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YERP. to the RP group!!!! ((for those who have not joined, the link is somwhere in this thread))
Alright then, here goes;

Name: Hanuel Matsiko

Assigned Name: Aubrey


asian guy.jpg

History (Pre-Admission):

Aubrey's mother was a beautiful Korean woman who had travelled to America in hopes of creating a new and better life for herself. New York is known as the melting pot of the United States and that's where she ended up. Growing up in the poorer part of Korea, she envisioned the different prospects that the big apple had to offer as a way of financially redeeming herself. However, it was easier said than done. Within 6 months of her arrival, she'd been dazzled and swindled by a charming American man who she later found out was already married. What was even worse was the fact that she was pregnant. Things just seemed to fall apart from that moment on. She was practically living on welfare and in a desperate attempt to get some money, she sold her baby to a brothel a month after his birth. She knew she couldn't keep him anyway and she couldn't even bring herself to love the child of a man who'd completely broken her heart and stripped her of her humanity all in one go. That's where Hanuel grew up from and in the 17 years he was there, he experienced things that hardened him and made him the cynic he was now. Luckily, he had been home schooled so when he heard about Moon Light Highschool, he viewed it as a chance of salvation. He actually enrolled himself there by forging the signatures needed on the form and managed to escape from the brothel one rainy night. He had heard that the school was a place where parents enrolled their children after they had given up hope in them. In a way, he didn't blame the parents because he had finally come to the conclusion that he had also given up hope...in himself.

Wish: To finally forget the past.
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