When I'm Gone

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As Kat felt the plane bounce and jerk and watched David stiffen, a look of terror flashing onto his large kind face, she couldn't help but smile and reach up, resting a gentle hand on he cheek for comfort and she looked up into his eyes. Such a brave kinght, was he for her. She cared so deeply for him, but she knew he didn't feel the same. She wasn't good enough for him. Wasn't enough in general. He needed a healthy woman. No one sick and decaying as she was. She felt her broken heart ache and she let her hand slip from his cheek. He was so kind to her. Did he feel as if she was his burden? Would he be glad to see her gone? To be able to live his own life instead of giving everything for a person who was so... dependent. She nodded in response to his question, her mind wandering. Once she was gone, she'd no longer see his face. No smiles, no sparkling eyes... he would move on without her and she would want him to, but at the same time, what would happen to her? Where would she go? She wasn't a religious person, even through her entire ordeal, so she honestly didn't know. She was scared to die... She was honestly terrified, but she would never show it.
The hand had helped him, offering her a smile in return and a nod in thankfulness that she had slept well. He waited a bit for the main bustle to leave, just so he didn't have to deal with it before he stood, offering her his hand to help her up and guide her out of the plane and into the airport, already the warmer weather made him sigh slightly, stretching from the long flight down.
She watched her feet as she moved behind him, wandering to the baggage claim clutching her tiny carry-on purse and nibbling her lip till she tasted the copper tones of blood seeping in. She watched couples around them, families and baby strollers pushed by proud parents or grandparents. Generations all together in one place. She wouldn't have this. She shook the tears away and waited for her bags to come rolling around the belt and she lifted them off with a bit of effort, proud that she could do something herself, at least. There was a man in a suit holding up a sign with her name on it and she smiled brightly.
Daniel noticed the look on her face, knowing full well what was going through her mind as she saw the others around them. It made him pity her a bit, made him pray for a better life, for a miracle. He was going to help her get her bags but she took them before he had the chance, a slight smile on his lips, glad she was regaining a bit of strength at least. Taking his own bags he moved beside her, looking to the male holding the sign. "Well then..." He spoke offering a nod before he began walking, making sure to not outpace her.
As she walked and silently puffed, blowing stray hairs from her face, Kat looked up to David and smiled. She was excited to see what he would say or do when he found out they'd be staying at the most luxurious hotel in the best suite. She'd held back no expense on their trip, and she wouldn't. She handed the driver her bags and he smiled warmly to her before easily carrying them out to the sleek black limo and putting them in the trunk before offering to take Davids bags as well. Kat giggled and reached up, her hand on David's warm shoulderblade. Partly because she wanted to see if he was alright, but mostly because she was losing her balance. Soon she was sliding into the car, the lush leather sliding easily beneath her as she eyed the stretched out cab before her with wide, wonderous eyes.
Daniel blinked, glancing to the hand on his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention directly to her. "A limo?" He questioned, seeming surprised, it seated his fear on how fatalistic she had become over this, though he couldn't reprimand her for wishing to live what life she had left. Aiding her into the limo he soon followed, almost hitting his head off the door before he put himself comfortably beside her. "Well, this is my first time in one of these..." He spoke glancing about the extended cab, raising a brow as he noticed a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket along the door as well as glasses.
(I thought his name was David?)

Kat nodded as he expressed that this was his first time in a limo, as it was hers, too. She stretched out on the comfortable seat and she could feel the jet lag taking over, dragging at her. She stretched, popping a few joints and looking around. She saw the chamgne and raised an eyebrow. Why was that here? She shrugged a bit and yawned, looking over to him. At least he was having a good time so far.
(Sometimes I get confused, pain medication can do that...)

David offered a smile to her as she stretched out. "Do you want some?" He questioned reaching for the unopened bottle to examine it a bit. It looked like a good brand at least. He wouldn't open it, however, if she didn't want any. It was just his nature, not to give himself things another didn't want. At least not in their presence. None the less he waited, watching, admiring her a bit. Perhaps it could be attributed to the bit of jet lag, but his features maintained that same caring and compassionate face.
Kat nodded, grabbing a glass from the rack and smiling. She didn, indeed, want to tast to her escape from a boring death, to their new adventure that was about to begin, to their life. She smiled and leaned up, moving to gently kiss him on the cheek and thank him for being so good to her, but at that moment the limo hit a pothole and their lips crashed together gently, hers warm and soft on his.

('tis okay)
David nodded as she took the glass, he took the bottle working the corkscrew in and turning away as it popped out. He did his best not to spill any though it happened from the pothole and the kiss. His eyes widened, looking to her as his cheeks brightened. He didn't pull away, in fact he had to fight to not reach up and cup her cheek. His heart raced, slowly pulling away once he feared the awkwardness and what it may do to their relationship. Nervously he took her glass, pouring the sparkling beverage. "H-here you go."
She'd felt the spark flutter through her as their lips touched, her eyes widened as well but she lingered for a moment, partially waiting for a reaction. When she finally pulled away it was slow, hesitatingly, her eyes drifting down to his lips as she bit her bottom lip gently. That was... woah. She sat back and took the glass of champagne, smiling and whispering a weak thank you, but not wanting to drink from the glass. Her lips were buzzing, tingling with joy and she wanted more, but she knew it was probably extremely awkward for him. She just nodded to herself, looking down into her glass.

Her reaction confused him, slowly shaking his head as she apologized. "I-it's okay...." He replied pouring himself some of the champagne with shaking hands. He had felt that same spark but was unsure of it, almost frightened of it. None the less he looked to her once more offering a slight smile. "Was that as good for you as it was for me?" He questions trying to lighten the mood.
Kat was lost in thought as she stirred the champagne in her hand gently, watching the bubbles stir and dance in the glass. She barely heard the question and entirely missed the teasing tone in his voice. She looked up to him and stared deeply into his eyes with her own warm wide ones, contact unwavering as she set her glass down and leaned up, kissing him again, more sure of herself this time. She'd wanted to for a while and since the accidental contact had occured, it had given her hope, strength to put her heart on her sleeve. She did not pull away this time, but rested her free hand on his chest as she kissed him.
David stiffened slightly, nearly dropping his own glass as she kissed him again. For a moment he simply stared at her, surprise apparent in his features before he leaned into it, placing his own glass down. One hand went to her side, the other cupped her cheek helping to keep her still as they kissed. His world melted away while he held her near. He had wanted to do this for years but was too afraid to, until now. She had initiated it and he would go with it, leaning into her slightly, careful of her frail frame.
She felt the sparks flying again and she whimpered gently into the kiss, shivering gently as she gripped his shirt a bit. She pulled away, but only enough to open her eyes and look at him. She was so... happy in that moment. The only thing that broke the silence and peaceful beauty was the voice of the driver, telling them they'd arrived.
David took the moment as she pulled away to breathe, looking to her in amazement, his eyes searching hers for a moment before the driver snapped him back to reality. "W-we'd better get out... I'm not sure he wants to just sit infront of the hotel..." He spoke, gently releasing her and sitting back on the seat.