With the Magic Within (GaiusGermanicusBloodsoak)

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She laughed "Quiet the gun enthusiast aren't you? Yes, I would love another round"
She changed her gun for a somewhat bigger one and did as he'd tought her. She shot a couple rounds, getting closer to the center every time, she was quite happy with her result, even though she still had a lot of learning to do, she figured she had done quite well for it being her first time.
"Excellent work Cara." Monroe said approvingly. "Keep this up, and you'll be a crack shot in no time." Just for kicks, he walked over to a safe in the corner of the room, and pulled out an assault rifle. It was an AR-15 style rifle, and he had spent the money converting it into a fully automatic configuration. Flipping the safety from 'Safe' to 'Fire' he let out a 30 round barrage before setting down the weapon. "Whelp, that's enough of that for now, I suppose. Again, excellent work" He gave her a pat on the back. "Come with me, we've much to discuss." He then proceeded to head down the hall.
As Cara followed Monroe down the hall she started to get a bit nervous again, what would the rules be? Would she agree with all of them? What would she do if she didn't? All she could do was hope that everything would turn out ok, after all, despite being a gang, the people she had seen here, particularly Nelson and Monroe, didn't seem like the type of people that would kill just for the sake of it, like Monroe had said, it was all about survival, besides, she was quiet comfortable here, and she liked Monroe, he was nice and good at making her at ease. As they entered a small room with a desk and a couple of chairs she decided that the best she could do was have an open mind and try her best to adapt, after all, it couldn't be worse than the orphanage had been.
Taking a seat behind the desk, Monroe waited until Cara sat down. He then folded his hands together and leaned forward. "As I've mentioned before, There are rules to be followed, they are easy rules to follow. Number one: do no harm to other members of the Defiants, unless they do harm to you, then defend yourself. Number two: Do not kill unless the need arises, or the murder has been sanctioned. Number three: Do not steal unless sanctioned by the Defiants. There will be times when we rob from people and businesses. Number Four: Do what is necessary for preservation of self and the Defiants. Now, those are the basic rules. Of course, there are times when rules need to be broken, but those situations will be dealt with accordingly." He waited for Cara to respond before he moved on to other matters.
"Ok, that sounds resonable enough" said Cara, glad that he hadn't said anything she disagreed with. "Hey, I've gotta questioon, before you continue. I have no idea how the magic thing works, I know that I sometimes get things to happen by focusing on them but I'm not sure what the limitations are or... what any of it is for that matter, could you please explain it a bit?"
He adjusted himself in his chair before responding. "Settle yourself in Cara. This may or may not take a while. When every child is born, they are born under a spiritual sign and star sigil, that dictates the alignment of their natural energy. The alignment of said energy controls what 'Magical ability', so to speak, that child is born with. Judging from the fact that you were able to blow a hole in the wall of that storage room, I would say that you were born under the sign of the Bombardier. Should you start to train yourself, you should find that you can make explosions at will. Now, I can't exactly explain how all this works, all we know is that it has to do with the way the energy is naturally tuned and focused. Not everyone knows that they posses these abilities, and they are often discovered accidentally. I myself was born under the sign of the Fallen Angel, meaning that I can manipulate the darker forces at work in the universe. It is rare to be born under you and I's signs. Due to mine, I was born with a mark on the back of my hand. As time goes on, you will see what the other members can do."

"Now, the problem is, when Black Cloak took power a few years ago, he issued an executive order that requires the police to detain and arrest any member of the general public who displays knowledge of their power, as they could potentially pose a threat to him and the rest of the Federals."
"Ok, quite a lot to take in" said Cara "creating explotions at will sounds like an amazing power to have and it explains a lot." She was very curious about the mark in his hand and what it did but she felt it was a bit too personal to ask. "So everyone has magic? I thought only a few people had it, then again we didn't resieve much information about it were I grew up"
"Correct, everyone has magic. Although its rather esoteric information so not everyone knows about it. To those who don't know, we seem like wizards or magicians." Monroe took the glove off his hand, revealing the mark. He set the glove beside him, and again folded his hands. "So, it's no wonder that you were never informed about it. As I said, they are often discovered accidentally."
"So what do you do here exactly? Is it just a hiding place or are you planning something?" Cara knew better than most how corrupt and negligent the current government was, after all she had been raised by it and she wanted to do something but had never had a way to do so, now that she was here she hoped she could do something to change things or, at the very least, find a way to get back at the people who had abused her all her life, even if it was only something small.
"Hideout, base of operations, headquarters, whatever you wanna call it. What do we do? We coordinate and carry out attacks and strikes against the Federals. BC calls us a gang, but really, it's more of a guerrilla organization. Although, we do have something in the works right now." He got out of his chair and stretched, then walked around the room.
Cara watched Monroe walk around the room with a million questions on her mind. "What is it? This thing you have 'in the works'? Can I help? I wanna help"

She'd gotten up during the making of her questions and now found herself quite close to him. "Please, let me, I want to do something against them, I wanna hurt them back."
Monroe looked at Cara with a grin. She seemed so eager to help that he just couldn't say no. "Well, we're planning to blow up various Federal buildings. Buildings like the Meeting Hall and the Federal Hub. With your 'explosive' talents, the job should go much smoother and easier. You in?" He felt that if she accepted, she would soon become a loyal and valuable member of the Defiants.
Cara hesitated for a second, she still had a little bit of trouble with the idea of killing, but after a moment she desided to simply shake that feeling off, these people weren't inocent, who knows how many lives they'd taken, how many lives had they ruined.

"I'm in, but I will need som time to get a hold of my magic before I do this, I don't want to either fail or blow up something we don't want to destroy by accident"
"Wise choice Cara. A very wise choice indeed. There's a place a few miles out of town where we can go to safely practice. We use that location often for training." He started to head out of the room, indicating once more for her to follow him. He led her down through the basement, ending up at the entrance to a tunnel. Sitting there were a few vehicles: One truck and three medium sized cars. He opened the driver side door of one of the cars. "Hop in." he said.
The ride to the practicing plave happened mostly in silence and Cara was thankful for that, she needed time to absorbe and consider everything that had happened that day.

After some time on the road they arrived to vacant lot that was pretty big and they walked for a while, getting away from the car. Once they were away from the car she started trying to create explosions with various degrees of success.
Without any prompting, Cara was making explosions left and right. Monroe just stood behind her for a little while as she went on. After a while he put his hand on her shoulder and said: "Stop." He waited until all the dirt and dust settled before continuing. "Here's something for you to try Cara" he positioned himself beside her and pointed at a tree that was a fair distance away. "Close your eyes and envision your target, the tree. Now, stretch out your hand, and focus your energy through it to the tree." He didn't know if that would work for her explosions, but it had helped him when we was training himself to channel his magic.
Cera tried what Monroe said and managet to make the tree explote, it was quite an impressive explosion, the biggest one she had ever created by far.

She wanted to make sure that it haven't just been luck so she picked another tree that was nearby and repeated the process. She managed to make it explote again. She grinned at Monroe.
He patted her back, giving her an " 'atta girl!" Not one to pass up the opportunity for a good time, Monroe took some bricks from out of the back of the car that were left over from a repair run and built a small wall out of them. The mark on his hand glowed a blackish-purple, and the wall vanished in a vortex of black, then reappeared in a different spot while bricks flew everywhere. A few of them landed near his feet and he picked one up, grinning at Cara. "Care for a little target practice?"
Her smile grew.

"I would love that." She said.

Monroe started moving things around and Cara tried to make them blow up with various results. After some time she had managed to destroy most of the bricks, she was rather tired but was having a blast.
Monroe could see that she was starting to tire. He could only imagine that conjuring explosions would take a considerable amount of a person's energy. "Nice work today Cara. Shall we head back?" Monroe started to pick the remaining bricks back up and returnedthem to the back of the car, cheating a bit by using telekinesis and worm holing them into the back. Upon reflection he realized that he had become so accustomed and comfortable with his abilities that he was using them for simple and trivial tasks.
He and Cara got back in the car and began to drive off back to the hideout.
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