as well, and he could easily see much further.
He took another look at the house, as he'd not had that much of a good look of it yesterday. Walking around it, he could find some common sort of farm tools - mattock, pitch fork, shovel, et cetera. The one that really interested him, though, was the axe, its edge buried into a large block of wood, covered in marks from where it had obviously been used for chopping wood to be put in the fire. He figured that its previous owner wouldn't likely need it, and they wouldn't be staying here, so eh grabbed it for himself - a knife could only do so much damage to a huge leaping direwolf, whereas a well-timed swing might completely stop it, even kill or mortally wound it if done well. There was also the question of those people with the snouts, and the... well, not quite spears. Staffs, perhaps, though he doubted they'd be ineffective against them in melee combat, not to mention having much longer reach. But hey, it was better than the knife.
Standing still for a moment, axe hanging down from his hand beside his leg, he begin to think about the situation. he was evaluating tools on what would do the most damage against an enemy. he picked the axe with intent to hurt, maim, or kill. He'd never had to make that decision before. He'd never intentionally hurt someone else. Not even some kind of fight in school. Like the man's death, he pushed the though aside, back to the here and now. If he kept thinking about it all now, he'd end up helpless, scared and confused, and hating himself. Never again.
The axe felt reassuringly heavy in his hands. it had some good weight to it, but it wasn't too heavy, so he might do decent damage without tiring himself out just carrying the thing.
He returned to the house, and held up the knife, folded into its useful form.
"Anyone want this? I won't really be needing it anymore, so whoever wants it is welcome to it. We all need some kind of protection, so I'd also recommend seeing what you can find for yourselves."
If anyone took it, he would have freely given it to them, in card form.
Jason thought next to their plan of action.Shun had said that they should go to the capital, where the old man had seen rips in the sky. Maybe they were the very same rips that had brought them here, and they could do so again, to allow them back to earth? To return, and tell people... no, he realised, nobody would believe them. Carted off by an insane murderer using bubbles to a strange, medieval dimension covered in evil mist? They'd all sound insane, it would seem nonsense to any sane person.
He caught himself, thinking over things too much again. They'd work everything out when they got there, the now was what matters, getting to the capital.
How would they do that, though? Shun was in no state to walk long distance, and while he knew he could walk for days, he doubted everyone else here could.
The boat, he thought. Other than fending off rocks, and maybe staying in and balancing down rapids if they were unlucky, it would require little to no exertion from anyone save for the one person taking control. That was a ob he was happy to do, as he was an experienced canoeist, and would be glad to be helpful. The others might take some convincing of the idea, though.
"I agree with Shun on getting to the capital that... the old man mentioned - the rips in the sky could be a way home, out of all this. Shun, though, can't walk, and it could be too far to walk. I think that we'll have to take then boat - especially when it comes to the mist, to avoid those things from yesterday. Anyone disagree?"
  • Like
  • Love
Reactions: PandaChu and Tsu
Patrick Gavin
Patrick's Magical Solo Adventure: The MARB
Interactions: @Kal. Betty
Sleep? Patrick supposed that, now that she mentioned it there wasn't much to do but sleep here. He was still worried, this much was obvious to anyone who could see him. His mind was unhelpfully thinking of all the bad stories he'd heard about prisons, this combined with his brain also thinking about all the bad stories he'd heard of the Prohibition Era, things weren't exactly peachy keen. Could he even sleep on a prison bus? Would he be safe? He started to panic again when he felt a soft warm fur pressed next to him. Betty was giving him something...to make him more comfortable?

Relaxing, he smiles softly as he does his best to curl up. The bus ride wouldn't be long....but Betty had a point, and if there was anybody who he could trust here it was her, she had more then one chance to turn him away, and she was being so kind...With those warm thoughts, Patrick slowly drifts away, hoping to gain some strength with a short rest.

Money 30$

Camilla "Mia" Oliver
Location: Papa's Fragment - Marabel's home
Time: IDK
Interaction with: NECKDStronk Unite: @ERode @Zombehs @ElBell @Jerelin and Marabel/ Dimitri: @Voltaire
Mood: Losing her shit Curious/ Happy Impatient


The smell of meat overwhelmed her as all she could think about was getting her hand on some food and just stuff her stomach until she was full to the brim of bursting. Drool could almost be seen about to be dripping a waterfall out of her mouth but her she then snapped out of it when Naschu laughed, Camilla blushing on the spot,"A-ah, I'm sorry." Camilla apologized again but her smile returned in a flash when Marabel gave her permission to eat as she awaited for the plate to be served out,"Yay, food!"

She didn't quite catch what Marabel said as her mind was focus on the food only as she nodded as if she was listening,"Oh, is that so... sounds yummy." And such like that to show interest though she didn't really paid any attention until the sound of the door opened as many footsteps followed. That's when their great savior arrived,"Dimitri! He has came to save us!" Camilla gasped and turned to the voices but only to stare at another wall once more,"Naschu, we're not alone anymore!" She exclaimed and heard another male spoke up glad to see the two as they were to them,"Nice to meet you, I'm Camilla and this is Naschu!~" She chimed to the stranger happily,"We're about to eat, want to join?" She asked as they did had a crazy time after everything that just happened to them, they must have been as hungry as Camilla and Naschu.

Best way to get out the awkwardness was to have a feast! Try to get to know one another and enjoy themselves until they could get their mind straight on what to do with their current situation and how to get home as their only answer was the man before them, Dimitri.


  • Ravenwood Uniform
    Panda socks

  • 7b0c9b2fc2725a44a9513f8d2f4812e1.png

  • Phone |No Signal|
| Katherine Drayton |
| Mist |
| Insanity meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ |
| Interactions |
| Direct: @Kitt @Tsu @DoughGuy @The_J @Greenrust |​

"Shun has a fever. He needs water." Annie rose to her feet and walked to the pitcher. As she used her knife to cut a strip off the jacket, Katherine watched her intently. She isn't hostile at all. She had a reason. Rini looked up at her bangs, waiting for another voice to break the silence, "We should leave this place while it's day." A shaky voice cut into their thoughts, "Y-Yes, w-we...s-should go." Katherine watched a suffering upperclassman sit up. He looked like he was in a daze, ready to faint again. Rini blinked a bit and quickly went to his side, she dropped to the ground and held his arm, "I...h-heard...a bit...man s-said...last night. T-Two things. T-The mist...i-it's weak...in day...and t-tears...at the...c-capital. I think...w-we should go...there. F-Find...answers...I think." The cat, the one that was found of Shun wrapped itself around Shun's hand trying to comfort him. Rini watched as he rose to his feet, she slowly followed along just in case the RA fell to the ground, "W-We need...work to..gether."

He reached to the door, trying to push the wooden bars off, Jason quickly came to his side and helped him along. The duo managed to cast aside the obstacles for the group and push the door open. A light breeze flowed into the room, Rini heaved a relieved sigh. Rainy days and misty mornings were a favorite for her, the scenery was too pretty for her to not crack a smile. She was tempted to suddenly go out into the open and bathe herself in the foggy scene.

The old man was right, just because he was correct about one thing, doesn't mean that he was right about everything. We need to see it ourselves. Katherine huffed away her bangs and looked back into the living room to see if she left anything behind. Realizing that the journal was jutting out from her side, Katherine hugged her arm to her waist and shuffled to her jacket that was thrown carelessly to the ground by the RA. She slipped the jacket on and covered the journal.

Looking around cautiously, Rini stepped out for a second and inhaled the air. She glanced at Shun's vulnerable looking state, his wound was covered with a makeshift bandage, but would it be enough to heal him? He needs medical attention. Katherine pulled her hair tie off and whipped her long hair loose, she wore the hair tie on her wrist with the jade bracelet. Walking into the small grove of grass, Katherine arrived at the edge of a garden. Raiding the dead man's food. Go big or go home. Katherine crouched down and inspected the green vegetation. Healthy and ripening goods were placed carefully into the garden.

After a little while, Jason came back from his searching, "Anyone want this? I won't really be needing it anymore, so whoever wants it is welcome to it." Katherine glanced back at him, he held out a knife waiting for someone to claim it, "We all need some kind of protection, so I'd also recommend seeing what you can find for yourselves. I agree with Shun on getting to the capital that... the old man mentioned - the rips in the sky could be a way home, out of all this. Shun, though, can't walk, and it could be too far to walk. I think that we'll have to take the boat - especially when it comes to the mist, to avoid those things from yesterday. Anyone disagree?"

Katherine shook her head in agreement and looked around the group to see their reactions, "I think we should take everything we find useful." She glanced back at the boat, "Though...only essential things please. The boat seems a bit small to carry every little thing." Katherine bit back a smile and stretched a bit, "We leave now. I'll give everyone ten minutes to grab what they want. We will discuss what to do when the river's current takes us closer to the Capital...where the rips in the sky are." Rini could feel her knees shaking, she stood erect with her hands holding her elbows, "Annie, Aimi...could you both clean up and stitch his wound up after searching the place?"

She looked over to Jason, "You proposed to take the boat, if it's not much, could you help everyone load their stuff in the boat? We'll have to talk about who's going to steer the boat and then switch off." She twirled her hair with her fingers and turned to Akio, "Co-captain, we are to get to the Capital, but we don't know if the journey will take long. During the night, we need to be shielded from the mist and the wildlife, it will get cold as well. Can I count on you?" If Akio said no, Katherine would sigh and simply nod. She would then go ahead and tell the girls the same thing as before but in a plural sense. When Akio agrees, Rini would smile and go off to another person in her party.

She reached Shun and pursed her lips, "How are you feeling? Do you want to go on a boat? You aren't...sea sick are you?" If he was, Rini would have to scrap the boat idea. Or scrap Shun. She giggled inwardly at her silly thoughts. She pressed her index finger on her lips, tapping it as she looked up at the cloudy sky, "Do you want me to help you get things?"

Hair pins
Hair tie
Jade bracelet
Gold coin necklace
Steel ring
Such useless phone
Old man's journal
Rickety Fire escape -> Building Roof
Barstronk – with Matthew - Collab with @VengefulPeanut

Taking Iphie up on her suggestion, Matthew clambered onto the closed top of the dumpster before looking to the blade in his hand. He placed Kyouko's weapon on the surface and loosened his grip on the handle of his own. As if in reverse, the blade condensed to its humble, original form as a letter opener. He couldn't explain why, though there was no weight difference between the item's two forms, when it was in sword form it felt more of a burden, as if it sapped the very energy from his being. He tucked the item in his belt before grappling onto the ladder, scaling up the rickety and worn fire escape. Shaking the side bannister to check the structure's solidity, he looked back down to Iphie with a smile.

"It's safe to climb," he confirmed before casting his gaze up to the edge of the roof above, "You should be good to come up."

Raising an eyebrow at the shinai placed atop the dumpster, Iphigenia followed directly behind Matthew, who had made it to the first landing of the reddened fire escape. A few chips of old lead paint fluttered down the ladder as she carefully proceeded upwards, nudging the British boy as she reached the platform. "I wouldn't be surprised if that thing was held by a bolt and a half," she commented, speaking in half jest. "Upwards, then?"

"Upwards," he responded simply with a resolute nod. As he pressed up the stairs, the metal groaned and creaked causing Matthew to slow slightly. However, it seemed to be holding for the time being. Suddenly, a man's voice could be heard from atop the roof. It was only faint, most of the audio being drowned out by the gushing wind and the sirens below, but it was there. Matthew held his hand out to signal Iphie to stop. "Not to sound like a horror movie cliche but… I think I hear something…" he explained, looking back to his companion momentarily. Creeping his way to the top, he poked his head above the top level to see what lay ahead. When he saw the two men, one of them armed, his heart nearly stopped and his instincts forced him to duck. He shuffled back slightly and gave Iphie a worried look.

"No, you're not wrong," said Iphie, as she neared the top. She paused for a moment, the iron step of the fire escape groaning in protest, and listened carefully for any further sounds. Faintly, and slightly drowned out by the wind were noises that sounded like a voice, perhaps from the roof or inside the building itself. "Voices. Perhaps somebody is having a smoke up top?" Saying those words, she continued her careful progression before finally stopping again with Matthew at the very top of the steps. Her companion peered over the edge but just as quickly came back down, with a worried expression on his face.

"Is something amiss?" asked Iphie, glancing at the edge. She didn't wait for a response, instead quickly a look of her own before retreating as quickly as Matthew had. There were two men on the roof, one apparently with a gun. He seemed a bit familiar. "He looks familiar," she said, in a matter of fact manner, reiterating her thoughts. "Looks like we're in a pickle again."

"That we are," Matthew replied, his voice hushed and trailing off as he observed his surroundings more. "How do you think we should handle this? I mean, do we even want to get involved?" he asked, looking earnestly at Iphie for an answer. She was right, the man did look familiar, though Matthew failed to place the face. Speaking of uncertainties, where were Puck and Kyouko? Peering down into the alleyway below, he could see a police officer advancing on their fellow classmates. The situation was just going from bad to worse. It was too late to be dealing with this level of bullshit, he was tired, lost and confused. A full english breakfast in a cushy BnB would have been a godsend but no he was stuck in 1920s America running from a crime he didn't commit instead. "Hold that thought," Matthew sighed before Iphie could fully respond to his previous question, "Our 'pickle' appears to have swelled in size."

Iphie's eyes followed Matthew's, looking down at her remaining companions below. "Would you say it is gherkin sized or dill sized?" She decided descending again was not an option for the moment, even if the policeman was amicable, they had no identity in this era and Kyouko would likely not help in this situation at all. Besides, an armed dispute was far more interesting, anyway. Iphie looked back up at the top. "Well, you have a sword, I have a knife, and we both have some blindingly bright torches in the form of our phones. We would have an element of surprise." Her suggestion was rather unorthodox and perhaps crazy, but decided she would run with it anyway if her companion agreed. They would be a rather unexpected force.

"What we going to do? Pretend to be the police? You seem to be forgetting the fact he's on the far side of the roof and he has a gun, Iphie," Matthew said to counter her suggestion before biting his bottom lip to control himself.

"He's on the far side of the roof, facing away from us," countered Iphie. "The bright light would blind them both. The second step would be a bit of stretch, but then we disarm him and get our facts straight, and hightail it out of here with the building staircase."

"I guess we don't have the liberty of going down the fire escape. Whatever you decide, I'll follow you. We should probably try and talk him down, though. I'm not confident we can close that gap," Matthew resolved with a determined tone and look on his face. He exhaled slowly as his breath danced out from his mouth into the frosty night air. "Dill," he said simply in reference to Iphie's earlier question. He gave her a warm nod and smile, the kind of gesture that says 'I've got your back' and prepared himself for the situation ahead.

"Alright, let's do that," agreed Iphie, accepting his proposal as the more sensible one. "We can use the talking to close the gap should the need arise to disarm him. Lets keep our weapons and phones at the ready." Having said that, she pulled herself over the edge, to the immediate protest of the two men at wills on the over side of the roof, Matthew closely behind her. Indeed, their conversation was not for their eyes, but they were not at liberty to leave, either.

"That seems to be self-evident," responded the British girl in response to the armed man. In the pockets of her blazer was her switchblade and phone, ready for action should she need to call upon them. Her next words, while diplomatic, would ultimately be the wildcard of her calculated approach.

"There are police at the base of the fire escape."

  • Keys, with a usb stick on the keyring
    A wallet, containing her ID, $320, two £20 bills, a bank card, an oyster card, and an international credit card
    An Android smartphone, rooted and running a custom secure ROM
    Folding knife
    A razor
    A small bag of assorted mix candies
    Man's wallet
    Jeweled Headband
Time: Early afternoon
Interaction: Tsu fragment
Insanity Meter: 7/10
Akio was still awake hours later when Aimi finally woke up from her fitful sleep. By then his entire body was sore and stiff from laying on the hard wooden floor with Aimi basically on top of him. Granted she wasent very heavy but it still wasent helpful. He stayed there silent and motionless till she woke whenever that may be, not wanting to disturb the girl who hadent been able to say anything last night. After she woke he looked at her. "Your awake." He said simply though exhaustion colored his voice, his next question however also carried a layer of concern. "Are you alright?" He asked as his eyes searched her. Whatever his answer for good or ill he would nod, acknowledging her statement. "That woman you found, i think thats the man's wife." He said almost to himself rather than her before slowly stirring and gently moving to get up, hearing what he thought was several of his bone and muscles crick. He walked out of the room to find Shun had awoken. He apparently had been listening earlier and heard the story about the capital. He had to admit his upperclassmen had thought of a interesting point, the tears could very well be the way home. Home... He felt the word with more than a bit of hope.

One way or another they did need to leave the house and when Shun and Jason thought to start moving the bars on the door he was thinking of moving to help them but then decided to find the man. He had to know the truth about the woman downstairs before he left. Only after he turned did he realize something had been put to bar the way, obviously from the outside. While they were focused on the door being open he slid forward and pushed the dresser out of the way and entered the room to find the scene as Rini had. The blood and the dead man made him freeze much the way he had when he had seen Mr. Barlow hit the ground. Only this time it was his mind couldnt seem to comprehend what he was seeing. He found himself striding over and turning the man on his side to see his throat slashed cleanly. There was no jagged edges which meant it was done with no resistance in a single motion. The man was probably asleep when it happened. Only one of them could kill them and 3 were out of commission or in his sights and Jason seemed unlikely by his base attitude alone. Only Annie or maybe Rini would have the capacity to kill him and as far as he knew only one of them was armed.

He didnt move for several moments before he strode out of the room at a powerful stride, he wasent sleepy anymore, not now with adrenaline running through his veins. He got back in time to hear Rini speak right after Jason offered the knife. He briefly considered taking it as he found his mind easily distracted at the moment but dismissed the idea as he prefered weapons with reach. He reacted with a start as Rini spoke to him and he met eyes with her and he seemed distracted and just a bit haunted perhaps. "I will figure out something for the night, but i want to talk to you and soon about several things... Alone preferably." He said his voice rougher than yesterday as he turned and went down into the basement looking at the woman. It seemed like they were leaving tonight. "Then what do we do with you...." What ever case was true about this womans past she could not take care of herself, her life was as ruined and ended as sure as her husbands was now. He bit the inside of his lip, because Annie reacted without thinking she was gonna die. He walked up the stairs disgusted and angry and went back into the room with the mans body. He would have to do something about Annie, if she could kill like this then she was dangerous. He took food from the cupboards whatever little there was and went to go find Rini. Annie would come later, he wanted Rini's input. Besides they needed to talk.

Fist wraps
Paper money
Food items
Last edited by a moderator:
•Aimi Minako•
| Morning | The Mists : Hut| Interaction : @AiDee @Tsu @DoughGuy | SANITY METER: ******** 8/10 |

After a morning of leg pain and paranoia about the woman downstairs, Aimi eventually came outside with the others, intending to inform the group about said woman. But, Rini was already organizing people into groups. "I think we should take everything we find useful." Referring to looting the house. Apparently, the old man had died in his sleep. Maybe the mist finally got to him...or it got to one of the others. After what she had seen downstairs, she was sure that she was grateful to the person who did. Though he had rescued them, he had chained a feral woman to the wall. None of it sat right with her, of course, but she couldn't exactly complain. What had been done, was done. Aimi looked back at Rini, who was still leading or whatever. "Though...only essential things please. The boat seems a bit small to carry every little thing." Essentials... Food? Medicinal supplies? She thought about other things while Rini continued, saying, "We leave now. I'll give everyone ten minutes to grab what they want. We will discuss what to do when the river's current takes us closer to the Capital...where the rips in the sky are." Didn't the old man say that there was no Capital? Or was that another delusional lie? Aimi's attention was redirected to the commander in chief once more when her name was called. "Annie, Aimi...could you both clean up and stitch his wound up after searching the place?" Nodding, the girl re-entered the hut, and exited with a few things; food, the alcohol she had to sneak to get because they really needed it, and some bedsheets that they could rip and use as gauze. She exited the house and found Shun and then waited for the other girl, Annie. From a distance, she could hear Rini talking to Akio. "Co-captain, we are to get to the Capital, but we don't know if the journey will take long. During the night, we need to be shielded from the mist and the wildlife, it will get cold as well. Can I count on you?" Aimi blew a strand out of her eyes. That guy (who happened to carry her up from downstairs,) really didn't need to be co-captain. To be honest, Aimi thought she would be. An uncomfortable feeling made itself present in her chest, but she pushed it down. Now was not the time for a petty jealousy to make things tense. Resuming her current activity of dressing Shun's wound properly this time, she let the thought of being second to Akio fester in the back of her mind for a bit longer.

After she was done cleaning out the nasty gashes in Shun's arm, she decided to tell Rini about the lady in the basement while Annie sewed his arm. Approaching the newly crowned leader, she tapped Rini on the arm. "Uh, Rini.." She mumbled, looking down her feet. "There's something you need to know about, downstairs, in the cellar. It was...obvious that I didn't fall down the stairs..." She cleared her throat before continuing onwards with her announcement. "There's.... A woman. Chained in the cellar. I think...I think the mist corrupted her." Aimi was silent for a moment, before adding quietly. "The old man didn't die naturally, did he?"
Night | Alley | Police officer @Kal. Kyouko @Skyswimsky

Puck wasn't exactly sure how they were supposed to stand guard, but agreed to do so with a curt nod. "Sounds alright to me." Puck said before watching Iphie and Matthew ascend the fire escape. Once the two got up about halfway Puck turned around and looked around, rocking on the balls of their feet and humming softly, unsure of what to do. Puck turned to Kyouko with the intent of making some kind of conversation but was stopped before they could say anything by the police officer.

Puck never had any dealings with police before and admittedly wasn't sure what would be the most tactful way of handling the situation. "Um, me? What did I do?" Puck asked. "We just heard a big commotion and wanted to check it out that's all..." Puck glanced towards Kyouko hoping she would have some way to back them up or get the two of them out of this mess.

A small backpack with writing utensils and other school-related odds and ends
A wallet containing $30 and a picture of a Puck holding Beatrice (an owl)
A Map of the campus
A smartphone
A pack of gum
Flower Hairpin (wearing)