Winnie the Pooh and other Hermaphrodite Scum

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Okay, so where is it that kids who grew up watching those shows turned out abnormally?

The problem with kids today is there's too many fucking nutjobs trying to protect them from the stupidest shit, yet when it comes to the important things they fail. They can complain about cartoons without genitals after they deal with the damn bullying problem.
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Okay, so where is it that kids who grew up watching those shows turned out abnormally?
The problem with kids today is there's too many fucking nutjobs trying to protect them from the stupidest shit, yet when it comes to the important things they fail. They can complain about cartoons without genitals after they deal with the damn bullying problem.
I grew up watching those shows, and, I mean, have you seen how I behave? That's totally the horrible pantless cartoon influence at work.
I grew up watching those shows, and, I mean, have you seen how I behave? That's totally the horrible pantless cartoon influence at work.
I'm sure it was the dickless ducks that caused it. o.o
I grew up watching those shows, and, I mean, have you seen how I behave? That's totally the horrible pantless cartoon influence at work.
A witty fellow who can take and deal out punches like a man?

Yes. This is problem, comrade, we must render you into ForeverBaby™ to ensure your safety.
A bunch of councillors for a Polish playground saying something stupid doesn't warrant quite this level of outrage.
Vinnie Poh; Moral compass or corruptor of our youth?

Our journalists have been to Disney Land to find out!
…I'm getting the weirdest sense of De Ja Vu from this thread. Has this been brought up before?! I swear this has been brought up before o___o

Or maybe I'm losing my mind.
A bunch of councillors for a Polish playground saying something stupid doesn't warrant quite this level of outrage.

We're at war. Winnie the Pooh wants us all to hack off our testicles. To love him. And to despair.
I'm guessing that Barney the Dinosaur is and always will be accepted there?
I'm guessing that Barney the Dinosaur is and always will be accepted there?
He's the worst. o.o

He teaches kids to hide things from their parents. The big, purple kiddie toucher....
I think this is just Asmo's attempt to bring back the insanity forum. Boredom is a horrible problem for intellectuals. Drives them insane. Obviously it's time for a new hobby. Maybe moving to a new country would help.
I think this is just Asmo's attempt to bring back the insanity forum. Boredom is a horrible problem for intellectuals. Drives them insane. Obviously it's time for a new hobby. Maybe moving to a new country would help.

Asmo is an intellectual?

I would not use Asmod and intellectual in the same sentence. It'd give him ideas...