| World Synapse : Arc 2 Gardania |

Training Arena for the physically challenged
The future and beyond
Totostronk @DoughGuy @Kitt @AiDee @Voltin

Iphie had expected a difficult challenge, but what Toto was throwing at them at this moment was nothing short of a nightmare. They went full in. So much for easing into training, huh? Almost immediately into the one hour exercise, a hail of bullets began to rain down upon Iphie and company, so much that it seemed like she was in a World War One battlefield.

Fortunately, the moves were telegraphed in the forms of lights similar to laser sights, so there was opportunity to dodge, and boy, did Iphie dodge. This part of the exercise felt like a combination of hardcore dodgeball and a Touhou game with easier openings. With this in mind, she performed admirably in this task, diving, backstepping, retreating, sprinting, and jumping her way to (relative) safety, simply to be met with a curt "Good" and "Great job," before being shooed back to the starting line. But despite her initial successes in dodging, she was tiring fast; the British girl simply did not have the stamina for a prolonged exercise like this. Her initial success was quickly looking like the first and last. She was a high school student and a network security analyst, not a member of bloody SEAL Team 6.

Quickly enough, she started getting hit, a lot. Thankfully, not enough to eat dirt; she would be very unhappy if she was getting dusted the fuck up. After much continued failure, at the half-hour mark Iphie noted Gototo had come up with an ingenious strategy: kick up dust to create a cloud to impair targeting. She grabbed a fistful herself; her other hand still held the rifle. Taking advantage of the boy, she came up behind him, using his own cloud to save her own energy. Copying his tactic, she was able to reach the twenty meter point, but suddenly the crowd revealed itself once again, this time booing, and throwing garbage at the trainees. Iphie initially disregarded this debris as they bounced off the others,, but a mere moment later, Gototo was felled by a seemingly harmless piece of trash, which produced a muttered expletive from the British girl. Throwing her handful of sand, she made a sprint for the remaining twenty meters, batting away at garbage with her rifle like a baseball bat. The sheer volume was a bit much; she ended missing half the trash aimed at her, but the seemingly silly tactic was working; she felt a heavy clank against the rifle that could only be assumed to be a hidden weapon. With a meter to go, she dived at the terminal alongside Rini, yelling "safe!" That made two for the Iphie success count.

With that tricked used up, she was subjected to more madness for the next thirty minutes. But towards the end the hour, Iphie had an idea of her own. Taking use of one of the lulls in firing, she recovered her stamina before making another almost route dodge-and-dash towards the terminal. This time, she had sand in her hand again, but it was raised. Tilting the PTC towards the sun, she caught the glare on the device and aimed it at her assailants to blind and hinder their fire. Closing in and batting away, she threw the sand when the angle was off, and with a final burst, reached the terminal again. Three for the Iphie success count.

And that was it. An hour was up, and Iphie was an aching, sore, and tired mess, with only three breakthroughs to show for it. She could really use a nice glass of water right now.

Ice. Cold. Water.

She nodded as fervently as her tiredness allowed her at Gotou's request, before mirroring it herself.

"Gototo has it right. Some refreshments would really be nice right now."

  • Wallet
    An Android smartphone with a Gilgamesh lanyard. It's a dud.
    Jeweled Headband – Unequipped
    Letter Opener – Blood in reservoir
    Jeweled Money Clip - Worn, attached to sleeve cuff
    Comms Earrings - In Pocket
    Flower Pin - In pocket
    Blue armor

  • Bloody nothing

  • Black Skirt
    White button down shirt
    Black thighhighs
  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu and AiDee
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Maw of the Nile |[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]| Collab : @Tsu @DoughGuy @Skyswimsky @Ookami @TerraBooma |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Part 2: Finis |[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]| Afternoon |[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Right. Maybe Smiting wasn't Pat's best idea. But not he very clearly had bigger problems at hand. Losing half of your ranged defenses proved problematic, and the pain in his lungs hurt like hell. But it was nothing compared to what he had gone through with Scratch. He could still concentrate if he tried hard, and it wasn't going to incapacitate him as quickly either. He could work with this. But what should he do? The pain in his lungs was bad, but by Pat's recent standards, bearable...and he didn't want to risk going to the bank, it seemed too easy. Looking over to Annie, he calls out. "A-....Activate slot one." Speaking hurt, and he really hoped he wouldn't have to do much more. Grabbing his gun and walking towards the divide with himself and Annie, he holds up his gun and then points it around, as if on guard. He hoped he got his message Across: I'll cover you.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Fuck..." Kyouko mumbled, it fucking hurt, a lot. Sure, the blonde was used to pain, a lot too, but this was maybe setting a new high? Why couldn't she have been born a perverted masochist or something. Regardless, she stopped her breathing and tried to move out of poison cloud or whatever.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Succeeding in that, the soon-to-be-queen could breath again quite easily, the pain was still lingering, but constantly decreasing. Listening to crocodile-face again, the soon-to-be-queen just really wanted to punch him. Like, seriously, fuck this. Out of the 3 qualities she believed to be important for success: Strength, Luck and Wits, the blonde knew just too well that she was slacking in the last department, and obviously, this whole thing seemed to be exactly about such things. Fine, it was, after all, just a simulation. So, this fucker wanted some fucking logic? Well, then Kyouko would give him exactly that! Fresh with-the-head-through-the-wall logic seasoned by the genius Kyouko herself.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Thinking about each word there were three things that struck her immediately: First, this time, he didn't announce anything akin to 'Here is my second trial', meaning right now they weren't even tested? Second, there was this word, lest, being a non native english speaker, this word was complicated as fuck. Really fucking complicated. For her it basically meant that consuming blood would start the next trial BUT it could also mean the exact opposite. Well, fuck. Whatever. The third point bugging her was a feeling of his two sentences not having to do with each other. Well, she had a decision to make. Though the decision was also 50/50, meaning she had to deal in the luck department, and for this one, Kyouko decided to do nothing, or well, at least drink nothing, and especially not that red crocodile piss from the river.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Annie dropped to the ground as the sphere encasing her disappeared, too grateful to be free to realise her mistake. She gulped down air as the lightning struck, and soon received a large mouthful of noxious fumes that caused her to gag. The smell of blood didn't help either. She managed to get to her feet despite the pain and staggered down to the river. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]It's simulated. It's not real.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] she thought to herself. It was the only way she would manage to do the following. Had her teammates chosen to drink it was likely she would not have, but it seemed best to have at least one fully functioning team member.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course it could be a trick. It wasn't the first time someone had tried to make her eat human. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]It's simulated. It's not real blood. We're in an empty room.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] The flash before the arena loaded in had shown that. Dropping to her knees the girl scooped up a handful of the river and slowly dribbled it down her throat. Had it been real it was not something she could have done. It tasted metallic and was very difficult to swallow, she retched multiple time during the one handful. She also took breaks between sips, trying to make sure she didn't drink more than was necessary to stop the pain, and definitely didn't drink more than she scooped up in the one hand.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For the third time, Sobek burst into his usual fit of laughter as he observed a single human drink from the bloody nile. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"With one human cured from her bane, I present the second trial.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Once again, consider the ally at your si--..."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sobek's announcement was cut short, first, by the feminine AI declaring another point of ranged rating from the terminals of the three individuals who chose to avoid the blood. Shortly after, the very zone began to decompose as the field lost its rendered environment and returned to the endless room from which everything originated. There was a quick declaration of 'Now transferring back to the waiting room' before the body of each individual began to decompose and eventually reconstruct back in the waiting room where their lost items lay. Immediately upon arrival, the AI's voice began to speak the results of their short-lived game.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Welcome back to Practice Arena Instance 9[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Due to the loss of a teammate, both teams have withdrawn from the Maws of the Nile.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Your score will now be calculated…[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]… Calculation complete. Here are the results."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Score:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Out of 20 points[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Team 1 : [/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Annie : 2 points[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Patrick : 0 points[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Team 2 :[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Kyouko : 0 points[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Rebecca : 0 points[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The game scores were both spoken and displayed on a large digital screen which encompassed the forefront wall of the room. Towards the rear of the room, a small ding of the elevator's arrival came in tandem with the AI's final declaration before it fell silent and left the participants to themselves.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]When you are finished.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Please take the elevator back to the Gardanian Hall.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Thank you for using Practice Arena Instance 9."[/BCOLOR]
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
| Meeting Ajourned? |
| @Zombehs @ERode @PandaChu @The_J |

"Darius and Kir? Have you no regards for the instructions I sent?
No matter, what is done is done. Settle yourselves on the couch while I go retrieve our thir...no forth member."

At first glance, Lissette noticed only the pair of boys standing in her doorway; the presence of a smaller, more timid girl had entirely bypassed her initial field of view. Nonetheless, a quick glance at her figure was more than enough to summon a small sigh which was soon followed by the growing disdain on her face.
They sent me a blind girl...
Lisette's thoughts were rightfully sour, but she quickly came to the realization that brooding over such matters did little to change to present situation.
Work with what you're given...to the best of your abilities, at least.

A single step forward was all that Lissette could manage before the sound of shattering glass filled the room in tandem with the tear of pierced flesh. Blood splattered in the direction of the teens all while a shocked expression encompassed the woman's face as she fell face-forward to the ground. In her chest was a gaping hole from which a pool of blood was rapidly beginning to form around her figure. The edges of the wound were entirely clean, but most noticeable was the bolt of a crossbow that was embedded into the ground...dead-center within the wound.

No matter the reactions of any one person, the subsequent outcome was effectively the same. The voice of the feminine AI erupted throughout the room in a tone of voice that seemed unusually cold given its usual warm disposition.

Warning Class S Crime Detected
Analyzing Scene of Crime
Four Suspects Identified
Now Detaining

In an instant, the bodies of Kir, Darius, Blake, and Camilla began to decompose into data as they were immediately transported away from the residence and into a familiar room which encompassed a seemingly endless expanse. Unlike the CORE Access Terminal, the present room lacked any form of platform or terminal, and to make matters worse, the PTC of each individual was seemingly offline. The room lacked any other presence or any hint for escape, but after a moment's time, the feminine AI began to once again speak.

Welcome to the CORE Detention Terminal
Darius Jacks...Kir Niwa...Camilla Oliver...Blake Tellery...The CORE has determined each of you as a suspect for the murder of Trainer Lissette.
Cause of murder...Blood loss stemmed from forced trauma.
You will be held within this terminal until the Council is prepared to handle your case.
Your PTC has been disabled.
Any requests may be directed and processed through myself.
Thank you for your patience.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu

--Late Afternoon--
@AiDee @Click This @Kitt @Voltin
(There has been a slight retcon due to things I didn't know before. Rather than just entering the arena you will all have entered it by catching an elevator up to a floor and being teleported in. Nothing major, its just for correctness)
The group had performed admirably given their lack of experience. All of them had made it at least once and most had made it multiple times. And they had been devising ideas to distract the two shooters in the middle of the bullet hell to increase their chances. Eto emerged from behind his cover at the end of the hour with the hint of a smile on his face, and Praelin was happy to openly show his joy at their progress. The former tapped a few times on his PTC and the simulation of the arena faded to an endless white room. A second later the group found themselves in a waiting room where their old artefacts were waiting for them where they had been dropped when the group teleported out. Both trainers noticed the items but said nothing.

"You all did well there." Eto began, "Utilizing the environment and your tools in ways that they were not planned. Iphie especially, your use of the gun as a baton to block the projectiles was smart. As you found out Gotou you must design your tactics to be purely beneficial to yourself. Using other people as distraction is a very useful skill if you can pull it off Rini, but only if they're both your foes. Aimi, you made it through the final barrage on your own without any distraction, a very good feat. Your words weren't useful in this scenario, but keep in mind taunting and screaming always have a time and place in battle."

During his speech the group would be free to grab bottles of water from the waiting room's fridge, which had lit up upon their arrival.

"You're free to return to the residence for the evening or visit the shops in the market. Tomorrow morning if you have nothing else planned I have two other friends I would like you to all meet. They're not fighters but can help you nonetheless in other areas. And in the afternoon we'll have another training session at the arena. Dismissed." With those final words the group was free to leave and do as they wished.

"Good job everyone." Praelin said, waving goodbye. Shortly after he reached into a bag and pulled out his own refreshment of the stronger variety.
Early Morning.
Team 5 Lodge: Second Floor > Holding Cell of Infintum (Go directly to Jail, Do not pass Go, Do not collect 2000 Credits).

Meeting adjourned almost instantly and off to the slammer with you. Super fun times once more.

He cocked his head a little at her comment, unsure of what instructions the two of them had broken. Given that Lissette was by herself it didn't look like any of the other two had arrived yet and, in fact, a backwards glance revealed that Camilla had just come up the stairs. When he turned back he noticed that their trainer seemed to have already picked up on the younger girl's condition and frankly he couldn't fault her reaction. Hopefully Lissette would be able to deal with it and things would continue forward without too many compl-

The shattering sound reached his ears just in time for Kir's body to tense, but do little else. By the time his eyes searched for the source of the noise, the results were already unfolding as blood sprayed towards them. Instinctively he threw his hand up to shield Camilia from the spray of blood even as he tried to step back. His head snapped to the left with a grimace as the crimson drops splattered against his face, and for a moment Kir wanted to do nothing more than scream. Could they not get one damn break? Why was death always at their side? The urge was forced down as he brought a hand up to wipe the blood away from his eyes and he looked upon their trainer's corpse with mixed emotions.

Yet, anxiety and a sense of danger jolted Kir into action before more than a second or two could have passed. Whoever had killed their trainer could just as easily be lining up a second shot and with that in mind, he turned heel to try and bolt down the stairs. A sharp blast of noise dissuaded him from that course of action though and Kir nearly stumbled from the ringing in his ears. It was a familiar voice with an unfamiliar tone and he glanced down at the sheath on his belt in realization. 'Shit!' Yet his PTC had already been rendered inoperable so the building's walls did not respond to his attempts. He'd only managed to grasp the Artifact before his body ceased to exist and consciousness left him.

It was impossible to tell how long he'd been blacked out for, but Kir's gut told him it hadn't been more than a few moments. As he took in his new surroundings, recognizing the appearance despite its different atmosphere, the female voice spoke to the four of them once more. When they were left in silence at last, Kir stood for a few moments before he simply dropped to his knees with a sigh, raising his hands up to his face. The warm and cloy sensation of blood on his skin was impossible to ignore as was the copperish scent that filled his nose. "Fuck…" he muttered, his voice shaky, as he began to try and clean himself up. Given his body seemed to have developed the shakes, he ceased and simply fell backwards to stare up into the unending darkness above.

He let a few moments pass by just like that before he rolled his head to the side to glance at the others that'd also been brought here with him. For the most part it didn't look like any of them had been hurt, but the situation was basically in the shitter. With a grumble, Kir forced himself to stand up, but rather than approach immediately he spoke and hoped the AI was listening. "Can I get cleaned up and a new set of clothes?" While he didn't think Darius would mind his gruesome appearance given the insane shit the two of them had gone through in the previous world, Cam probably wouldn't appreciate the smell and the new kid might legitimately freak out. As a few moments passed by without a response, Kir clicked his tongue in annoyance and ventured over towards the others. If it weren't for the fact that the AI was probably monitoring every movement made and word said, he might have been a bit more vocal about it.

  • PTC (Rank A, 0 Credits, Fist I, 4 Slots Locked, Info Broker/Darius/Lissette Contact)
    Outfit (Bloodied)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
[Early Morning Bloodshed]
[Team 5's Lodge, Lissette's Room]
[All In Boyz and the Groupies]

Things were going relatively well, Darius had thought. Their trainer was a blonde bombshell just like he had imagined, and, even though she was still a little pissed, it seemed like they were finally able to get their training underway. Hopefully, she could teach him some fancy footwork, because god, he really did need it. He smiled at her comments about their lack of reading comprehension, and was about to counter with the fact that she didn't even follow her own message last night, but then…well, shit went down the shitter.

It was a bolt that was more akin to a blast of energy that shattered the window in front of them, shards of glass spewing over the wooden floors. Before Darius's eyes, a hole appeared in her torso, a bloody mist showering them. Lissette, her face frozen in painless shock, fell. A pool of blood formed underneath her, spreading viscously. Darius's face felt warm as he stared down at that beautiful, disgusting corpse. He had already seen death, but it was never as close as it was now. Just moments ago, she was chastising them for their tardiness and inability to follow instructions. Now, she laid there, slain by the arrow that remained after the shaft of energy dispersed.

It was an unpleasant feeling, knowing that what he was feeling wasn't sorrow or shock, but interest, as his brown eyes drank in the scene before him, even as warm blood turned cold and crusty.

Moments later, the voice of CORE sounded throughout the room, a voice that was distant in Darius's ears as he burned this scene in his memory, branding himself with this vividly red incident. By the time his body turned into a billion individual pixels, whisked away to another room at the speed of light. The dark expanses were familiar but, clutching at his chest, he realized that something was missing. His Talisman, that magical artifact that granted him endless amounts of energy.

So this CORE can't interfere with artifacts after all. It would have been good information, if only he had whatever Dimitri had, an artifact fused with his body. Briefly, he wondered whether or not he should have just killed the man earlier on and taken the arm, but there was no point in regretting it now. With a sigh, the freckled boy sat down, cross-legged. They were in a virtual reality jail, and their captor was a disembodied female voice that declared them as suspects of murdering their trainer. Great. Hilarious. For an omnipresent cyber girl, it clearly was incapable of seeing that the four were totally clueless, and didn't even possess the ability to pull something like that off the first place.

Ah, that's right. He was mad, instead of disgusted or traumatized or anything else.

Taking off his red shirt and using the back side of the shirt to wipe the blood from his face, Darius grimaced at the strong scent of blood in the air, but, never the less, asked a question to Madame Core, one that was definitely more useful than 'huehue give us new clothes'.

"So, I'm curious. Why are we suspects, not witnesses?"

- green sweatpants
- disabled PTC
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
[BCOLOR=transparent]|Location: Arena|[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]|Interactions: @DoughGuy @TerraBooma @Tsu @Ookami |[/BCOLOR]

"Well...fuck." Utterly defeated. 0 Points, the blonde did probably everything wrong that could have been done wrong. "Fuck..." She murmured again, Kyouko knew that this simulation shit wasn't her strong suit, but losing felt bad regardless. "Fuck fuck fuck..." Truly annoyed, how did that rude girl that didn't even got the spine to introduce herself get those two anyways?! Kyouko was too fixated on crocodile-face to really 'look' after what the other two did with the exception of a short glance at Patrick.

Lifting her finger upwards she said, loud and clear. "Oy you fucking ROBOT, I, Kyouko, demand a goddamn rematch!" Though, adding after a small pause. "'Leaving after we are finished'? What do you fucking take me for? If this is supposed to be some silly training than I, Kyouko, got the entire fucking day to fuck around with you!" Regarding the message she got from her creepy new friend, well, for now, she had more important things to attend to.

♦ = Currently wearing
◊ = Currently stashed away (Pockets etc.)

[stabs]{slide=Inventory|center}♦ Casual Clothes
◊ 2x Artifact Earring of Telepathy #Barstronk​
♦ Artifact Bulletproof Vest of Shielding
♦ Handbag
◊ 2x Artifact Baton of stretching​
◊ Artifact 1920 Style clothing with reality denying pockets​
◊ Artifact Orange Knife​
◊ ---​
♦ Artifact Heels of everywhere walking
♦ Artifact Earring of Telepathy #Barstronk Channel{/slide}
{slide=PTC|center}Name : Kyouko Hiruma
Team: 2
Points: 0
Rank : B

Funds : 5000 credits
Slot 1: Blade I
Slot 2: Locked
Slot 3: Locked
Slot 4: Locked
Slot 5: Locked
Blake Tellery
Lisette's Flat -> Prison
Spoken like a true Irishman
Blake waited, perhaps a little awkwardly, as he stood outside of Lisette's flat building. He got a few stares, due to him being so tall and skinny, standing out in the crowd. His decision was to try his best to just smile at anyone else staring, like some strange, lanky BFG.
Suddenly everything went black, and he had the strangest feeling of not being in his own body.


After having blacked out, he awoke startled at his surroundings, shouting "SWEET MARY MOTHER OF JAYSUS FECK!" As he jumped backwards.
At home, this would have been rewarded with a smack on the back of his head, if his Catholic mother could have reached. Here, nothing much else happened than the others' reactions, and the AI informing them of their location.
They were suspects for... murder, of Lisette? What? How... He hadn't even been there.
Looking at the other occupants of tye cell, he saw Camilla, a familiar face, and two others, named as Darius and Kir bybthe AI voice. He had been looking forward to meeting his team, but... christ, not like this!
Then, he realised something. All of them had blood sprayed upon their fronts, even Camilla had a small amount splattered upon her face and dress.
"Oh... oh my god," he began, crossing himself as he crawled backwards further from the others, "y
You... you three, you... killed her?!"

Last edited:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
Gardania: CORE Detention Terminal | Early Morning | Interaction with: RIPstronk; Kir: @Zombehs Darius: @ERode Blake: @The_J
Hunger Meter: ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ 100%
It happened all too fast for Camilla to react as there was a crash of glass shattering in the room behind their trainer from a strong impact outside and the terrible sound of flesh tearing with the strong smell of rusty copper filling her nostril as she covered her ears from the sound while Kir bought his hand up to block the splatter of blood but some droplets tainted the rim of her dress and some onto the right cheek. Camilla couldn't see what was happening but she could tell that someone or something killed their trainer, Lissette, with the sound of a 'thump' of the corpse of their now dead trainer in a pool of blood pouring from the hole in her chest. Quickly wiping away the warm liquid on her cheek on her dress, Camilla's form was shaking and her silver orbs dilated in complete shock, her brain almost shutting down not wanting to comprehend what had happened but it was too late, the salty tears were daring to fall out of the corner of her eyes, a droplet streaming down her cheek. All she wanted to do now was let out everything she had been holding back during the death of their teacher, from the death of innocent lives lost in the village, the bandits, and even the raging beast that attacked them.

Her heart and mind was in a storm of emotions but went blink once the familiar AI spoke up with a strange tone that stabbed them with an icy chill almost like Annie -- but she's more scarier -- alerting them of the situation at hand;

Warning Class S Crime Detected
Analyzing Scene of Crime
Four Suspects Identified
Now Detaining...

With that, her body broke into small pixels and transported to another space of pitch-black darkness giving no sense of escape for the four of them. She was recomposed back to her original form but felt somewhat... naked as if the Core had stripped her off of her belongings. Checking her right wrist, she noticed it was much lighter than usual and the reason of it was the bracelet that Dimitri gave her was missing. Her weapon was also missing. She was unarmed and left with only the wristwatch which was useless for them;

Welcome to the CORE Detention Terminal
Darius Jacks...Kir Niwa...Camilla Oliver...Blake Tellery...The CORE has determined each of you as a suspect for the murder of Trainer Lissette.
Cause of murder...Blood loss stemmed from forced trauma.
You will be held within this terminal until the Council is prepared to handle your case.
Your PTC has been disabled.
Any requests may be directed and processed through myself.
Thank you for your patience.

Confusion. Why were they suspects? The question was bought up by Darius as if he was reading her mind -- maybe all their thoughts -- for the reason of their roles in this murder. She also agreed with Kir in wanting to have some new, clean outfits though the answer needed not given. She was startled by Blake's outburst and almost jumped on the spot, about to run into Darius but didn't. Then... they were accused as murderers?! It was obvious that they had their trainer's blood and were witnesses of the murder due to being at the door right in front of Lissette but none of them even had the craziest idea just to right off the bat kill their trainer. She felt hurt to be accused but it was understandable why he would say that. Letting the tears she held back fall from her eyes, she ignored Blake's accusations and sat onto the floor next to Kir, curled into a ball with her legs close to her chest and her face hidden behind her sandy-brown tresses. Soft sobs could be heard from her but that was all to it, she was done, tired, and just broke down on the spot, her shoulders shaking and her arms wrapped around her legs tighten their grip.

Status - Disabled

Name : Camilla Oliver
Rank : C
Funds : 5000 credits
♦ Slot 1: Fist I |Missing|
♦ Slot 2: Locked
♦ Slot 3: Locked
♦ Slot 4: Locked
♦ Slot 5: Locked

♦ Bracelet |Missing|
♦ ???
♦ ???

Panda Panda Panda Pandas |Just the dress|
Last edited:
Patrick Gavin
With Team 2
Interactions: Annie, Kyoko, Rebecca @DoughGuy @Skyswimsky @Ookami
Patrick cursed himself silently as the sim came to an end. He knew something was up as soon as the trainer had explained it was an "S Rank simulation" Which as they had just experienced, quickly showed they were under equipped, under armed, and even under trained. Pat had intended to drink the blood after Annie, but because he wasn't fast enough, his own armor point had ticked down, and the sim was over. It was frustrating really, with only two hits they could take, that meant anything short of a perfect run was all but impossible for surviving. Sure, they might make it...bit the chances were too slim. Clenching his fists in frustration, he turns to his team. "At least we know what to expect now...sort of." He sighs, very clearly showing his frustrations at himself. "We'll just have to train I guess, get smarter, stronger, the whole lot."

With that, he gives a frustrated shrug before looking towards the door. "Is that it? It felt pretty fast, but maybe it took longer." He pauses, unsure what to do. "Maybe we should split into pairs and do dueling? Or just go back to the residence, either one works for me." He looks around the group, clearly torn, he wanted to train, but did they have the time? And where was the trainer anyway? Did Fei even watch?

PTC: 5000 Credits, Iphie's contact, Voltblaster,
Location: Team 2 Residence
Time: Early Evening
Interactions: Patrick + Kyouko + Rebecca + GM @TerraBooma @Tsu @Ookami @Skyswimsky

Annie's return to the room was followed by much coughing resisting the urge to spit. Everything about the blood had evaporated except her memory of the taste. Thankfully the training rooms were stocked with water and she quickly grabbed a bottle from the fridge to rinse out her mouth. Waking from his nap upon her return Tsuki jumped off the chair and walked to her side, rubbing against her leg. She'd scored the top with two points out of twenty, what a pathetic bunch they were. Patrick was right, they needed more training. But they needed Fei if they wanted to do anything more than hit each other over the head with sticks. She looked at the clock on her PTC, it was already getting to nighttime. "We should head back. Or to the market and get something better. We can come back tomorrow." It would also let her get away from the immature yelling girl who seemed to have taken the loss as a personal vendetta against the arena itself. When her mouth finally felt clean she would collect her shard and ring then walk into the elevator to head down. It would mean anyone would be able to join in on the elevator.

PTC: 5000 credits, 1 slot
Mist Shard, now swordless
Blade I (1 slot)

Broken Ring Conduit
Knee brace
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
Date: ???
Place: Training Field > South Gardania
Time: Late Afternoon

Gotou sat and was only taken aback by how the room shifted again; at this point, such bizarre occurrences had become the norm, but was still something to get used to. Eto explained their performance and how they were done for the day as Gotou got up grabbed a water for himself, and threw one to those who had asked before. They were free to go as they pleased, but Gotou simply sat in the training room for a while, unsure of his purpose.

Why was he competing, besides the obvious "he was forced to"? Why should he give it his all, despite how precariously tipped the odds were out of his favor? He let out a sigh, starring into his drink before standing and stretching his aching muscles. "I will see you guys later, at the dorms, yes? I am... going for a walk," Was all he said before leaving whoever was left.

He went about Gardania without much of a destination. He went to the markets, and thought about buying that upgrade he had thought of earlier, but thought against of it, seeing as how he was unsure of how to make more, and just how much he'll be able to make. Not much had changed though since his run earlier that morning. Next, still without cause, he wandered into the south. He noticed the queen's mansion, and was only able to recall as much from the hazy images of the previous evening. What he didn't recall, was the house sitting right before the bridge. He knocked, not sure who would answer. "Uh, is anybody home by luck?"

Gardania Inventory
Name : Gotou Mason
Rank : C
Funds : 5000 credits
Slot 1: Fist l
Slot 2: Locked
Slot 3: Locked
Slot 4: Locked
Slot 5: Locked
-School Tracksuit
-White ankle socks
-White tennis shoes
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
•Aimi Minako•
| Suffering | More Death| Interaction: @DoughGuy @Click This @AiDee @Voltin |

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]You all did well there.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" Aimi looked up, her hands on her knees, keeled over and panting, as the man began to speak.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Oh, come on. Now you're just lying to us. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Utilizing the environment and your tools in ways that they were not planned. Iphie especially, your use of the gun as a baton to block the projectiles was smart." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]And I'm stupid. Alright.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "As you found out Gotou, you must design your tactics to be purely beneficial to yourself." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Told you. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Using other people as distraction is a very useful skill if you can pull it off Rini, but only if they're both your foes."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Yes, please. No murder for me. Oh, I guess I'm next. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Aimi, you made it through the final barrage on your own without any distraction, a very good feat." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Liiiiiaaar. You're worse than Rini.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "Your words weren't useful in this scenario, but keep in mind taunting and screaming always have a time and place in battle.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Oh, you heard that? Sorry. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As he spoke, Aimi snatched bottles of water up from the fridge and gulped them down hastily. She was ready to pass out, the go to bed. She was dirty and gross. Ew. Eto continued to speak, "[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]You're free to return to the residence for the evening or visit the shops in the market." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Sleepy time! [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Tomorrow morning if you have nothing else planned I have two other friends I would like you to all meet." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Please, no more swordsmen.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "They're not fighters but can help you nonetheless in other areas." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Healers? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"And in the afternoon we'll have another training session at the arena. Dismissed.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" With those last words, Aimi grabbed a handful of water bottles, and turned heel to exit. As she left, she was Praelin wave goodbye, while pulling out a flask. Oh, lovely. Another drunk. No wonder Gototo and him got along so well. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Ah, well. Time for sleep.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aimi arrived at the residency with a skip and a thud. Tripping on the stairs up to the door in her exhaustion, she finally gave up. She lay on the steps for a moment before getting up, and trudging to her room. If anyone knocked on her door, she would have slumped to open it, and they would have found her in a plain white tee shirt and some sweatpants, rubbing her eyes hazily. "[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]What do you want?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" [/BCOLOR]
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
| Katherine Drayton |
| TOTOtotostronk |

| Insanity meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ |
| Interactions @DoughGuy @ClickThis @Voltin @Kitt |​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Rini was watching Eto and Praelin rinsing themselves in pride with grins. They both poked their heads out before emerging out of their covers. Eto began to fiddle with his PTC and the arena quickly faded away. Suddenly they were back in the waiting room, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh, my baby!"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] exclaiming softly to herself, she bent down and picked her flute up.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]You all did well there.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" His voice buzzed in her ear, "[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Utilizing the environment and your tools in ways that they were not planned. Iphie especially, your use of the gun as a baton to block the projectiles was smart. As you found out Gotou you must design your tactics to be purely beneficial to yourself. Using other people as distraction is a very useful skill if you can pull it off Rini, but only if they're both your foes." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]She gave him a toothy grin, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Whoops.[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]"Aimi, you made it through the final barrage on your own without any distraction, a very good feat. Your words weren't useful in this scenario, but keep in mind taunting and screaming always have a time and place in battle.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She quickly fastened her flute in her shirt and opened the fridge. She pulled out a few bottles and walked back to the group.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]You're free to return to the residence for the evening or visit the shops in the market."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Oh gosh, snakes. I want to go visit my snakes and the markets.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] It seems like she was still pumped with adrenaline. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Tomorrow morning if you have nothing else planned I have two other friends I would like you to all meet." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Screw your friends, I have a date with a snake. Nah, I'll meet them.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "They're not fighters but can help you nonetheless in other areas. And in the afternoon we'll have another training session at the arena. Dismissed.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Afternoon? I have a date, you know. Maybe that one guys from that mas--[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Good job everyone.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]" [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Is that all he says?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Praelin waved with his only hand and pulled out alcohol for himself. She quickly glanced at Gototo, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Is he gonna get the al-[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]"I will see you guys later, at the dorms, yes? I am... going for a walk,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Bye.."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] She waved him off and stretched her sore muscles, spilling some of the water bottle's contents on her and the floor, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Ffffff-..fuck."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] With her left arm and some of her hair drenched in water, she headed for the exit,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "See ya."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] For some odd reason, she was always in the mood to run after a strenuous activity. With the flutter of her hair, she left the room. About at the end of the hallway, she slipped and earned a reddish bruise on her arm, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Fuckity fuck."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She arrived at the market, where she spent most of her time watching the people around, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"So boring." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Nothing could make her think otherwise, unless someone popped up and talked to her. It seems like Gardania wasn't a friendly place.[/BCOLOR]

Flute with healing powers like wowzers
Pair of glasses
Gold coin necklace

[BCOLOR=transparent]Name : Katherine Remington Drayton[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Rank : C[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Funds : 5000 credits[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Slot 1: Hender Rifle[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Slot 2: Locked[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Slot 3: Locked[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Slot 4: Locked[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Slot 5: Locked[/BCOLOR]

--Late Evening--
Last post of the day

@Click This @Kitt
(I figured you'd want Iphie here for this Click so I moved her a bit for you. If you'd rather not I'll retcon her out)
For Aimi and Iphie who returned to the residence rather than going off elsewhere there was a visitor (ignore the swords) waiting for them. The woman was dressed casually enough and had been leading against the wall of the residence until she spotted the pair approaching, upon which she pushed herself off the wall and walked in front of the door. She wasn't blocking it exactly, but getting past her would be awkward for everyone involved if they tried to ignore her. When the girls got closer she leaned forward slightly and held her hand up, wiggling the fingers in a wave.

"Hello you two. You must be part of Eto's Gardania squad if you're heading to this house." she began. If either of the pair stopped to listen she would continue. If they ignored her anyway and went in she would hmph and leave. "I'd been hoping to catch the man himself but that doesn't seem to be happening. Would you mind passing on a message for me? An old friend of his would like to talk but can't take the time to-" she stopped speaking suddenly as her PTC beeped. She looked down to the device, "Pardon me." she said, as she began tapping away on the device. After half a minute she returned her attention to the girls. "My my the nights are busy ever since the ball aren't they? I must take my leave now but please, pass this message onto Eto will you? He'll know what its about."

With that the woman took off at a casual walk towards the east. If one were to follow her they would find themselves at the market, in front of the fourth shop, a plain looking building with little to catch the eye on its outwards appearance. Before she had left the woman sent both girls a message containing a contact request. There was no name attached to the contact, it was simply listed as <unknown>. If they accepted it a message would pop up, evidently it was what the girl had wanted passed on to Eto. It read, 'Eto my friend, you should visit soon. ~F~'
The market was the market. People went back and forth looking at wares, perhaps buying something, but mostly looking. It was a good place to spot the Gardania participants, if one were to keep their eye on the weapon and armour shops. Though perhaps Rini would not know this fact due to her ignorance about the world, and all she would see was a variety of tough looking people perusing what the AI had for sale. She would also receive a number of calculating glares, as the Gardania participants had a special PTC. Those with a keen eye could tell what she was on sight and would size her up. And then there were others who were just uncomfortable with her observation and tried to ward off her looks with a stare of their own.

After awhile a woman appeared and walked into one of the plainer looking shops. She was unremarkable apart from the fact she gave Rini a look as she passed, as if she recognised the girl. But with a shake of the head she dismissed the thought and entered the shop without another thought. Overall the market would do nothing to change Rini's thought that the Gardania was an unfriendly place.
There was a pause of about ten seconds before the door opened up to reveal a middle aged man wearing the sort of clothes you would expect from, a gardener. Unfortunately he lacked a piece of wheat in his mouth, but was barefoot and wearing a straw hat. Stains of dirt could also be seen on the tips of his fingers. He didn't open the door too wide, and leaned against the exposed door frame blocking most of Gotou's view of the insides. The man looked at the boy in his tracksuit with sweat stains dampening large splotches of material and his eyebrows rose in curiosity. "Whatcha want buddy?" he asked in a heavy country accent, "Ya know its getting close ta midnight? Us decent folk be getting ready for bed around now."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu