Who Would've Thought? Emoxpopular

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When Jaxon got home he started right away on everything, making up for yesterday.

His dad wasn't too bad when he got home, he just sent him to his room.

Jaxon pulled out his phone *hey* he texted Luke.
Luke didn't reply for a bit, only because he was getting dressed for practice, but when finished, he sent a 'howdy partner' to Jaxon.

Strange... I usually don't say howdy unless I'm like, super happy... Guess I am. he thought with a puzzled expression.

His coach called from the door of the locker room, saying that they all have five minutes til it's court time. Yay...?
*how are you?* he asked the other, elated he replied.
Tired and soon to be worn out in about 5 minutes. You? replied Luke.
Yeah, I'm still at my game. Everyone was late on showing up so we have to do over time. Speaking of which, court time. TTYL Jaxy. Luke laughed a little at how he had put Jaxy before putting his phone in his gym bag, which he locked up in his gym locker. Just in time too, as his coach blew the whistles, signalling that it was time for practice to start.
Jaxon smiled at the nickname. *good luck :)* he put, knowing he probably wouldn't see it until after the game.
Indeed, he didn't see it until the end of the game. Even though it was just the full team split in half to assimilate what a real game would be like, Luke was still worn out. He also couldn't focus during the entire game, which lead to him getting hit in the face a few times by the ball when he went to catch it in a pass, while dribbling, or dunking it. Of course, he could understand the dunking part as he tended to stay close to the hoop in case he missed.

Thanks for the luck... Sad to say it didn't do much. My face hurts. :( Luke sent to Jaxon when he checked his messages.
Jaxon was half asleep when his phone vibrated on the side table and he looked at it *did you get hit in the face with the ball? That sucks.. This is just not our week :/ * he said
Heh, got that right. So, what's up? he asked, setting down the phone to get out of his sweaty clothes. He was going to skip the showers today as he could just take one at home.
*about to go to bed actually. But I can stay up a little more. :)* he told the other. It wasn't too late
You don't have to if ya don't want to... And on go the clean clothes. Stinky ones go into the bag and he heads out of the building- and everything went white then black.
*nah it's fine* he said changing into some pajama pants and t shirt
There wasn't a reply for about ten minutes. Hey, do you know where my car keys are? I can't seem to remember...
Jacob thought for a minute. *idk.. You loose them? Don't tell me you did..* he shook his head.
Yeah....I think I did. Thanks anyways. said the message.
*im sorry:( when do you last remember seeing them?* he asked. They could trace it down through their memories.
The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again. This time the sender was listed as Luke's phone company. Oh noes?
Jaxons eyebrow furrow and he sits up from his bed. "What the fuck..?" He started to worry now
Oh where oh where could Luke be? Well, he doesn't know it, but he's in the back of his own truck and being driven out into the middle of nowhere. Take a guess on who's driving.
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