| World Synapse : Arc 2 Gardania |

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When would you like the Roleplay to start?

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Its alright. Take all the time you need Dough. After all, your health it more important than a roleplay.
That's debatable.
He's implying the RP is more important than my health ... he's probably right XD
Clearly, your health and the RP are one in the same~
But it shouldn't be! If you spend all your time roleplaying you'll lose sight of what's important.
So...Sparkle peeps...posts where? Pretty sure Tsu's gonna kill us all if there's no post soon.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
Not Sparklestronk but I'll throw out an Iphie post before the day ends.
Been a while since I've done an update, but there are a few things I want to go over before we start Arc 2.
  • Let's hurry up and finish Arc 1 strong. Arc 1 had its ups and its down, but overall, it came to a halfway decent end. Things might not have been as clean as they could have, but this is only Arc 1. Wait till the main plot really gets in action before you judge any of the GM's too hard. All in all, let's end strong guys! Post post post!

  • Starting Arc 2, the Skype chat will no longer be World Synapse's Official OOC. Below is a link that will lead to the Iwaku Group Chat where we will be hosting the new OOC. Obviously, I have no power to stop you from chatting in the Skype group; however, none of the GM's will be present in that chat. After much discussion, we have come to the decision that this is the best course of action for World Synapse. Once again, World Synapse's official OOC will be in the Iwaku Group, not Skype.

  • Good luck to everyone who still has Finals! Finish strong and get hyped for Arc 2!...but remember...Only one can stand at the top.
Link for new OOC: World Synapse Group Chat
If the above link does not work, then access the group through the "My Groups" tag.
Everyone should have an invite.

P.S : I'm still alive. I will be posting preferably after Ai and Kitt do. Either way there will be a post today.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
Do we get brownie points if the stupid shit we do was fun to write?

Do we get brownie points if we have to rescue the people who wrote stupid shit?
Damn it. I was looking forward to that giant mecha arm for Aimi.
| Announcement |​

It seems as if life claims another.Unfortunately, until further notice, Voltaire will be stepping down from his position as GM and participant in WSy.Complications have pretty much burnt him out of writing, and he needs a much needed break.

For now, Arc 2 is intended to continue with slight modification to its structure.

1) Due to the expected increase in workload between Dough and I, a single IC day will now consist of 9-10 IRL days. An extra morning and afternoon as been added to the time system such that its is now:
Morning: 3 days
Afternoon: 4 days
Evening: 2-3 days

2) The RPG foundation of Arc 2 will have to be slightly scrapped in the sense that we can no longer heavily focus on subplots and side-quests. Major subplots can still exist here and there, but from this point on, there will be more emphasis towards the Main Plot of Arc 2.​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PandaChu
| Finis |
Hello everyone!
Today's announcement comes with sad news.
I will be dropping and effectively bring the end to World Synapse.
Truthfully, I am exhausted.

Various reasons in my life has rendered me unable to manage a role-play of this size with the current number of GM's.
Unfortunately, Voltaire's departure was a painful loss in terms of efficiency, and I cannot see myself handling the current requirements with my personal workload in life.
For the old cast, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time that we have spent together in the past year and two months, and for the newcomers I wholeheartedly apologize for the sudden crush of your expectations.
Nonetheless, I wish everyone well for their role-player future, and perhaps we'll meet again this time as fellow players!​
  • Thank You
Reactions: a touch of dread
| Synposis of the rest |​

There exists a system created by a "God" which controls the balance of the world. If there was a timeline which would have brought about the ruin of the world, then the system would have split it from the world and created a individual world for it to exist in and eventually crumble. The fragments are these instances such that if they had remained tied to the real world, the world would have been met with destruction. In turn, to manage each of these fragments, the God created a unique race which garnered the power of what we know as the shards. Each "Ruler" of a fragment was given a unique soul which contained a power to control the world based on its environment/timeline/etc. The shards and bios stem from the soul as in they were shards of the soul. Mysteriously the race began to die off, and all that remained was the souls, bios, and shards as artifacts of that world.

Now where Fushinsetsu comes into play...He is a survivor of the unique race who is unhappy with the destruction of his fellow-kin, and the management of the system. He was trying to break down the system all while attempting to keep his sister alive....who was dying to the same sickness which wiped out a majority of the rest.

After Arc 2, the story would have shifted to Fushinsetsu's home fragment which was Alice in wonderland themed. Basically, you guys would have met his sister and the strife that was happening in the kingdom. At the end, you would have fought Fushinsetsu and effectively killed him.

After Arc 3, you guys finally get to go home. Arc would have started exactly how Arc 1 started. You guys are arriving at the dorms of a school. Unlike Arc 1 though, this school isn't Ravenwood/RoseHeart...you arrive at your first class only to find that Fushinsetsu is your home room teacher as he introduces you to Armstrong and Brookfield. Unlike, the previous Fushinsetsu through, this one doesn't seem to act the same or contain the same knowledge as the previous.

What you guys didn't know when you completed your fragments is that you accelerated them to destruction, and when you accelerate them to destruction, the balance is dirupted and the real world starts getting affected. Artifacts are commonplace in the Brookfield and across the entire world now. To make matters worse, the Zodiacs, aka remnents of the previous race become a thing to tie us into Arc 5.

Arc 5, you end up at the homeworld of the original race where the survivors exists. Basically its a world that worships the god and helps manage the system. You battle through that world, until you finnaly access the portal which brings us to Arc 6.

Arc 6...is a battle...the entire Arc is a battle....you fight the God and either die or overthrow the system.
If you all died, then GG bad end.
If you overthrew the system which would have still required sacrifices, then there would have been wacky time shit for a happy ending....aka Arc 1 begins again...all of you are going to start at Ravenwood with nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Thank You
Reactions: a touch of dread
Tsu, I know I speak on the behalf of everyone when I say, thank you. Thank you for everything you've done, the stories you've crafted for us all, all the effort you've put into this.
Your RP has been a wonderful ride for all of us, and we'll miss it.