When a Woman Falls in Love with a Man...Who is really a Vampire

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Hi." He greeted, smiling when he heard her voice. "Are you busy with anything?" He asked. He couldn't wait to see her experssion when he gave her his presence. "If you'd like I can take you out to dinner tonight." He offered.
"No, i'm not too busy, I was just getting my things together so I could move them." She said. "Oh that's nice, but you don't have to." She said.
His face fell a little. "Are you sure? I know I really nice place to take you." He said, sounding a little disappointed. "And I...bought you a present." He admitted, sounding a little embaressed.
Kieara just didn't want him to feel obligated. "Oh, that sounds nice." she spoke hearing his disappointment. "I'm free if you're up for it."
He brightened up again. "Great! You want to meet me at my appartment and I can take you there?" He asked, already picturing how beautiful the necklace and flower were going to look on her. He smiled widely at the thought.
Kieara spoke. "Ok, i'll be there shortly." she said. She then grabbed a load of her things and brought them to her apartment and sat the box inside then made her way down to his door after cleaning up. She knocked.
He answered the door, smiling as he saw Kieara standing there. "Are you ready?" He had hid his presents in his bedroom under his bed, and would surprise her with them when they got back. Before she could reply though, he gently tilted her head up and kissed her.
Kieara smiled as she was kissed and lightly kissed back before pulling back and speaking. "Yes. I'm ready." she spoke.
"Good." He said happily.
The resturant wasn't too busy so they were able to get a table quickly. He pulled out Kieara's chair for her and helped her in before sitting in his own and picking out a bottle of wine for them.
Kieara wasn't quite used to something so fancy. She looked around as she sat down. "this place is really nice." She spoke to him. She blushed. "I've never eaten in a place like this before."
"I'm glad you like it." He said honestly, and poured her a drink of wine. "It's there if you want it." He said simply, setting the wine bottle down.
Kieara spoke. "I'm afraid I don't drink..." She spoke. "Though i've never tried wine, i'm just...i'm afraid of how i'd act with alcohol."
He nodded. "You don't have to drink it." He said, smiling at her. "It's just there for you if you do." He took her hand and patted it gently.
He let go of her and leaned back in his chair as the waitor came to take their order. "Get whatever you want." He told her, smiling.
She spoke to the waiter and told him her order then glanced to him.
"Nothing for me thank you." He said, and the waitor nodded and left.
He shook his head. "No. There's only one thing that I can...er...eat." He looked away, not wanting to gross her out.
Kieara knew what he meant. She gently put her hand on top of his reassuringly.