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I'm in the NES crowd. My first games were Excite Bike and Duck Hunt with Super Mario on the side.
Atari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First system ever. Following it was: NES, N64, PS, GBC, PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA, PC, Xbox360, Wii, PSP, PS3, 3DS, WiiU
Question is, where are you Xbox fans...
I have an xbox 360! And a PS2 and an N64! And a DS. >_> My dad still has the original Game Boy. With Tetris and Earthworm Jim.
PC I believe. Started using one to play proper games at three or four.
At the same time I also was one of few people who ever owned a Dreamcast. My youth was made up of the original SoulCalibur and Re-Volt. I think all of it still works.
I got my start back in the Atari days. Hell, I played the infamous E.T. game lol >_> I was too young to understand just how bad that game was.

Now I mainly run with Playstation. Going to be getting a PS4 this coming Friday and Shadow of Mordor!
As per your infographic, I started at "Space Invaders". But only because there's nothing earlier there.

In truth, I started on the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. Don't know what that is? It was a home computer system that connected to your television. You could do word processing, programming (in BASIC), educational applications and play a myriad of different games. Instead of disks, it used cartridges.

Yes, I still have it. Yes, it still works.
:arrowthruhead: The Arcade.

But first up was a Sega Genesis and that has since evolved into an Xbox One. There were many species between those points though.
Nintendo 64, playing Super Mario 64 and whatnot. I was never really able to beat that game till much later, but it was always so much fun collecting the stars in that game. I would like to 100% that game one of these days, but unfortunately I don't really have the means to play at the moment.
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Nintendo 64, playing Super Mario 64 and whatnot. I was never really able to beat that game till much later, but it was always so much fun collecting the stars in that game. I would like to 100% that game one of these days, but unfortunately I don't really have the means to play at the moment.

It's worth your time, trust me. The best ending is always the one where you've completely beaten the game. A certain satisfaction you don't get from simply playing it. However, that is not why I'm a gamer. It's a feeling some find unworthy and, like me, simply find playing games enough joy. Story, music, and characters are literally all I see now. Anything else is nostalgia.
It's worth your time, trust me. The best ending is always the one where you've completely beaten the game. A certain satisfaction you don't get from simply playing it. However, that is not why I'm a gamer. It's a feeling some find unworthy and, like me, simply find playing games enough joy. Story, music, and characters are literally all I see now. Anything else is nostalgia.
The only problem is that I've been unable to play it ever since I transferred all my data over to the Wii U. I lost my N64 copy of the game, so the virtual console is all I got. Unfortunately, the Wii U doesn't support gamecube controllers, I'd have to buy a classic controller just to play it; which is ridiculous and I refuse to do so. Those classic controllers aren't even very well suited to play an N64 game. So instead I tried transferring the game back over to the Wii, but it won't let me do that for some darn reason. The only real option I have left is to waste 10 dollars just to buy the damn game on the Wii virtual console again. What a pain. >_> I mean, it's either that or buy a classic controller, which I don't even like using.
The only problem is that I've been unable to play it ever since I transferred all my data over to the Wii U. I lost my N64 copy of the game, so the virtual console is all I got. Unfortunately, the Wii U doesn't support gamecube controllers, I'd have to buy a classic controller just to play it; which is ridiculous and I refuse to do so. Those classic controllers aren't even very well suited to play an N64 game. So instead I tried transferring the game back over to the Wii, but it won't let me do that for some darn reason. The only real option I have left is to waste 10 dollars just to buy the damn game on the Wii virtual console again. What a pain. >_> I mean, it's either that or buy a classic controller, which I don't even like using.


This is what I use and it works perfect. Tricks the Wii remotes into thinking the GameCube controller is a classic controller. It's a great investment for what it does.
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Super Nintendo...the game? Donkey Kong Country 2. My very first video game. I remember staying up on a school night playing each level. Being pissed that I couldn't pass the levels or defeating the boss Drinking soda and eating pizza. Looking back that was the most fun I ever had. When I have a child I will support him/her playing video games. Might even call out work once and play with. :D
Tetris for the Game boy. If you had a Game boy, chances are you owned it.

Here is a trip down memory lane for you guys...