Wolves, Vampires, Shifters... Oh My.

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Damon seemed well behaved as they waited for a vet to come tell them if Relic would be okay-
But as the wait got longer, he started to fidget.
And fidget...until he started whining.
Was his alpha going to live or not?!

Zack, while the conversation between him and his love was going on, felt terrible.

Now, how is Kyros doing? Uh...well, good yet not good.
That guy from before? You know how he had called the police but then dropped his phone when Kyros roared at him?
They kinda sent animal control to...tranquilize and then ship him off to a zoo...
Currently, he was in the back of a truck, knocked out.
I'm sure once they find their bear turning into a hawk Kyros will be flying back.
Just give him a day or two.
Or just have Ashke find out and kill all the humans at the zoo to get his boy back.

It was about four hours later that the vet finally came out of the back room.
He had sprays of blood on his scrubs just about everywhere but there was a careful smile on his face.
"He's stable."
That was really all he could give but hey, it was something, right?

Alec had just come in after speaking with Zack and sighed with relief.
He'd take any dose of good news considering his boy hadn't been breathing when he'd brought him in.

Once the doctor went back to continue working he sat down next to the boy, glancing over at him after a moment.
"I assume your my son's first omega now?"
If they don't collar Kyros, it'll be the hawk thing...
If Ashke finds out...
Well, he'll just leave him there as a punishment of leaving home without permission.

Tough love, ya know?
Now...What would happen if Ridel found out? I dunno...

Damon almost jumped out of his skin when the vet came over-
But calmed down when they were given the good news.
His master was okay...
Oh- a question?

He nodded a little to the beta's question-
But otherwise, he did not speak. He wanted to go see how his alpha was doing.
Alec nodded.
He figured that was why the other was here.
Most of the pups at that school didn't notice Relic as an alpha's son.
This kid though, seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

The vet came out about an hour later and asked if either of them wanted to see him.
Alec nodded to Damon.
"I'm sure your needing to see your master, go ahead boy."

Hehe, hopefully they don't put a collar on the bear.
That would look funny and make him stuck there.
Well, it would keep Kyros from bothering Damon's purpose.
Which was to get between Kyros and Relic to ruin their friendship.

Damon was glad that he was given permission to see Relic.
The vet lead him on back to where Relic was.
I hope he's alright...
Please be alright, master...

Kyros woke up around this time in the zoo.
He felt groggy and slightly sick to his stomach...and furry.
Where am I...? Relic...Where's Relic...?
He looked around, but only saw other bears- why bears? He wasn't a bear- oh...apparently he was.
The pup was on a steal table with towels beneath him for a bit of comfort.
The machine was beeping a bit fast but it was steady.
There were about eight different tubes and needles in the wolf all dripping different types of medicine and fluids.

The vet came in a few moments later with a hesitant smile.
"He probably will pull through if he stays here for a few days.
I'm honestly surprised. He was...dead, when Mr. Alec brought him in.
It was just like he came back to life all of a sudden."
To be honest, seeing Relic like this was slightly sickening.
But Damon had seen worse.
He gently brushed the soft black fur of his alpha.
When the vet came by, Damon barely paid attention.
But did comment-

"He is a fighter... Except when it comes to wild animals.
A bear scared him...
That's what lead to this... A stupid bear."
Liar! The bear wasn't what caused this!
... Okay, never mind, a bear kinda did cause this...
"Huh. A bear in the middle of the day? That's definitely odd."
The vet took his leave to go check with animal control.
There was a bear it would seem.

Alec came back a few minutes later and ran his fingers through the fur around Relic's face.
"I'm here, hun. Get through this for us, okay? We can't lose you this way."
Damon felt terrible for Relic...
But not so much for Kyros.
Stupid whelp-
He should have stayed home where he was suppose to be!
Oh well... This can work in his favor.

Mean while, with Kyros.
The shape shifter wobbled about in the bear bowl.
He was confused, still groggy, but also hungry...
What to eat...?
There was a nice block of frozen fish for bear fun. Might wanna try that?

Relic actually managed to open his left eye, blinking slowly up at his father's blurry form.
A quiet whimper came from him but that was about all he could manage at the moment.
It was clear if you glanced into his thoughts he was extremely confused and definitely in pain.
Though morphine is an amazing drug...

Though one word did slip through his mind eventually...pretty sure Damon won't like it though.

Kyros shall go try the frozen fish block then. Maybe it's salmon.

Damon frowned a little.
"Kyros...he's the one that put you in this state.
Because of him, you were hit by that car, master."
Yes, he was openly lying...

But seeing how he and the guy from before were the only witnesses, no one could tell if he was lying.

"He is gone now...He shall never bring harm to you again."
A loud whine came from the pup on the table.
No...Kyros couldn't be gone!
His mind was swimming with panic at that thought, the heart meter beeping quicker and quicker.
Kyro was his best friend!

'H-hap...ened? What....??'
It was really hard to thought-speak but he needed to know where his best friend was!
"Calm down master...
As much as I wish to avenge what has been done to you, animal control beat me to so.
Apparently he was captured and shipped off to who in the blazes knows where.
But if he dare come back, he best beg for mercy...He almost killed you, master."

Damon was trying to make it seem like Kyros had betrayed Relic-
Make it seem like he tried to kill him.
Relic bristled his hackles and growled again.
He knew it was a lie...

'Omega.....do not....lie to me....'

It was an order and must be followed since the other had pledged himself to him.
He wanted to go get Kyros but he knew if Riddel and Ashke really wanted the boy they'd go get him.
If not Kyros would probably shift and fly away after awhile.
Damon frowned.
He honestly thought that it'd be believable that Kyros had gone bad...

Guess he was wrong...at the moment.

He dipped his head and stayed silent.
Best to still his tongue for the moment-
He can always try again at a later date.
Alec focused once more, seemingly having been in a slight trance.
He really needed Zack to be there with him.
His attention was so focused on his son, even though the boy was slowly getting stronger.
The vet ushered them out after a few more minutes and then eventually the building closed.
Surprising Alec the vet actually said he could take Relic home so the pup was carefully carried home which was thankfully only a few blocks away.
There he was set down in his bed and carefully monitored by Alec.
And Damon-
Well...the omega didn't actually enter the house.
He stayed outside and basically patrolled.
If there was anything planning a raid or something that could harm Relic, he'd let the alpha's parents know.
It was also to make sure that Kyros wouldn't show up.
Poor kid was locked up in a pen at the bear bowl...back to human, but apparently that mattered not since it was dark in there...
Poor kid indeed.
Well, Zile arrived home a few hours later along with Greg.
He was the best caretaker so he set to helping the pup heal.
The vampire even used some of his blood to help out some of the outter wounds.

When Alec came in he frowned and glanced towards the window.
"I think your pup has attracted some unhealthy attention."
Oh yes, he could tell something was up with Damon.

Zack was home about five minutes after Zile and Greg showed up.
He knew that Relic was going to be okay-
Mostly because he knew they didn't let animals or humans go home unless they'd be okay.
But...still. There was always the risk of something go wrong...he hoped nothing would go wrong with their son.

Greg was staring out the window that Zile had glanced up.
He was like my dog Chief- restless at the presence of someone or something outside.
"This has someone's stink all over it..."
Zile glanced up at Greg and frowned.
"Elaborate? I don't smell anything awkward."
Z was sometimes a bit too straight forward for his own good.

"But there is the scent of one of your pack omegas on him.
Though it seems to have changed slightly.
Did you meet anyone at the hospital?"

Alec nodded and frowned.
"I don't think he could have done this though, he pledged loyalty to Relic."